How To Learn Hacking With CTFs

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cetf I believe they are one of the best ways to learn hacking and it's not only because you learn technically by doing it but also because it is a competition it is motivating it's thrilling or it can be hopefully to you so here's one suggestion how you should approach CTS [Music] first you go to CTF time dot-org then you click on upcoming and check the upcoming CTS personally I like the Jeopardy CTS the most and I guess you should make sure that it's an online CTF when you see a wait for CTF that means basically two things first of all it means when you play it and you get points in the CTF your score will feed into the yearly overall score on CTF time which is kind of low you see then your team or your name being tracked their overall for others it yes but not only that for a CTF to have a weight it also means that they had successful CTF previously and depending on the difficulty of the CTF the weight is higher or lower so cts with a weight of zero are often new or are not very or are not difficult at all most of time they are new and then depending on the weight score you can see if they are harder or easier CTS so for example here the C 3 CTF coming up at the end of the year again has a very high weight of 63 so this will be a very very difficult CTF you might be scared to take CTF like this with a weight and you might tend towards 0 CTF I mean you should play as many as you want and you should definitely check out these zero CTS as well but I guess if you have them at a time it's better to look for CTF that have a weight because generally weighted CTS are played more which means there will be more write-ups hopefully first of all think of a day where you can spend at least two hours on a CTF and then you check if there's the CTF at that day so let's say you play the Xmas CTF 2019 so there's a website you go there you register and do all this stuff and then you play the CTF for two hours when the CTF happens you will be there and you will spend your two hours on basically just researching you will select one or two challenges that sound kind of interesting to you and you might feel like you could maybe understand them and then you try it out and then you try your best you research you google and you take notes take extensive notes of everything you tried and everything you thought about any ideas you take notes of what you thought and if you have ideas try to validate them try to see if they are correct or wrong anyway you get the point write a lot of notes about this challenge if you solve it awesome Congrats but most likely you will fail you will not solve any challenge which is totally fine this is part of the joy of CTF it should make you frustrated and thus motivated to find out what the actual solution will be and don't be annoying don't go in IRC and ask people for solutions and hints and tips before while the CTF is still running that's really terrible behavior don't do this and then when the CTF is over you wait a couple of days maybe even a week or two weeks and then you go back to CTF time and you look at the page of that event and when you scroll down there should be an events tasks and write-ups button click on there and then you should see here the different tasks listed and if they are right apps available and then you can click on here on write-ups so apparently here are three write-ups let's click on one ok it's basically just a link to a blog and so now we can read the right up here of this challenge and now you study this write-up you read this write-up and you compare to your notes where you're on the right track where you close what did you get right and then more importantly what did you get wrong which ideas did you not have which technologies did you not know about what kind of attack addressed if you don't know about analyze yourself and figure out what you were missing and I assure you next time you see a challenge like this you will know it and this is the whole CTF learning process if you can't find write-ups on CTF time there's still a good chance that you can just google for it when schools indexes blocks that people were writing or you can also search on github or github gist or paste bins directly does that czf time just googling and github you can also look on Twitter a lot of times people will share their write-ups on Twitter and so you can use the name of the CTF or kind of a hash tag made out of it and maybe you can find then write-ups oftentimes CTFs also have an IRC channel look in the FA cues of the CTF it's often sometimes hidden somewhere there and be in the IRC channel when the CTF ends people will then be sharing their solutions and you can ask questions and you can just observe also the discussion what people are writing about challenges this is also an awesome opportunity to learn and that's basically the whole secret to CTF just accept that you don't know everything and it you will fail a lot but each failed CTF challenge is the new opportunity to learn something interesting and I encourage you go for cts that look a bit harder don't go for the easy ones okay if you just solve like ten challenges you don't really learn anything because you already knew what to do you were just like speedrunning it at this point this is kind of a sweet spot that you want to get you don't want to get too hard because there are crazy crypto challenges or ponyville challenges that are so hard that you need a lot of experience and this will be frustrating you will not understand those write-ups I will not understand them either right so there are these changes that are too hard but then there are also the chances that are way too easy where you don't learn anything so basically you will you want to find the sweet spot of a challenge that is too hard for you right now but theoretically maybe doable with enough time or where you then understand the write-up this is kind of the sweet spot sometimes you will accidentally try out the challenge that turned out way too hard and sometimes it was a way too easy challenge and you solved it but so once you do many cts you will often times run into this nice sweet spot and this is where you can really really learn stuff and don't care about the points don't care how many challenges you've solved it's not about the points it's about learning something ok so don't care about this don't beg for people for flags or solutions during the CTF wait until the CTF is over and then you can ask people now I'm usually playing with my CTF team but this has not always been the case for me when I started I also started alone so don't be discouraged and have the feeling oh I need a CTF team everybody's playing in a CTF team that's not true especially when you are learning when you're starting out you will probably do this alone I play cts for a couple of years alone until I suddenly ran into my CTF team so don't worry about that you will hopefully eventually find maybe a group of people that you would like to play city as together with there are so many discord communities out there where you if you ask if some people want to play city as I'm sure you can find a couple of people to do so and maybe a team is made out of it anyway please take two hours try a CTF and then maybe take another hour a couple of days or a week later to look at write-ups that's all I'm asking for so see you next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 254,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, capture the flag, ctf, hacking ctfs, security CTF, learn hacking, writeups, writeup, ctf write-up
Id: Lus7aNf2xDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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