How To Layer Anti-Aging Skincare!

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[Music] hey everybody its Angie and welcome to hunting flashy in today's video I wanted to talk about how to layer your anti-aging skin care and how to get your routine going so that you're confident in what you're putting together and how you're applying it to your face to get the maximum benefit out of each product that you're putting on but first I didn't want to touch on my lips in case anyone is noticing after two years of debating back and forth about it I did finally go and get a little bit of lip filler I have 57 I have a ton of sun damage I was starting to have those vertical wrinkles here on my lips I just wanted to see if I got just a tiny bit of filler if it would puff those out a little bit so I got this done five days ago I am gonna be doing a video about it but I'm not sure exactly when because I do still have like a bruise on this lip and there are a little bit puffy still I don't think this is the final like look so I just wanted to let you guys know in case you happen to notice maybe nobody was gonna notice I don't know I worry about these things I don't want you to be like hey what did you do oh you didn't tell us but that's not what this video is about so let's get into layering on the skincare so I put out my skincare routine a couple of times a year I'll link my most recent ones up here for you if you want to take a look at those I explain why I'm layering things the way I am I explain the products that I'm using the active ingredients in each and even so I get a ton of questions from you guys all the time about how to layer things because I know you guys are not just watching me you're also reading magazine articles you're also purchasing other products that maybe I don't use and looking at the advice that they give on those websites and of course following other beauty gurus on YouTube so there are a ton of headlines out there saying here's what you're doing wrong and your skincare routine here are the ingredients that absolutely should not be used together in your skincare routine you know and those articles I feel like you know they are attention grabbing headlines they're gonna get you to read the article but are they actually helping you they don't think they are because they are full of a lot of information okay there just to clear up those two things alone there's a hardly any way to do your skin care wrong unless you're putting on petroleum jelly first and then trying to get your other stuff to get through it you know that could be a way that you're doing it wrong but I don't know anybody who does that and there are no ingredients that cancel each other out there are no ingredients that absolutely should not be used together in the same skincare routine there are ingredients that you should be cautious with when using them in your skincare routine but basically you can use everything and you can use them all together you just need to be on the lookout for irritation I basically used three simple rules when I was trying to figure out my skincare routine and where to slot things in number one is I want to trap moisture onto my skin the reason that I want to trap water on my skin is because as we age trans epidermal water loss or tool as it's known increases okay it's one of the only things that does increase everything else decreases like collagen and elastin and hyaluronic acid all that good stuff in our skin decreases at the same time our skin becomes less able to hold on to the water that is naturally inherent in our skin and so part of the function of our skincare is to trap moisture onto our skin and to keep tool from happening as rapidly so I want to slow down that trans epidermal water loss okay that's number one then rule number two is I want to get maximum absorption out of my anti-aging skincare ingredients and the thing about skin is that it is far more absorbent when it is slightly damp rather than when it is bone-dry so the way I achieve that is I put on all my things rapidfire i don't wait between the steps I know a lot of other sources will tell you to wait between every step go have a cup of coffee come back blah blah like oh my god who has time for that number one number two your skin is drying during that time making it less absorbent and rule number three for me is that most important goes first so I rank them by importance according to what has the most scientific research that it works to anti-ager skin so my number one most important thing in my skincare routine is my prescription retin-a okay my tretinoin it goes on first thing at night and it's like a rock in my skincare routine and everything else blows around it so a lot of times people will question me about why I use vitamin C in the morning or why I use an exfoliator in the morning it's because my retin-a which is most important has to be used at night so I'm putting it on at night first position I could put on all that stuff after it if I want but my skin is super sensitive so I move those other acids to the morning and then once they're in my morning routine then they become the most important things in my morning routine all right so let's go through my morning skincare routine I'll walk you through it I'll tell you why I do things the way I do and answer some of the more common questions that I have gotten about it all right so in the morning first thing I do is I wash my face and with the Neutrogena hydraboost gentle cleanser for sensitive skin so I only use a gentle cleanser so I don't use anything that has soap I don't use anything that strips the oils from my skin a lot of people ask well do I really need to wash my face in the morning the answer is not necessarily if you have super dry skin and you still feel like your skin is clean in the morning from last night then absolutely not you don't need to wash your