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hi guys this is dr ahmed ergen i'm an endocrinologist and a diabetes education specialist if you guys don't don't know what an endocrinologist is we specialize in diabetes endocrinology and metabolism which is hormones lipids everything included now today we are going to talk about how to lower your cholesterol naturally if you have not watched the video where i talked about understanding cholesterol please do so the link is in the description below uh because i want you to understand what the cholesterol is before you try to lower it right so you need to know what you're dealing with why cholesterol causes heart attacks all these are explained in the previous video link below as i explained now we are going to talk about how to lower cholesterol naturally and of course probably most of you are on a cholesterol medication right now that's kind of an easy way to go but a lot of you also are not very happy that you're on cholesterol medication uh some of you are using statin drugs some of you are using non-statin drugs that helps with the cholesterol uh i'm not sure if you all understand exactly why you're taking these drugs that's number one number two i know for a fact that you guys want to get rid of these medications if possible and also try to find other ways natural ways to reduce cholesterol now sometimes medications are absolutely necessary i'm not undermining that but if you can do what i'm gonna say right now your chances of potentially coming off the medication is very good and also even if you're on medication medication does not always 100 percent help especially if you are genetically inclined to have high cholesterol and when genetics are involved you know the things you can do can only do so much and at some point you may have to use cholesterol medications now you will hear also before i jump to what we can do about this i'm going to point out the fact that ldl cholesterol is the most important cholesterol that you have to reduce in your blood uh and if you hear people or doctors chiropractors whoever trying to tell you that ldl cholesterol is not a big deal they're they're lying and here's why and i don't know why they do that i have no understanding uh but from what i read and what i know by experience things are a little different i'm gonna approve you why high ldl actually can actually kill you and very simple evidence there is a disorder called familial hyperlipidemia that means that because of your family your ldl levels are high from the birth these people can have ldl up to 500 but some of them are like around the 250 300 range and these people will have heart attacks and they will not have any insulin resistance they even have any diabetes they will not have any other problem in their life the only problem they have is high ldl and they will die from a heart attack if they are untreated in their 20s 30s and later 40s so these people don't even see age 50 just because they have high ldl now some people you will see that oh you know if you stop eating sugar you know you're just fine you can use whatever we can eat whatever you want other than the sugar that sugar is the only problem that's not true now i'm gonna also go over you know saturated fat unsaturated fat etc uh we're gonna bust some of the myths together uh based on the evidence we have um and let's get started then so of course to reduce cholesterol you have to do a few things number one is right eating healthy you got to do that and then what else can you do of course we're going to talk about what to eat right we need to you know what to do to eat right but also we'll talk about exercise as well because exercise also play a huge role now smoking sedation is another one we'll talk about and of course losing weight so how are these things going to play a role in your cholesterol panel we'll go over that now let's start with eating healthy now eating healthy is something very subjective right so everybody says something different about eating healthy but here's the truth i'm gonna make it very simple for you all you have to do is replace your saturated fats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats now by the way i'm not saying saturated fats are harmful for you you can still have saturated fat in your diet that's not necessarily proven to cause heart attacks but what is proven is replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats so what are they now saturated fats are found in red meat you know the eggs and dairy products and as i said you can eat those things uh that's not necessarily going to cause heart attacks so we used to say you know in the past because of the you know not well-designed studies and so forth that saturated fat is the only cause for heart attacks but then as the studies you know progress and they have done better quality studies they found that actually replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat is the cause for prevention of heart attacks so sometimes you have to kind of differentiate association from causation now i'm going to explain to you how that happens as well i'm going to tell you what is uh polyunsaturated fat so saturated means that if they have if they're hydrogenated then we call them hydrogenated so the saturated fats they don't have any other hydrogen bonds that can uh be saturated so they're called totally saturated and there