New Boston Dynamics HUMANOID Robot ATLAS SHOCKS The World!

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Boston Dynamics says it made this new Atlas to be quote stronger more dexterous and more agile I I think generally people underestimate the capability of AI they sort of think like it's a smart human it's going to be much more than that um it'll be much smarter than the smartest human the original Atlas may have been impressive but the latest Incarnation is truly revolutionary and experts are blown away by its abilities in this video I will unveil everything about the new Atlas and why it is shaking up the tech industry let's start evolution of Atlas Atlas has evolved significantly over the years since its first public appearance in 2013 initially standing at 6'2 and weighing 330 lb the first generation Atlas showcased the potential of bipedal robots for various tasks notably in search and rescue missions this version was a collaboration involving DARPA Sandia National Laboratories iRobot known for Roomba vacuums and Boston Dynamics drawing from the their Petman and big dog research the subsequent iterations of Atlas saw remarkable advancements Atlas 2.0 introduced later featured a Slimmer design with lighter materials enhanced articulation additional sensors and crucially wireless and batterypowered operation this version notably competed successfully in the 2015 DARPA robotics challenge Boston Dynamics then unveiled a smaller variant of atas standing at 5'9 designed for versatile indoor and outdoor use across diverse terrains despite occasional mishaps during live demonstrations such as tripping over stage lights Atlas regained a claim by showcasing extraordinary agility culminating in a Flawless backflip during a gymnastics routine these evolutionary steps are what contributed to the advanced Atlas that was released a few days ago key features and enhanced capabilities in the new Atlas the new Atlas is a total departure from its predecessor in both design and functionality likee its predecessor which relied heavily on a complex hydraulic system and was recognized for its agility and viral stunts the new Atlas boasts a more streamlined and lightweight build resembling a Sleek consumer product it has been outfitted with distinctive features such as a prominent status light on its head and an illuminated power button drawing comparisons to Boston Dynamic spot robot a closer examination of the previous Atlas reveals a complex network of thick black hydraulic lines that constantly hang around the robot these lines extended from a bulky backpack forming large loops around the shoulders and running down the arms to the hands in contrast the latest Atlas simplifies its design by eliminating the cumbersome hydraulic system a brief but impactful 30-second demo has gone viral showcasing the new robot's impressive capabilities in this demonstration the humanoid robot starts face down and then swings its legs upward bending backward to settle beside its rear end in a remark remarkably flexible position it then firmly plants its feet on the ground enabling Atlas to execute an incredibly deep squat with its hips rotating about 270° continuing its demonstration Atlas turns away from the camera and executes a remarkable maneuver each thigh features a 360° joint just below the hip unlike anything found in the human body allowing the legs to spin longitudinally without moving its hips or body each leg completes a 180 deg spin in place transitioning from pointing away from the camera to facing directly toward it the Torso swiftly follows suit completing a 180° turn abruptly altering the robot's facing Direction This zero radius turnaround defies conventional descriptions and shows the remarkable agility of the new Atlas model now in the world of Robotics the question often arises why build humanoid robots the answer lies in the practicality of navigating a World designed for humans traditionally roboticists have focused on legged robots because they aim to create machines that can balance and move dynamically through diverse environments be it rough unknown or challenging terrains the key reason behind opting for a humanoid form is simple yet profound our world is structured for human use therefore designing robots in humanlike shapes allows them to seamlessly integrate into existing environments without necessitating extensive modification unlike wheeled robots that struggle with stairs or other obstacles humanoid robots can negotiate human design spaces effectively expanding on this recent developments in robotics are pushing the boundaries of what these humanoid machines can achieve despite resembling humans in form the new Atlas robot is engineered to surpass human capabilities this might evoke images from Sci-Fi movies like Terminator but the aim is not to mimic humans rather it's about optimizing movement efficiency for specific tasks by harnessing Advanced electric technology Atlas is designed to be stronger more agile and more dextrous than any human this robotic Innovation promises practical solutions for addressing tedious hazardous or challenging tasks in real world applications this latest iteration embodies a culmination of Decades of experience combined with a Fresh Approach to problem solving the engineers behind Atlas have reimagined bipedal movement unconstrained by the limitations of human anatomy notably the ability of Atlas to Pivot and stand with such fluidity almost eerily like a scene from a horror movie is a testament to the groundbreaking strides in robotic agility this expanded range of motion opens doors to unprecedented applications where tasks previously deemed impossible for robots can now be accomplished with finesse an impressive aspect of Atlas is its exceptional speed and Mobility from the demo that was released we have noted that this robot moves swiftly a quality that we saw in the old Atlas which held records for Rapid movement the potential for this new iteration to break speed records is exciting imagine a robot that not only walks but runs at remarkable speeds making it well