How To Live a Crap Life: The Deadly Sins Of Leftism by Andrew Klavan

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thank you thank you glad you're here means so much glad everybody's here wonderful i'm glad everybody got here safe and uh awesome we're going to get started thank you so much for coming here welcome to the beautiful campus of mississippi state university on behalf of the young americans for freedom mississippi state chapter we welcome you thank you so much if you're interested in joining our group please find one of our members we usually table every once in a while and please follow us on our various social media outlets and i don't know what that was it's okay follow us on our social media outlets we have a twitter facebook and instagram we are yaf underscore msu yaf underscore msu please follow us and check out what we do on our campus we are a group dedicated to bringing conservative viewpoints and speakers on campus and we like to promote civil and productive discussions so we love getting to know people we love talking to others we like to thank mr robert and miss patricia herbald for lecture for sponsoring this lecture series and making this event possible thank you so much for believing in the af and our mission thank you for believing in us for those of you here thank you for attending whether you are on one of thousands online watching from the daily wire facebook page or your youtube channel or if you came from oxford tuscaloosa or if you came from right down the street we welcome you we're so glad that you're here andrew clavin has been written many works that some of which have turned into major films true crime for example filmed by clint eastwood don't say a word starring michael douglas and empire of lies andrew clavin has also written many young adult thrillers for example crime novels such as such as a home a thriller such as a homelander series which follows a heroic teenagers battle against terrorists his if we survive was nominated for international thrillers writers award he has also been nominated for the mystery writers of america's edgar award five times two of which he has won in addition to this achievement he also won the thumping good read award by from w.h smith and if these honors weren't enough he continues his art in his intimate work about his journey to christianity through the great good thing a secular jew comes to faith in christ along with his most recent series another kingdom a fantasy thriller podcast voiced by michael knowles mind you the exquable michael knowles and available on itunes and other podcast players he is also the host of the andrew clavin show for the daily wire where he'll he will be sure to let you know there are no ease in clavin don't worry i've checked only a's and before we start i'd like to join our i'd like to invite our president uh jesse our vice president kira and our secretary jared and we have a special and uh clayton our treasurer we have a special gift before mr clavin shows up you all please join me here at the podium and if you would please join us in welcoming the thorough insightful bald supreme lord of the multiverse andrew clavin [Music] thank you thank you very much here at mississippi state we have a tradition where we give you your first cowbell and it's it's a symbol of good luck to us at mississippi state and makes you an official mississippi state member so here at here tradition you hold up above your head to ring it there we go thank you so much yes sir we got your sticker wonderful just in case and we're so excited to hear from you thank you everybody well thank you very much and thank you especially for that sticker i've been looking forward to it all day just when i heard about that i was so excited uh and thank you to yap for sponsoring me you know i give um a lot of speeches that are sponsored by conservative organizations and uh i sometimes feel that i'm not doing it right you know i i think that i i think the idea is that i'm supposed to uh own the libs i'm supposed to troll the libs and the idea is that you come out and you say something that makes people so angry that they start screaming at you you know and like ben shapiro is great at this and they start screaming at him and then you post it on youtube and it says you know ben shapiro destroys the left you know you know all in capital letters knowles michael knowles is probably the best at it he comes out and he says stuff so outrageous like a man is not a woman and this drives the left insane you know and they come out and start screaming at you damn you you know a man is a woman and they put that on youtube and says michael knowles destroys the left so i was thinking what could i say that would be as outrageous and controversial as a man is not a woman so i could get people angry and i could you know have them come out so i was thinking of giving a speech called a truck is not a balloon and you know you know how you have this you know you imagine your success i was hoping like people would come out in their trucks the left would come out in their trucks and scream you know damn you you know a truck is a balloon and and then you know i'd pull a bench apparel on them and i'd debate them and i'd say well if a truck is a balloon drive your truck off a cliff and see if it floats off into the air and then they would you know and they'd crash in this ball of fire and we put the video up on youtube and say andrew clayton destroys the left and for once it would be true but i'm not going to give that speech and there are a couple of reasons i'm not going to give that speech and one of them is that i'm different than nols and shapiro in that i'm a conservative because i'm a liberal and what do i mean by that i mean the other day just very recently i was with my wife at a hamburger joint in l.a called umami burger i don't know if they have them here they're great burgers and while i was pretending to listen to what my wife was saying i was looking around the room and and i saw the scene that really probably has never existed on earth before this burger joint was packed and it was filled with people of every possible color it was filled with people of different religions you could see there was a guy with a yamaka there was a muslim couple there it was still being l.a it was filled with all kinds of sexual sexualities you know they were transgender people gay people straight people all of them getting along fine having a good time at umami burger and all of them i suspect in some sense truly american and for me this is a good thing this is a different thing it's different than when i was a kid it wasn't like this when i was a kid unless you were at the most weird hipster dive and probably not even there and the so this is a change that's happened in my lifetime and the change could be associated with what we would have called in my day liberal ideas not democrat ideas liberal ideas and these liberal ideas grow out of our american ideas right there are natural outgrowth of american ideas this is the way ideas work and this is important because the left will try and tell you something different the idea works like this a man sits down and he writes an idea all men are created equal they're endowed by their creator god with certain inalienable rights like life liberty and the pursuit of happiness the guy who writes that idea is not a perfect guy i know this because there's no such thing right he's got flaws like you and me he's got flaws like you and me he's trapped in the prison of his time doing things that we might not approve of today but that idea that he writes down has a life of its own and off it goes into the hearts of people and the people who accept that idea start to work with it and it grows into itself so after a while people think well if all men are created equal how come some men are holding other men in bondage that that can't fit with that idea either the idea has to go or the bondage has to go people start thinking well if all men are created equal what about women you know aren't they part of mankind created in god's image don't they have to have rights as well and what i was thinking as i was sitting there in umami is that if i brought thomas jefferson who wrote those words to imam umami burger thomas jefferson was flawed who owned slaves who's said to have slept with one of his slaves we're not sure about that if i set him there an umami burger take him a couple