How to Know You Are Walking in the Spirit - 9 IMPORTANT SIGNS

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a powerful verse psalm 139 23 search me o god and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts there's something to be said of vulnerability toward god and that's what this message is about i am going to walk you through the scripture and as i do i want you to examine yourself and i want you to allow god to examine you don't hold back be completely honest as we move through these truths allow them to speak to you and not just to speak to you but to correct you you've heard messages on how to walk in the spirit we've put those out on this channel you've heard messages on what it means to walk in the holy spirit we've also put teachings like that on this channel but i want to show you how to measure with the scripture how to know that you're walking in the spirit truly so you've heard how to do it you've heard what it is now i want to show you how to determine using the scripture using the word of god whether or not you are being faithful to walking according to the spirit and in order to do this you have to be willing to examine yourself you have to be willing to be honest with where you are i found that sometimes in order to grow spiritually i have to admit that i'm not where i need to be in order to learn something new sometimes i have to admit that what i thought i knew was wrong and so as we grow as we look to the scripture let's examine our heart so this is a test today this is an examination a spiritual exam and as we move to these points measure your life against what the scripture says and then ask the holy spirit to help you correct it this is not a message of condemnation this is a message of examination and correction and we need to get honest now we need to get real because time is short time is short the harvest is ready god wants to use your life god wants to speak to you god wants to use you for his glory so prepare yourself let's go to galatians chapter five and i'm reading out of the nlt for those who will ask galatians chapter five let's go let's begin actually at verse number 16. so i say let the holy spirit guide your lives then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves i'm going to use this verse again later let's continue the sinful nature wants to do evil which is just the opposite of what the spirit wants and the spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires these two forces are constantly fighting each other so you are not free to carry out your good intentions but but when you are directed by the spirit you are not under the obligation of the law of moses now watch this when you follow the desires of your sinful nature the results are very clear sexual immorality impurity lustful pleasures idolatry sorcery hostility quarreling jealousy outburst of anger selfish ambition dissension division envy drunkenness wild parties and other sins like these let me tell you again as i have before that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the kingdom of god but the holy spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control there is no law against these things those who belong to christ jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there so there is this war between who you used to be and who you truly are now the spirit desires to do that which is godly the sin nature desires to do that which is sinful and if you're walking according to the spirit certain things will begin to surface in your life you know pressure doesn't create you it reveals you when something goes under pressure the contents are revealed for what they actually are you've heard the illustration that when god wants to produce oil in you or the anointing in you that it's like unto the crushing of an olive because they would crush the olive in order to get the oil but here's the reality were there no oil in the olive when the crushing would come there would be no oil in the same way when pressures come against us in our lives it reveals what's on the inside it reveals what's really in there so it's important that we examine ourselves so that when times of testing come so that when pressures come so that when the enemy attacks we can produce that which is in us the spirit so number one let's read these two verses again from galatians chapter five i'm going to read verses 22 and 23 one more time listen to this but the holy spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives love joy peace patience lord please help me with that one kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control there is no law against these things so number one if you're truly walking in the spirit it's the character of christ that will be revealed in you now power is one of the things i'm going to mention power and authority yes when you walk with the spirit you walk in power but i know a lot of people who can walk in power but lack in character i know a lot of people who can operate in gifts but don't know the glory they may be able to demonstrate power but they don't carry the presence they can put on a good show but they never preach christ and it's charismatic witchcraft that's what it is if someone demonstrates power without ever pointing to jesus it's charismatic witchcraft now the character of christ produced in you comes by the holy spirit the first sign the greatest demonstration that you are walking according to the holy spirit is not power is not miracles is not speaking in tongues though those are wonderful demonstrations of the holy spirit's power the primary way that you know that you're walking in the holy spirit number one it's the character of christ in you what good does it do if you're speaking in tongues and then cussing people out what good does it do if you're walking in power but have no patience for those who are weaker what good does it do if you have authority and are able to perform miracles and drive out demons and operate in the gifts but the people who are closest to you know you as a mean spirited moody cranky cynical selfish individual what good does it do to have power but not presence to have gifts without glory to have a form of godliness without the character of christ so the character of christ is foremost love love at its core is selflessness love is not a feeling love is putting others before yourself love is prioritizing those around you love is a decision made in selflessness love is selflessness joy do you project that joy in your everyday life