How To Let Go Of Resentment And Anger

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many people have been recently asking me to do more letting go videos okay so today I wanted to take the opportunity to make a video on how to let go of resentment and anger but I want you to know that letting go of resentment and anger is the same process the same exact process as letting go of any other emotion any other emotion that arises okay and you'll see how simple it really is so make sure to watch the whole video to really understand the whole process okay and I focus a lot on letting go with my coaching clients because here's the thing as long as you are trying to manifest a new reality something positive while at the same time carrying so much resentment so many past suppressed emotions so many limiting beliefs and ideas about yourself right it's almost like you're trying to press your foot on the gas pedal trying to go forward but at the same time you're carrying so much that it's like you're pressing the brake at the same time and you're just not getting anywhere and this is often why we find ourselves in that feeling of like stuck I'm stuck and there's no way to get it like your mind cannot just conceive a way to get out of it because it is quite literally stuck in these emotions in these beliefs in these thoughts right so we really want to start letting go of all of this and it's simply done by the little practice that we are going to cover today okay now I want you to know that letting go is the same thing the meaning of letting go is the same as letting it be and that is the same thing as acceptance and that is the same thing as surrender and that is the same thing as going with the flow so you see all of these different terms to really describe one thing let's cover the practice now so maybe you feel resentment right now maybe it is when someone says something to you or when you think of someone from your past or someone even from your current situation that you're going through and a lot of this emotion comes up okay so resentment is gonna be our example today anger is gonna be our example today all these feelings of anger resentment they come up to the surface and now these are literally influencing your thoughts right if you're feeling really angry you're gonna be having angry thoughts about the object of what made you feel this way right and those thoughts so to see the the emotion perpetuates the thoughts right so it perpetuates the angry thoughts and the angry thoughts seek to perpetuate the angry emotion so they both feed off of each other both are actually just one their mind however there are thoughts and emotions when they feed into each other but their mind all it is is mind and so this is the main problem when people try to deal with an emotion they either they're just like okay I'm just gonna fully distract myself from it entirely or they suppress it they pretend that oh I'm not feeling this way and really they try to like like force or pretend that oh I am not feeling this where I want to feel another way while still being focused entirely on the story of what's happening this person did this to me this happened to me if this happened then this means that I'm not worthy I'm not this I'm not that so you are constantly just caught up in whatever your thoughts are imposing and the nature of your thoughts at this time is gonna be the anger okay so this is the cycle that we need to end so right now I'm going to ask you right if right now you don't feel any anger or resentment whatever you feel right now or you could even quickly think about the person or the situation that as soon as you think about it all this emotion comes up and the simple little way that I want you to start to assimilate into your experience is to allow the emotion to be there and instead of running away from the emotion or instead of thinking about why you're experiencing this emotion simply give your full attention to the emotion itself and just allow yourself to experience the emotion or the sensation or the feeling for what it is without labeling it right even before you label it resentment it is simply just a feeling the feeling itself is impersonal it doesn't mean anything it just is arising and it is experience obviously then you label it resentment or anger and then now what you are conditioned to believe about anger now you're projecting all of that onto it right right the moment you label it resentment or sadness or anger automatically your conditioning kicks in your mind kicks in overdrive and it's like Oh sunny you're not supposed to be feeling resentment you know from your conditioning and from your worldview that resentment is a negative emotion so do everything right now to either fight against it run away from it or avoid it so automatically so much is already happening underneath the surface while so much is happening and you don't even know because you're so caught up in the thoughts of what is happening and then you further perpetuate this because you're just thinking of the object the person the situation that made you feel this way that made you feel this way okay so when the emotion arises put your mind to the side just for now you could pick it up later just for this moment can you just experience this emotion as it is without even passing any sort of interpretation or label or judgment onto it without even calling it something just before all of that right the emotion just is can you for a second for a moment just for the now just allow yourself to experience the sensations that are arising disconnect from the story of it right whoever is causing it to you whoever is making you feel this way if you stay stuck in that you will no doubt just stay stuck in that loop and this will never work for you and you will actually create your own misery what has happened has happened if you want to further create suffering then go ahead stay stuck in that loop stay stuck in the story stay stuck in the meaning of what it means and all that stuff however if you want to effectively dissolve this emotion and create a more positive future and not allow this emotion to be clinging on to you subconsciously then practice this let go of this story as soon as thoughts arise about this story about why you're feeling this way or the person or that the one that's making you feel this way simply divert your attention from those thoughts just back on to the neutral experience of this current sensation that is arising on the screen of your consciousness just like when you go to the movies and you let what is appearing on the screen appear no matter if it's a beautiful birthday party that you're watching or a violent war scene you allow what is on the screen to be what is on the screen just for the now and it also passes the war also