of minutes to get used to the time zone shift and then he would say yeah that's what i was saying that's what i meant to say that's the way an idea works now when i was very little those liberal ideas were kind of associated with the left like i said not democrat or republican because they were left-wing republicans and there were left-wing democrats but you would have said that those liberal ideas were on the left that's not true anymore in those days i was on the left because that's where the liberal ideas were now it's the left who oppose free speech who shout people down who throw people off their platforms who try to get people fired when they say things that the left doesn't like now it's the left who opposes freedom of religion who finds you if your religion doesn't uh suit their leftist ideas now it's the left who thinks about everything in terms of race and we have a term for that we call it racism and it doesn't matter if it's racist it doesn't matter who it's racist against and it doesn't matter who's doing the racist racist thinking the devil does not care who does the hating as long as the hating gets done okay and now it's the left who believes in this slavery of socialism and socialism is slavery you do the work they spend the money that's what slavery is right you do the work they take the money and spend it and most importantly the left wants to destroy the structures that have preserved those liberal freedom ideas that thomas jefferson wrote down they want to destroy the things that keep those free ideas alive they they want to destroy the electoral electoral college because they lost the election they want to pack the supreme court because they lost the majority and they want to shut down free speech because they've lost the argument and it's we conservatives who stand for the liberal ideas that i saw in action at umami burger but it's the ideas that i'm here to defend okay i'm a trump supporter because i think he keeps those ideas alive better than the left but that's not what i'm here to talk to you about which guy to vote for or which party to belong to it's these ideas and that's one reason i'm not going to own the libs and the other reason is because i'm old and i'm not just old i'm old and wise not everybody gets old and why some people just get old i got old and wise go explain it and being old and wise is like climbing up to the top of a mountain you lose touch with the ground a little bit but you get a better view a better perspective and i have lost touch a little bit i mean i i am here to tell you that i literally do not know what cardi b does for a living i sometimes i sometimes want to google her and find out if there was a cardi a and if there will be a cardi c like if she she's maybe a clone or something like that but so far i've never never taken the time but the thing that i do know is i do know what makes for a joyful life and i know because through a life of of suffering and trial and error i found out i know what works i know it doesn't i know what will make you happy what won't make you happy i know what's worth thinking about and what's worth leaving behind and the other reason i don't want to own the libs but i want to talk about these ideas is because i know that they're the ideas that will make you happy and when i look around at america today i don't see a lot i see a lot of people who aren't so happy you know i mean you guys in this room are the freest richest healthiest people who have ever existed on planet earth right you have more wealth the poorest person in this room has more wealth than the pharaohs of egypt you can walk into a mini-mart at a gas station and buy food that's better than you would have gotten at an orgy given by the emperor of rome okay you have everything you have information in your phone that aristotle would have killed for the suicide rate in america went up 33 over the last 20 years the suicide rate among people your age my young people went up 56 so it's like you know the line in the bible where god says i put before you life and death choose life choose life in america they put life before us and we're choosing death and even the people who aren't in despair don't look that happy to me the young people okay we on the right we like to make fun of the snowflakes the liberal snowflakes the people who show up and you know the minute you say anything they're they're triggered and they have to run to their safe space and it's a trauma and everything is a trump and that's pretty funny i gotta admit but it's also kind of not funny you know i mean you guys are young strong healthy americans the last thing that should frighten you is ideas you should be talking about ideas all the time you should be arguing about ideas it's one of the great joys of life arguing about ideas with people you disagree with and people are afraid i talk to conservative students who have to lie they say they have to lie in their essays in order to get a good grade that's humiliating and it's a crime right a professor who's teaching you to lie a professor should be teaching you how to think how to find the truth and how to express what is in your heart boldly and forthrightly if he's teaching you that you have to lie you're getting screwed you're getting cheated out of an education and out of the basic information you need to become a fully functioning adult so what i'm here to tell you is that the ideas of freedom of god-given rights these are ideas that'll lead you to joy or can lead you to joy the ideas of the left will turn your life to crap and there's a really simple reason for this if there's anyone here who's who grew up catholic or just knows about catholicism you've heard about the seven deadly sins right pride envy wrath lust greed sloth and gluttony now you don't have to be religious you don't have to believe in sin you don't have to believe in hell you don't have to believe in anything but the catholic church was the only church in town for 1500 years and the one thing they knew is how people thought and behaved and what was bad for people and what was good for people and when they said the seven deadly sins they were picking the seven behaviors that will ruin your life okay and what's amazing is that everything the left preaches is one of the seven deadly sins and will help you ruin your life so i'm going to go through them and i'll try not to talk too long because i actually would like to talk to you i'd like to hear what you have to say and especially if you disagree with me please you're welcome to stay and ask questions let's just go through these for a minute let's start with pride okay remember gay pride now gay pride is like a month i think soon it'll be six months probably it'll be a year round on gay pride month knowles came on my show michael nolskim on my show as he's a catholic and he said you know pride used to be called the queen of sins and i immediately said now it's the sin of queens because i'm trying to destroy ben shapiro's network and but the thing is pride is always a lie it will always make you miserable because it's a lie nobody's proud of who he is why because we all know ourselves too well we know what we are we're not proud of it none of us is and listen this is not this is not at all a hit on gay people i'm an artist i have been friends with and colleagues with gay people all my life going back to the 1970s a lot of people who are gay allies can't say that at all i was friends with gays and supporters of gays when it was got you in trouble okay so this is not a hit on them at all but pride is like the emperor's clothes i'm sure you know the story of the emperor's clothes the emperor was naked but they told him he was wearing beautiful clothes everybody was afraid to tell him the truth so he just walked around naked thinking he was in beautiful clothes until an innocent child who wasn't afraid of him pointed at him and said look the emperor isn't wearing any clothes and everybody knew he was naked and he was humiliated that's pride because it's always a lie okay now there's a lot of pain in being a gay person you could be rejected by your parents you could be rejected by your church and even if everybody's nice to you it's painful the human body is a machine it's an animal thing it's there to make other human bodies right where you're built for men and women to have sex and reproduce and nurture children that's what we're built for that's all your body wants