How to learn anything effectively? | How to learn things effectively?

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we all are trying to learn something new such as programming in this lockdown era and before we spend hours and hours in learning something we need to really think how we can learn something effectively so that we get minimum amount of time spent and get maximum output out of it i'm going to share two tips with you which i have tried in my life and have seen tremendous benefit out of it tip number one is setting aside focus hours so let's say you start learning data science or python you should set two hour three hour or four hour focus hour time window during this time window you are not checking your phone if possible turn off your cell phone that will be the best you're also not going to some random news website or facebook trying to see what your friend is eating in dinner because that's not helpful anyway the brain has a tendency that let's say you're learning python you get stuck into a problem and brain has to do hard work and your brain will now tell you that oh can you go and check this news website or can you go quickly check facebook what's happening or check linkedin you might have experienced this right so that is very destructive actually that affects your learning by great amount so those mind urges are something that you need to restrict so anytime you're learning something and you have urge of reaching out to your phone stop that right turn off your cell phone or keep your cell phone just totally away from you second tip is spend less time in receiving the information and spend more time in digesting it what i mean by that is let's say you're learning how to implement tree in python okay this is a data structure tutorial one option you can do is you can watch like 10 tutorials on youtube and spend let's say two hours the other option is you watch only one tutorial then stop everything then close your eyes and reflect what you learned then take a knot and a pen and then try to draw something uh just to clarify your doubts if you have a friend or a family member who is in the same area then you can even discuss because discussing thing aloud will help you consolidate the information in your brain this step is called reflection and once you have reflected enough you can try implementing it that is the reason i give exercises in all my programming tutorials once you learn programming you have to try to code it yourself and you have to work on exercises so when you try to implement that thing it will help in making that learning process very very effective the third step in digesting information is sharing so once you learn something try to share it with your friend let's say if you're in a college you have a classmate that you can share the information with if you are working somewhere try to share that information with your your colleague let's say i learned a decorators in python i can discuss in my team i can try to even help other people you know helping other people is the best way of learning things even if you don't know the concept let's say your friend is facing some programming error you can try to debug that error that way it will clarify your own doubts as well and in future if you are facing the same problem then you know already uh how to solve that problem this is a great video by nissan kasibarla on youtube on the learning process and he's trying to say the same thing basically which is try to spend less time in input which is receiving the information reading books or watching tutorials tries to spend more time in output which is reflecting implementing and sharing i'm going to provide the link of that great video in the video description below i hope these two tips are helpful try these tips out yourself and let me know how it goes also if you tried this before in your life and if it has benefited you in any way please comment below
Channel: codebasics
Views: 155,973
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Keywords: how to learn anything fast, learn effectively, learn programming effectively, learn coding effectively, how to learn effectively, how to learn coding effectively, how to learn anything effectively, how to learn anything, effective learning, how to learn things effectively, how to learn anything easily, how to learn anything faster, how to learn anything 10x faster, characteristics of effective learning, help for effective learning, how to learn effective
Id: yZFrSDjRvjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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