How to Log Into a Discord bot

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all right Hello everybody welcome to another video today I'm going to be showing you guys how you can log into a Discord bot and send messages join voice channels etc etc DM people and a bunch more so this is it right here as you can see I am in my Discord server on a bot account right here if we can go ahead and go to let's just go to mod logs or staff stuff and just type a message like so right now uh you can't see any messages that's because we don't have intents enabled I will show you guys how to do that once we get into the tutorial but I'm going to send a message like so if we go down here we can see indeed the bot will see it like so and we can go ahead and send a message like here and we will see it if we did have intent enabled we would see it and we can also delete a message if we wanted to with the bot like so so it works basically like a normal user account but you are logged into a Discord bot there is some limitations to this basically like API limitations but that's on Discord then so let's get get into the tutorial so what you need to do is Link in description or join the Discord server CDN Discord make sure you verify and then go to our bot commands Channel and then go ahead and run download bot login and then click the first link right here or the second link first so we can set up our bot so we're going to go ahead and go here go on new application create this it will take you here name everything you already named it here but go down here to bot create a bot add it the name and everything then scroll all the way down and then select these three right here and then make sure these are enabled and then put save changes and now we can we will be able to see messages and everything else in our bot so now that we have that set we can go ahead and go back to the Discord server click on this link right here the first one which will take us to the download we are going to you can go ahead and download this yourself compile the code yourself if you don't want to download a exe or you can get their extensions here and there's a bunch of stuff all the tutorials and everything right here but I'm just going to go ahead and click on the latest right here on the releases and get the exe right here and I already have it installed but once it's done just run it and it will open it like this I'm going to go ahead and log out because this is what you guys will see this right here if you don't see anything go ahead and go control shift I go ahead and go to application try and clear all your cookies if there's anything in here clear all this if there's anything in local storage clear all this and then session storage as well clear all this and then go ahead and control R and it should just bring up this right here and so now that we have this let's go back to our developer portal let's go ahead and go ahead and click on reset token or you should be able to just copy it when it created it if you didn't leave the page I'm going to go ahead and do yes do it and then I need to get this real quick so let me just type this in all right and now once you have your token just go ahead and copy it go into here and then push login uh personally I wouldn't suggest using a bot that you actually use that is in popular servers or something that you actually use because even though the source is public you never know if you use the exe it's not public for you but if you compilot it yourself and you look through all the code you should be good but you never know if someone logs anything so just use a random bot I would just use this for messing around and stuff like that so once you have entered the token go ahead and press on login and it will take you to the bot so I'm already in a server but if you guys are ear a server you can create a server on your Discord account and then go to o 2 on the develop developer portal go to URL generator click on bot and then click on admin and then go ahead and copy this like so and then paste it here and then you can add it to your server mine's already in my server so I'm not going to do that and so now I'm just going to go ahead and go back here and once you in your server and you have intents enabled you will be able to see everything all the messages and everything like that so if I go ahead and go here and I want to just DM myself I'm going DM myself hello and I can go here and see that it did in fact DM myself I'm going to go ahead and make this smaller real quick so we can see both of them so it did in fact DM myself like so and I can go ahead and send a message back and it will indeed call it I'm going to see it will send it I'm going to see if I can call it so I'm going to join voice Channel all right we cannot join a DM voice Channel but I'm pretty sure we can join voice channels on here and as you can see we can go ahead and allow and it will use my mic like so and so we can also manage everything in here we can delete channels basically everything works as a normal Discord user account you can view me members in here everything like this you need admin perms if you want to do everything like that and everything basically works like user account and that is how you are able to log into a Discord bot account through a normal Discord client and so that is how you do that if you run into any problems or need any help you can join the Discord server Discord or in the description or you can leave a comment and I will respond to you there make sure to leave a like subscribe to the channel and comment down any suggestions you have for future videos
Channel: cdnAshton
Views: 12,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ashton, cdnashton, cdn, how to login to a discord bot account, how to make a discord bot, how to get bot tag on discord, how to be a discord bot, how to get bot badge on discord, discord bot, discord bot tutorial, how to login to bot with token discord, log into discord bot, sign into discord bot, control discord bot, discord server, log into discord bot account, log into discord bot account with token, send messages as a bot discord, how to get bot token
Id: gcBmdWjtgG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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