to do that's why it's here and when a young person suddenly finds out that his desires are not in league with that physical mission he feels ashamed he feels bad and the left that's when the left comes after them and tempts them to be proud say you're proud i'm not ashamed i'm proud the thing is they're wearing the emperor's clothes so they got to make sure like the emperor that everybody's afraid of them that nobody is going to say you know what i don't actually agree with you i think this is a sin or i don't think i don't think this you're doing the right thing or i just don't like you they've got to make sure that everybody's afraid too afraid to say that so they've got to knock people out of their businesses if they won't bake a cake for their wedding they've got to knock them off twitter if they once made an anti-gay remark they become incredibly mean incredibly intolerant and gay people who used to be kind of funny and loosey-goosey and self-deprecating are now i call them homofascists because they attack anybody who disagrees with them it's it's sinful now the thing is i'm going to tell you this and i'll i'll make this short i don't like to bring my family into these things but my son who is dearer to me than my own life is a gay guy and he's also a devout christian he's also a brilliant person and this is what he said to me he said to me you know christianity has opposed homosexuality for thousands of years and is doing fine if i go to them and want them to change their minds and let me in i've got to make the argument i've got to go to scripture and show them what i mean from scripture i've got to be honest and convincing and they still have the right to reject me that's the opposite of pride that's called humility and humility respects other people's traditions and their lives and their beliefs and it treats other people with respect and here's the thing on twitter they attack my son and they say well you're a self-hating gay person when i look at a gay pride parade and i see a guy dancing down hollywood boulevard in leather pants with no back so his backside is hanging out when i see an angry woman with a hat on so her vagina is where her brains are supposed to be when i see people holding up angry signs saying we're queer we're here and get used to it it doesn't look like pride to me that looks like shame and anger and self-hatred when i look at my son i see somebody who is at peace with himself with his community and with his god who if it's possible loves him even more than i do pride like all sins feels good when you do it and then it makes your life crap envy we all feel envy there's an old joke i think was somerset mom the writer said it's not enough for you to succeed your best friend has to fail and we all feel envy and we all hide our envy because we all know it degrades us right but not the left the left loves envy right they don't call it envy they call it intersectionality they talk about privilege you've got white privilege you've got male privilege you have more money than me right you're supposed to think about that all the time are you the biggest victim or is he the biggest victim poor poo pete bootage who used to be a million dollar victim now has to apologize for being a cisgender male whatever that means this is a crap way to live to spend your life worrying about what other people have and whether somebody's got more than you whether somebody's got or is being treated better than you this is a waste of your life you will not solve a single injustice in the world all that will happen is you will waste your life and i will tell you about life it's it goes by like this all right there's 15 minutes between you and me 15 minutes from now i'll be gone you'll be here gray gray hair and everything okay if you spend your life worrying about what other people have oh he's got this privilege if you spend your life worrying about what you have oh i have this privilege i have to feel bad about that you instead of being a jolly old cadre like me you will be a twisted bitter person when you get to the end it'll be too late to change that will destroy your life the opposite of envy is kindness you should be thinking every minute i can't believe i can't believe they teach you this stuff some of some of these leftist universities this is classes they take and who has more privilege instead of asking you what are you going to contribute what are you going to do for somebody are you going to build a home make a home for somebody that's the greatest gift anybody can give anyone you're going to make a child and give it love you're going to do a job whether you're president of the united states or picking up the garbage on the street at least you're doing something for somebody that's a useful life that's a life that'll lead you to joy to do it right envy and i'm telling you this stuff will kill you wrath is the third sin outrage i'm outraged i'm outraged you said so and so and now i'm outraged you use this word instead of that word now i'm outraged this is the left every single day i like to say that anger is the devil's cocaine and the reason i say it is because anger makes you feel righteous right if you're outraged if you're outraged and somebody's racist that means you're not racist you're a good person if you're outraged at the way somebody treated a woman that's telegraphing that you would be a nice guy you're a nice guy you know the problem with outrage with wrath is it's the same as pride it's a lie you're not that nice a guy and you're not a hero and the way you can tell the leftist line have you watched have you seen what's happening with our athletes the nba the basketball players and the nfl the football players these are guys who disrespected the american flag to make a protest against the police treatment of blacks they were outraged okay they were outraged now they've been asked to apologize for standing up to the freedom fighters in hong kong who are fighting the chinese government which is a truly horrific government this is a government this is the chinese government murdered 65 million people under communism until 2015 they were tying women down and forcing them to have abortions and be to be sterilized their their dissidents in china disappear and then they take their organs and use them for transplants which sounds like a bad horror movie but it's true the nfl all these outraged athletes are suddenly apologizing oh sorry did we offend the chinese government because they don't want to lose the profits right because they're outraged their heroism remember remember colin kaepernick uh believe in something even though it means sacrificing everything that was the nike ad for him and suddenly when they have to sacrifice the money they're getting from the chinese not so much it's always a lie the opposite of wrath is patience is dealing with people listening to people hearing what they have to say maybe you're wrong you know maybe there's some reason the police act the way they act in certain neighborhoods maybe the police have seen some things that you haven't seen you know and maybe if you if you want to make a protest to me your fellow american maybe you shouldn't disrespect my flag which is the thing that binds us together i can't worry about everybody i worry a lot about my fellow americans of all colors but once you tell me my flag stinks hit the road lust the left loves lust lust is the favorite of the left okay now this is the thing i i lived through the sexual revolution and it was fun and they and it was it was the main draw that brought the country over to the left if it feels good do it right now they call it pleasure activism this is their big thing right and especially with women they were kind of like women were a little slow they thought you know you should be what they said to the women you should be like men men will sleep with anything you should sleep with anything men go out and they get drunk and they sleep around you should get drunk and sleep around why not you got birth control right and if the birth control doesn't work and you have a baby kill the baby it's going to be great you know it's going to be a great life you know get drunk sleep around get pregnant kill the baby it's going to be terrific but now you see suddenly all of a sudden this is what they told us for 30 years when bill clinton had a girl young enough to be his daughter with no power doing sexual favors for him in the oval