How to learn a language with Netflix

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[Music] Shana chos if you're not new here you might be thinking oh Lamont are you are you going to talk about Bridgeton it doesn't really seem like your thing language learning is your thing talk about how to learn a language please well I will today I'll talk about how to learn a language using Bridgeton I went and saw the first episode of season 3 before you plebs need to wait for it on Netflix as I'm recording this it's still got another 2 weeks or something before it's out so there'll be some juicy Goss at the end of this video about episode one of season 3 if you don't want to hear spoilers that's fine just tune in for the rest of the video no one's actually here for the Bridget and stuff find out how to learn a language using series books audio books that's what this channel does by the way I'm not making that up about the first episode of season 3 I really did see it it you can look it up at Premier in a place called barel New South Wales which is near where we live my wife wanted to go because she watches Bridgeton I wanted to go because there's a burger Cafe there called the hungry monkey and they do the best burgers in Australia now I have had a better Burger once upon a time but that was in Texas and I would say that that's too far to go for a burger but it was a very good burger so how do you learn a language by watching shows and movies that are on Netflix or Disney Plus or Hulu or Prime video or whatever your jam is how do you do it I count five factors to consider when working out if a series or film is good for learning a target language with and once you know what the five are you can then apply that to whatever you want to learn and by the way if you think that it sounds fake to be able to learn a language through watching movies and TV series and reading books or listening to audio books it's definitely not I'll give you evidence later of How It's very real the factors are one availability of the language two fittingness or that's definitely a real word but does it fit your taste do you like it three density of dialogue four complexity SL repetition of said dialogue and five auxiliary interest so let's go through them one at a time and the first is availability of language now something like Bridgeton which is made for adults has a relatively good chance of being available in the language you learn and when I say relatively I mean relative to other shows that are made for adults because generally things made for adults are not going to be available in the languages of countries that subtitle rather than dub so there are countries that do dubbing like Germany so you can often watch things that would otherwise be in English or another language in German but that's different with a language like say Swedish or Norwegian or Finnish where they do subtitling in those countries they do subtitling they don't do dubbing so you can't watch things that are for adults generally in those languages but if you are learning one of those languages that doesn't generally dub things for adults fear not because that doesn't mean that there isn't a lot of good stuff available in those languages and I'm talking about stuff that is at least technically for kids or might have some kind of childlike theme shows like Hilda the dragon Prince the Kung Fu Panda series into the spiderverse across the spiderverse now I mentioned that there's a relatively good chance of something like Bridgeton being available in the language that you're studying that's just because it's quite popular so they're going to dub it into as many languages as they can really get their hands on but you may have had the experience of opening up the language menu on Netflix or another service and only seeing two or three languages even though you've been told that it's available in lots of languages the thing is that it can depend on where you are and a bunch of other really boring factors like browser cookies and internet settings and all sorts of things but often there are more languages technically available than what is being shown to you that is the languages are not being made available even though they really are there now there are a couple of ways to get at them the first way is to use surfshark VPN the sponsor of today's video and an allround must have for security and better access to the internet if I were going to recommend one purchase to every language learner no matter their target language or circumstances it would be surf shark because it does the most things that language Learners need and even more things that everyone needs it has a full antivirus built in data breach alerts a safe search to give you properly organic search results and this is all before we've talked about the headline act the actual VPN if you're not sure why you would need a VPN it basically makes websites that you're accessing think that you are somewhere else whilst also hiding your internet activity from any unwelcome eyes that may be looking at what you're doing now not only does this open up more shows and movies on popular streaming services it also opens up entire streaming services that are free if you just appear to be in a certain place for example my sister she watches Bluey with her kids from where she lives in the USA even though that's available on an Australian service and I also use surf shark to access a service that lets me watch Bluey in Swedish on Swedish television from here in Australia which brings me back to that other thing that I mentioned before which is being able to watch stuff that maybe you could actually watch before but not in the language that you want to watch it in just because you're in the wrong place now personally I don't want anyone deciding what language I can watch Rango in okay I'll choose what language I watch it in also if you need it on your phone or tablet or several phones and tablets it's not a problem because with surf Shar it's one plan for every device in your household most other VPN providers only do five or 10 devices per household with surf Shar it's unlimited and personally I need it even more on my phone than I need it