How To Lay Perfect Paving With Tobermore

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[Music] hello i'm roger bisbee from the skill builder channel and i'm out on site today with sparing paving and the sun shining and they're going to be laying some toba more paving products and building some walls so i'm going to get involved and also tell you what's involved in laying these products [Music] so this is sakura light from tobermore it's a drywall product in other words you don't need any kind of mortar at all it just hooks together it overlaps and each course hooks on the back of the last one so you just build it up you can get a nice curve you see you get a short one and a long one in here so you can get your curve going round it will retain up to about two feet on this particular ground but if you want to go higher there is a larger format product in this range that will do that so the all-important thing when you're laying any kind of patio or any kind of paving is to get those levels right because if you don't you've got water running into the house it's a big job to put it right isn't it that's right so what are you doing chris you watch what's your fault going to be basically basically for every meter we want at least 10 loaves yeah okay so how do you do that yeah so we'll get a level at the house here yeah and we'll we'll measure out to the perimeter yeah and then we'll um strike a lane across string line measure down so for every meter we want well at least 10 mil so when you're trying to get any kind of curve in even if it's the edge of the patio or in this case the walling you want to find yourself a point where you can radius off so they've stuck a peg in the ground here and then they just bring the string line down to wherever that's going to start mark the thing out just pull your string line tall not too tall and then just follow it round [Applause] um oh basta level so chris if you're a bit candy with the the setting out obviously you can save yourself a lot of cuts can't you yeah so you try and do it to the slabs you're topping off with slabs aren't you that's right so one slab on the top two whatever yeah so that's basically the name of the game is getting everything to avoid avoid those silly little cuts so i love the idea of using this polyurethane glue rather than water because it means that not only is it cleaner and i reckon it's probably better once it sticks together it's there but also you can get an exact measurement you're not having to allow for water joints all the way up so it just works out really precisely [Music] so if you haven't got one of those folding squares you just want to check the right angle you can do it by measuring 30 along here 40 along there and if it's at right angle that third measurement will always be 50 and if it's not 50 then something is slightly out so [Music] so now it almost goes without saying that the key to any successful paving job is in the preparation i know it's boring nobody wants to do it it's the bit nobody sees but if you skimp on it if you get the wrong contractor in to do the job and they don't spend enough time preparing that sub base then everything goes downhill quite literally sometimes from there on so make sure that that bit is done properly and in this case what we've got down is what they call a roadstone a type 1mot that kind of thing which is a lot of different size material which is compacted pushed down on the earth rolled through so that it's absolutely solid as a base and then when you've got that solid you can go over the top with your sand just to get the levels right and give yourself what we call a screed it's very very important that you look at that job you dig out any vegetable top anything that looks like it's going to decompose anything that contains vegetation has to come off you cannot lay on top of that kind of ground so it although it requires a bit of digging and sometimes a few skips to get rid of the stuff you don't need and then you've got to import the stuff you do need all a bit of a pain but if you don't do it you will pay for it several times over in the future no it's like is now this is a critical bit because i've seen even very experienced paving contractors who don't get this right what they're trying to do is a random staggered pattern with five different sizes of slab now what you've got to avoid is not only getting straight lines so you've got to keep that line moving that stagger moving but the other thing is you want to avoid the situation where you get four corners meeting and that's if you look around at some patios where you see it goes badly wrong so you've got to know what you're doing these guys very experienced at it but if i was doing it i'd have to have a drawing i could never do it freehand i'd have to have a drawing to work to because it's so easy to get it wrong and then of course you're lifting them all up again this stuff is just a screening sound straight okay sharp sandals yeah yeah that's what i would normally do but i thought you might have a bit of cement this product here once it's crowded it's permeable yeah that's a bit of water through it gotcha so you've got it relapsed man it doesn't allow you no fine so coarse sand there's a bit of water [Music] [Music] well it's nearly four o'clock and you said you were going home at four o'clock didn't you yeah yeah i've got to say mate that's not a bad day's work you know hopefully tomorrow we'll finish all the historic paving [Music] how do you get a reasonable line around this circumference here because it's tricky isn't it yeah it is yeah so basically what we do is you'll have one mark from the other cut there yeah you mark it with the white chalk and then the same on that side yeah and then you get a the middle the border is 200 wide oh okay so we'll go 210 just to allow a joint put a couple of marks on it oh okay and then we just free hand it round yeah sometimes after it's cut you need to run the saw over to sweeten it up a little bit yeah did you cut slightly on