office they were like no it's fine it's just sex do what feels good now suddenly they're angry oddly enough they have the metoo movement and it's a funny thing about the metoo movement first of all the metoo movement has taken in guys mostly guys who are left and right it was happening here fox news it was happening in hollywood harvey weinstein and let me tell you i work in hollywood everybody knew what harvey weinstein was doing none of those left-wing actors who make speeches at the oscars none of those producers studio heads none of them did anything to stop harvey weinstein because he was making good pictures and he was making the money so he could rape any girl he wanted and nobody said a thing okay same was true of roger ailes at fox news where the right-wing christians were living and where he was going going after anyone he wanted to they were right and they were left but they were living under left-wing culture that was leftist culture that did the sexual revolution and here's the funny thing matt lauer was the guy at nbc the most liberal news station except for all the other news stations and he was going after any girl who came within his grasp right he had a button on his desk that automatically locked the door so the interns couldn't escape before he went after him i know but i'm not making it up so now a girl is complaining a young lady is complaining or she was a young lady at the time that she had six vodkas went to his room went to bed with him and he sodomized her after which she began a relationship with him okay and now she's complaining about it she says that wasn't right and lauer said lauer who was at the time married with three children said i didn't do anything wrong she came to my room she came to my bed she agreed and then the proof that there was consent was she began a relationship with me and you know what under the rules of the left matt lauer is right what did he do wrong you know in my day if you took advantage of a girl who was drunk the guys would take you outside and kick the crap out of you okay but now well why why should matt lauer apologize you tell me you tell me why he should apologize what went wrong what went wrong why everybody all through history people have dreamed of free sex now they have free sex and everybody's miserable men don't even have sex anymore because they think that pornography is is easier and safer and you don't have to talk to the person when it's over you know so what went wrong i will tell you i'm here to tell you as an official old wise person what went wrong what went wrong is this the body is a machine it is an animal thing it has one purpose and that is to reproduce and make other bodies and especially when you're your age especially if you're male it is telling you let us do this thing now all the time continually all right the problem is you are not your body you are not a body you are a soul you are a spirit your body eats and craps and screws you love and reason and feel and if you let your body lead the way you're going to go right down the drain whereas if you make the body the servant of you right that's called chastity that's the opposite of lust then you're going to live an incredibly great life or you may at least you will have a chance i want to go through these quickly because i do not want to keep talking when i can talk to you but the fifth synth is greed and greed is hilarious the left is hilarious about greed here's what the left here's the left's philosophy about greed and if you listen to bernie sanders or elizabeth warren or alexandria occasional cortex right you you will hear them say this if you go to work and you get paid for your work and then you want to keep your money and spend it the way you want to spend it you are greedy if you go to work and earn money and they take your money and spend that way they want to spend it they're generous that's actually their argument that is the argument of socialism all right it is actually their argument and obviously it doesn't make sense so what's the problem with it well why do politicians do the things that they do they may tell themselves they're doing it for the good of mankind but they do it for power politicians like power they want power when they give your money to someone else that someone else will vote for them they have bought their vote with your money it's greed right there's a thing that welfare workers have told me about it's called welfare psychosis welfare psychosis is a real thing welfare psychosis is when you start to feel that you deserve the money you are getting from the government that was made earned by other people and people show up and they're angry if their check is a day later an hour late they say where's my money where's my money which is by the way your money it's not their money okay that makes perfect sense why because they know they've been bought they know they're saying basically i gave you my vote where's my money greed and that's what that is ruins your life because it makes you feel that you are entitled to the things you're getting charity which is the opposite of greed is very different charity is when you make the choice to go into your pocket and give money to someone who needs it that ennobles you because it's your choice to make a sacrifice of something that belongs to you it also ennobles the person who receives the charity because now he has to feel gratitude he has to sort of look at his life and say how am i going to pay this back either to this person or down the line right six i'll get to it sloth and this laziness okay the left encourages laziness by encouraging you not to think okay by encouraging you not to think about the things they're saying and the way they do this is by the way they use language they use language to condemn and demonize things that are actually perfectly reasonable islamophobic that i'm constantly called islamophobic constantly i've been at one at one university they actually barred the door with junk and put junk in front of it barricaded the door with junk because i was so islamophobic and it was ramadan and they didn't want me to show up there is no such thing as islamophobia there is no such thing phobia obviously is an irrational fear nobody is irrationally afraid of muslims nobody in america ever woke up one day and said you know what i'm scared of spiders and muslims right that just didn't happen people are concerned about the violence in the islamic world which has nothing to do with the vast majority of muslim people right but islam is at war every i think the top 13 of the top 14 major conflicts on earth involve islam islam is at war with other muslims it's at war with christians it's a war with jews it's war with buddhists it's war with secular people it can't all be the other people's fault it's not racial because islam is not a race there are plenty of different races involved in islam it's not people that people aren't worse we're all but pretty much the same morally we all kind of suck morally right it must be the ideas there must be some ideas in certain forms of islam that need to be questioned that's what we do here that's the whole point of being on the planet is questioning ideas and figuring out the good from the bad so when they say islamophobic they're asking you to be lazy they're asking you not to think i mean there's so many things like this like racial profiling where they tell a police officer uh if you take note of the color of a person in a neighborhood you know that's that's the wrong thing to do think about that for a minute you're a cop you're at the you're at the place where the crimes take place you're out there trying to help people do this mental experiment if a cop had an app on his iphone that revealed criminal intent would he be looking at the color of a person's skin no he'd be looking at the app because he doesn't care about the color of the person's skin he's trying to stop crime using all the instincts and knowledge he has diligence is the opposite of sloth and diligence is what you need to think your way through the laziness ins that the left insists upon they insist upon laziness because their ideas don't work and they've never worked okay finally the most boring of the seven sins is gluttony and the only thing i can say about this is there used to be this diet program where they would advertise with a little button they'd make people wear a little badge and said i lost weight ask me