passes to bring on the happy scene just in this way can you just for now stop judging or fighting against and clawing at the screen of and the images that are appearing on the screen can you just for now just tuned in fully to the experience of anger to the experience of resentment and let go of those labels and just feel how it feels right here and right now see the different little sensations in your body perhaps it's your breath that's kind of gotten a little faster your heartbeat maybe you're sweating you know maybe you're feeling some tightness in your stomach or chest or some tingling and just allow yourself to tune into whatever is happening and not try to run away from it even if it's discomfort right don't you don't even label a discomfort just experience even the discomfort as it is and what you'll see is that I'm not just telling you to do this for no reason when you start to allow yourself to be with what is and allow it to be whatever is arising allow it to arise and just be and just fully acknowledge it fully experience it and not even have any agenda for it that I'm trying to let this go or Sonny said to do this technique so it better be gone in in five minutes of doing this no just letting it be for however long it is being having no judgment towards it having no agenda towards it and just allowing yourself to feel the feeling itself experience the experience of that emotion itself you'll naturally experience that the energy of that emotion starts to dissolve and the emotion passes and you are just feeling a little lighter and you still remain and your entire energy will shift the emotions almost like you're just gonna pass through you and now the nature of your thoughts will also shift the thousands of angry thoughts that were occurring before now the nature of those thoughts is instantly gonna shift because you're like that radio frequency you have changed there's frequency to a different station before it was that anger that was creating angry thoughts and now you're simply just allowing the feeling to be there it passes or even if it stays you're allowing it to stay there you don't get to choose when it leaves so don't try to do this with like oh I'm gonna do this for five minutes and Sonny said it's gonna be gone simply if you're truly practicing this if you're truly am implementing it with that without judgment without interpretation you're gonna not have any time limits for it time constraints for it and you're gonna actually do it for however long it stays but if you truly follow through this through you will see that the emotion passes and you remain and in this way right in this proper way of dealing with emotions you no longer suppress all this energy inside of you for it to just come back stronger later you no longer distract yourself from it but yet subconsciously cling on to it due to your resistance towards it which creates that negative charge which keeps you clinging this on to your energy which affects your vibration from moment to moment to moment and creates multiple layers of mind stuff and beliefs and ideas about yourself and your world which further hinders your manifestations and what you want to create and your goals so however you're feeling make it a habit of allowing yourself to fully feel whatever is coming up and if you do this and you start to carry this practice out you will see how magical your experience becomes how reactive you are letting go of being I should have worded that differently how less reactive you become now I do have a many other videos on letting go and if that interests you and if you want to go deeper into this practice you can watch my letting go playlist in the description box below but this practice is beautiful as I said letting go is the same as letting it be right when you're carrying this practice out what are you doing what you're trying to let go of you're actually just letting it be what it is as it is and not judging or labeling this practice allows you to or requires you to set your mind aside and just experience experience through neutral observation so don't worry it's not gonna perpetuate it in fact it actually dissolves it it allows it to pass it is the same thing as acceptance because you don't accept these emotions you resist them you actually perpetuate that exist of their existence they stream energy from you in this in this way when you're dealing with emotions you're like that emptiness you're like that empty screen which allows anything to be projected on it and because you are that emptiness nothing can cling on to you nothing can hook into you and drain you of your constant energy instead it just comes and goes and you remain in your peace in your balance this practice will not just help you let go of negative emotions it will quite literally open up a whole world of understanding of understanding life and yourself and emotions and everything creation and a whole nother level hence why I focus so much on this in my program so if you want to go deeper on this and you want my guidance doing this then apply for my coaching program below because this is a prerequisite to creation to manifestation if you're carrying all this you're always just gonna stay stuck in those loops so make sure to deal with your emotions in this way whatever is arising and you could even trigger past emotions by thinking of something that you know you want to let go of and just do just let go of the story and focus only on the emotion and carry that out as well okay so going on about 15 or so minutes already okay but I hope you found this video very very helpful okay I wanted to make a small guide on what the letting go principle the practice actually is and how it will help you if you found this video helpful make sure to give me a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel right for more videos like this let me know in the comment section below if you want me to make more letting go videos okay but other than that of course if you do want to go deeper in this apply for my coaching program and that's all I have for today I will see you in the next video
Channel: Personal Mastery Quest
Views: 14,361
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: how to let go of resentment and anger, how to let go of resentment and bitterness, how to let go of resentment and forgive, how to let go of resentment, how to let go of resentment at work, how to let go of resentment in a relationship, how to let go of resentment jordan peterson, how to let go of resentment towards an ex, how to let go of resentment towards family, how to let go of resentment towards parents, let go of resentment, letting go, personal mastery quest, sunny sharma
Id: SrYQudv3ppQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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