or are you so spiritual that you have to always be so serious and moody now i'm not talking about personality types i know some people that are very stoic that's just their personality and that's not what i'm talking about here but you can be a serious person you can have a stoic personality yet still carry the joy of the lord i'm talking about those who are mean-spirited those who are unapproachable those who are constantly complaining and whining and gossiping because there's no joy in their life there's no praise coming out of them there's no praise coming out of them because there's no room because they're always complaining how are you supposed to complain and praise at the same time so is there joy being produced in your life do people see the joy of the lord or do you make christianity look miserable do you make it look like something that's unattractive do you make it look like something that's just one big chore after another you need the joy of the spirit in your life you need to be overflowing with that joy and affecting others around you do you have peace or are you always freaking out and panicking at the first sign of trouble does your mind always go to the worst case scenario of what could possibly go wrong when you face issues in your life do you become emotional and reckless do you begin to say things that you shouldn't say does your mind begin to spiral out of control or do you stay grounded on the foundation of the person of christ do you find your firm footing in the promises of god are you able to approach the storm with confidence or do you freak out peace patience this is one of the ones i pray the lord helps me with if any of these i'm struggling with it's patience because i like to move fast i like to get things done i like to get on to the next thing if i'm explaining something i want to be able to explain it once and that's it and not have to explain it again patience is something i'm asking the lord to help me in now i have some patience but i could use more tell me in the comments section right now whether you're watching live or on replay as i've read the fruit of the spirit to you which one of these do you need the most work in for me it's patience next we see kindness kindness my goodness whatever happened to kindness in this world people so mean with each other everyone's a christian until they start driving everyone's kind until they're late everyone's in a good mood until they don't get what they want and then suddenly kindness goes out the door god help us goodness this is speaking of goodness itself the intrinsic nature of god everything that is of god is good those good things that we enjoy the positive things of life do you have that goodness in you faithfulness this is talking about not just consistency but reliability are you faithful and consistent and reliable or are you the person who texts i'll be there and then you decide to not go and you don't tell anyone and they're having to get a hold of you and no one can get in touch with you you just what they what do they call it ghost everyone oh yes i'll help and then they gotta call you to follow up i'll be there and then you don't show up faithfulness is not just consistency it's reliability it's the character of christ do you keep your word the the thing i was told by my father growing up is your word is your bond it has to do with your character your nature who you are when god gives you his word he's giving you himself he's putting the full backing of everything that he has and is behind what he promised in the same way when you give your word your character backs that word your word is only as good as your character your word is only as good as your consistency and we need that faithfulness gentleness and self-control some of us are so rough around the edges some of us are so difficult to deal with people don't want to even approach you about anything because they're afraid that you might not be in the right mood to be approached gentleness self-control oh my goodness gentleness and self-control really go hand-in-hand because sometimes in order to be gentle you have to have self-control how do you disagree how do you argue do you use gentleness or are you in the flesh can you come to a place of peace with others or do you lack gentleness self-control self-control my goodness this can have to do with anything and everything this can have to do with the words you say the thoughts you think the way you treat people how you treat the temple of the holy spirit your physical body what are you putting in your body as far as your diet goes what are you putting in your body as far as substances go are you self-controlled or do you demonstrate a lack of self-control now again these are questions i'm asking and i am not asking these to condemn anyone look i i'm not i'm not someone who tries to offend people just because it makes for a better message i'm telling you this because i love you i'm asking you these questions because these are questions i have to ask myself too i'm right there with you i'm looking at these things going lord i could really do better in all of these areas there all of us can be more like jesus in some way all of us need to be more like jesus in more ways than one so i'm not saying this to condemn you i'm not asking these questions so that you walk away feeling condemned i want you to ask these questions so these things can be corrected in our lives because this is an indicator to us the holy spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives and then it lists the nine fruits of the holy spirit that's the character of christ if you are not walking in the spirit you won't be seeing these things therefore if you don't see these things that's a sign to you that's an indication that shows you that reveals that maybe you're not walking with the spirit like you should be we all need to measure ourselves against the scripture we all need to measure ourselves against what the bible says that's the diagnosis that's the verdict these are the symptoms of walking in the flesh what are the symptoms of walking in the flesh well what's the opposite of love it's selfishness it's the opposite of joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and faithfulness and so forth those are the symptoms of a lack of the spirit in your life or a lack of surrender to the spirit so that's number one the character of christ one of the signs the primary sign that you're walking with the holy spirit is number one the character of christ in