how and so you'd go up to them and say how and they'd sell you this diet plan and i always wanted to get one of these little badges and say i i lost weight ask me how and when somebody came up and said how i'd say stop eating so damn much so here's what i want here's what i want to leave you with and then i hope you will ask questions and we can talk i began by talking about liberalism true american liberalism the thing that makes us more and more free more and more like americans and those that comes from the ideas that god gave us rights that the government does not have the right to take away the rights were given to us by a higher power and the government does not have the right to take them away even if they want to and they always want to okay and among those rights are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and nowadays and even conservatives do this it drives me nuts nowadays even conservatives will say to you when they talk about happiness they'll talk about making money starting a business starting a family living out whatever your dream is for your life and all of those things are good all of those things are positive but i don't think that's the happiness that the founders were thinking of i think they were thinking of happiness the way aristotle defined happiness which was virtue in virtue the human being finds happiness because virtue is in keeping with the rational people that we are aristotle said that virtue leads to happiness and jesus said that love is the path to virtue and again as an official old wise man i'm going to tell you and you can take this to the bank 100 of your joy in life will come from virtue through love will come from love acted out in virtue not 99 not 95 all of it all your joy in life will come from love acted out in virtue so when the left or when anyone because it happens comes from all sides tempts you to pride envy wrath lust greed sloth or gluttony commit yourself to humility kindness chastity charity and diligence and don't eat so damn much thank you very much thank you for that wonderful wonderful speech mr clavin i would now like to open the floor to questions if you could please walk around back do not come to the front walk through the nearest aisle and line up with my colleagues we will take questions and we will come up one at a time i will hold the mic for you and we would like it to be as concise as possible with no follow-up questions thank you hi mr flavin uh i just wanted to ask why uh when you went over sloth why did you go over islamophobia instead of something like the body positivity movement well you know it's funny when i was i was thinking the body positivity movement for gluttony because the body positivity movement like a lot of the things that the left tells you tells you that your shame comes from outside it tells you if you if you fat shame me or body shame me or some or any or shame me or anything that you are creating the shame the fact is people know what they're supposed to do they know how they're supposed to behave and they know how they're supposed to treat themselves and the shame it comes from within and so this whole notion that it's the emperor's clothes this whole notion that somehow you can get rid of the bad feelings you have about what you're doing by forcing everybody else to not mention them is not going to take you to the river it is not going to take you to the river and it's not going to get you across the thing is you've got to look into yourself if you're feeling shame it may be irrational you may sometimes people feel a rational shame because of the way they were raised or something like that but you got to look within because once you know that you were right with yourself nobody can make you feel ashamed hey how you doing um i guess to a reference of your political correctness i mean in the news today what do you think of donald trump's uh lynching tweet today i don't care i seriously i i don't i don't care every time donald trump opens his mouth he says good morning and like well it's not good morning for everyone you know i mean the guy cannot say a thing and i am i'm sick of it i gotta tell you i'm sick of it look it's not what i would have said because not not because he's not right i mean it it is what they are doing is illegal and it's wrong what they're doing to him but lynching has these deep racial con connotations so it would be like to a jewish person would be like saying oh it's like the holocaust you know ease up he's up you know but he's got a big mouth he's got a big mouth and he speaks without thinking and in a lot of ways in some ways not always but in some ways it actually speaks well of him because i believe that donald trump is many things he's some things that i don't like but the one thing i don't think he is is a racist and i just don't think he thinks about it i seriously i don't think he thinks oh this is going to sound bad it hurts him in the polls every time he does it every time he does something that people take it to be racially insensitive it hurts him he doesn't think about it because i think he's just there to get people to make money i think that's what he wants what he sees himself as as the guy who fixes things i've heard him say this i'm the guy who fixes things right so i don't know i'm just scandaled out you know i mean the guy is doing a good job he's a he's a big american character with big american flaws i get it already the left doesn't like him but i'm not going to throw a fit every time he says something and they make a big fuss about it that's the way i feel about it uh quickly thank you for coming to our campus uh we do appreciate you uh my question is are you a proponent of darwinian evolution or creationism and could you briefly explain yeah well again this is a matter of uh complete theological indifference to me god can make the world any way he wants and he doesn't have to check in with me you know it's like but but here's here's the way i look at it the answer is going to come from science the answer is not going to come the bible is not there the bible has many different genres within it i believe the bible is inerrant is that the word the proper word i believe there aren't any errors in the bible but i believe there are genres in the bible some of the things in the bible i think are legends some of them are myths and some of them are straight stories we know this because jesus tells stories when jesus says there was a man who had two sons nobody says where did they live what were their names you know we get it it's a story it's a genre right so right now science is telling me there's evolution there are now some cracks appearing in that theory in in terms of species to species evolution it just seems too impossible the odds seem against it when science tells me that that's no longer when scientists tell me that that's no longer the truth i'll believe them i think it's going to be science which by the way is a creation of christendom it's going to be science that shows us the way that's the way i feel about it so i don't i don't actually turn to the bible for that information and makes absolutely no difference to my theology i know myself i know my savior lives and that's about as far as i need to go with the science of it so um first off thank you for coming over campus we really love the talk um so i have a lot of friends that really feel like it's a hopeless fight now to fight for our conservative ideals how do we kind of persuade them that it's not so hopeless and that we do really have a chance to fight and uh make ourselves more known oh wow it's yeah it's no way hopelessness i think we're in good shape uh you know it's it's like it's tough it's a tough fight because we're trying to take power away from an entrenched establishment they don't like that and we're trying to do it by democratic means and not taking to the streets and hurting other people and they and it's hard to do you know what we're trying to do is hard if you look over in england where all they want is their government back and the eu is like no you can't have it i mean and not only that the government is saying no we don't want it because then we'd have to do stuff it's a hard fight but let me tell you two things okay i lived through jimmy carter those were terrible years you went to get a gallon of gas in your car and you could only go every other day this is in america you could only go every other day to get