How to learn languages with LingQ (TUTORIAL)

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in this short tutorial i'm going to show you the best way to use link as a language learning tool and why i think it's actually the best tool out there in the internet i haven't used all of them but from the ones i have used it's by far the best in my opinion so this is link it was developed by steve kaufman a famous polyglot um and it's an app where you can read and listen to original text in the target language as you can see here you've got a lot of languages i'm i've been in talks with them to help them have basque here as well it's one of the at least a better version of it but i just don't have the time for it right now you can see catalans here so the advantage of link the main one is that you can check the vocab while you're while you're reading so you got yeah sorry for the german here i'm i've got everything in german because my laptop's german uh it's a beginner one and two intermediate one two advanced one so you've got different as you can see lots and lots of different subjects lessons whatever you want to call them texts you start with the very basics the alphabet this is russian alphabet hello goodbye and so on in beginner 2 you've got the short stories mini stories here this i always recommend starting with this it's the best thing uh link has to offer for beginners so we've got 60 minute stories lots of repetitions it's always the same stories and it's always a short story in third person and then uh the same story uh told by the protagonist in first person and then some questions about it you can listen to the audio here mikhail roberto the audio is pretty bad in some of the languages like in russian ah it's much better in other languages in my opinion so the way this works is so mikhail wow this feels so easy now i'm probably advanced level in russian so it's good feels good so um here you can mikhail click on each coyote on every word and see the translation in english or in your own language whatever it might be so you can't choose single words or entire sentences mikhail stayed fresh diautra so you know that this is obviously mikhail mikhail style every morning so and you can do this you can read you can slowly read the whole text see reboot it can go forward backwards you can read the whole text and here your word count of new words that you've seen of course it's not adding anything because i've already read all this normally the words show up in uh in blue so if you click on them you go forward it the the app understands that you know them so it adds them here that's a total workout of words new words you've seen for the first time and you knew uh normally for european languages once you get to around 30 000 here 20 to 30 000 it means you understand the language pretty well with more difficult languages like russian i'm not 45 uh i'm still struggling i have improved a lot but still struggling i suppose with chinese or japanese or any of those asian hard languages i don't know i've never learned one of those we probably need more numbers here but still the concept is easy so what i suggest you do is read this first time slowly just understanding every word understanding the whole sentences finish then go back and then you click here and you listen to it while reading that way you associate the text with the sound and in case you're learning a different alphabet it's really helpful because you're associating this with x with a h sound or this thingy with a an l sound so this is mikhail stayot this w thing is uh a sure actually this is this is a this is a d and so on it's a u so you listen to my recommendation beginning in a language would be to power through all the mini stories 60 of them i've done probably all of them yeah you can also download them here click here you download it my suggestion will be to power through them uh first reading first clicking on all the vocab and read the whole thing checking the vocab second time read while listening then next story the next story do it as fast as possible and move on to something more interesting this is beginner 2 after all the 60 ministers you should have some understanding of the language of course very basic but and then you can move on to more stuff in beginner too i suggest you skip beginner one completely in link then once you feel like you understand quite a lot here you just move to intermediate one same thing lots of stories uh different topics find something you like you can also you can also import stuff but and i've imported even audiobooks i've imported uh pieces of news you can even import you click here epub format pdf import ebook you can copy paste text here title save and open uh you can if you've got youtube videos with subtitles you can also put them here and watch them while reading will having the text in a link so i'll find some of them i'm sure this is like tedx talks or something you can watch the video and then add the links to the and read the script and other links to the words to the count in the end the idea here is to do as much as possible the more volume the better just reading and listening won't make you fluent i can't find any of the there were some terrax stocks here somewhere but i can't find them now uh but yeah they it won't make you fluent but it will make you have an overall understanding of grammar in the language and learn lots and lots of vocab so what i suggest or i recommend is starting with the uh mini stories here read the read and listen to all of them move on to something else uh once you hit like the five thousand word mark here then you move on to the next one uh it actually tells you uh somewhere like it's got it's when you reach several uh certain uh what counts here it tells you you're beginner one you're beginning to etc so you can guess when you're you're ready to move to the next one my suggestion would be read and listen as much as you can and then read aloud as well do both if you're reading aloud the advantage here is uh you you get to uh list you you got to you get to listen to the pronunciation of every word so you can really improve you can your pronunciation you can work on your pronunciation but more than single words i recommend listening and repeating to whole sentences yep i recommend doing that a lot as well just read aloud and listen and repeat often no i don't go to the beauty salon you do that a lot you improve your pronunciation your fluency of course it's not the same as having live conversations but if you start trying to have live conversations while you're still not able to say much it's going to be very frustrating it's going to be embarrassing some of you will feel discouraged i recommend i recommend doing this a lot listen while reading read aloud check vocab listen and repeat daily work with this and in no time you'll improve a lot and then you'll be ready for live conversation once a week twice a week start small with that this is you need a base first a solid foundation of uh grammar and vocab and speaking on your own and for speaking on your own the best thing to do is reading a lot and listening and repeating so that's it this is how you use link or at least how i use link uh you can see on my channel that's being pretty effective my russian's improving so i definitely recommend this app and if you like this video like share subscribe see you next time thanks guys
Channel: Natural Language Learning
Views: 326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lingq, language learning, steve kaufmann, luca lampariello, polyglot, learn languages, russian, spanish, german, english, linguist, learning, tutorial, tprs, input, krashen, russian progress, french
Id: nATAKszKuGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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