you and we all i'll put myself in there with you spirit family i'm right there with you we're all growing we're all learning i need more uh surrender in my life in these areas so do you and so we have to do these tune-ups these checkups because only one is perfect number two the second sign that you're walking with the holy spirit is boldness in your witness are you bold about the name of jesus or are you a little bit shy do you hesitate to let people know that you know jesus do you become a little nervous when some other believer is talking really loudly about christ do you become a little uncomfortable when people start to ask questions about the gospel well i'm not saying that you're ashamed of him but sometimes as christians we become a little bit nervous because there are so many negative connotations attached to the term christian that we become a little shy but you and i need to walk in the boldness of the holy spirit we must come to the place where yes we acknowledge that there are some negative connotations attached to the term christian but regardless we say i am a jesus person i don't know about you but i'm a jesus man i love him i adore him i worship him i serve him i obey him he's the master the lord the god in my life that is who jesus is to me and if you're walking with the holy spirit then this sort of love will overflow what does the scripture say the scripture says that the holy spirit when jesus was speaking of the spirit he said he will glorify me the holy spirit glorifies jesus therefore when you're walking with the holy spirit you also glorify jesus with boldness in your witness i love this verse anytime somebody asks me they say brother david have you ever gone to seminary sometimes i call it cemetery that's a joke if you want to learn more about the bible that's perfectly fine but come on let's just be honest sometimes people go in and become all dry and puffed up with just knowledge and not the spirit but the knowledge itself is not the problem but you know when they asked me that brother david did you ever go to seminary i showed them acts chapter 4 verse 13 i say no but take a look at this acts 4 13. the members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of peter and john for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the scriptures i love that but they also recognized they recognized them as men who had been with jesus why because they recognized that same boldness on them they recognized that same spirit they recognized that same confidence in who they were in christ they recognized the boldness of jesus in peter and john you know when you go to speak the holy spirit speaks through you matthew 10 20 says for it is not you who will be speaking it will be the spirit of your father speaking through you so if you've ever been worried about finding yourself in situations where you wouldn't know what to say if you're walking with the holy spirit then in those situations like a mighty rushing wind the holy spirit will fill you and give you the unction to speak and declare the holy spirit gives you the words to speak and that gives you boldness think about that he's like your safety net any situation you find yourself in so long as you're walking with him there's no question that's going to come your way there's no objection that's going to come your way that the holy spirit won't be able to give you some response for and that gives you boldness knowing that the holy spirit has your back but you know that the holy spirit has your back when you're walking with the spirit notice i didn't say that the holy spirit only has your back when you're walking with the spirit i said that you know he has your back when you're walking with the spirit he always has you he's always with you he's not going to abandon you but it's in knowing that that we find our confidence sometimes we're not aware of that reality of the spirit backing us in our lives and so we walk without that boldness and confidence but when you walk with the spirit not only do you have that backing as you always do but you have the knowledge of and the confidence in that backing of the spirit so that you know that when you go to certain places the holy ghost himself will give you the words to speak and i thank god that he does it the bible says in proverbs 28 1 the wicked run away when no one is chasing them but the godly are as bold as lions righteousness produces boldness if you're walking with the holy spirit you're going to be like a lion if you're not walking with the holy spirit then you're going to run even when no one is chasing you talk about anxiety you ever create problems in your head that are not really there you create all the worst case scenarios in your mind you freak yourself out you don't even want to leave the house because you've told yourself of problems that aren't even in existence yet that's what it's like to walk without the holy spirit but with the holy spirit of god breathing life within you you walk with boldness and confidence that is a sign that you're walking with them a bold witness ephesians chapter 3 verses 11 to 12 say this this was his eternal plan when which he carried out through christ jesus our lord because of christ and our faith in him we can now come boldly and confidently into god's presence what a powerful truth that we can walk confidently before god and if you walk confidently before god then you can walk confidently before anybody else that's what the holy spirit produces once you start to walk with him his desires become your desires well what does the scripture say god is willing that none should perish but that all would come to everlasting life so what's god's will that the lost would be saved and you look at the men of god who had encounters with god in the scripture most of them who had an encounter with god also received an assignment for a people let me say that again most of them who had an encounter with god also received an assignment for a people think about the fact that moses came into contact with the burning bush in exodus chapter three and it was in that contact with the presence and power of god that he received not just his assignment but the power to fulfill that assignment think about saul who became paul he has an encounter with jesus he glimpses the glory of god's presence and then god transforms his life and he's sent as an apostle to the gentiles think about how the disciples encountered christ in their everyday life right in the middle of their ordinary lives jesus