on my computer because I use it for audio books all the time here's me the other night explaining to my Swedish teacher how I access Swedish audio books I know it's out of focus and Overexposed but that's because I wasn't recording this I I was actually just telling her because I actually recommend surf shark okay I would recommend them anyway but now that I am sponsored by them the link in the description gives you guys a big discount and also remember to use the code my name l a m o n t that gives you a couple of months extra for free all up it works out ridiculously cheap considering how much stuff it improves enhances gives you access to even just to pay for an internet connection never mind various streaming services audio book apps and not pay the extra for a VPN it's just Bonkers so yeah Link in the description get that sorry that was a bit of G get that no link is in the description so the VPN is one way to get streaming services to show you all the languages that they have or at least a different selection of the language they have another way to do it and another good option is to create a profile and set that profile's language to your target language I should warn you that doing this will then make the interface appear in that language as well so make sure you know enough of the language to at least be able to navigate the interface but it is worth doing if you're serious about learning the language because it does mean that any show or movie that has that language as one of the options will then automatically play in that language and I want to stress that this is even on on shows and movies that did not show that language as an option 10 seconds ago on a different profile you change to say a manderin speaking profile and Mandarin will appear as one of the options but do remember that caveat that it is only if the show does actually have a dub of that language it obviously can't just conjure a dub out of thin air so here are the languages that I can see Bridget and in like I said the interface is now in the language for me it's Swedish but we've got a huge range here as you can see these ones that say sooning after them are descriptive audio for the vision impaired which can be a really good option depending how far along in your target language you are what you're trying to do because it turns this series into a kind of a simplified novel and just as an example here we've got Hilda which is in tons of languages but sometimes the kids series have so many that they'll just choose a handful that they deemed to be relevant to you which is why a VPN comes in handy in this situation occasionally for what whatever reason Netflix especially seems to just ignore your profile settings so sometimes yeah you can switch the VPN on see what languages it gives you once you've got the language and you've chosen it you're generally good there's also stuff like troll hunters and Arcane both of them are reasonably long series and perfectly watchable for adults or in the case of Arcane it actually is for adults but because it's animated it is available in like lots of languages obviously to learn a language by watching something it will need to be available able in the language that you're actually learning but I want to encourage you not to get too down about things not being available in your target language because a they actually might be and you just may not have been able to see it before and B there's still lots of good stuff in lots of different languages so there's always something there especially if you utilize a VPN so to the second consideration fit to your sensibilities your taste basically do you like it just because you like a certain show in the language that you already speak like let's say English does not mean that you're going to find it equally enjoyable in a language that you can only understand to like 30 40% even understanding less than 90% can be a lot less comfortable than you realize but if you know that before you go in and you expect that discomfort you can sort of change the game you're playing and make it a lot more tolerable in this video I'm not going to go into all the different strategies you can use but I'll put a video up there if you are interested in how to make stuff that you can't understand more tolerable to watch but basically just start slow and easy let's say you speak like this much Spanish take an episode of something especially a show that you've seen before and then try to watch like 20 minutes of it in Spanish and see how you go see if you can pick out a couple of words and phrases and that's all you have to start with and then go from there just remember that unless you are really quite advanced in language like so Advanced that we wouldn't need to be having this conversation ation anyway it is hard it does feel uncomfortable so don't sit there thinking is it supposed to feel like this because the answer yes it is Factor number three is density of dialogue now personally I think this one is a little bit overrated because it's kind of self-regulating it's just really not that big a deal but there are times that you may want to consider it for example I watched baby driver on a plane in Spanish and I realized that although yes it's a good movie I enjoy it and yes have seen it before in English which helps a lot there's like maybe 30 minutes of dialogue in that whole movie which is 2 hours long contrast that with an episode of say Bridgeton it's an hour long and there's probably 50 minutes of dialogue but I still don't think this factor is all that important so I would still choose something that you like over something that is more dialogue heavy and in fact we'll get back to that in Factor number 5 now what you want here will depend on your level in the language that you're learning but generally you want to look for lots of repeated phrases and especially small variations within that repetition when you think of say kids material which does an excellent job of making fluent Speakers by the age of six or seven it often has tons of repetition but also little variations on that repetition like it'll repeat something and then do it slightly differently every time now I'm not