How To Learn Data Science? Tips And Career Advice from a Data Scientist (And Model)

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foreign welcome back to another episode of talk Tech  with Tiff in this episode I am sitting down   with Marissa who is a data scientist at Etsy  we talk about the highs and also really dive   into the lows of being a data scientist her  journey into data science and also speak about   her passions from becoming third runner-up  Miss New York USA to modeling and so much in   between before we get into it though make sure  to go check out my newsletter I linked it down   below it's a monthly newsletter that features  unique job descriptions discount codes career   advice and always a little personal  note for me okay let's dive into it welcome to talk Tech with Tiff the New York  Edition where I am sitting down with industry   professionals to hear about their career Journeys  and current roles I created this series to hear   from people who are established in the tech  industry so that we can all learn what these   individuals do in their day-to-day jobs and  the type of opportunities out there [Music]   hi Marisa how's it going good um it's a beautiful  day in New York I know you came on a great weekend   I know I really did not too cold like a little  bit chilly but super sunny I know and this is my   first time in Brooklyn actually oh yeah there's  so many children on this block and I'm I'm not   used to that I live in dumbo so it's very like  industrial and a lot of buildings and like Etsy   is there so um yeah it's very new refreshing I  know I know this whole area people keep on telling   me it's very um family oriented I definitely get  that sense yeah all my co-workers live here okay   yeah yes yeah a co-worker I did a conversation  earlier with a co-worker of mine who has two   children and he lives like a few blocks away kind  of thing yeah yeah yeah well thank you so much for   joining me today it's so funny it's so wonderful  getting to to meet wonderful people like yourself   in real life and I know we were saying prior to  to this podcast that you've been meeting a lot   of others as well recently content creators yeah  it's so great in like in real life it's such a   like different experience you always like DM each  other support each other on Instagram and then now   seeing each other in person it like makes it all  real I I just met Maggie and data um Diaries I've   known Linda for a while yes um so yeah I know  everyone has been like the same as they are I   know like as friendly as they are on Instagram so  I love it I I totally agree and I feel like there   are so many you know you just listed some amazing  women and there's I feel like there's so many   amazing women in New York that's what I was like  I need to come to New York and meet you all like   yes it's just like jam-packed which I love yeah  I know like New York SF yeah like Canada maybe up   and coming yes yeah up and coming we're getting  there you know Toronto's surely but we're here   today to hear about you and you know your journey  in tech and as a data scientist and um I'm sure   you get asked all the time about your role as a  data scientist and and what it really entails but   tell me a bit about it a bit about your background  what led you into data science uh I know you do   a lot outside of data science as well which we'll  get to later because I think it's super important   to to cover those aspects as well but uh what is a  day in the life like for a data science scientist   so at Etsy um a data scientist means a lot of  different things so not only are you a coder   but you're also a problem solver a statistician  and a domain expert so on my day-to-day like   the first couple of days of the week so Monday to  Wednesday I'll be in a lot of meetings a big part   of being a data scientist is communicating with  stakeholders and presenting your analyzes um and   storytelling with data so that's the first half of  my week and then Thursday and Friday I'm more like   Focus days focused time to just heads down time  to code and that includes like building tables   um with the logic our business logic and  embedded into them also creating dashboards   based off of those tables and also experiment  analysis which is the fun part of the job   experiment analysis yeah so I actually got  into data science because I was fascinated   by experimentation and iterating  on a product to make it better so   um we I have a couple of experiments going on  right now and usually how that works is first   the ideation process with your product manager  I'm working and as a data scientist you work with   different people on the team such as a product  manager a product designer and Engineers okay   um so yeah first is the ideation process with my  product Squad and then we go into launching the   experiment and we have an experimentation platform  at Etsy so it has all the key metrics in there to   measure for um like a time period like let's say  two weeks that's usually um how we test each of   our new features and then by the end of the two  weeks I will report and conclude the experiment   and um like there will be a financial impact and  a customer impact so I measured that at the end   and do like a post analysis wow that is super  interesting and I love how you said uh it's   something you've always been interested in with  around experimentation and that's kind of how   kind of going back on that note really how did  what is tell me a bit about your background what   led you what was your schooling like like  how did you kind of discover data science   um so I grew up in the Silicon Valley okay  and that's that's All Tech I was surrounded   by Innovation growing up my dad is a director of  infrastructure so he's a software