suited for scenarios requiring quick action or rapid response but that's not all another intriguing feature of the new Atlas that has stirred up considerable interest is the robots distinct grippers these grippers visibly different from human hands resemble three distinct fingers or prongs crafted to efficiently handle tasks requiring precision and strength this design represents a departure from traditional humanlike hands commonly seen on humanoid robots the latest version of Atlas is equipped with these Advanced grippers allowing it to execute complex Maneuvers with ease during the demonstration Atlas was observed deafly moving a car strut into a designated shelf area showcasing the capabilities of its upgraded grippers unlike human hand hands which rely on a complex arrangement of joints and muscles these grippers are optimized for robotic efficiency enabling Atlas to perform tasks that would challenge conventional designs what's particularly fascinating about these grippers is their potential for interchangeability Boston Dynamics has likely engineered them to be easily removable and replaceable tailored to specific tasks this adaptability hence at a versatile robotic platform capable of swiftly transitioning between different applications this modular approach to grippers isn't entirely novel in robotics in recent demonstrations of similar robots we've witnessed firsthand how interchangeable grippers can transform a robot's functionality by allowing users to customize the grippers according to their needs Atlas becomes more than just a singular robotic entity it becomes a dynamic tool adaptable to various Industries and operational requirements there's more the latest Atlas also comes with a built-in ring light on its face that not only enhances its expression but also adds functionality this redesign incorporates Boston Dynamics Cutting Edge Ai and machine learning Technologies giving Atlas a significant boost in its capabilities during an interview with I Spectrum Boston Dynamics CEO Robert pler shared that the design of the new Atlas was partially influenced by the iconic Pixar lamp character the robot's face features ring-shaped lights on both the front and back likely serving as indicators for various statuses or fun functions positioned on the front are six cameras arranged in a Sleek configuration a horizontal line of four cameras followed by a large fisheye lens in a smaller camera adjacent to these cameras is a cluster of two square sensors likely related to ladar or time oflight technology this camera setup is more streamlined compared to spot another Boston Dynamics robot which boasts eight forward-facing cameras applications one thing is certain the versatility of Atlas will change how we perceive and deploy humanoid robots rather than being confined to a specific set of tasks Atlas can evolve and adapt catering to an array of industries from manufacturing and Logistics to healthc care and Beyond the prospect of a robot that can swiftly switch between grippers to match the demands of its environment brings in a new era in robotics one where adaptability and efficiency converge seamlessly just imagine a scenario where Atlas needs to transition from a warehouse envir en M where it delicately handles objects to a construction site where it requires a more robust grip for heavy duty tasks it is a mindblowing possibility future prospects so what lies ahead with the new Atlas robot while this robot is quite remarkable it's important to consider what developments may be on the horizon some time back Executives from Boston Dynamics shared insights about the robots future capabilities although the information may be a bit dated it still offers a glimpse into to the direction things might take there's a lot of Buzz about what this humanoid robot could eventually do it's not far off perhaps within the next 10 years rather than 50 while it won't be here tomorrow significant advancements are within reach a key Focus for us now is ensuring the safety of these humanoid robots movement obstacle navigation and autonomy are largely figured out the real challenge lies in making sure they're safe to work alongside humans given the strength of robots like spot we're getting more comfortable having them in our midst as robots grow larger safety becomes increasingly crucial these humanoid robots are poised to undertake diverse tasks from parcel delivery to household chores the potential as demonstrated by robots like Atlas is truly extraordinary looking back at earlier versions of Atlas limitations were evident the bulky battery pack and leg wires restricted its agility this latest iteration signals a wake-up call for the robotics industry people are beginning to grasp the true potential of advanced robotics with Boston Dynamics leading the charge in a fiercely competitive field various companies including figure AI open AI Tesla and 1X robotics have long been vying for Supremacy in humanoid robotics but the competition is about to get tougher for the vision system feature that is present in the new robot we are guessing it will likely help the robot for environmental sensing the inclusion of such a vision system promises an intriguing future if you have made it this far let us know what you think in the comment section below for more interesting topics make sure you watch the recommended video that you see on the screen right now thanks for watching
Channel: AI Uncovered
Views: 13,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new boston dynamics humanoid robot atlas shocks the world!, boston dynamics, boston dynamics atlas, boston dynamics robot, atlas robot, atlas robot boston dynamics, atlas boston dynamics, humanoid robots, what's new atlas, atlas, boston dynamics robots, boston dynamics history, humanoid atlas, atlas picks things up, atlas robot new video, boston dynamics atlas robot, boston dynamics humanoid, Boston Dynamics, Humanoid robot, Industrial robots, Future tech, ai uncovered
Id: csN872mlV2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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