face I do think that splashing with water though is helpful when you're gonna put on your skin care because as I said before when your skin is slightly damp it does absorb better so definitely splash it with water towel it off my second step in the morning is that I put on my vitamin C serum the timeless 20 percent C plus C plus for Ruling acid serum is the one that I've been using for years it's one of the ingredients that we have that has a ton of research behind it backing up that it works of course with vitamin C serums there's only one kind of formulation that you should be using it's l-ascorbic acid and it has to be formulated at a certain pH and I just did a video on that which I'll link for you right up here if you want to learn more about vitamin C serums and how to pick a good one so vitamin C is an antioxidant it works in your skin to fight free radicals does protect you a little bit from sun damage so just by putting this on within 30 seconds of towel drying my face I'm already starting to lock that moisture into my face because it does contain a couple of humectants I apply my vitamin C in the morning a lot of people will say nope that's wrong you have to put it on at night the actual research into vitamin C shows that your reservoir in your skin lasts about eight hours so ideally you should put it on three times a day so if your skin can tolerate it put it on morning and night if your skin can't tolerate it and you're not using retin-a put it on at night I have sensitive skin so I can't use it at night with my retina then the next product I use is an alpha hydroxy acid serum this is an exfoliator and this one is lactic acid it's from the ordinary it's there ten percent lactic acid the reason that I put it on second is because this is my second most important thing that I put on in the morning this has a ton of research showing how good it is for anti aging your skin it brightens it helps to unlock the glue that holds those dead skin cells on the surface of our skin that can make our skin look extra crepey and extra dry and one of the questions that I get all the time is why do I put this on after this because their thinking is that because this exfoliates that it exfoliates this right off well the reality of any alpha hydroxy acid that is a leave on is that it doesn't immediately exfoliate your skin you don't put it on and all your skin cells immediately pop off including the ones that contain this the other thing is that your dead skin cells are not what absorbs this okay this is absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin so you don't need to worry that you know you're doing it wrong you could easily switch order of these two if you're not using vitamin C I would put this on first so then the third thing that I put on is my timeless Co Q 10 serum this is another antioxidant but it also contains a peptide peptides are great things to use in your skincare but they're a little less proven then things like alpha hydroxy acids l-ascorbic acid the fourth product in my morning skincare routine is my CeraVe p.m. facial moisturizing lotion day creams will usually be like a lotion I don't use anything super thick on my skin during the day this has niacinamide it's got ceramides it does have hyaluronic acid now what this contains is dimethicone so once you start adding silicones those are going to be the things that hold water into your skin so then the last step in my skincare routine is always my sunscreen now you don't have to wait again before applying your sunscreen as a matter of fact there are moisturizers that have sunscreen in them so you can do that all in one step if you want I like to use a separate sunscreen just because it gives me the security and putting on enough I use a like full quarter teaspoon of this to do my face my ears my neck and now a lot of people ask me about wear primer comes in and makeup do you put that on before your sunscreen or after definitely primer is part of your makeup and that goes on after your sunscreen so sunscreen is the one thing that needs time to set up so while you could do all your skincare in two minutes including putting on your sunscreen ideally you would now leave about 10 15 20 minutes tops to let your sunscreen set up the way sunscreens works is that it needs to form a film a barrier on your skin that your reflects the sun's rays or absorbs the sun's rays or a combination of both and so it's not going to be able to form that film if you go right in with other stuff okay so ideally you would let it set up but if you do not have the time then don't worry about it nothing's perfect you're not gonna do it perfectly but you're not going to ruin your skin if you don't do it perfectly so just get your sunscreen on there no matter what alright so for my nighttime skincare routine first up again is to wash my face like to move all my makeup and all the dirt from the day I do a double cleanse okay so an oil based cleanser to start I use the Clinique take the day off cleansing balm I rub that into dry skin and then I splash it with water and I rub it with either a cloth or I have this spinning brush thing the towel or a brush that I use to get all my makeup off then I go in with the Neutrogena hydraboost gentle cleanser for sensitive skin again all right so then the next step after cleansing your face will be your toner now I have actually two toners that I'm using right now one I'm using on my face one I'm using on my neck and I have two different purposes for these I use this one because it brings green tea in which is another antioxidant where this is so watery I will put this on first before my retin-a I just feel like it's another way to get more water onto the surface of my skin while also adding green tea so that will absorb and then I can just put my retin-a right on top of that let the other toner that I use at night is this Colleen