7 Foods That Lower Bad Cholesterol (LDL)

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let's talk about the seven foods that will lower your bad cholesterol the LDL but I really need to clarify this bad cholesterol because there's so much confusion every time I do my um live show on Friday morning this question comes up over and over and over so I'm just going to do another video to try to make it really really simple and understandable so there's two types of LDL but if we just take a step back and just talk about cholesterol when you get your blood profile and it says your total cholesterol you have to realize that they're not measuring this cholesterol that's floating down your bloodstream because cholesterol can't float down the bloodstream because it's all fat soluble it doesn't mix with water so when they say total cholesterol what they really mean is all the cholesterol in these different protein shuttles okay and primarily I'm talking about HDL and LVL there's other shuttles but let's just keep this really simple so when you see total cholesterol what you're really seeing is you're just combining the cholesterol in the LDL and the HDL generally speaking and so when we talk about HDL which is considered the good cholesterol really what HDL is it's the cholesterol going from the arteries or the cells back to the liver and the LDL which people say is bad is going from the liver to the cells or the arteries so this next part I'm going to talk about is really important because if you see your LDL very high okay you're going to probably like be concerned but when you go to the doctor and get your prescription to get your cholesterol tested they nearly always test LDL cholesterol okay they don't check anything else related to LDL and there are two different measurements for LDL and this is really really important to understand because the real villain on cholesterol and heart problems is a very specific type of LDL and it relates to a test that you would have to ask for it's an advanced lipid profile test and it stands for ldlp particle you're looking at the number of particles and the size of the particles okay now what is a particle well like I said before it's a carrier okay kind of carries this cholesterol because it has to have this protein little capsule to transport it so there's two particle sizes of LDL there is the large buoyant version which is pattern a now buoyant means it floats okay it floats to the surface so it's these large fluffy particles that are floating through the bloodstream right they're carrying cholesterol then you have the small dense particles okay those are the small ones that have the ability to penetrate the inside of the artery because the inside of the artery is just like one cell thickness it's not very thick and that's where you have the problem okay that's the one that is pathogenic not the large buoyant LDL it's the small dense LDL that's the one you need to be concerned about now a question I have for you is which one do you think has more cholesterol if you guessed the large buoyant you are correct so if you get your blood value back and it says your LDL cholesterol is high it doesn't tell you anything about the particles of what type of particles you have more of it mainly tells you how much cholesterol in fact there's people that have low LDL cholesterol and have higher amounts of the small dense LVL particle size and there are a lot of people who have high LDL cholesterol and have larger amounts of this large buoyant pattern a type of LDL so anytime you do your cholesterol be insistent about getting this Advanced lipid profile because it's so badly important it'll give you the whole picture of what's going on now let's talk a little bit more about this small dense LDL okay and you're going to see it as a small s and a small D and then LDL on your blood profile now the first thing you know is you're going to see more of this profile the small dense LDL when you have metabolic syndrome when you have insulin resistance when you have obesity when you have diabetes you may also see this pattern like I said before when you have less or lowered amount of ldlc the cholesterol which we're not evaluating the particles we're just evaluating the cholesterol inside of these particles and the reason I'm trying to bring this whole thing up is because there's so much connection between cholesterol and heart problems especially if you don't understand these key points right here you can be concerned atherogenic LDL is the one that is the small dense version okay that's the one that's involved in glycation the word glycation basically you're you're meshing a sugar with a protein so you actually render that protein uh non-functional so it creates problems with the proteins in your lining of your arteries also this type of measurement is involved with oxidation so that's another Factor that's related to inflammation free radical damage a perfect storm for the invasion of microbes and biofilms and plucking and a whole Cascade of things but many times in plaquing in your arteries you also have these biofilms which are basically microorganisms in certain calcium shells and they tend to accumulate on these rough edges in your arteries caused by the oxidation or the inflammation so small dense LDL is a strong predictor by 3x of cardiovascular disease now the other interesting thing about this is that if you are on a Statin drug um your cholesterol will come down but statin drugs don't reduce this small dense LDL in fact they might increase it all right so now the question comes down to how do we lower very specifically the real culprit the real bad LDL the small dense version well there are some foods that you can eat that will help you I'm going to put the research down below that validates this each food I'm going to talk about has a significant lowering effect on the small dense LDL okay number one extra virgin olive oil now you have to make sure you get the real extra virgin olive oil because there's so much fake stuff out there but there is a really good study that I'm going to put down below that validates that now number two avocados okay avocado can also reduce your small dense LDL and then we have fish oils I like to do cod liver oil but you can use fish oils as well now the omega-3 fatty acids that are doing this you have both EPA and DHA apparently it's the EPA that has this lowering effect the next food is pistachios okay pistachios can also lower this small dense LDL then we have dark chocolate okay and of course the one that I would recommend men is the one that without sugar and then we have almonds almonds have a lowering effect on the small dense lipoprotein and lastly walnuts can also help you with your bad cholesterol now there's a couple other really interesting things about this topic niacin the type of niacin that causes that blushing response can very potently switch from one particle size to the other it can switch from the small dense LDL to the large buoyant LDL that's pretty cool and also has a moderate lowering effect of your LDL cholesterol itself next thing you could do is exercise exercise will also lower this small dense LDL and another thing will help too if you have a really stubborn problem and that would be Tut cut Tucka is a very specific type of bile salt that helps eliminate excess cholesterol you have to realize the regulation of cholesterol in the body is controlled by bile salts in fact bile salts are made from cholesterol and so if you are deficient in bile let's say you have a fatty liver or let's say you don't have a gallbladder or just say that you've been on bad foods that have made things very very slow or sluggish within the bile ducts that could be the reason why your cholesterol is not coming down in which case you want to start taking bile salts especially for those that have a genetic high cholesterol situation and as a side note if you do have a genetic problem with your cholesterol and you want to do the ketogenic diet which I highly recommend with fasting the thing you want to do is not necessarily completely go low fat you just want to avoid the extra fat that a lot of people take on the ketogenic diet which means you don't want to take the extra MCT oil you don't want to start consuming the keto bomb treats filled with fat and butter but you do want to increase the fish oils and the fish that type of thing because that is not going to increase your problem and one last very important point the worst thing to consume would be sugar especially fructose okay but sugar will tend to worsen things for you and I'm also including in that all the refined carbohydrates as well now essentially on the topic of LDL I created a very interesting video called the real reason why your arteries are calcifying and turning into bone I put it up right here check it out
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 1,063,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 foods that lower bad cholesterol, cholesterol, bad cholesterol, hdl cholesterol, ldl cholesterol, high cholesterol, how to lower cholesterol, cholesterol lowering foods, lower cholesterol, foods that lower cholesterol, what is cholesterol, good cholesterol, hdl, low cholesterol foods, ldl, triglycerides, normal cholesterol levels, nutrition, lower cholesterol naturally, dr. berg on cholesterol, dr. berg on foods to lower cholesterol, dr. eric berg, eric berg, dr. berg, berg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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