Clearing Limiting Beliefs Techniques - Very Powerful

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what's going on Sonny here and in today's video I want to show you how to clear out a lot of the negativity that you're holding within unconsciously right so I'm not talking about clearing the negative energy like by taking a salt bath right like clean cleansing your aura that's different I'm talking about clearing the negative energy the negative beliefs the negative patterns that you're holding within that you don't even know about that are creating your negative experiences outside so maybe you're experiencing like a financial struggle or you're always coming across the same type of or a similar type of negative relationship things of that nature these are created by the negativity that you are unconsciously identified with within that you're just holding on to clinging on to and you don't even know about so it's not so much that these negative experiences and that negativity from the inside is clinging on to you matter of fact it's the other way around you are clinging on to them not even knowing that you're actually doing so so today that's what I want to talk to you about it I want to show you how to start clearing out this negativity from with it okay and there's this letting go process that you have to become aware of and I want to resort to one of my Instagram posts that I made recently that said negativity is not coming from anywhere outside of you it already exists within you and it is creating triggers in your external environment in hopes to release itself in hopes to make you become aware of what you are carrying within so that you can let go of it right so to do this process you have to start letting go of blame right as long as you continue to blame those extra external triggers for what you are experiencing for the negativity that you're experiencing then you lose all power to actually become aware of that negativity and let it go right because then you're always making the reason for that negativity outside but the cause of that negativity is it's those little beliefs that you hold about yourself is those little subtle thoughts that you have about how the world is and everything like that okay so in order to become aware of a lot of that stuff and let it go right like how do we do that what's the practice of doing that it is something that you have to do consistently again and again it's not like a one-time thing and then BAM there's all that negativity gone this is this is a process that I've been doing over the past year and a half or so and it's done wonders for me right like by letting go a lot of the negative stuff within my relationships have improved the way I communicate with people has it has improved my financial situation has improved my business has improved because you know when you're letting go of a lot of those limiting definitions and beliefs everything in your life starts to flourish meanwhile it is those limit matter of fact it was those limiting beliefs and things that you hold to be true by yourself and the world that holds back the well-being from flowing to you okay so it's very crucial to not blame right if you think that person is causing you suffering it's not true the suffering already exists and your mind is creating those triggers in your external environment like that person saying something mean to you in order to release some of that negativity and that's why it rises up to the surface again and then you don't know what to do with it and then you just kind of blame and you just kind of distract yourself from from the feelings and you know you just kind of suppress it back inside and then the pressure cooker keeps building up until it creates more triggers and then you're like oh my god my life sucks everything on the outside is triggered like you know making me feel all this negative stuff but it's not the negativity itself is seeking a release like all the steam and the pressure from the pressure cooker and it constantly goes off by creating external environment by creating triggers in your external environment in hopes to actually wake you up that you are holding all this stuff within but you just keep suppressing it so let go of blame first step right let go of blame and realize that the negativity is within you and it's not so much that we're blaming ourselves we're simply becoming aware that the cause of everything outside is within now within your body necessarily but just within you okay so second step you have to first just I'm going to ask you to think about an area of your life where you're consistently just experiencing a lack of well-being maybe you're constantly having a money issue maybe you're constantly having problems in your relationship maybe you're constantly attracting negative people in your life what is it for you just take a second to really think about that I'm sure it's gonna come to you right away but just really check to take a second to really become aware of where you are experiencing a lack of well-being and so once you begin to do that notice the feelings that it triggers within you right so if you're constantly experiencing a lack of financial well-being you might always be feeling uncertain you might be feeling unworthy unvalued like you're inferior to other people who do have money just take a hold of all all those feelings you could even write it down and even if you're experiencing problems in your relationship now you know like it's always gonna be the same type of feelings that are gonna be coming up right like a lack of worth feeling like unvalued unworthy inferior like your lesser you feel irritated so what is that for you now when you become aware of the feelings themselves how you're feeling you have to now go into them okay so this is where it gets kind of subtle and these are the subtle inner processes that you have to start doing in order to let go of this negativity it becomes subtle because you have to allow yourself to feel these feelings and be within them right exploring them but not at this at the same time not judging them and not blaming the outside for them but just simply allowing yourself to experience okay if this is the feeling that I'm feeling right so you have to be within it but then you have to so so subtle they you have to be within it but at the same time look