How to Learn to Code and Make $60k+ a Year

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hi they want to learn how to code then you have come to the right place my name is muhammad ani i have talked over three million people how to code or how to become a professional software engineer in this video I'm gonna go over what you need to get started what programming languages to learn where to learn these languages how long it's going to get job ready along with a few tips for your first interviews now this video is for beginners who want to learn how to code if you're an intermediate programmer this video is probably not for you now before we begin I would like to tell you about a common misconception about programmers that there are all genius level eggheads with superhuman math skills and four-digit IQs that is not true you don't need to be a math genius what you need are focus and determination if you're going to be a coder you should be able to focus programming is all about problem solving and solving problems takes time sometimes you might be working on a single piece of code for hours or even days if you check your Twitter or watch cat videos every 20 minutes you're not gonna be able to focus as a coder you'll be spending hours and hours in front of a computer screen looking at code like this and it's important to ask yourself is this something you like I know it's not for everyone but some people like me love to code if you want to become an awesome coder you need to fall in love with code the second characteristic you'll need is curiosity and passion for learning because software and coding languages are constantly being updated and improved you will have to learn new things all the time it never stops so you should read your articles books or watch online courses every now and then to get up to speed with what's happening in the industry what about education well a decade ago having a degree in computer science was the only way to get into the programming industry but these days the barrier of entry is much lower for many companies is your level of proven technical skill that would get you the job not your degree I personally was never asked about my degree in any of my interviews what mattered is that I could do the work so what if some people like to go to a university I personally think it's a waste of time and money even though I master's degree myself most university programs for software engineering take three to four years cost tens of thousands of dollars and tend to waste a lot of time teaching outdated or irrelevant subjects like physics or biology furthermore in my experience you're more likely to be taught by PhD student looking to make some pocket change as opposed to someone with real industry experience as a result a lot of students spent four years in a university graduate with $30,000 in student loan debt and realized that they can't even build a simple application if you disagree that's perfectly fine universities can be a good place to make connections and become well-rounded but if you want to learn to code well enough to get a job you'll have to learn that skill on your own University is not going to teach you that I promise so how to learn the good news is that there are a ton of books and online courses out there and any number of subjects the coding community is very large and very supportive so if you're looking to get into coding there is a whole world of educational resources at your fingertips so you can decide what do you want to learn and pursue that you won't need to waste time studying irrelevant subjects and paying for them now what programming languages should you start with this is pretty subjective and it depends who you ask and what you want to build a lot of people tell beginners to learn HTML and CSS but these are really not programming languages they're markup languages that we use to describe what a website or mobile app looks like so if you want to become a programmer you really need to learn a programming language that you can use to define how an app works we have several programming languages out there such as JavaScript C++ c-sharp Java Python Ruby PHP and so on each language has its own pros and cons for example if you're gonna build something where performance is a critical factor it would probably want to use C++ but on the flip side that comes with a cost of maintenance because C++ is a complex language if you want to build an iPhone app you will have to learn Swift and you also need a Mac computer for Android you'll have to learn Java or Catlin my recommendation to you is not to get hung up and these differences between programming languages once you learn a language you can always learn in other programming language much faster because all these languages have pretty much the same foundation so out of all these languages I recommend you to learn Python because first of all it's the most beginner for any language so you can easily learn the fundamentals of programming it's versatile so you can use it for a wide range of jobs such as web or mobile development as well as data science or hacking so you will have more job opportunities compared to let's say C++ it's cross-platform so you don't need a Mac computer you can read it on Windows Mac or Linux and on average Python developers earn more according to the average salary of a Python developer is hundred and sixteen thousand dollars a year but of course that requires having additional skills so it's not like we read one Python book and done $160,000 a year no it doesn't work like that but learning Python opens up so many opportunities for you so for now I would recommend focusing only on Python one of the common issues I see amongst beginners is that they try to learn so many languages all at once they learn a bit of Python but then they hear that javascript is pretty hot so they leave Python and start learning JavaScript then someone else tells them about PHP so they learn PHP too it's not gonna work it's like trying to learn multiple musical instruments at the same time this way you won't be able to play one song on any of these instruments learn an instrument first make sure you can play a few songs then learn a second instrument by the same token learn Python first make sure you know the fundamentals of programming well build a few applications here and there and then learn a second language so your first step is learning Python once you learn Python well then you can focus on a specific area such as web apps mobile apps data science machine learning and AI which is going to be pretty big the good thing about Python is that it's a general-purpose programming language so you can use it for a wide range of jobs in contrast if you learn Swift all you can do is build iOS apps that's it nothing more Python gives you more job options and by the way you can always learn about other areas for example you may want to spend the first two years on web development and then you've discovered that you would like to or mobile development it's perfectly fine as long as you know the fundamentals well you can easily transition to a different area how to learn Python well I have a number of Python tutorials for you here on my channel my Python tutorial for beginners is a great introduction to Python and teaches you the basics of programming so I highly recommend you to watch that video to the end the fun thing about learning coding is that you're constantly doing you spend 30 percent of your time studying and the rest on practicing so it's not like sitting down for three hours studying and memorizing something boring like history your problem solving you're thinking of different solutions you play with your code and see the result it's not working ok try something different it's very practical how much time do you need to spend on this it really depends but if you can dedicate two hours of coding on average every day after 2 to 3 months you should be fairly comfortable writing basic programs after that you will need another three to six months to specialize in one area such as web development mobile development or data science so in total I would say you need to dedicate 6 to 12 months of your time and studying and practicing programming to become job ready at that point you can land your first job as a junior software developer with an average salary of 60 to 70 thousand dollars then as you gain more experience in the industry your resume will start to get more attractive and you can easily ask for a hundred 120 thousand dollars a year if not more so are you excited to learn programming if you are I would encourage you to start by making a commitment to spend two hours every day studying and practicing coding and use the comment box below to let me and everyone else know why you want to learn programming I would love to hear your story now before you apply for your first job your resume is empty you don't have any work history and that's okay don't panic a lot of people freak out because they don't have any work experience to show and yes it is important to some companies but not every company there are a lot of companies that hire junior programmers and teach them because it costs them less than getting a senior developer so in a job interview they want to know if you're dedicated and a fast learner there is nothing wrong with being asked a question and saying you don't know the answer just say that you're a fast learner and you really want to get this job because you love programming and you want to grow show them that you're passionate about working with them this will help you stand out and hopefully get the job that you want also it's really helpful if you work on some hobby projects as you're learning think of the websites and apps you use often try to build a simpler version of this and put that on your resume you can upload your code to and include the link on your resume so that's it for today I hope this video helped you map out where you are and where you should go next if you enjoyed this video please show some love by liking and sharing it also subscribe to my channel for more videos like this if you have any more questions feel free to ask me in the comment box below thanks for watching and have a great day [Music]
Channel: Programming with Mosh
Views: 2,308,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to learn to code, how to learn to code fast, how to learn to code for beginners, how to learn to code quickly and easily, how to learn programming for beginners, learning to code, coding for beginners, computer programming, web development, mosh hamedani, programming with mosh, code with mosh, python, python programming, learn to code, how code, learn to program, coding jobs
Id: r16Rn4_jDfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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