engineer yeah   um and I I grew up really loving Math and  Science um so when I went to college I graduated   with a it degree um but I didn't discover  data science until I went to Grace Hopper   celebration which is the largest celebration uh  and Gathering of women technologists in the world   um so that's where I discovered data science  it was the track that interested me the most so   so when you're at Grace Hopper you follow a  track of sessions and I learned so much about   experimentation like multivariate experimentation  and um was just so inspired I never knew that this   was um a part of software engineering because when  you major in computer science you have to find   your specialization yeah right yes and so that's  where I was kind of lost like I didn't know I was   more like a generalist yes and at Grace Hopper I  found data science I fell in love with the idea   of experimentation yeah um and yeah the rest is  history wow I've never been to the Grace Hopper   conference which is so sad to say yeah yeah but  it's on my it's on my like very near bucket list   like hopefully the next one um I think because the  last two years I don't even know I think last year   it was in person right uh this year was in person  and then the past two years was virtual virtual   yeah it's way worth it to go in person yes and  yeah next year we'll go like as speakers I love   that yes yes putting that out there yeah that's  our goal for next year yeah yeah we're putting it   out there I love it you went to Grace Hopper after  you this all occurred after you graduated college   or was it during it was during my sophomore year  of okay nice nice and then so from there did you   did you do an internship first or how did you  kind of uh what was the next step from there   when you discovered data science um so after that  I actually took a gap year in between community   college and university um I did a nano degree  on um Udacity okay for data science so I that's   where I got my background in SQL and Python and I  took that Gap year to focus on modeling full-time   that's when I first moved to New York it was  really exciting and um I did internships after   um after my junior year of University I see I  see and then it kind of just organically yeah   one thing to another that's very that's very cool  um oh sorry and and during the I want to say like   these internships were like quote-unquote data  science internships because at startups you really   wear many hats yes so Not only was I doing data  science or like I also got to call it data science   because the the co-founders were like oh yeah you  could you could call yourself whatever whatever   you want whatever whatever's got on the resume  I love that that's something I always I always   like when people are first kind of starting out  and it's similar to what I did when I was first   starting out is a great way to to really get your  foot in the door or uh through internships there's   many ways but one way I found for myself and it  sounds like for you as well is when you go with a   smaller company or a startup there's so much more  typically more freedom or flexibility to kind of   try out different roles or wear many hats and and  even kind of you know massage your title a little   bit you know to whatever you you fall in love  with so that's really interesting that that's   how it happened for you um yeah I did everything  at these startups from like data entry but also   like marketing and like front-end development  so I was many things yeah yeah I love that   um as you know data science is such a such  a popular role right now and everyone's just   like how do I become a data scientist I feel  like um do you work with a question that that   I get asked not necessarily of course around data  science but in general is uh you know do I have to   maybe they're later in life or different things  like that with schooling do you work with anyone   who is say self-taught or did um kind of like  you mentioned doing a nano degree online like   different walks of uh life yeah uh something  that's really interesting at Etsy that I I love   about the culture is that there's like probably  one or two people on the analytics team that have   a PhD in statistics but everyone else comes from  very different backgrounds um so one of the senior   data scientists on my team he transitioned from  being a ux researcher to a data scientist because   he was interested in the field and it's very easy  to like internally switch within the company yeah   um the director of analytics she majored in  political science worked the Hillary campaign   and now she works in analytics so I love that you  there's a lot of like soft skills that you can   transition into data science or in Tech in general  and I graduated in it which is not data science   but it's still the intersection at UC Santa Cruz  it was described as the intersection of Business   Development and computer science and that kind  of is like what data science is you feel like   a jack of all trades I I would describe myself as  a jack of all trades um because like I said before   you're not just a coder you're a statistician  Problem Solver I love that I think that's so   important to highlight too and and I don't know  if you've come across this but I remember when um   not so much anymore but when I would tell people  like oh what do you do and I say oh I'm a software   developer and and different people have different  reactions but a common one was almost like oh so   you just you sit behind a computer all day and you  don't talk to people I'm like that is the furthest   thing from the truth and I think you and I'm sure  for you as well even like hearing about how Monday   to Wednesday is a lot of meetings and you need  so many soft skills you've