comes in and calls them and once they encountered his presence they received assignments for the people that they were to reach when you have an encounter with god it produces that assignment in you or it reveals that assignment and it produces the boldness and the power to fulfill that assignment encounters commission callings and when you walk with the holy spirit you have boldness in your witness tell me in the comment section right now has the holy spirit ever given you the words to speak when you thought you wouldn't have the words to speak if you're watching live or on replay i want to know right now tell me in the comments steve how's the chat doing chat you are doing amazing i've been reading some of the comments here and some of the ones that i picked out here is from our friend erica erica rhode i used to walk double minded but what worked for me was understanding that he didn't have to do what he did for us on the cross his love and grace reminds me to walk in the power of jesus another comment here from our friend myra i used to be so stressed but i was able to calm myself with worship and the word it really is that simple and does work god bless this ministry okay so we're testing our walk with god by comparing our lives to the scripture and we just saw number one if you want to know if you're walking with the holy spirit number one the primary sign is the character of christ in you number two it's a bold witness that's that boldness for the name of jesus like romans 1 16 says i am not ashamed of the gospel okay so that's number two is boldness in witness number three i want everybody who prays in the spirit pray in the spirit right now ask him to really speak to you number three a disdain for your own sin number three a disdain for your own sin i'm going to read again as i did at the beginning of the message galatians 5 17 the sinful nature wants to do evil which is just the opposite of what the spirit wants and the spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires these two forces are constantly fighting each other so that you are not free to carry out your good intentions now there's a lot to unpack here but let me just say this some of you are so discouraged because you've been battling with a particular issue in your life and you feel guilty you feel condemned you feel hopeless like you're never going to be able to overcome that issue you wonder if god has distanced himself from you maybe sometimes you feel like a hypocrite because you're fighting this thing in your life let me encourage you by saying this the fact that you're fighting sin is proof that the holy spirit lives in you the fact that you're struggling to overcome the flesh is proof that the holy spirit is in you well what does the scripture say that the sinful nature desires the opposite of what the spirit wants and the spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires so then if you have desires that are contrary to the sinful nature who was it that put those desires in you the fact that you are fighting that thing the fact that that thing grieves you deeply the fact that you are tormented by your own mistakes is proof that the holy spirit resides in you now you may say i feel like such a fake i have good news for you whenever you sin you are a fake you say how is that good news well you heard me correctly whenever you sin you are a fake you're a fake sinner you are not a wolf in sheep's clothing you are a sheep trying to wear wolves clothing and it's not who you are that's not who you are anymore so this is this disdain for your own sin is proof that the holy spirit resides in you you want to know when true freedom comes true freedom from the bondage of sin comes not with more willpower though you should exercise willpower not with more discipline though you should exercise more discipline true freedom from sin comes not when you try to fight the desire to sin true freedom from sin comes when your desires begin to change true freedom doesn't come in trying to fight the desire for sin you're going to lose your mind doing that you should resist temptation as i said you should exercise self-control and discipline absolutely positively don't hear what i'm not saying what i am saying is that the way you truly get at the root of it is not by fighting your desire but by changing your desire and the only way to change your desire is to fall so in love with jesus that everything by comparison just doesn't interest you anymore to love jesus so much that by comparison you hate all other things to be so satisfied in the presence of god that you no longer have to look for satisfaction in this world to be so satisfied in the presence of the holy spirit that you no longer have to look for satisfaction in your sin that's what it means to truly be free in that he changes your desires so that you no longer desire that thing he changes your desires from desires of the flesh to desires of the spirit how do you get that you walk closely with the holy spirit this is a sign disdain for your own sin is a sign that you are walking truly with the holy spirit he gives you desires that are opposite of the sinful nature now again you may have this battle and you may be fighting this thing and i'm going to repeat it a third time because it's worth repeating yes exercise willpower and discipline and choose to resist temptation that's a major part of it but the real freedom comes when your desires begin to change and your desires begin to change when you begin to fall in love with jesus and you fall in love with jesus by walking with the holy spirit and he'll give you new desires there's going to come a day where the thing that tempted you will disgust you wow let me say that again because someone needs to hear this because someone someone needs hope in this area again you feel condemned guilty frustrated hopeless about the future and ever being able to overcome this thing there's gonna come a day where what once tempted you will disgust you and you won't want anything to do with it anymore it's not even going to be there won't even be the desire for that thing that's what happens when you begin to walk in the spirit so if you're craving hear me now please if you're craving for sin is intensifying that's proof to you that you're drifting from the path of walking with the holy spirit one more time i'll repeat it if your craving for sin is intensifying that is a symptom of drifting from the holy spirit and it needs to be addressed psalm 45 7 says