the angle oh no bit of an angle towards the good side yeah and it sits in all right whereas if you're cutting and you cut out the way it'll not fit in yeah so you don't use a special blade for it you just no it's just a normal concrete diamond clip yeah yeah yeah okay the outside edge we put our radius point oh okay up there gotcha and then we just run the tip yeah so you know what that radius is now don't you got a nice smooth radius right here yeah yeah oh that's good actually just cut those cuts where they're sitting yeah oh you leave them there yeah and then do you got it yeah connor how long have you been doing this it's been six or seven years now how can you say that in english six or seven years what made you do this rather than becoming a steeple jack yeah just i've always wanted to be a team did you seriously make it work right yeah yeah yeah so you're getting the hang of it now oh i definitely yeah yeah i'd be one of one of the yesterday he reckons he's the best worker ever yeah and the top 10 best in europe anyway [Laughter] there's nothing like a bit of self-confidence mate if you don't blow your own trumpet who's gonna do it when you're as good as me you can do that good boy so paul do you always dry bed your slabs you don't you don't do my dabs of malta for natural stone yeah natural stone granite sandstone flags porcelain tiles they'll all be better than a better mortar yeah but any of them more concrete products it's all uh sharp sand so why would it natural stone you have to bed on mortar there'd be more movement yeah it's all jointed with like a sound and cement joint yeah there's new stuff out and if there's any movement in the sand base crack holder the joints all crack whereas the concrete products they're jointed there is a bit of give in it because they're flat on the underside yeah they're all the same too yeah yeah so it's consistent you can go with a you can level your bed and then go with it but if you've got a slightly wider edge natural stone you could get a flag 20 ml one side maybe 22 or 20 yeah yeah you know therefore it needs to be better than water [Music] can you tell me what you got there because it looks quite special well this is my rain cover for my camera we're doing the time lapse with this oh really nice and this is um this chinese takeaway bag it's nice let's recycle everything guys yeah i know think about the planet yeah that's right it's a lovely job and presumably you've cut a hole in the front you've thought of everything you know who wants a who wants a three-hour video already inside of a polythene bag you've actually heard that before from me yeah i have forgotten the camera camera in the back but that was inside one of your lovely bags though that was like your 200 pound touch orange sparring paving are tobermore approved contractors now to become a tobermore approved contractor you need to show tobermore two completed jobs and not only the completed jobs which they will inspect but they also need to see stages so you need to photograph all the stages of the job the important things like the ground preparation and so on so that they can see that you know how to carry out every aspect of the job so the details of those jobs would be the digging out and the setting out of the levels then the laying of the sub base and the bedding layer and then the block and the slab cutting they'd need to see that you could cut those accurately and then the finished job of course with all the rubbish cleared away and everything looking just as a customer would expect it and importantly you have to have been trading for at least 12 months they want to see that you're an established business rather than some fly by nights so if you're a contractor you might be wondering what the benefits are of having this approval well the first thing is obviously that you're going to get leads for work you're going to find that you're recommended as an approved contractor to price up these jobs the whole service is free toba mob will give you the backup with designs and technical knowledge and there's a facebook group so you can talk to other contractors liaise with them build that community and of course that benefits everybody because you can gain knowledge you can all share from each other's experience and tobermore will provide you with product samples so when you go to see the customer you can show them the kind of thing they'll be buying sobermore also has a complete design service for its approved contractors so of course that takes away one of the headaches of working out just how much materials you need for the job and as an approved contractor you will be listed on their website so when customers go to their website and look on the approved contractor your name will be there [Music] hey [Music] so chris you put all these in obviously just set the thing out and cut it yeah now you're taking them all out again what's going on here uh slight difference in thickness between this and the actual historic pavement slab yeah so what we'll need to do is take them out and build them up oh okay so you have to put them in to get your cut line done and then you take them out and then you build them very very slightly higher yeah and then tap it down tap them down does everybody do that no a lot of people just leave it and let the water collect in it yeah yeah they have to take them out and build them in and even keep them slightly proud yeah so we can and then they just settle in yeah because i know you said to me earlier the one thing you don't want in life call backs that's right job's finished you walk away yeah get your money and never have to go back yeah it's a good way because otherwise that's where all your profit goes isn't it that's right all those call backs okay mate i'm going to put something for you [Music] do come on yeah [Music] so what chris is doing here these are coping stones that go on the top of this block wall and instead of mortaring them on and we know that mortar sometimes it cracks and things come adrift he's