How To Loop Fire & Smoke Simulation | Easy Seamless Method For Endless Fire | Blender Eevee & Cycles

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[Music] in this tutorial we will create a fire and smoke simulation that can be played in a loop again and again let us first add a sphere in place of this default cube since fires look more realistic with spherical objects so we will use this sphere as our flow object go to the object menu and add a quick smoke effect then select the flow object and go to the physics tab and change the flow type to fire and smoke you can also choose only fire or only smoke if you need something like that for your scene let us start the simulation now the default settings in blender usually do not create a good looking fire or even smoke the fire looks very static and artificial also as you can see the smoke gathers here creating a layer while our primary objective is to learn how we can loop this fire simulation let us first make some bare minimum changes in the settings to have a realistic fire and smoke we will start with resizing our flow object or this sphere by a factor of 0.75 also move it down a bit maybe just one unit perfect now select the domain object and in the physics tab change the resolution divisions to 40 or maybe 50. then scroll down skipping all these fields and scale up the vorticity field in order to create a turbulence in the fire in smoke also select this dissolved check box and expand this change the dissolve time to seven we should also enable the noise option in order to get a more realistic fire in smoke the last thing is increase the end frame number for the simulation to something like four hundred we should also increase the length of our scene so change this also to four hundred we are done let us now go back to the first frame and start the simulation again we can see a much better and perfect simulation now the fire looks very real and so does the smoke once the simulation is created we will see how we can loop it indefinitely by creating the same frame at the beginning and the end if you are new to smoke simulation you can check another tutorial where i have explained all the settings in smoke simulation the link is in the video description to convert this simulation into loopable format we need to first render this simulation and complete rest of the processing in the video editor within blender we have to also look into the material part for the smoke domain let us stop this simulation and switch over to the rendered view mode we cannot see any fire and the smoke is hardly visible ensure the smoke domain is selected and go to the materials tab now expand this volume section for the smoke to be thick we need to increase the density value to maybe 20 or something higher if you need a thicker smoke then scroll down and we have to increase this blackbody intensity for the fire let us expand this panel little bit so that we can read the labels better if we increase this black body intensity to say one it makes the fire somewhat visible but it is still not good enough the fire is still very faint and subtle but we want to create a brighter fire so use any higher value say five or ten that suits your requirement now the fire looks much better you can play with these values and discover the correct settings that goes well with your scene okay we can hide the sphere or the flow object in the actual render it looks better by default blender does not show this icon for the render visibility we have to enable this so that we can hide an object in the render output [Music] also let us go to the render tab expand this film section and enable the transparent option this will create a transparent background for our smoke and fire we can then use it directly in any other scene as well in the output tab select the frame rate as per your requirement we will go with 30. we have to then select a location or a folder where the output image files will be saved okay the last thing is we need to discard the first few frames when the fire starts developing in a loopable scene we cannot have something that happens only once you can make another animation separately just with the initial few frames and use it before the loop starts here we will start the render process directly from frame hundred the total animation length will be three hundred we are done with all the settings so let us render the animation it will take some time once the render is fully complete we will first verify the output we can see in this folder all the image files are generated as a sequence open another instance of blender and select the video editor option we will complete the rest of the job here go to add image sequence then go to our output folder there are total 300 files here but we will take only half of them only the first half so we will go from hundred to say 250 select these 250 files and add them as one single strip then again go to add image sequence and add the rest of the files the second set as another strip from 251 to the end of the list 400 select them and click on add ideally this strip should go here after the first strip to have a smooth changeover from the first strip to the second they join best when placed back to back if we now play this composition it will have a smooth transition at this junction because the last frame of this strip and the first frame of this strip are almost same so there is no sudden change or any flicker here but to loop a clip the first frame should always match with the last frame of the clip only then we can loop this entire thing and no change will be noticeable so we will place these two frames at two ends let us move this strip to the first position and this strip to the second position like this now the frames at both the ends will match but this changeover won't be smooth so we will create an overlap between these two let us fine tune this in the strip properties the first clip starts at frame number one and ends at one fifty if we start this second strip at frame number 120 we will have an overlap of 30 frames and our composition should now run from 1 to frame number 270 now at this junction which is frame 120 the second clip should start fading in so change the opacity value to zero then right click and insert a keyframe here and at this position which is frame number 150 change the opacity to one and similarly insert a keyframe so the visibility will increase from zero to one during this period and this should fade out in parallel but with an initial delay at this frame the opacity should come down to zero again insert a keyframe here and somewhere maybe here which is frame 135 change the opacity back to one and again insert a keyframe so it will fade out during this period and it will slowly fade in let us go back to the first frame and run the composition once to see whether it goes smooth or not through the overlapped section fingers crossed yes it goes perfectly this is only the preview the actual rendered video will look even better we know that the loop will be smooth at the two ends as they are successive frames only you can now play this as a clip over and over in a loop it will be a perfect seamless loop without any flicker anywhere you can render this as a small video by selecting this ffmpeg option in the output or you can just render this again as an image sequence and later create a gif file from that image sequence you can then use it anywhere maybe in your game or in some animation just like a ready asset it has a transparent background so it will fit perfectly on any scene although we made this loopable clip using the fire and smoke simulation you can follow this same technique to create a loop for any other simulation also like a water flow simulation i hope you like this tutorial thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to this channel
Channel: 5 Minutes Blender
Views: 10,671
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Id: x28KUOopeWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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