at that feeling observe that feeling from above it like you are not it you are not attached to that feeling so you have to be above it right observe that feeling and ask yourself what am i believing to be true about myself or the world what is that belief that is causing me this feeling and so this is something that you know do it in silence this is some like think something that you do alone ask yourself like what am i bullet what have I believe to be true all my life or maybe because of a certain event that happened in my past something that I maybe have started to believe about myself that is creating this type of feeling a feeling inferior a feeling unworthy what was an event in my past that made me perhaps feel this way and then I just kind of latched on to that so again you're within the feeling not judging it simply allowing yourself to feel how you feel right like most of us just constantly suppress everything uncomfortable that comes up No welcome it and brace it and go right into it and then go above it and so you are that awareness experiencing this emotion or this kind of experience even and ask yourself why am i experiencing this like what do I believe to be true about myself that is causing me this feeling so maybe you believe to be like you believe that you are and this won't be a conscious belief right maybe you believe that you are not worthy of love and you don't consciously think this every day you do you're like oh yeah I think I'm worthy of love why not but deep down do you actually believe wholeheartedly that you are worthy of love maybe you're holding on to that definition so tightly because of a past experience that happened to you maybe like your parents as you were growing up didn't show you the love that you wanted to receive and that created a pattern within your mind they're like oh you're not worthy of love you just accepted that to be the truth within on the surface you're just like oh yeah I still do think I'm worthy of love but like deep within you're holding on to that definition that I'm not worthy of love because that's all I've experienced America life and now because you're holding on to this within this definition is literally creating your experience so you constantly come across people who show you you're not worthy of love who don't give you the love that you want it cetera et cetera you see how subtle this stuff is so you have to like get through the phase of the mind which is like oh no I think I'm worthy I think the world is abundant no I think I'm great get past all those surface thoughts that's those thoughts are something that all of us experience just because you know we want to feel good about ourselves we want to protect our worth we want to prove our word to others get past that face and go deep within what do you actually believe to be true deep within you know for years I thought I was confident for years I thought I was secure for years I thought I was like you know even superior than others until I realized that all those thoughts and you know things that I held on the surface to be true by myself were actually like overcompensating for all the insecurities that I really believed in so I thought I was all this but I was really all this because on the surface right like it doesn't matter we but you kind of pretend to think and be on the surface what matters is who you truly believe yourself to be who you are truly identified with being deeper within and inside I was insecure I felt unworthy I did not have a good relationship with myself I thought the world was a difficult place I didn't think I was worthy of success and so you see like once I started to stop blaming and then using my experiences like like if something was triggered in the outside so now I'm experiencing a negative event and instead of blaming I started to go within right I started to ask myself like why am I feeling this way like I'm feeling inferior I'm feeling like a lack of self-worth so what am i believing to be true about myself and like maybe what was an event that happened to my past that made me feel this way maybe and maybe made me agree with this definition about myself and so you know as you start doing this kind of inquiry within yourself memories of the past sometimes you can come up certain times where maybe someone said something mean to you or you know someone insulted you or you had like a negative experience where you didn't get what you wanted and so as a child or as a younger person you could just kind of made that identification I'm not worthy of love I'm not I'm not worthy of success and you still carry that on to you today and that is creating your experience so it requires you to start doing this sort of inquiry within okay and you see like while you're doing this you have completely already forgotten about what is going on outside right now you're simply just doing your inquiry within going deep within why are you experiencing this event what are you believing to be true by yourself why are you feeling this way and once you start coming up across the reasons and you don't have to certainly know it this is exactly why this is exactly what I believe but you can just start to explore within get real with yourself allow yourself to be fully vulnerable at least with yourself there's something that I noticed with myself like when I was just starting to do this process there were certain things that I didn't want to even want to even confront the fact that I was insecure about myself as a person the fact that I didn't think that I was worthy of success I didn't want to confront those things because it made me even uncomfortable to just think about them but you have to get through the discomfort embrace the discomfort allow it to come up and actually become aware of the discomfort that discomfort is the exact thing that is creating all these negative experiences in your life that resistance is the exact thing that's keeping you clinging on to these things and here's the beautiful part you don't even once you do become aware of all out of these beliefs you don't even have to necessarily do anything to start letting them go the mere fact that you are becoming aware of them allows them to start automatically releasing themselves why does this happen because you cannot be something that you are aware of if you are aware of something you are always