Rothschild micro mineral soothing toner I only use this on my neck you could use it on your face now the reason I use this before Renae is because this helps with the irritation from retin-a the main way to stop irritation is to use the product less or have less of it absorb into your skin that's the basic premise behind letting your skin dry for ten minutes is that less of it will absorb into your skin making it less irritating and that's kind of how this works or how putting on moisturizer before your retin-a works is that a little bit less of it will absorb into your skin because retin-a is my most important ingredient at night I do put it on first this is a generic tube that I use I actually use this just on the backs of my hands in my chest then retin-a that I use now is from cure ology and so I put that on first so I can get the maximum penetration and absorption but of course if you're new with it you may not be able to do that you may not be able to put it right on slightly damp skin you may have to wait or buffer it with a moisturizer doing it always is fine with the explosion of dermatologists here on YouTube it's great because you can actually get some skin care advice from a real doctor whose specialty is skin every skin care derm that I follow here on YouTube a how to layer your skincare video but what I notice is that they're all different they all give different advice especially when it comes to handling things like retin-a and I watched four different dermatologists and they all told you to use it differently the basic knowledge that I take away from that is that there isn't really a wrong way to do it you can put on your retin-a almost any way you want to and it will still absorb into your skin hit those retinoid receptors and do the magical anti aging that you want it to do so then after mike urology the next step is my timeless matrixyl synth-6 serum this is a peptide and I just go ahead and I put this on right on top of my retin-a and again I don't wait in between steps my night time routine takes me about two minutes to go from putting on my toner all the way through my last moisturizer and there's like five steps so I just put them on rapid-fire then I put on male of the hydrator it's got hyaluronic acid panthenol and also resveratrol which is another antioxidant then lately I've been using this it confidence in a gel lotion because I wanted to get some ceramides into my evening skin care routine they slotted it in after the serums then after that I put on my heavier night cream it's usually this guy in the paler pink jar but I'm out of this and I needed to use this one up this is the retinol 24 I've been using this then if you want to really lock it down with something that is going to be more occlusive I would use something like aqua for pointment I use this just about every night I use this on my lips on my neck put some under my eyes it might be too thick for some people under your eyes for me it's fine because I'm always exfoliating up there this is where an oil would come into your skincare routine something like squalene is a really good oil to use okay so I hope I didn't confuse you more than you already are I am trying to simplify this process but I'm also trying to show you that you really kind of have to customize it for you and for what you want to get out of your skincare I do kind of use the rule of thinness to thickest but sometimes I break it if my skincare active is really important there isn't any thing that cancels each other out there isn't anything that a hundred percent should not be used in your skincare routine together you can use as many active ingredients as you want I actually think it takes a village to anti-age skin especially when you have 40 years of intense sun damage like I do to take care of I need all the antioxidants all the peptides all the retinoids like I just want them all and I want to put them all on but I don't want it to be so confusing for you that you're like what the heck is she doing why is she using so much this is what works for me it may not be what works for you it's okay to customize it for you and do what works for your skin and you know if you just don't have the time or the energy to like think about customizing or doing that that's fine you can just follow my skincare routine I mean I've heard from so many people who follow it to the letter who are like oh my god I can't believe the difference in my skin it works so well for me so you know I love hearing those comments and on my blog I also have a printable guide so you know if you can't remember which order to use things in the morning you just print this thing out you tape it to the inside of your medicine cabinet mirror and it's all spelled out for you in black and white what order I use the things in and you know it's working for me my skin isn't melting off so I think it could probably work just fine for you so I'll leave the link to my blog in the information box below the video along with links to all the products I showed you here today so I hope you found the video helpful and informative if you did go ahead and give it a like don't forget to subscribe to my channel as always I thank you so much for your time I really appreciate your watching have a great day and I will see you in the next video take care everybody I like you [Music]
Channel: HotandFlashy
Views: 326,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anti-aging, skincare, style, how to, hotandflashy, hot and flashy, over 50, over 40, 50 +, 40 +, 50 and, mature, skin, face, How to, Layer, Layering, care, skin care, rules, simple, retin-a, serum, lotion, toner, cream, proper order, order, apply, Timeless, Olay, Maelove, The Ordinary, Clinique, Neutrogena, Curology, Aquaphor, Colleen Rothschild
Id: 1vW1BWKkh9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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