How to remember everything (Activate long-term memory using neuroscience)

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hi everyone um it's already getting dark here in Ottawa it's 5:00 p.m. and now I'm ready to share another tips about how to learn faster using Neuroscience how much do you remember from the tests that you took in your school days or some important English exam do you remember any of these complex English words that probably you got to right but you don't remember at all right now do you know why you don't remember this so what I found was that when our brain encounters new information it ask these two questions first can I understand this second will I use this again let me repeat again can I understand this and will I use this again so when you are taking this complex test did you convince yourself that you will actually use this later probably not that's why you are not remembering until now probably you it went to your shortterm memory and you did a test and as soon as you took the test the brain said I don't need this I will delete because you failed to answer this two question as yes and that's why you don't remember anything that you learned from the past so what you do now is that whenever you encounter new information when you feel that uh this seems to be a bit too much for me right now then you stop because even if you try hard just to read through because you you don't think that you will understand this and because you you don't think that you will use this again there's no need to put your energy into this right now but rather what you need to do is go back to something more basic and interesting find spark the interest first find the question questions that you are you were curious about first and then build some building blocks about the terminologies and the concept and the the historical background behind when it happened and about the person who invented perhaps listen to their podcast a little bit and watch some videos watch some movies about that era and read some kids books that usually they're really good at um telling stories about very interesting things intriguing facts that picks your curiosity once that's there then you could go to C GPT and ask hey tell me about this this this and I think this is that and is it true and is this how it works then once you once you build those building blocks then you can come back and say okay now let me try it again if you to find it difficult then you can look at the summarized version of the text something that is more easily explained and someone who is really good explaining things in a simpler way you could also ask jgpt explain this to me as if I'm 5 years old as if I'm 10 years old and things like that then once you have a good grasp of the basic concept then you can go back and read more complex text um complex concept about that that's how you can remember things
Channel: Jaelin Lee
Views: 31,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to ask good questions, how to learn faster, long-term memory, neuroscience
Id: soSjOYWYkIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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