are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated so polio unsaturated is better than the monounsaturated helps with the ldl cholesterol now well how does that happen your liver preferentially converts these polyunsaturated fats into ketone bodies and also your liver will produce more ldl receptors so that the ldl can be picked up from the blood because of these polyunsaturated fats same thing with monounsaturated fats although it's to a lesser extent now what what what are the foods that have polyunsaturated fats walnuts flax seed or flex oil fish mostly salmon trout mackerel sardines also olive oil corn oils so all these things what do they remind you they remind you the mediterranean diet right so remember we talked about all about mediterranean diets so if you want to watch that video you can also click the link below as well uh but that is the essence of polyunsaturated fats now what are the monounsaturated fats monosaturated fats are found in olive oil canola oil peanut oil sesame oil as well as safflower oil so what else do the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have they have plant sterols in them now plant sterols and plant stenols basically are the things that compete with cholesterol in your intestinal system and prevents the cholesterol absorption as well so that is another benefit of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats so the bottom line is if you can replace the saturated fats in your diet i'm not saying quit eating saturated fats you should still have it but instead of eating heavily meat products especially processed meats you should totally avoid if you're going to eat a red meat you should go with the lean red meat not the fatty one and you should avoid the butter you should avoid the margarines anything any fat that is solid at room temperature if that fat looks solid to you at room temperature stay away from it that is that is the basic acid now i'm not saying that don't eat it you can eat it but eat in moderation but try to eat more of the polyunsaturated and more unsaturated fatty acids which are what we mentioned is the olive oil canola oil walnuts pretty much most nuts actually have at the polyunsaturated fats almonds and of course fish is a big part of it uh but you know whatever you feel like eating whatever you have the appetite for you can choose from these things but eating red meat every day is basically going to reduce the consumption of these um polyunsaturated monounsaturated fats okay let's talk about trans fats so trans fats are actually the worst thing you can have i'm okay with you eating like red meat and um even margarine but oh my god the trans fats are the worst thing you can have fairs are found mostly in store-bought cookies and store-bought pastry just because they are hydrogenated oils trans fats are directly related to heart attacks again that's the only proven fat that we know that causes heart attacks directly trans fats are horrible for you they will increase your ldl it will increase it will increase your triglyceride levels and will reduce your hdl levels so as a result you will be in big trouble so if you want to avoid one thing in one thing in your diet avoid trans fat you will see those in the label as hydrogenated oils so if they are saying that hydrogenated word anywhere stay away from that food again um if you are having pastry at home and having a small portion that's not going to be a big deal because i don't think you'll probably use some butter butter is definitely better than the trans fats so all those mighty looking cakes pie crusts even the frozen pizzas that you see uh and the stick margarines and all that stuff is definitely horrible for you if you're gonna eat margarine just eat something that is made with um like olive oil canola oil that is not hydrogenated and actually fortified with plant sterols you can find them yes they're definitely more expensive but if you're addicted to it and if you want to have it that's the way to go uh and as i said i expl i i left a link below for you to look at a product that i think may be good although i do not necessarily recommend you eating margarine at all but if that's something that you have to have sometimes that's that's probably one thing you can have other than the store-bought margarine that are like stick marketed fats now another thing that actually helps your cholesterol is just like we discussed the plant sterols and the plant sterols are not just only found in the monounsaturated infantia polyunsaturated fatty acids but they are also found in greens vegetables fruits nuts and seeds now what does that remind you again mediterranean diet right so if you really follow mediterranean diet you will save yourself a heart attack that has been proven it's not like this is something just i'm just saying first time but it's been proven in studies now it's interesting also now that you don't even have to do a study if you go to countries that strictly follow mediterranean diet you will see that they rarely ever get heart attacks they don't die from a heart attack so as a diabetic if you have diabetes if you have genetic if you're genetically inclined to have high cholesterol then you should definitely follow mediterranean diet today there are some also margarines if you're big into margarine and butter and stuff like that and you cannot give up on that at least try to use the ones