how to listen to your intuition for beginners (tips to trust your gut instinct)

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if you're someone who is in the beginning stages of listening to your intuition trying to figure out how to tap into it how to figure out how to hear it more trying to also decipher whether it's your intuition talking to you or your egotistical like fear-based thoughts i am here to bless you because i wish that i was told some of these things when i first started hearing my intuition and like was trying to learn more about it hey guys what's up my name is sabrina and welcome to my channel here we talk about everything positive mindset mental health and law of attraction related today i feel very inspired to talk about how to trust your intuition the first thing i want you guys to realize is how important it is to just quiet your mind so your brain is constantly like jumbled thoughts all the time experts say i want to say was we have about 70 000 thoughts per day and that is a lot that's a lot and if we don't calm our minds down and we keep it jumbled keep all of these thoughts going around day in and day out which what most of us do um unintentionally that's just how it is if we do that it is very hard to hear our intuition because like our mind is so jumbled so then when our intuition tries to come in it's like mixed in with a jumbledness and when you do hear it it's like you're like kind of confused like was that my intuition i don't know and something that's really important is to just quiet your mind of course i'm sure you've heard this but meditation is probably the most productive thing you can do for that and especially silent meditations so for the past like two three years maybe i have been doing guided meditations on youtube and then recently i felt like my intuition was telling me to do silent ones and it has been a game changer i've been getting so many more downloads i've been just hearing my intuition so much more getting so many more breakthroughs so really like embrace the silence i know it takes some getting used to meditation is definitely a practice like you can't it's kind of it's like going to the gym you aren't going to go to the gym one time and expect to have like the six-pack abs and the big ass right you need to do it consistently in order to get the results and meditation is like a workout for your mind because we're so not used to silencing our minds it's so weird to us because we're so used to being like on the go and even when we go to bed like half of us can't even fall asleep because we have so many thoughts going on in our mind meditation is so so important to clear out those thoughts especially silent meditations because you're no longer like focused on anything you're really blanking everything out clearing everything out and that gives a clean slate for your intuition to come in loud and clear and even if you don't hear your in here your intuition during meditation sometimes you will get your breakthroughs and like things you need to hear right after or like later that day but either way clearing your mind sets that clean slate for that information to come in and really help you out another thing you can do to clear your mind is to embrace the silence really at like all times so say you're in the car driving somewhere wherever you need to go instead of turning on the radio instead of listening to a book or podcast or whatever you do listen to in the car try just nothing i know it's really weird it may feel really weird but it is really important it helps your mind like settle down it's chaotic thoughts and it really helps it like instead of like this it's like slow you know do you get what i'm saying like it really helps to settle out your mind and a lot of times our breakthroughs like our intuition speaks aloud us like we really get something or we're like in the shower or like on the toilet you know when we're just not really doing anything so really intentionally make a point to embrace the silence and that's something i've been challenging myself with lately and the results have been fantastic i felt more relaxed and at ease to begin with um but i've definitely been getting more breakthroughs i've definitely been getting my intuition has been a lot more clear because i have been allowing my mind to calm down and allowing giving my intuition more space to come in and another thing i want to get to is deciphering whether it's your intuition or not your intuition because sometimes we have these thoughts where it's like is that my intuition telling me to do something or is that fear-based thoughts or like for example when i first my first time i hurt my intuition it was telling me to start a business like two years ago business slash youtube channel but i had never really listened to my intuition before so i was kind of confused and it seemed very illogical because at that time i was trying to get into nursing school that's what i had planned to do my entire life i had set my entire like life to go to nursing school and then all of a sudden i'm getting the intuition to not go to nursing school and to start a business and start a youtube channel and i was like what and that was also at the time that i started to get into personal development books because i was trying to um like heal some things that were going on with myself and i was like am i feeling this way because i'm reading personal development books and these people who like are people who have started their businesses like are they just rubbing off on me and now i want to start a business because i'm reading about them or like i was just trying to come up with all these different excuses of why not excuses but reasons of why i was thinking those thoughts when really it was my intuition telling me to like completely turn the other direction and that nursing was not the path for me so to decipher if it's your intuition or fear-based thoughts or whatever there's a couple things always ask yourself is it going to be expansive or is the thought kind of coming from fear so okay for example say that your intuition tells you you feel like you should go to bali and then you see on the news like it's a bad time to go to bali like there's a outbreak like you shouldn't travel blah blah and you're like oh is this my intuition telling me to not go to bali now because the news is saying this like what should i do what's my intuition telling me to do and which one feels expansive and which one feels that it's out of fear and most likely your intuition is telling you to actually go despite whatever excuse whatever thing is going on because what is there is like something life-changing something you need to do something is part of your like mission and the like fear-based thoughts are just fear-based thoughts and you need to kind of like just bypass that so i really hope that those couple analogies like help you to decipher what is what another thing really quick that i wanted to add in i'm sorry if there's like any kind of angle shift um but also if you are wondering if it's your intuition or not trying to tell you to do something something that's really cool that you can do is to ask the universe to send you a sign to see kind of like which path you should go on and what you do is i okay i got this from ella ringrose i don't want to take credit for this but i've been doing it and it