gas because they were out of gas right you had to line up once you got there you would line up for an hour two hours inflation was insane right unemployment was through the roof and jimmy carter would get up and give these speeches well this is just the way you know this is the way it is it's like this is you know we have to support america we have to you know talk say something nice about america ronald reagan came into office and within two years it turned around i mean suddenly it all turned around and that's what changed me from a liberal to a conservative i thought gee everything that old crude said was true everything he did worked right it turned the country around we had 25 years of almost unbroken prosperity after that so i can't tell you how hopeless it seemed under jimmy carter it's hard go watch the movie miracle about the hockey game you'll see how hopeless it was under jimmy carter and how amazing it was for the next 25 years economically at least right the other thing was i lived in new york at the end of the 70s and the 80s it was hell it was hell there was a cartoon in the daily news it was so bad there was a cartoon in the daily news of people paddling on their briefcases to get off the island of manhattan and to get to safety okay there was the son of sam killing people there were riots on my birthday when the blackout happened the heat was terrible the cold was terrible the city was filled with homeless people i i worked i went to work at a radio station at three o'clock every morning here's how i got to work every single morning i came out of my apartment i took off until i reached the korean grocery where the prostitutes hung out and then i stood with the prostitutes because i knew nobody would kill me where there were people until i could get a cab and then the girl said so long honey and i went to work i did that every day i was the only guy in the newsroom the only guy in the newsroom who didn't get mugged okay that was new york rudy giuliani took over new york he was called a racist every day he was called a nazi every single day he was just like trump he didn't care he was just too aggressive and honest and mean to care and it happened every single day by the time he left that city it was the queen of the world it was the most it was the jewel in the crown of the world it was the greatest city on earth and now it's falling back because the leftists have gotten into it again it's never too late it is never too late because the the trick is the trick is you don't have to get there you just have to turn the ship around and everything gets better almost immediately you just have to start hitting in the other direction and things change so i think you know listen if if trump wins the next election i think things are going to go pretty well for this country for quite a long time and over eight years you get a lot of people who grew up under prost prosperity and they start thinking huh that worked you know i mean that's what i thought i was a liberal i hated ronald reagan because they treated reagan just like they treated trump same way and then one day i thought huh you know he said the economy would come back and it did he said the berlin wall would come down and it did and nobody else said those things so maybe i should change my mind it's never too late you know does that answer your question yes no thank you hi how you doing so uh when you touched on uh privilege and who has more privilege would you disagree with the fact that i in my opinion i guess that it is systematically harder for some people in this country based on the color their skin to excel in work in their career and education because of color skin would you disagree with that fact that there has been systematically things set in place to make sure they don't succeed well it's a complicated question i want to make sure i answer it properly there has there was in my time a lot of institutional racism in this country i mean truly horrible things where black people couldn't use that same bathroom as white very very degrading insulting way to treat your fellow americans and there was no excuse for it right and it was it was a bad thing all of that institutional racism is gone all of it 100 of it has gone yeah yeah there's no institution there's no racism that the government approves of that was what was so horrible about it is that the government said yeah you can do that go ahead you know the government of this uh state or this city is going to treat black people what's that in terms of red light a red line comes a housing let me let me i'll get i'll get back to this in a second nobody can get rid of all ray of of the racism of human beings the racism and human hearts and that's going to stay around this is and i lived overseas for seven years this is the least racist country on the planet the least racist country on the planet it is the most multi-ethic ethnic most peaceable uh country on the planet now look is it harder to be black than white in some instances you bet you bet when when black people say to me you know the police treat me differently now i feel that's that's the fault of criminals not of the of the police but still that's that's humiliating and it's unfair and it's unkind you know and it's things that we can think about and talk about do i think that a black person has less of a chance of getting a job at this point no not if he's qualified i think he's probably has more of a chance because people are looking i know to hire you know multi-ethnically but part of life is that it's unfair and the problem is the people who will tell you it's unfair are usually people who are well off and so you think well of course you can say it's unfair but it's still true it's unfair and so if you're going to make life fair you have to start crushing people you have to start making people stop thinking things stop saying things stop feeling things and then you have a government that can make you stop talking thinking and feeling the things that you feel and then you're no longer free so freedom entails a certain amount of unfairness and being a big boy and a big girl is understanding that unfairness and acting yourself in the fairest way possible that's what that's about now as for redlining if the new york times reported on this of all people the the the talk about redlining among realtors for instance was largely untrue what they were doing is they were following the economics of people they thought could pay back loans and people they thought couldn't pay back loans they weren't following the race of people and it was because of that that the government started giving these loans to people that they knew they couldn't pay back and because of that wall street started gaming those loans and the economy crashed look again life is unfair people get treated unfairly the best thing you can do is not do it [Applause] hey mr clavin um so earlier you talked about you know students having a lie to um you know pass their classes and stuff i personally you know have to kind of you know stoop down to that level too um how would you go about that if you were a student well whenever i get to ask this question a lot and i always feel it's half the question the question is how would you speak your mind but the rest of the question is without consequences now i'm going to listen i'm going to tell you this flat out it's just the truth i i was a hollywood screenwriter i was making a bundle okay i started speaking out about my politics because hollywood was making movies depicting our troops as the bad guys in the war on terror and i said that's a terrible thing to do while they're being shot at right that decision i made cost me millions of dollars i mean literally millions of dollars i've never lost a night's sleep over it because i cannot imagine what it would be like to live my life afraid i just can't think about it i don't fight every battle i don't you know i'm not a belligerent guy i'm not in people's faces i don't look for fights i don't look for arguments but i will speak up when somebody assumes i think something that i don't think i will speak up when somebody says something that is completely untenable and and says it in a context where it could affect other people right and i will make nasty silly jokes to just to show people that it can be done you know that you you should be able we should be able to make fun of one another we should be able to make fun of