How to Learn Three.js in 2023 ( Full Guide )

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huge mistake that beginners make when they want to learn 3GS is that they start with learning 3GS hey guys in this video we're going to be talking about the three just roadmap and I'm going to show you one of the paths that you can take to get good with 3GS now keep in mind that this roadmap is designed by Me based on my experiences so you should take everything I say with a grain of salt and now with that being said let's get started so this road map has different levels and level one is where you know how to code with JavaScript now many people at this stage start with learning 3GS and that's a mistake as I said in the intro I think many people here don't really understand the basics of 3D graphics and when you know nothing about 3D Graphics learning 3GS can be very difficult so learning a software like blender first can be a great starting point because it teaches you how to think about composing a 3D scene and it really doesn't matter if you learn blender first or three just first also ultimately you will need to learn it so some of the things that you need to focus on in blender is the basics of lighting the basics of creating geometry creating materials and uh more specifically you need to focus on the share Note Tab and the geometry node tab so these are some of the things that are very important if you understand some of these things you will have a much easier time at learning 3GS okay so level two now is where you know how to make good looking scenes in blender and this is the important thing about blender right uh you will learn how to make good looking scenes with it and now you can start learning 3GS so 3DS is basically a rendering API in my opinion it's not a game engine it's not like Unity or unreal it's not even close it's just a rendering API it gives you the ability to render things on the canvas within your HTML Dom now there are a couple of paths that you can take to learn the 3Gs in my opinion if you know react uh you can get started with reactory fiber really quickly and learn the basics there this is what I did and I think react 3 fiber gives you the correct amount of abstraction when you want to get started now I don't use reactor fiber in my projects but I think it can be a fantastic starting point so now for landing the actual 3GS API you will have two routes one route is the page route which will get you started quicker and the other route is the free route so with the page route uh you should buy Bruno Simon's course on 3GS it's called three just Journey it's a fantastic course it has a lot of positive reviews and I've watched it myself it's fantastic for getting started now if you don't want to pay that money and you want to go the free route that's also possible so what you will need to do is go into three just Journey website and see the topics that are covered in that course and you can what you can do simply is you can learn all of those topics yourself now uh there are YouTube tutorials out there that will teach you the basics as well as my videos which will teach you the basics of shares but you have to keep in mind that with the free routes you have to do the heavy lifting yourself and uh I think if you if you can invest in the course definitely do it and okay now you are at level three where you know how to create an okay looking scene in Three and you understand the basics of 3GS and three Graphics now this is the parts that you should heavily focus on your share skills because if you learn how to write great shares other people's projects will be here and yours will be here the difference will be enormous and for learning the basics of shares you can watch my videos here on YouTube I have a full three hour crash course which you can go ahead and watch and the good news for you is that right now I'm working on a course about shakers which will take you from xero to being able to work full-time as a shared artist so follow me on Twitter and hit the Bell icon here on YouTube to get notified when I drop that course and moving on now you are at level four this is where you know how to create amazing 3D experiences with 3GS and this is where you kind of need to choose your own path you might want to create amazing websites you might want to create games on the web you might want to become a share artist you might want to I don't know create tools like blender but on the web so you need to kind of choose which direction you want to go into and this decision is essential because it will help you create your own unique portfolio and I am going to make a video on how to make your own own unique portfolio to get the job that you want to get because with with creating a portfolio what you want to do is you want to filter out the clients that you don't want and I'm going to talk about this more in that video and Now ladies and gentlemen this is the part that you've been building yourself up for level five is where you get a job in the industry and this part will definitely needs its own dedicated video but what I will say in this video is half high standards and the team that you will be joining will hugely impact your personality and your technical skills and now when you gain more experience in the real world if you work on your skills you will reach level six level six is where you are in the top one percent of developers and now there's only two more things that is left for you to do one is creating cool and uh with your current skill level you are a master at what you do and you should use that skill to create amazing stuff for the world and the second thing that you need to do is teach what you know to others maybe start a YouTube channel maybe start a blog post do whatever you want to do but start teaching others and you will find that you will learn even more things when you teach others and my hope is that people watching this video right now will someday guide other people to reach Mastery in something and this is the type of community that I want to build and speaking of community we now have a Discord server which you can join and that's going to be where I can chat with you guys and if you had any questions you can ask there so that's going to be it for this video guys I really hope you enjoyed this video leave a comment down below and let me know what you think of this roadmap and uh definitely share your knowledge with others if you have any experience in this field and now you can watch five of my videos that YouTube is recommending if you want to so take care of yourself and I will see you in the next videos
Channel: Visionary 3D
Views: 34,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: threejs, three.js, javascript roadmap, threejs roadmap, threejs journey, three.js roadmap, three.js mindset, three.js guide, how to learn three.js, learning three.js, three.js tutorial for beginners, three.js tutorial, threejs for beginners, beginner three.js, three.js shaders, three.js shaders crash course, how to learn webgl, WebGL, WebGL shaders, blender, three, threejs and blender, blender three.js, blender3D, 3D
Id: Xu6oHc_20ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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