above it beyond it before it so once you start to flow your awareness into these negative definitions that you hold to be true by yourself and these negative beliefs automatically in your mind and it's not something you have to do consciously I promise automatically you create this distinction the separation between you and that feeling and naturally a lot of this stuff just starts being released on its own your job is to simply become aware of those negative beliefs and just explore them and get through the resistance of exploring and experiencing them you simply have to become aware of the fact that they are there and just allow yourself to fully just be aware of them and be comfortable with the fact that they are there so if you feel like you are unworthy if you feel like you are not worthy of success go within that belief become fully aware of it and let go of all resistance to that belief so you might not want to believe that you're not worthy of success but for the time being fully allowed the fact that you believe that that to be true by yourself don't resist believing that to be true by yourself I'm not saying believe that to be true now I'm not saying believe that you are not worthy of success I'm saying simply let go of the resistance that you feel - feeling that way don't be like I don't want to feel this I don't want to feel that it's no allow yourself to become aware of the fact that this is how you feel this is how you felt for years this is something that you carry with it and by just doing so and becoming pletely comfortable within it meanwhile you're actually above it automatically you'll start to decide enta fie with a lot of these things so just within the past couple of months and it may be a year so I have let go of so many limiting beliefs about myself about my personality about my body about my worthiness of success money relationships love so many things but you have to constantly do that inquiry you have to face yourself your inner self everything you believe to be true about yourself and you have to just become fully comfortable with the fact that you have bought into those beliefs and by literally becoming aware of them they automatically just naturally start to release themselves so this is like the deep process this is something that you can only do if you are actually willing to let go of that negativity if you are fully committed to wanting to let go of that negativity you know maybe some people clicked on this video and they weren't really serious about that negative like wanted to let go of that stuff right if you're not serious about this you won't be able to do this you have to be fully committed you have to be fully willing to go and face your dark side going within is not easy my friend however it is something that will make your external life so much more blissful so much more easygoing flowing and honestly it all starts with it so if you have questions about this video let me know in the comment section below and like if you want me to make like a part two to this and like carry on with this also let me know that a lot of these teachings I learned from this book right here it's called letting go by David R Hawkins and honestly this is a must read for anybody who is into spirituality psychology self-betterment anything right like this not a super spiritual book but it shows you how literally what is holding you back from living the life that you want is not the fact that you can't achieve this and this is hard to achieve them all there's all these external things but actually the reason you can't achieve what you want and can't create the life that you want is because you're holding so many limit limiting beliefs emotions and definitions about yourself that are just like holding you back from allowing a lot of that abundance from naturally flowing into your life so as you become aware of them you let go of identification with them and this happens naturally a direct byproduct of that is that you start to experience well-being in your external life you literally become a new person the person I am today is not the same person who started this YouTube channel like - you're a year and a half ago or so like you go watch my first video and you'll just see the difference you'll see the difference in my like just my energy my eyes like how I carry myself and yeah a part of that is just natural changing through life but the way that I've changed has largely been due to you know becoming more aware and going within and letting go of what does not serve me and then creating new beliefs and definitions about what like things that will actually serve me and help me become a person that I want to become create the life that I want to create and also just becoming more and more blank so that there are no definitions so that I can actually just allow natural intelligence to help my life move and flow accordance with itself with nature so again I'll link this book down below ok if it's not linked by any chance I'll remember to do that but if I don't just go on Amazon it's like I don't even things like the team bucks well worth it it will teach you so much about yourself and a lot like how to let go of a lot of that inner stuff ok make sure to do that also if you want to get one-on-one coaching with me to accelerate this process to let go of a lot of this limiting stuff and to actually start accelerating the time between your desires and their manifestation learning how to accelerate your reality also check out one-on-one coaching with me link in the description box below ok if you have any questions put them in the comment I will see you in the next video subscribe to this channel peace [Music]
Channel: Personal Mastery Quest
Views: 21,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clearing limiting beliefs techniques, clearing limiting beliefs, clearing limiting beliefs about money, limiting beliefs, limiting beliefs about money, limiting beliefs abraham hicks, limiting beliefs meditation, limiting beliefs motivation, limiting beliefs subliminal, limiting beliefs tony robbins, clear limiting beliefs, clear limiting beliefs subliminal, letting go of limiting beliefs, letting go of limiting beliefs meditation, remove limiting beliefs
Id: tl_X5_TT0F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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