one another in love but still so i don't know what to tell you it'll cost you and you have to decide when the cost is worth it what the cost is going to be and how to best mitigate that cost because there's some people you can go up to and say look you're putting me in this bad position that's not right and you can win that argument with some people some people have a conscience not everybody but you got to make that decision yourself that's a decision that every person has to make for himself because it it will cost you to live an honest life it will cost you to live an honest life if there is one message in the gospel that's the message you know speak the truth and they'll kill you that could be the entire god they could really that's the good news the gospel means good news that's the good news speak the truth and they'll kill you so so again like you have to make that decision you have to make that call who you're going to be how you're going to live and what what you can live with from yourself and from other people nasty answer right yeah uh mr clavin i just want to thank you for coming to our campus today and presenting to us uh so i saw on the youtube trending page about two weeks ago it's a video from ellen degeneres and people it was mainly social media and mainstream media had an issue with her sitting next to george w bush they couldn't comprehend that two people with such conflicting points of views could be friends and it's clearly possible because socially i would say i'm a libertarian economically more conservative one of my best friends is transgender and female and she's also bisexual where did we take a wrong step in creating this environment where people with such conflicting points of views couldn't be friends it really is it really is a problem and and i believe that a lot of this is keyed into the fall of the soviet union and that sounds like a weird thing to say but it's true i'll tell you why i'll tell you why the soviet union was the great leftist experiment they thought somebody said i have seen the future and it works that was the soviet union when ronald reagan said we're going to beat the soviet union people just like thought he was out of his mind that was really the great test of leftism and it failed and once it failed it stopped they stopped being able to argue when i say they were against free speech because they've lost the argument that's part of what i mean and it has continued down that road this is this is half the answer i'll give you the other half in a second it's continued down that road the less you can argue with people the more you have to shut them up the less you can befriend them right because two friends who are look you can debate anything two people of goodwill can debate anything and find some common ground or just agree to disagree if both of them are honest and looking for answers but once you're just looking to impose your will on somebody you can't do that anymore and so you can't be friends with with people the other thing that happened is that the left won on certain issues that maybe they should have won on right maybe you know obviously obviously the issue of uh racial tolerance and less racism and less no institutional racism the people who were for that the liberals though there were both republicans and democrats they should have won right so once you win there's an old saying that a revolution devours its own children the problem is once you win a revolution the inheritors of that revolution have nothing to fight for nothing to make themselves feel important about nothing to make themselves uh give them meaning in their lives and so they keep on at the revolution so first you say you know women should be allowed to make the same choices as men you say okay that that makes sense and then it's like men are toxic you know they're terrible it just you have to keep amping up the issue to make yourself important and make yourself uh make give your life meaning and it's so typical i mean it happens all the time this is why the gays are particularly painful i mean it's 20 minutes ago 20 minutes ago people hated gay people universally even barack obama was against gay marriage and today if you say that you literally can lose your job right that's that phenomenon that you're seeing the phenomenon of success because people love power men you know like they love power and what they say to you is oh we just want equality but once they have the power they start abusing it the same way the people who had it before them did the answer to this has got to be in people like you it's got to be on the individual level i thought what ellen degeneres did was terrific you know i disagree with everything she thinks she used to be my next door neighbor ellen degeneres she a lot she was lovely she was a lovely neighbor you know i disagree with everything she believes but of course she should be friends with george w bush you know of course you should you should be friends with everybody i mean until until you can't be friends you know you ever see the movie road house my favorite movie and the advice is about a bouncer and the advice he gives his fellow bouncers is be nice be nice until you can't be nice and that's that's the way we should all behave right and so you know i i really do think that the the phenomenon you're seeing is the result of failure of ideas and successive ideas the failure that had led people to not be able to engage in argument and the success that makes people abuse power those two things coming together i think have created the situation we're in [Applause] first off i want to say i'm glad that starfall could wonder welcome you with wonderful weather um my question is i listened to your speech at the acton institute and heard about how your walk with christ one of the pivotal moments was a secular comment from the christian pitcher saying you just got to keep going cat catcher my bad um we're in the bible belt and a lot of what we do down here is through bible tinted glasses so we kind of lose that method of secularly communicating to people on the other side because their their definition of love doesn't often include like punishment so how would you say we as conservatives can make the secular argument argument for conservatism well this is kind of i feel the annoying blessing of my life you know how the blessings god give you are always really annoying like the last the blessing you just don't want and the blessing god gave me is that he waited 45 years he gave me 45 years before i found him and the joy that his and serenity that god has brought into my life and i frequently as i say in that speech i have frequently gone to god and said why why did you let me wait so long you know why did you withhold this gift from me so long and the answer i've come up with is that he wanted me to make every stupid mistake of intellectual thought it is possible to make so that i would understand what people were saying when they told me they didn't believe right and the problem you have here is the opposite problem you grew up with it you never had to think it through you never had to think it through from the ground up doesn't mean that people don't do it some people do do it but you don't have to right you got it they gave you the gift so you have it it works for you it's great you never stopped and think thought like you know well wait a minute here's a good argument against here's a really good argument against what's the argument for one of the things i've noticed in christian culture is that nobody teaches you the good arguments against your faith so when you run into them it's like a buzz saw people lose their faith because they find out oh you know there's a history to the way the bible was made and they never heard that before they thought oh it just was put down on paper in a single splash you know that never cursed them so you have to think your faith through that's the answer you have to think your faith through you have to think well how did i get here why why did my parents teach me this why is the bible such an important book why did it inspire so much of what we have in western culture and once you start to think that stuff through then you can start to speak to people at the step before god right the step before god because they're going to come to you and say well how do you even know there's such a thing as truth you know how do you even know there's such a thing as