got to utilize so many   soft skills as well right yeah um a lot of my job  is actually like communicating with stakeholders   yeah and if um I find that being a good data  scientist is asking really good questions and   sometimes you kind of have to fish that out of  your stakeholders like what are they really trying   to ask what is the real problem we're trying to  solve yeah yeah wow that's really interesting   and then on that note kind of sauce what I what  are some qualities or if someone's considering   getting into data science uh aside from of course  you know the technical skills that they need to to   possess what are some other qualities that you  think it makes a really good data scientist I   know you mentioned asking really good questions  what else can I blow my nose yes of course um so I I think data science is just as much an  art as it is a science and we both come from   the creative modeling field um and posing requires  a lot of creativity yes um so when you are solving   a data science problem you it's you really have  to take a creative approach and like let's say   you don't have enough data you have insufficient  data you need to apply an algorithmic approach   in solving the problem and that's where the art  form comes in using your different tools like   am I going to use a random forest or am I going  to use linear regression to solve this problem   um so that's what I enjoy about yeah I love that  there's it sounds like there's so many ways to to   solve a problem or to to I don't have the right  term but to gather data it's not just a one one   linear way there's so many different ways and  that's kind of the creative process too yeah yeah   you know we've been mentioning even mentioning  a bit about modeling as well and I know you are   a three-time runner-up Miss New York right yes  I was a third runner-up okay USA 2021 amazing   um or 2022 and I'll be competing again this next  year so hopefully hopefully we'll be Miss New York   USA 2023. you will you will miss New York USA 2023  going to speak at Grace Hopper it's going to be   2023 is going to be a great year yeah it's coming  I know that's amazing though and and I love that   on your social you really highlight that I mean  I don't want to say hi you just really share it   you and I think that's so important too because um  really showing that hey yes I'm a data scientist   but also look I you know these are other interests  and other passions I have and and I just think   it's so relatable in the sense that you can have  and you should have you know continue to pursue   other passions and hobbies as well so thank you  for this is just a thank you for doing all of that   because I think it's really amazing I think women  are naturally uh multifaceted yeah like on top of   full-time jobs usually women are mothers sisters  daughters and we just hold so many different   titles um that we are just so naturally like doing  everything at once I agree we're kind of like   superheroes yeah and and on the note of social  media you you post some incredible I love when   you you share about stats around women in stem  and and different really um educational material   around that and and you know for me looking at  it I I understand why it's so important but but   why what made you start sharing these videos  and why do you continue to because you know as   we just said you have so much on the go why do  you find it important to continue to to do that   um so in my senior year of University I  started posting on social media because I   um I also wanted to give back to the community  that has greatly inspired me yeah um but at the   same time I was also almost failing my computer  networks class I came for the second time and it's   something that's required to graduate and I just  felt so lost and helpless and thought I was not   going to end up as a data scientist or in Tech  at all up until I joined and up until I joined   girls who code College loops and sighted women  Engineers on campus just having like this this   group of women that are relatable and has gone  through has been in your shoes um they all made me   feel very safe and felt like I belonged in Tech so  I I started posting on social media because like   other women need this circle this solid circle of  women that will support them that will help them   get through these difficult classes um because you  are definitely not alone yes and it's so easy to   it it's it's so for me anyways I I I still  sometimes feel alone and I mean now when   you go online and all that it's an amazing  Community but I I definitely feel like I   I can't I'm even starting out now like for  young women who are breaking into Tech it's   there is so much that you have to overcome and  so much things of doubt and I I have had so many   moments where I'm like is it worth it you know  having those feelings of being alone and isolated   and and you know different work environments  you know just different things coming up right   and that's like way more important for a woman  to be in a culture that they can see themselves   grow in that is inclusive um I feel like that's  not as important for our male counterparts but   um like you work for a startup now yes right  and my one of my best friends just started as   the first woman hire in her startup and you  can like she rants to me all the time about   like how the culture is not as accepting as  a bigger company yes and that's how you lose   women in stem and I I one of my videos um was  sharing this recently that 40 about 45 of women   um like leave stem yeah more at a rate faster  they they leave at a 45 faster rate than men do   um so if we like built a culture of belonging I  know we could keep them even to and on that note   of culture belonging even to just speak I had  