you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness therefore god your god has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions that's what happens when you walk with god you hate sin you hate unrighteousness now what you're going to notice is that the closer you get to god the more sinful you're going to feel this is something i've taught often i've taught it for years because it's an important part of understanding how the holy spirit works against sin in our lives the closer you get to god the more sinful you're going to feel about certain things in other words your standard becomes raised you you may have allowed certain things in your life before but now that the standard is being raised you no longer want anything to do with that you may have allowed certain people and you may have gone certain places before but now that the standard is being raised you're no longer interested in those things why because you're drawing closer to god the brighter the light of god's glory shines in your life the more detailed you're going to see yourself as god's light begins to shine you start to see clearly in the spirit and those things that are sinful become apparent they start to be revealed in you and then you begin to address them well think about isaiah isaiah chapter 6 when he saw the presence of god wonderful display of god's glory in the temple and what does isaiah say woe is me for i am undone in other words he saw god's glory yet he looked at himself and recognized his own faults and sinfulness when the glory of god comes closer you begin to recognize your own sin nature and you begin to see things in yourself more clearly and that's why you feel more sinful the closer that you get to god but this doesn't mean that we should go on living lives of shame and guilt and self-hatred this just means that we see clearer in the spirit so that we can correct these things so number three how to know you're walking with the holy spirit number three you begin to develop a disdain for your own sin now number four is key this is what i talked about at the beginning i talked about the fact that power and authority are manifestations of walking with the holy spirit but let me just say this we have to be rid of this idea and this is a prevalent idea we have to be rid of this idea this ungodly mindset that the less of the word of god there is that the more the holy spirit can move well you've seen it in church services the preacher will get up there he'll say i have my notes here i was going to preach the gospel i was going to teach a sermon but you know the holy spirit is moving so let me throw these notes out and everybody just applauds yay yes get rid of the notes get rid of the word get rid of the scriptures now i understand that there will be moments when the holy spirit will instruct and minister the gospel to for a moment set aside the teaching so that he could pursue what the holy spirit wants to do in that moment i've had that happen to me before where i'm about to teach and suddenly i can hear myself calling someone out for healing or casting out a devil or praying for someone to be filled with the holy spirit or giving a word of knowledge the holy spirit will redirect you in those moments but we have to get rid of this notion that god really moved because wow they didn't even preach a sermon god really moved because wow they didn't even when we got there we got to the service and right away the power demonstrations just started here's the caution if someone is demonstrating the power without pointing to jesus it's charismatic witchcraft it's a show and it's all about itself there has to be something in there that points to jesus i'm not saying that every time there needs to be this ultra clear full presentation of salvation i mean sometimes it's the believers who are gathered though we should from time to time hear the gospel again just so we can be more established in our faith and grow in our understanding of salvation but if somebody goes on and on and on and on and that's the pattern of their lives that they just have the power but no presence they have the miracles but no message that is a very dangerous place to be so as i talk about this recognize that power and authority are signs that you're walking with the holy spirit but they're not the only signs think about matthew chapter 7 verses 21-23 where the scripture describes those who are confident that they'll be accepted who are confident that they're going to go to heaven they come strutting up to the lord on that day and the lord tells them depart from me i never knew you you workers of lawlessness and what was their defense they said we drove out demons in your name we did many mighty works in your name we we did so much for you but jesus says i never knew you and so they're punished condemned banished from the presence of god don't let that be you so let that be a word of caution i believe in the power of the holy spirit many of you know this you've been to our services you've seen the video we believe in healing and so forth but power and authority is not the only sign and for some reason people focus on this they focus on the power and authority and they think that that's the only thing that they need well number one they need the character of christ number two they need boldness in their witness number three they need to disdain for their own sin number four power and authority acts chapter 1 verse 8 says this but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses telling people about me everywhere in jerusalem throughout judea in samaria and to the ends of the earth the purpose of power is evangelism the purpose of power is ministry the purpose of power is service god did not give you the power for show he gave it or he gave it to you for service god did not give you the power for status he gave it to you for service so the power comes on you and what happens the sick are healed demons are driven out people are filled with the holy spirit miracles happen that's the power of god he wants to demonstrate that power the scripture says i didn't come to you simply with fancy and lofty words but rather i came in the demonstration of the power of the holy spirit so the power is for demonstration but not for show demonstration is unto a purpose show is unto status and self-glorification that demonstration of power points to christ and that's why we're given it so acts 1 8 talks about the power that comes upon our lives and it's so key that we see this power manifest don't be so