How to log & adjust your boost control for a new turbo. *Link Ecu*

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this is a quick one what I've done in my Cresta is I've changed the exhaust housing which changes this wastegate duty cycle table I have to reduce these values in here currently I'm working on 180 kPa so this line here at various engine speeds and I've only really got up to four and a half thousand RPM but what I'm doing and I hear plenty of people say oh I leave that up to my tuner but you can do this sort of stuff yourself so what you do is the same for haltech uh the boost control strategy is slightly different what you do is you start logging with record you set up one of these tables here so you right click create a Time plot and then in the time plot you go to properties and you list all the stuff that you want to log now I've got my closed loop turned off or the closed loop PID influence um if you're not sure what any of that means I have a video on how to go and tune closed loop so just ignoring this I keep it in my graph anyway for when I do need to tune the PID settings but basically I've got my throttle position my engine speed the amount of boost which is map and then my Boost Target So currently I'm targeting 180 kPa is about I think it's 14 PSI or something and all I do is I start my log recording I drive not too crazy but I drive and then uh I'll log the results so if I zoom into this section here what I then do is I place my line here and looking at the values my Boost Target was 180 kPa let's just call it 14 PSI for this argument here's my RPM here's me accelerating here's me putting my foot flat to the floor and holding it flat to the floor now this should be done in third gear or fourth gear up a hill to load up the engine and what I'm looking at is the Boost builds where it's moving to on this table which value and if we have a look here tells us so the average of these two cells so this cell is 34 this one is 18. the average of those two is 24 so at 3 300 RPM which is smack bang in between we're at 24 percent duty cycle that's given us a result of 179 kpi but if we increase our acceleration or our engine speed to Here we are now in the three and a half thousand RPM cell I've actually changed this but that was 19 duty cycle which results there now what's happened is it's overshot my Boost Target so it's actually gone right up to 191 that's what these little Peaks are the blue bit above the white what that tells me is that I need to reduce the duty cycle so back here when it was 19 and it's gone above I've reduced it to 18 now so as we increase and it moves halfway between the three and a half thousand and four and a half thousand RPM uh so it's gone right to 192 which is 12 kPa above which is about I was going to say 16 or just under 16 PSI uh and so I can't remember whether I just reduce that cell or not yes I believe I did because if we have a look here 4021 RPM 4000 RPM it says 16 duty cycle and we're at 14. so this was 19 this was 16 and I've reduced them to 18 and 14. so then I just look I take my time and I look at other areas so here's another area we're at 4002 151 RPM the duty cycle was 15 percent uh uh because we've reduced that down to 14 now it's not accurate uh uh to what it actually says because we've got 14 and we've got 12. half of that is not 15 it would have been it would now be 13 duty cycle so hopefully see there's overshoot they are there and if I zoom back out so you can see there it overshot there there and the more it overshoots the the more you have to adjust this number but I always just adjust it down by say two at a time we're not going crazy uh so you know we're not holding it flat stick as you can see at these RPMs it's we're just not we're not holding it flat stick we're just getting into these cells checking the duty cycle and adjusting it by a couple of percentage each time until it looks something like I mean I've still got work to do but basically you want it so that there are no Peaks above the the white part and then you turn back on this stuff here which is your PID down here and that helps to control these uh over boost sections um but you really need to get this table here so once I've tuned this line 100 and kPa at every RPM right up to redline I'll then set my target which is on a different table I'll find that no it's not here so there's a Target table that tells my engine which what what Target and I've filled it out with all 180 I'll change that table then to all 200 then all to 230 and then I'll vary it uh for the amount of throttle if you've watched the video about closed loop boost you'll probably understand what I'm talking about if you don't go and watch the video about closed loop if you have any questions let me know it is pretty confusing but once you get your head around it it's a really really powerful tool and to do a log like this all you have to do is set up a time plot set the values that you want like I've done here so I've got my wheel speed engine speed throttle position map and boost Target in the one table my wastegate duty cycle and then my PID and down there I've got the Boost status but you don't need to worry about that for now if this was helpful give us a like go and look at the closed loop loop closed loop Boost video and uh any questions let me know thank you for watching
Channel: Fine_Performance
Views: 1,071
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Id: 4fdre2LUnyc
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Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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