um I had um another another individual on prior   to this I'm not sure which will air for like the  order of this but maybe not but we were talking a   lot about imposter syndrome and you know I know  that's something that's talked about a lot but   but just hearing others experiences hearing her  experience and hearing your experience even with   you know when you were in your last year of of  school and having this computer networks course   that you were you know struggling with and having  those doubts am I going to become a data scientist   sharing those things it just makes others I mean  for myself and he's like wow others have those   feelings too like and that alone just was like  okay like just it makes me take a deep breath   which is nice too yeah all the sweet DMS that I  get about women thanking me about the content that   I'm sharing it just really like warms my heart  and knows that it's actually very impactful yes   exactly yeah I love that it's so good and then  okay kind of going back to your interests so so   yes you going for uh third runner-up Miss New York  am I saying that right yes okay and then 2023 uh   Miss New York USA of course this is gonna happen  investing yeah Universe yes and then as well   modeling on the side of working data science so  so many jobs um how do you how do you balance it   all or how do you manage it I get this question a  lot I consider myself a multi-potential eye a jack   of all trades so I love doing pursuing all of my  passions at once and I balance everything by I'm   a Serial planner like I have a Google Calendar a  physical planner I have another Planner on my wall   like I need I plan everything except Sundays  I like make sure I have like a Sunday reset   um and yeah that's that's how I manage everything  um and saying no to things that are not a priority   um and being able to balance not only work and  social media but also going to social events   and things that just like make yourself happy  exactly keeping you know that connection close   with friends and families family and prioritizing  that as well and do you find uh that having all   these different uh interests and passions that you  do that they they uh I don't know how to return   but they bleed into one another meaning like a  lot of your experience from modeling in some ways   helps you as a better data scientist even or like  just different facets kind of connect each other   um I think in the interview process because  um Etsy is my first full-time job when they   were asking me questions about prior experience I  did tell them that I I modeled and different soft   skills that were applicable to um to this job  now so that's how they kind of like bleed into   each other but besides that um no they're like all  pretty separate except like in being in Tech and   being a social media content creator yeah um so  that kind of leads into each other I'm sure though   even with uh Miss New York USA when when young  girls are looking up to you and then you know   looking up to you and then they see oh wow she's  a data scientist I'm sure through that as well   you're even maybe on knowing inspiring millions  of young girls around when they're watching   like wow she can do that I can do that too you  know yeah I that's why I love pageantry because   as a model it's honestly a lot about your looks  yeah um that's that is what you are casted for   um in pageantry you get to have an advocacy  a platform and mine is women and diversifying   uh diversifying but also having a more  inclusive environment for a woman and stuff   um and yeah I'm I'm glad that pageants give  me that outlet to to do both yeah exactly I   always end our wrap up our conversations with  this question and um it's a large question so   however you feel you want to answer it but  what advice would you give your younger self   I would tell my younger self that rejection is  just redirection as a model and a data scientist   any model can tell you this that you go you don't  get 100 of the castings that you go to you go to   multiple and you experience so much rejection  and even with the tech interview process I   probably applied to like over 150 jobs before  I land in my first full-time position at Etsy   and just trust in the process the journey that  something bigger and better is out there for you   um and yeah that is what I would tell my younger  self I love that I need to just listen to this   on repeat because it's so you never can get you  never can hear that enough it's and it's so true   it's such an important reminder thank you so much  for connecting with me today and sharing not only   about data science but your journey as well  and it was just I'm leaving this conversation   feeling really inspired so thank you oh thank  you so much for having me like we follow each   other on social media like DM each other all  the time and like it's our first time meeting   I know it's so great I know and I'm linking all  the socials down below so everyone can check   check your wonderful self out I'm sure most of  them already have but thank you thanks everyone [Music] foreign it goes so quick right
Channel: Tiff In Tech
Views: 23,620
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Keywords: How To Learn Data Science, career Advice from a Data Scientist, tiff in tech, tiffintech, data science, data scientist, data analyst, data analytics, artificial intelligence, data science course, data science career, data science jobs, data science for beginners, data science career path, data science tutorial, what is data science, how to become a data analyst, business intelligence, data science day in the life, data science career change, Data science job
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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