afraid of walking in god's power that you neglect that power because some people are like well i don't want to be like those people who are banished from god's presence because they walked in power listen those people in matthew 7 weren't banished from god's presence they weren't sent to hell because they walked in power they were sent to hell despite the fact that they walked in power why were they banished they were banished because they were workers of lawlessness in other words they were in sin and trying to walk in god's power at the same time so it was hypocrisy of their sin that kept them away from god not the demonstration of power so don't say well i don't want to walk in power because i don't want god to reject me no that's not what causes it now i said power and authority let me read another verse to you here ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 says this for he raised us from the dead along with christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with christ okay so he raised us from the dead along with christ and seated us where in heavenly places where are you seated you're seated in heavenly places you sit in a place of authority you know that's what drives demons out because you're seated in heavenly places it's not a technique that we apply it's not something that we can learn it's not a skill to be developed it's authority either you have the authority to do it or you don't either the demons recognize i have to obey that guy i have to obey that woman or they don't recognize that how do you walk in that authority well if you want to walk in god's authority you have to walk under god's authority wow come on a lifestyle of obedience and walking with the holy spirit will give you heaven's backing so that when you speak to demonic powers they have to listen you don't have to debate with them you don't have to try this and try that i know i used to do all that but now i recognize it's just the authority of christ and that's what drives out demons so this power and authority comes when you're walking with the holy spirit so if you're not walking in that power and authority that's a sign to you that you're not walking with the holy spirit as you should now all of us again are works in progress myself included we're all works in progress i'm right there with you okay but we can look to the scripture so that we can find that which we will aspire to be so number one signs that you know you're walking with the holy spirit number one character of christ number two boldness and witness number three disdain for your own sin number four power and authority now before i get to number five let me just say if you're watching this for the first time make sure to subscribe to encounter tv we post teachings on the holy spirit prayer spiritual warfare and such topics we also do live streams like this every wednesday and we show footage of the power of the holy spirit in action if you're looking for a channel that's spirit filled and biblically balanced the blending of the two the word and spirit then you found it encounter tv this is the holy spirit's channel so make sure you're subscribed and i want to ask you also if you're watching live or if you're watching on the replay everybody go and like this video right now and i want everyone in the chat to just say what's going on with them as they're hearing this how many of you are being challenged if you're being challenged by the word just type the number one in the chat right now again whether you're watching live or on replay and steve before i get to point number five we will check in on the chat chat is doing great i love a lot of the comments um a lot of them are are very interesting i have one here uh from ophelia ophelia writes i thought my suspicions were godly discernment well and but when i understood that by grace i am free i quickly changed my heart and leaned on to the holy spirit he is everything i'm glad i'm glad before you read the next i'm glad ophilia said that because i'm actually going to be talking about discernment in a little bit and so i'm glad you brought that up very key point and also emily writes i am guilty of overthinking lol god has put me in check and i'm so glad he does well all of us are sometimes you know worry is the flesh's counterfeit for prayer and worry is a useless attempt at control which we'll talk about in a little bit so someone asked for the list again i'll give it to you number one the character of christ number two boldness in your witness number three disdain for your own sin number four power and authority number five radical faith so the scripture talks about three types of faith number one the measure of faith romans 12 3 says for by the grace given to me i say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think with sober judgment each according to the measure of faith that god has assigned now this can't be saving faith because we all have a different measure of it but this is the measure of faith god has given to you in life for your assignment then there's the gift of faith first corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 the same spirit gives great faith to another now this particular gift of faith cannot be faith for yourself because the bible says in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 that each gift is given to us that we might help each other so the spiritual gifts are others centered therefore the gift of faith is the ability to stir faith in others so the measure of faith the gift of faith and then the scripture talks about the spirit of faith watch this now second corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 says it is written i believed therefore i have spoken since we have that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak now here the bible is not directly talking about the holy spirit himself rather this is talking about the spirit of the believer but remember that the scripture declares that he that is joined to the lord is one spirit with him therefore whatever is happening in my spirit is happening as a result of my walk with the holy spirit therefore this faith spoken about the spirit of faith this stirring of faith comes by the holy ghost you know you're walking with the holy spirit if you have radical faith look god did not call us to save christianity god did not call us to play it safe to sit on the side to live in comfort if you followed jesus for comfort somebody lied to you because following jesus is an adventure jesus never promised