How to Level Your Bed on Your Voxelab Aquila 3D Printer.

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hey guys it's fedor with 3d print sos today i want to show you how to level your bed and how to get that very first print going right from the sd card all right let's me to the printer all right guys so you got your printer ready to go you got your roll of filament i'm gonna make a couple recommendations first we need a piece of paper i like to make a nice little sliver like this and i roll it up and put a clip on it that way it's a little bit easier to handle when we got that nozzle uh dragging between the bed okay the other thing you need is some isopropyl alcohol i like to put it in this uh little spray bottle and use a microfiber cloth to really clean the bed now thanks to 2020 isopropyl might be hard to come by but there are still wipes readily available isopropyl alcohol wipes at least in my area so i would suggest either one of those two and they are going to get all this grease from your hands and things like that some oils off of the bed and make the filament stick nice and easy okay all right let's move on to the next step now we're down here and we need to look at these four springs that are holding up this bed what you want to do is you want to get these things about halfway tightened not all the way not all the way loose but about halfway and what that's going to do is when we home this thing it's going to come down and touch the sensor we don't want this sharp nozzle hitting our brand new glass this is easily scratchable uh the surface and we don't want it crashing and what else it's going to do is in the middle it's going to give us a little bit of play room to go up both up and down on the bed and we're going to be able to easily level it all right so get these about halfway the next step is to start up your printer and come over here to the screen what i'm going to do is i'm going to heat up the bed by going to settings i'm going to go to temperature i'm going to go to bed temperature and i'm going to heat this up to 70. what that's going to do is it's going to get the bed nice and warm and when we go to level the bed is going to be closer to how the bed would be heated up everything should be slightly expanded and we're going to get a better level now that the bed is hot as you can see right here on the side it's saying 70 out of 70. we're going to need to bring this hot end down and we're going to do all that by getting the printer ready by selecting auto home so let's go to control and down to auto home it's just please wait on the screen and it's basically going to use those end stops to put everything where it needs to go it's going to get this tip right up against the bed and we're going to watch it to make sure it doesn't get too close we don't want it to hit the glass bed and you can always turn um these counterclockwise to lower the bed back down and that looks perfect to me it's actually touching just the hair i'm going to give it some gap there you go you can go around and do that to all four wheels just so that they definitely clear the nozzle you don't want the nozzle scratching that glass bed all right once we're here i'm gonna get my piece of paper and let me zoom in and show you what we're gonna do with this all right okay so let's take that piece of paper and we're gonna slide it right underneath this nozzle okay then we're gonna take this head we're gonna move it back some take the bed put it right up against this corner right somewhere in there right over the wheel usually and what we're going to do is we're going to turn this clockwise turn this knob clockwise and so we're going to start to feel a little bit of this paper dragging on the tip you don't want too much you still want to be able to drag it just like this but you want there to be some tension okay just like that and now that this corner is ready i'm going to take the bed i'm going to move it i'm going to keep looking to make sure nothing's dragging i don't want that tip dragging on the bed i'm gonna get it to right around this back corner i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna turn it clockwise until it starts to drag there we go right around there hopefully you can tell in the video that there is a little bit of uh tension between the two right around here all right now we're going to the other end by moving this over okay i'm gonna try not to block the whole screen doing this for you let's see here we go and that's feeling really good right there all right let's move this back and the last corner here we go all right so now that all four corners are done i like to go one more time just to check to see if everything's good and see this one got a little bit more tension in it than i wanted now i'm gonna back it down just the hair perfect let's move it back here this one's good let's keep moving so using that technique go through all four of the corners do it clockwise and go through twice two times and make sure that that tension all the way around is perfect you don't want it to be dragging too much you don't want it to be not dragging and then you'll have a perfectly level bed so let's go ahead and hit auto home one more time and what that's going to do is it's going to put everything where it needs to go it's going to move the bed back it's going to put the tip right on that corner on 0 0 we call it and what we need to do now is how you're going to start every print okay so what we do is we're going to go to control we're going to scroll down here to it says preheat pla we're going to click that and as you can see right here we're getting the bed to 65 and we're getting that tip to 200 in the meantime let's grab that filament and load that in all right so here's my roll of filament i'm going to be using pla plus i would highly suggest you start with pla for any new printing i would suggest picking up a roll or two just for practice before you even attempt to move to anything else pla is an amazing filament and it's going to be really fun to play with because it's easy to print we're going to do is we're going to take one piece we're going to put this on the spool holder and we're gonna feed this through uh and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put it on the end i'm gonna press this feed it all the way through and let me show you how to do that all right let's take that filament and put it right in here into the extruder i'm going to push it push this spring i'm going to feed this all the way through you should see it in that ptfe tube going all the way to that hot end that's now heated up here we go we're at then let me get you another angle all right guys what i want to do is i want to get a little bit more space between that nozzle and the bed so i can purge a little bit of filament just to get everything out of that hot tip so what i want to do hot end rather so i'm going to do is i'm going to go to control i'm going to go to move move z and i'm going to move it let's say 15 millimeters up so 15 here we go and it's going to move up let's take that back home there you go and give us some space and what i'm going to do is i'm going to squeeze that lever again and i'm going to push the filament by hand push it through and it should purge a little bit it should push out whatever was inside of that hot end out and make a little bit of a pile for you how are we looking there we go that should be good you can use a tool to remove that set it aside and now that everything is hot we got the we got this purged we are ready to print let me get you a shot of that screen and show you what we're going to do so on the sd card of this printer there are a couple files and you get to them by hitting print and here they are so on here we have the akila test model this benchy is what i put on there you won't have this one you have the rotation nut the test hook and the tool box for this test we're just going to do the test hook so i'm going to go ahead and click and this new screen is going to come up and it's going to give us the printing time the remaining times got to calculate that but the printer is starting so let me get you a shot of that [Music] [Applause] so that should be it the printer is now printing and if you leveled your bed this should be a perfect print right out of the box as i have had numerous times now from this machine if you notice that one of the sides is a little bit higher than it needs to be what you can do is you can do it live you can go ahead and tweak these knobs to the left to the right counter clockwise or clockwise live and get it just right as you're printing however if you went ahead with that piece of paper four times on these glass i mean four times two times i'm finding that on these glass beds you should be doing quite all right and this thing should be printing perfectly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so here's what we got it's looking pretty good let me show you so there it is the test hook printed in just under an hour and it looks great so there you go now you should know how to load your filament how to warm it all up and how to level your bed if you guys like it give it a like subscribe and if you know somebody who will find this video useful send them a link share this and it'll help me out alright guys until next time you
Channel: 3DPrintSOS
Views: 76,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ender 3, 3d Printer, 3dprinter, 3d printed, 3dprinted, 3d print, 3dprint, voxelab, Aquila, Voxelab Aquila, how to, level my bed, 3d printer bed leveling, benchy, first printer, Creality, Creality Ender, Creality Ender 3, fix my print
Id: W9UjmtSKhd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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