really does work it's kind of crazy how well it works so you just start off dear universe show me blank within the next 24 hours if i should blank so for me something that i did for this was i felt like my intuition was telling me to start a podcast so i recorded a couple podcasts but to me they felt kind of like rambly a lot of times people would be like you need an intro and you need to tell people give people points of like one two three what they need to do it's just like a whole thing they have to plan out and my intuition was like don't do that you need to be free-flowing like speak from your heart so i recorded a couple they seemed rambly just not at all what the typical person would suggest you do if you have good content and so i asked the universe to universe please show me a and i picked a plastic orange i know super random please show me a plastic orange if i meant to post these podcasts and the next day i'm a waitress right now and i'm working on making my business full-time because i'm very very passionate about what i'm teaching and i really want to give people the kind of results that i have gotten so anyway like two seconds of walking into work this is eight hours after i set the intention after i'd said the dear university and a random plastic orange a random plastic orange was sitting up by the bar what so random like the most random spot there is no other way and i don't believe there are like coincidences anymore i definitely believe that everything is a synchronicity so that was weird and i've also done it a few other times and have always gotten a response sometimes you don't get a response and that's also an answer too but yeah that is how i did it and it definitely works so try that out if you really are like wondering if it's your intuition trying to speak to you or like wondering what path you should take or wondering what you should do or what action to take and the universe will respond also if you do feel like your intuition is telling you to do something and you're nervous to take action on it one i want you to write down everything your intuition is telling you to do everything that you feel your intuition is telling you to do if you like keep getting the same nudge to do something or to stop something or whatever write it down and then take action on it for example my intuition was telling me to cut out coffee and replace it with tea and i knew deep down that my intuition was telling me to do that but it was at the time it felt so hard to cut off coffee and i was like maybe it's not telling me to do that i was like making up excuses and then later when i started to actually take action on it and really start to implement it one i started getting a lot of like signs that i was on the right path such as like angel numbers or synchronicities like i was getting signs that like that's what i was supposed to do and two i felt so much better i felt so much better that's something you should always okay something that your intuition is telling you to do may not always feel really good at first like say your intuition is telling you to cut off certain friends or to break up with your partner like that's not going to feel good in the moment but it is going to lead to expansion i think that's what i mainly want to get at like if it feels expansive like i was saying before if it feels expensive that's a big point or that it's your intuition telling you to do something also i want to make sure that you know to um really don't delay in taking action on your intuition sometimes you can miss out on opportunities i mean the universe can definitely throw in later opportunities for you but sometimes there is like divine timing and the universe is really trying to get you to do something at a certain time so don't delay on what your intuition is trying to tell you to do um especially if it is something that gets you out of your comfort zone getting out of your comfort zone creates growth you know and expansion so that just goes hand in hand and it may be fearful to get out of your comfort zone but especially if it's something that's like really big like for me starting a youtube channel seemed like really big and scary for me was like so out of my comfort zone so just start like a little at a time and really the only way to really get comfortable with getting out of your comfort zone is to take action on getting out of your comfort zone oh sorry is to take action on getting out of your comfort zone and really build that confidence because you can't it's hard for you to build that confidence if you're not taking the action on it if you're not like doing the things confidence of course like starts within but it really helps exude that confidence when you take action so if it's telling you to do something that's out of your comfort zone girl do it because it will help you so much and especially a lot of times our intuition may seem illogical and i feel like the illogical things our intuition tells us to do are the most expansive things because we from our like limited view of perspective of how we see the world we can't see all the opportunities right and the universe god whatever you believe in i keep hitting things the universe god whatever you believe in sees it all sees all the past all the different paths you could be taking so if it tells you to go right instead of left and you're like i was supposed to go left like i've been planning my whole life to go left and now you're telling me to go write what go right listen to your intuition because it always knows best and knows best for sure 100 so definitely practice meditating daily i suggest daily at least for five minutes start small and work your way up if you haven't meditated before silent meditations i think are key for listening to your intuition and write down what you think your intuition is telling you take action on what your intuition is telling you what you feel like your intuition is telling you even if it's just a little action a little action is better than no action it's a lot better than no action the more you listen to your intuition the more you take action on it the more you get better at it you know listening to your intuition like i was saying is like a muscle the more louder it's going to be the more clear it's going to be and the more you'll be able to like sit there and be like okay my intuition is telling me to do this and i know it can be fearful to take action on some of these things but it is ultimately for the better so i really hope you guys got something out of this if you did please give it a thumbs up share it with someone who may need it don't forget to hit that subscribe button below and i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Sabrina Weibel
Views: 2,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to listen to your intuition for beginners, how to listen to your intuition, how to trust your gut, how to follow your gut instinct, tips to follow your intuition, ways to listen to your intuition, how to use your intuition, how to recognize your intuition is speaking, how to tell if your intuition is talking to you, how to get signs from the universe, how to tell if your intuition is speaking to you, law of attraction, spirituality, sabrina weibel, better you by sabrina
Id: NlAiTuk7d5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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