that your life would be perfect see some of us think that god's will for our lives is that we have everything that we could ever want that everyone we know is perfectly positioned in the exact same way we want them that all of our dreams will come true that god's going to clear everything out of our way so that we can have all of our desires and that's just not what jesus said jesus actually said you're going to have persecution you're going to have trouble people are going to hate you reject you revile you he promised love joy and peace and he promised oneness with god he promised forgiveness of sins but he did not promise a perfect life so radical faith will require hear me now radical faith will require at times that you step out and do something that's outside of what makes you comfortable i can't tell you how many times i've heard someone say well that didn't feel right in my spirit so i didn't do it and often when they say it didn't feel right in their spirit as i'll touch on a little bit more later when i talk about discernment but when they say it didn't feel right in their spirit what they actually mean is i was afraid and i wanted to spiritualize my fear now i understand that the holy spirit does prevent us from doing certain things we saw that when the disciples tried to go into asia and the spirit of jesus prevented them from doing so so we know that the holy spirit does have preventative work where he corrects our paths and closes doors and i thank god for the closed doors just as much as i thank them for the open doors even though i may not like the closed doors as much as the open doors regardless the holy spirit will sometimes call you to stretch outside of your comfort zone listen to me now people of god if where you are doesn't require faith you're not in the will of god if where you are doesn't require faith you're not in the will of god if what you're doing doesn't require faith you're not doing the will of god god will never just leave you in a position where you don't need faith in him god will never just leave you and abandon you to the ordinary plain settings of mundane life god will always call you higher god will always pull you into the greater god will always purposefully pull you into your destiny and help you to walk along the path with the holy spirit that you might reach the assignment and accomplish the assignment that he's given to you you have to learn to step out in faith i have to learn to step out of a look like i mentioned earlier our ministry is expanding operations now you know what i would love to do and i told steve the other day remember steve i said would it be great we just kept it as it is right now everything's fine everything's fine things are good we're reaching people the money is stable our families are comfortable they're well positioned we have people and churches and everything's just as it should be everything's just so but we sense the holy spirit calling us to do more so therefore we're taking a big risk a huge leap into the hands of god and saying lord you spoke you promised you directed and will respond that's what radical faith does we have to stop thinking that christianity is just this boring lifeless dull existence where we just go from the day to day the christian life is a great adventure the christian life is full of ups and downs the christian life has risks involved with it why would i need faith if it wasn't risky now i'm not talking about being presumptuous and just doing everything and saying okay god you take care of the rest i'm talking about responding to the voice of god somebody asked me well what's the difference between faith and foolishness when is it foolishness and when is it faith i'll give you the simple answer the only difference between faith and foolishness is whether or not god has spoken i'll say it again the only difference between faith and foolishness is whether or not god has spoken i remember i did something by faith in a service the holy spirit told me i think it was to pull this woman out of a wheelchair i don't remember exactly the scenario but it was something like that i pulled this woman out of the wheelchair and don't do these things unless the holy spirit's speaking to you and i remember i pulled her out of the wheelchair and god healed her it wasn't because i did anything i just did i just followed the instructions pretty easy to do it's the holy spirit who does it so you just follow him and i went to the back room afterwards after the service and one of my pastor friends told me he said that was pretty bold and i said well i believe it was the holy spirit he said well good thing she got healed he said i thought either he's really anointed or he's really stupid and he says and now i know it was the anointing of the holy spirit because the miracle occurred so the only difference between faith and foolishness is whether or not god has spoken but when god speaks you're not always going to feel comfortable about it all this didn't sit right and oh they'll say this steve i didn't feel peace wow what does that really mean what is that when did where in the bible hold on where in the bible does it say that when you obey god you're always going to feel peace about it and that if you don't always feel peace about it then it's not god the peace doesn't come from exterior circumstances well that situation makes me a little uncomfortable so i didn't feel peace on it so i didn't do it wait a minute wait a minute wait a wait a minute peace is a fruit of the spirit not a result of our circumstances therefore peace is always overflowing from deep within me no matter what the circumstance is so the measure of whether or not we obey god shouldn't be well did i feel peace about it because that's not what the scripture says do you do you think do you think paul felt i'm not talking about the inner spiritual peace inner spiritual peace you're going to feel that no matter what happens but do you think paul felt perfect peace when he stood before people who could take his life i promise you he was at least a little bit nervous because there's the human side why did jesus sweat drops of blood in the garden because he was deeply anguished why did he say father if it's possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but your will be done why did the lord say that you say i think sometimes we confuse peace for comfort i think we confuse peace for comfort comfort and what we're actually saying is i'm not completely comfortable with that wow that's