that are fortified with plant sterols now you have to be careful because you have to pay attention how much saturated fat they contain on their label but i found one on amazon when i was looking for a good one and i've included the link below if you want to look at it now the next way of reducing your cholesterol is exercise so how does really exercise help reduce your cholesterol well if you understand the cholesterol metabolism a little bit you will be able to tell now as you know uh cholesterol is not in the cholesterol in our body or in our blood is not just cholesterol it's mostly actually triglycerides so triglycerides are the main energy source for our body after glucose so when there is not enough glucose you know your body metabolizes fatty acids and triglycerides to make energy so your muscles have a depot of triglycerides as well now when there's too much triglycerides if you have heard of my other lectures or my other videos excessive triglycerides is an indicator of insulin resistant resistance so if you're insulin resistant your body tends to produce more ldl cholesterol and that is directly related to the enzymes in your liver so when the doctors tell you that hey your liver is making too much cholesterol uh yeah as we age it tends to happen more but also insulin resistance is a huge factor of creating these cholesterol-looked particles which we call them vldl ldl um and i'm sorry vldl chylomicrons idl and ldl is the product that after the triglyceride is removed now the problem with the ldl especially when you're insulin resistant the small particle ldl becomes very sneaky and get under your blood vessels as we explained in the other video especially in the presence of high triglycerides and low hdl uh your ldl uh they'll definitely uh collect and accumulate on your arteries now when you exercise you are basically depleting the triglycerides and when you deplete triglycerides basically you are reducing the total cholesterol load in your system also you are reducing the insulin resistance so when you are less insulin resistant your in your liver will make less cholesterol but also remember your cl your liver is the main cleaner of all the lipids so if your liver is opening its arms to try to eliminate uh the cholesterol from your blood and it does that by converting your cholesterol to bile acids and sometimes actually dumps the whole cholesterol into your bile as well but that's the main way of your liver handling cholesterol in the presence of insulin resistance as i said that is very inefficient but when you break the insulin resistance with exercise then your liver will produce less ldl and it also will clean the ldl from your system now smoking sensation is another one again smoking number one makes insulin resistant just like alcohol does but also smoking remember destroys the endothelium which is the lining of your arteries when your arteries are destroyed then the ldl starts leaking in and then it creates a whole immunological reaction so if you are smoking ldl is going to get the destruction done a lot faster and easier so as a result i believe the smoking or not i believe everybody believes and science says that you have to quit smoking if you want to avoid a heart attack due to high cholesterol and and lastly losing weight of course losing weight if you remember from our insulin resistance uh videos basically it will reduce your insulin resistance just like we discussed about the exercise losing weight will definitely improve your insulin resistance and your body will produce less ldl now what's interesting that most of our cholesterol is actually made by our liver uh so the cholesterol you eat in your diet is actually maybe 50 absorbed but your body will make cholesterol even from glucose and actually ironically people who try to reduce their fat intake when they increase their carbohydrate intake as a replacement they will actually end up making more cholesterol because your body is smart when you are taking glucose in the carbohydrates in and you're not burning them by not exercising if you're just sitting on your you know soft part and then it's gonna turn into fatty acids those fatty acids will come together and we can it's called triglycerides and triglycerides get on the bus we call that the ldl and then they get off the bus then we get we call this ldl so this is how it circulates in the body so as a result i agree with people who says you know eating carbohydrates will definitely uh make things worse 100 if you eat too much carbohydrates and you're not burning them they're gonna turn into fat and that fat will circulate in your blood guys remember to subscribe and remember to give a thumbs up and share this video with the family and friends [Music]
Channel: SugarMD
Views: 15,460
Rating: 4.8903456 out of 5
Keywords: bad cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol lowering foods, foods that lower cholesterol, foods to lower cholesterol, good cholesterol, hdl cholesterol, high cholesterol, how to lower cholesterol, how to lower cholesterol fast, how to lower cholesterol naturally, how to lower ldl cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol naturally, lower cholesterol, lower cholesterol naturally fast, sugarmd, what is cholesterol, mellitus, Diabetes mellitus
Id: HdhXvXrd2Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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