How to Lower High Cholesterol.

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in this video we will learn how we can lower cholesterol if you liked this video please like and subscribe cholesterol is a waxy substance that is produced by the human body it is also found in animal products some cholesterol is needed for cells to function unfortunately excess cholesterol builds up inside the arteries cholesterol starts increasing from childhood to the time when our body is at under development stage until then the cholesterol we gained from the food our body uses is for the body growth after 18 to 22 age period when our height stops increasing then cholesterol starts increasing in body if you eat junk food along with non-veg alcohol and smoking and if your daily routine didn't include physical work or exercise then until 40s almost every such person got symptoms of cholesterol if we pay attention on it in the beginning then the increase or decrease of cholesterol can be in our hands there are different types of cholesterol LDL is the bad cholesterol it's the kind that can raise your risk of heart disease heart attack and stroke HDL is the good cholesterol it's the kind that is linked to a lower risk of heart disease heart attack and stroke for travel through your bloodstream attached to protein in a combination called a lipoprotein - lipoproteins are the main carriers of cholesterol low-density lipoprotein LDL and high-density lipoprotein HDL LDL acts like a fat delivery truck it picks up cholesterol from the liver and delivers it to the cells when more cholesterol is ready for delivery than the cells can take LDL cholesterol drops off the extra cholesterol on the artery walls a lot of LDL cholesterol in your blood increase your risk of heart disease and stroke HDL works like a garbage truck it removes excess cholesterol from the bloodstream and takes it to the liver a lot of HDL cholesterol decreases your risk of heart disease and stroke how is cholesterol tested you need a blood test to check your cholesterol a cholesterol test also called a lipid panel measures all of the fats in your including total LDL in HDL cholesterol high cholesterol levels don't make you feel sick so the blood test is the only way to know your cholesterol levels having high cholesterol can lead to the build-up of plaque in artery walls this buildup is called atherosclerosis it can lead to coronary artery disease CA d heart attack stroke or transient ischemic attack T ia and peripheral arterial disease atherosclerosis can cause these problems because it narrows your arteries when enough plaque builds up it starts to narrow your arteries this happened slowly over many years in time the plaque can limit blood flow throughout your body including the heart and brain Horton's your arteries a healthy artery can widen dilate so that more blood can flow through when needed such as during activity when heart plaque forms in the walls of an artery it can make the artery too stiff to widen this hardening of your arteries can also limit blood flow in your body blocks your arteries when a blood clot forms around to crack or rupture in the plaque it can block the artery this can cause a heart attack or stroke how to reduce your cholesterol eat less total fat because a high-fat diet increased cholesterol just cutting back on cholesterol is not enough you must cut back on total fats as well by a cooking oil that is lipids at room temperature such as canola corn soybean sunflower and use less of it exercise more exercise increase your protective HDL cholesterol level lose extra pounds losing even 5 to 10 pounds can increase HDL levels and lower your total cholesterol eat more soluble fiber which lowers overall cholesterol quit smoking quitting can increase your HDL levels and reduce your risk of heart disease the two types of treatment are one lifestyle changes to medicines called statins total cholesterol levels are categorized as follows by National cholesterol education program under 200 milligrams DL desirable 200 to 230 9 milligrams DL border high-risk 240 or higher high-risk if your total cholesterol is high measuring the other types of cholesterol may be useful especially before considering the use of medications to lower cholesterol for most people a low fat diet is all that is necessary to lower cholesterol because of the potential side effects and risks medications to lower cholesterol should only be considered in people at the higher risk for heart disease if you are at age 40 to 65 at very high risk for heart disease and you find that a low-fat diet is not enough to lower your cholesterol then add a cholesterol-lowering medication may be helpful in order to decrease the danger of the heart diseases by lowering the cholesterol the most important thing is to decrease the number of triglycerides and LDL lower density polyethylene means bad cholesterol and increase the amount of HDL high-density polyethylene means good cholesterol to lower down the amount of LDL first of all we have to eliminate those foods from our diet which contains excessive amount of carbohydrates saturated fats and bad cholesterol for this you have to reduce the quantity of meats eggs fried items vegetable oil butter flour items desserts with excessive sugar cigarettes alcohol and packed snacks or eliminate them completely from diet for some time apart from this include fiber rich food in your diet as many as possible from grains multigrain flour porridge brown rice barley and millet can be used from vegetables and fruits green vegetables carrots beet spinach turnip okra cauliflower mango watermelon pomegranate and all type of seasonal vegetables and fruits can be used those who have increased cholesterol level should use vegetables fruits salad sprouts soup and juices breakfast means in the morning breakfast should be completely oil-free after this for lunch and dinner forty to fifty percent food should be fruits vegetables in grain and remaining fifty percent should be normal daily cooked food this type of diet is most important for the who don't work out and have to sit for a long time during work hours if you follow this diet plan just for five to six days then from seventh day you will start feeling an amazing change in your body's energy because when you improve your diet good cholesterol automatically starts increasing in your body the cleansing of the blood begins and its effect is visible on the body as well as the skin garlic is also very beneficial for reducing the cholesterol according to a research of 2013 if we use 1/2 - 1 gram of garlic daily then it reduces the increased cholesterol and triglyceride embody quickly garlic can be used raw or roasted in both ways with all these remedies and some changes in diet some precautions are also very necessary for control cholesterol try not to dehydrate the body for this drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water daily daily go for a walk in the morning morning walk strengthen the nerves reduces the bad cholesterol and maintain the blood flow in arteries don't use fried items in food and if you eat non-veg then stop it completely for some time and if you are addicted to smoking in tobacco no matter how many home remedies and medicine you try nothing will work lifestyle changes are always important even if you take medicines to lower your risk if you find this video useful please like and subscribe thanks [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Simple Happy Learning
Views: 483,349
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Keywords: how to reduce cholesterol, how to lower cholesterol fast, how to lower cholesterol naturally, how to lower cholesterol, lower cholesterol, how to lower ldl cholesterol, how to lower cholesterol fast with diet, cholesterol, how to lower cholesterol levels, how to lower cholesterol quickly, how to lower your cholesterol naturally, how to lower cholesterol fast effective, how to lower ldl cholesterol naturally, how to lower cholesterol without medication, lower bad cholesterol
Id: -hlw3i2abi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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