using pu adhesive here polyurethane adhesive which sets and quite honestly they won't go anywhere once that's set and it's a much better way of doing it really it's a bit more expensive for sure but it's um it's a good method even your time i can't believe it what time is it half past three day two you're nearly done well we're ready for the great so we're going well you're flying mate you're flying so tomorrow last third you reckon hopefully um probably possibly a bit of tidying up on thursday but yeah uh the bulk of it will be done tomorrow and i reckon it's going to pour with rain don't i a lot of rain tomorrow you're used to it do you want to go home i don't know why you want to go home there's no pubs open [Music] so now when it comes to filling in the joints between the slabs you can do it with kiln dried sand but you need a dry day to do that and this resin based product is a lot easier to use it binds together it resists the weed it won't crack and it's just a convenient product but the great thing is you can put it in in the wet in fact it works better in the wet so even if it's not raining just hose the patio down brush this in and you'll find you've got a ready-made surface you can get it in different colors as well so you get a bit of a contrast going if you want to but the other way to fill the joints if you've got a wider gap is with sand and cement pointing but that takes a bit of skill if you're not good at that then you can make a bit of a mess of the slabs so this is a real convenience product that overcomes a lot of problems [Music] now when you open one of these you'll find that inside you've got a sealed pack because this stuff cures on contact with air so as soon as you open that pack it begins to go off so if you only use half the pack you want to store the other half you can't do that unless you fill or not fill but put a layer of water over the top so if you put the remains back in there and you put a little bit of water just to cover it stop the air getting to it it will keep for a reasonable amount of time i'm not saying a year but certainly six months [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's another little tip that i picked up from the guys at sparings if you're haunting up the edge here with a bit of sand and cement run your finger down under the blocks first to make a nice channel and then force the sand and cement in under the edge because if you don't and you just haunt up like that what you sometimes find is the block will drop on the edge and then you're gonna crack so under first and then it nicely onto the edge [Music] so this is the patio finished three days and it's looking remarkable and everybody loves the look of a new patio but how long does it stay looking good this is the big problem with a lot of patios six months down the line a year down the line the whole thing is looking faded and tired but with the toba more historic product there is a big difference which means that the color stays in it forever and the reason this happens is because instead of putting all the color through the whole of the slab they concentrate that color where you need it where you will see it which is in that top layer and this concentrated pigment means that you get a much harder layer on the top so whereas with some products you see after a couple of years you've got frost damage you've got a bit of weather on them and they start pitting and you start seeing all those little bits of stone showing through and really the whole thing looks tired even before it's started with this because you've got that very very hard wear layer on there you've got all that pigment concentrated in there it will stay looking good for a very long time so that's very important but the other important thing is that i've been to the factory where this is made and it's made with state-of-the-art german machinery and because of that this is not a bonded layer we're not talking about something that's been stuck on the top and will delaminate this is actually part of the same material it's homogeneous that is one piece of material so the important thing is that your patio is going to stay looking great for a lot longer you don't have to worry about all those surface treatments or anything else the spaces that they put in the side means that you don't have to worry about spacing these slabs out so when you butt them up together those inbuilt spaces give you the exact space in between the slabs and that means you get a nice straight line down the slabs when you're joining them together you're using less jointing material and when you look at the cost of jointing material any saving you can make there is good it also means that that jointing is less likely to crack one more very important thing instead of being just 35 millimeters thick these are a full 50 millimeters thick and that means they can be laid on a flat bed of sand you do not need sand and cement water you haven't got to lay them on dabs you can level that screening sand out lay them straight on it and for the contractor that is a very important saving while i'm in my sales mode if you like let me tell you that this product is also very competitively priced even though it's a premium product using this prime top layer it doesn't actually cost you more you may actually find it costs you less [Music] you
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 349,123
Rating: 4.859303 out of 5
Keywords: how to lay paving, block paving, how to lay paving stones, how to lay paving slabs on sand, how to lay a patio without cement, laying paving slabs on dry mix, how to lay paving slabs on soil, sand cement mix for paving joints, laying slabs on sand only, how to level patio, laying paving slabs on soil youtube, paving expert patio, how to lay a patio, tobermore retaining walls, tobermore paving, tobermore concrete, tobermore secura, tobermore sienna, sperrin paving, how to
Id: igF95S0QkeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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