meaning to denigrate the writers or the script of Bridgeton but it is a very set world when you contrast that to something like everything everywhere all at once or even Scott Pilgrim versus the world those are scripts where it's a lot more random almost anything can happen and therefore a lot of things do happen and there's very little repetition and very little variation on the same repeated phrases there's just a lot of different stuff going on as opposed to a very set what you might call Cozy School Universe like Bridgeton and that makes it harder to acquire language naturally in those other series unless you're already quite Advanced and then you don't need to worry about this for example I've only seen the one episode of Bridgeton which is the first episode of season 3 but they must have said the word season like 12 times just in that episode I shudder to think how many times it is mentioned across the first three seasons I am confident that I could watch that one episode that I have seen in any language and tell you at the end of it what that language's word for season was and just to be clear for language learning I'm saying that this is a good thing this is ideal the newer you are to a language the more enclosed you'll want the content of what you're watching or especially reading to be and one more thing to consider is what I call auxiliary interest and by this I mean things that are not the script not the words and the language being used and how interesting those things are to you and this is really powerful if you can harness it now some of you know that last year I watched Spider-Man into the spiderverse 50 times in Spanish in order to improve my Spanish now I Nam no names but some people accused me of just saying that I'd done that and not actually doing it and they said that it was obvious that I'd done that because it would be too boring to actually watch a movie 50 times have you met me yes it would be tough if it were just run of the mill content not even bad content but anything where they' only put a normal amount of effort into any part of it like the music on the cinematography but it's into the spiderverse the amount of effort that they put into that film the music the animation everything is not normal it's not a normal amount of effort it's like times 50 to anything else so yes I can actually watch it 50 times and I still enjoy it what I'm saying is that while I was doing that the Spanish sort of faded into being a secondary consideration to just becoming an Uber nerd of that film like getting to know every little frame of and every little piece of music and everything they did in that film I was just obsessed with like the little things and I was hearing the Spanish over and over again I was essentially memorizing the Spanish without having to sit down and memorize the Spanish because I was just watching my favorite film or one of my favorite films now I am not necessarily recommending that anyone do that for any reason but if I were to recommend that amount of repetition to someone it certainly wouldn't be with something that you just find pretty good it has to be on something that you are obsessed with like that you find masterful level do you love the editing do you love the music the animation the cinematography whatever it is you have to love it that much and if you do then you might consider repeating it so many times that you essentially memorize the script and I know that there are people out there who have seen shows like Breaking Bad and Chernobyl and the wire and Game of Thrones and stuff like that 8 N9 10 times through the whole series and honestly if you're going to do that you might as well learn a language and if you are quite certain that that wouldn't work well I'm sorry you're too late it it already has countries that get a lot of American movies into their Cinemas and on their TVs and do not dub them instead subtitling them they all speak English really well countries that do dub their movies they tend to speak English not as well and sometimes quite poorly coincidence I mean it could be so yeah I said I'd share some uh juicy Goss about episode 1 of season 3 and that is that Netflix told the cinema to tell us not to gossip about it which made me laugh because if you haven't seen the show it's essentially about gossip like the main character is basically a faceless YouTube drama channel before there was such a thing as YouTube it's a it's an anonymous gossip colum so they got 246 Bridget and fan girls times however many screenings there were I think there were six and I am counting an average of four guys in every screening because that's how many were in my screening so that's like 1,500 people who are big fans of this show that is about gossip and then they showed us the season premiere 3 weeks before anyone else and then told us not to gossip about it and I want to be clear they didn't just say like don't post stuff online don't post spoilers online that would be fair enough but they actually said don't gossip and chat about it with your friends but they did also say that if you were to publicly reveal spoilers like say on a YouTube channel they would sue you so my only real piece of Juicy gos is that you get to see this guy with his shirt off which got quite the reaction from S no I mean it got a cheer it was actually really good fun to watch something like this in a big setting with a whole lot of fans of the show but I did just technically risk getting sued by saying that so like And subscribe l
Channel: Days and Words
Views: 12,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: language learning, langauge learning, days and words, days an words, learn a language with netflix, learn a langauge netflix, learn a language netfilx, can you learn languages watching movies, learn languages watching shows, how to learn languages by watching tv, how to stream shows in different languages, how to change language on netflix, how to change language netflix iphone, language learning with netflix, learn languages streaming services, learn languages faster netflix
Id: DJj37wmq_XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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