truth you have your truth i have my truth you think this is right i think that's right well you know how do you even know and i hear christians say this all the time well it's in the bible but the guy doesn't believe in the bible so you're saying nothing to them you know so you've got to think it through from the ground up and that's that's the way you do it i mean that's what that's why i'm sure that's why god put me through all this is so i would know when i hear these arguments yeah okay you know fine but here's the argument against and that's that's the only way to do it because you can't start with the bible because then don't they don't believe in the bible [Applause] um my question is conservatives both promote the guidance flag or the don't tread arm me flag and the police i want to know how do they justify this juxtaposition of the police as a state and individual liberty and as that are the police and antithesis to individual liberty in the sense of the war on drugs and also fire fire arms uh legislation my bad um firearm laws so how does the i guess republicans or more so conservative viewpoint justify those both supporting positions okay it's actually it's actually not a conflict it's just a gray area right i mean in the in the federalist papers i think trying to think which one it is but you know they say if men if men were angels they would need no government but we're not we need a government we know we need a government we if we were perfect then we could all be totally completely free and so what the founders did was they invented this kind of rube goldberg machine where every time you pull on this lever because you want that power somebody gets hit in the head with a hammer over here and gets angry and comes over and it's all balanced out to keep people from getting too much power in one place right that's that was the idea but there's got to be powerful people there's got to be authorities they're supposed to be authorities right so the police represent are supposed to represent the laws that our representatives pass right that's the way it's supposed to work and if you violate those laws you have to be arrested that's that's there's no there's no contradiction there in having a free government having a free country and having laws right without laws you don't have a free country it's just the guy with the biggest club gets to be king that's the way that works you know so you need the laws and you need authority but in each of the cases that you started to ask each one has to be considered individually like are drugs so dangerous that maybe people you know my pr i'm kind of a libertarian my feeling is that the government has the right to protect you from me but it doesn't have the right to protect you from you so i believe you probably shouldn't be able to use a cell phone while you're driving but they shouldn't be allowed to tell you to put on your seat belt you know and this is by the way all these things apply to the federal government state governments have more power because they're closer to you when it comes to um the bill of rights the bill of rights is written there to tell you what rights you have that are above democracy that they're not allowed to vote out of being they're not allowed to vote that you have no freedom of speech right they're not allowed to vote that you can't practice your religion and they're not allowed to vote to take your guns away and that for a very good reason right the second amendment which says your right to bear arms shall not be infringed even infringed that's coming in from the fringe right your right to back your arms shall not be in fringe and the reason they said that was because they wanted a stronger country so they needed a stronger central government and they said the army will be federal the army will be run by the federal government so the state said well wait a minute what if the federal government starts to oppress us and they said well people will have the right to bear arms so the states can form militia to fight the federal government that's why so every time you hear somebody say you don't need a gun like that for hunting that's not why we have guns we have guns to fight the federal government if god forbid that becomes necessary right so that's that's a law that our founders thought should not be infringed okay drugs are just one of those things we have to argue about among ourselves until we find the right balance that's what that's how a democratic system works does that answer the question somewhat i guess more on the firearms laws as you said but is not the police the representation of the state and enforcement of the firearm laws is that not the infringement of the freedoms of the individual by the state yeah but but there's no such thing as an utterly free society because men are not angels so we're going to have to there's going to be infringements i mean that's the problem with libertarianism as a um as a obsessive philosophy i am basically of a libertarian heart but the idea of libertarianism is an absolute philosophy just doesn't work because we'd all kill each other you know this will be the last question thank you hi mr clavin hi um i'm somebody who tends to get like really emotional whenever i'm talking about something that like my views on things and so what advice would you give to somebody who wants to engage with in political discourse with somebody who has like extreme conflicting viewpoints from their own but doesn't want to let their passions take over or emotions take over what like facts could you just tell me when you say emotional do you mean angry or do you mean like yeah like getting angry or um trying being very um protective of your own views even though somebody can't just strip those away from you yeah uh you know the thing that i try really hard to do is i really try very hard to let people explain themselves first you know like let them let them even when they hit that thing where the little bell goes off in your head and you know you just wanna you know your hands start to move on its own you know even when that happens i try to let them explain what they're trying to say so that i can explain what i am trying to say and if you can get that interior because the thing is if for no other reason it doesn't work it doesn't work when you shout at them it doesn't work when you climb down their throats you know and try and try and force them to think what what what you want them to think but if you listen to them sometimes there's a good idea in there you know i mean the left has gone so crazy now it's really hard to find those good ideas but sometimes there's one one in there but if you listen to them at least you hear their humanity at least you hear that they're trying so many almost 90 percent of people are looking for the good they're trying to do something good right and a lot of times the questions that you have to ask are really simple the question that you know this this really bothers me when the left talks because our press is so dishonest and so one-sided they never ask this question they always ask the left how are you going to pay for this how are you going to pay for health care how are you going to pay for you know this plan or that plan they never ask what's it's going to cost in freedom what does it cost in my freedom how do i lose my freedom with that plan right how can you tell a doctor that he has to do what you say he has to do it's his life why can't he treat whoever he wants to treat at whatever price he wants to charge and can get away with so a lot of times if you hear people through you come up with some questions they never thought of before and if you leave it there and walk away you can you can it can really be a powerful a powerful tool so all i would just say is listen to them remember they're people they really i know it's hard to believe but they really are and uh and i i think it the longer you listen and the later you talk the easier it is to keep control of your emotions well listen thank you thank you very much for coming out thank you especially for this cowbell i have a 100 uses i'm going to put it to i can't tell you what any of them are but i i do appreciate it and thanks a lot i appreciate it you
Channel: DailyWire+
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Length: 68min 11sec (4091 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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