the reality guys and so radical faith is a part of the christian's life you need to be taking steps that make you a little nervous and again the difference is whether or not god has spoken so there's a difference between peace and comfort often when people say i didn't feel peace what they're really saying is i didn't feel comfortable and that's the reality so so far we've seen five signs how do you know you're walking with the holy spirit well these signs will begin to manifest number one the character of christ number two boldness in your evangelism number three disdain for your own sin number four power and authority and number five radical faith there is definitely someone watching right now there's definitely someone watching right now who knows they need to take that step of faith but they're afraid of what the future might hold they know god has spoken they know god has given them the instruction but they're afraid don't be afraid if that's you this is a little mini altar call the message is not done but here's an altar call for you i want you to put in the comment section right now i'm stepping out type those three words i'm stepping out even if you're watching the replay and god is speaking to you let this be a public declaration that now is the season this is this is the time now to obey god this is the time now for radical faith no more half measures no more just barely getting by no more reservation when the holy spirit speaks it's time to respond and say i'm stepping out i want you to write that in the comment section right now if that's you and you're ready to do this write it in the comment section whether you're live watching or it's on the replay that's your alter call for that point number six this one's going to be a little bit uh a little challenging here number six strong discernment and wisdom james chapter 1 verse 5 says if you need wisdom ask our generous god and he will give it to you he will not rebuke you for asking so whenever we talk about discernment i think there's a lot of misunderstanding i can't tell you how many times i've heard people say well that doesn't sit right with my spirit or something didn't seem right with that guy or that girl i'll tell you a story there was a friend of mine who i recently was able to help it wasn't all because of me i'm not trying to say hey glorify me for getting this guy on but but there was a friend of mine who i had a part and i was privileged to play that part and serve in that way i was happy to do it i was able to help connect some people and there was a friend of mine who was very very very gifted is very gifted and i said i need to help get this guy i just sensed it in my heart from the lord i said i need to help get this guy on a certain popular christian tv program because i knew that if i could just get that ministry connected with that tv program that that ministry would blow up they would see a huge increase in everything so for a while a long time i was talking to the producers at this show about this particular ministry thing you got to get this guy on you got to get this guy on you got to get this guy oh he's so gifted he's so annoyed i would send text and whenever i was down there i would meet with them and say oh don't forget this guy and i pushed it for a while finally not because of me but because of the lord using myself and others who were helping to make this connection finally this individual was able to get on the program and i was excited about this because this is something i had helped to be a part of and i remember i was watching the live stream right so they're premiering the show now i'm watching they're premiering it on social media i've been waiting for this moment i remember getting pictures when they filmed the interview and then they were on the program and now here was the moment i was excited i said yes here we go this ministry is going to blow up and it did it saw a lot of growth from from the broadcast but i'm watching the live premiere and i'm looking at all the comments going by and i'm seeing people in the comments section they're saying about this individual oh this guy's anointed i said yes he is they're saying oh this man of god is bold i said yes he's very bold that's that's him and they're just wonderful comments about this ministry i was super excited to see it and then somebody commented steve there's always like one or two facebook theologians you know internet uh keyboard warriors computer prophets i call them this person comments well i don't know something just doesn't sit right in my spirit about him right and i can almost hear their voice kind of like remember that old cartoon droopy that dog well i don't know that's like that's how i that's how i read it well i don't know something just doesn't sit right in my spirit about this and i'm watching this i kind of i was kind of like lord help them i wanted what was that scripture vengeance is fine saith the lord it actually turns out it's vengeance is mine so we had to leave it to the lord so i'm watching these comments i'm going oh my goodness like what are they doing and then i saw someone else under that comment chime in oh my goodness you sensed that me too i discerned something's off here wow then someone else commented then someone else commented and someone and so they got their little discerner party together and all these discerners so called they're getting together no reason to speak against this man of god they're just discerning it and they're all getting together some of them i'm sure it was jealousy they're all getting together and discerning that this is not a man of god nothing that he said they didn't bring out any script nothing just discerning right they just felt it and it turns out they all convinced each other that they were right well you said it i said it we must be right there yeah we we saw it everybody else missed it but we discerned that's not the kind of discernment i'm talking about that's not what i mean when i talk about discernment and people say things like that well i i've seen the comments they almost have to give their credentials if somebody has to tell you they have discernment it's because they probably don't have it well i have really strong discernment and here's what i sensed and i thought these are people who are likely a trying to be validated through this gift that they think they have b not judging with righteous judgment and they're confirming it with one another these these lies really what they're doing is that maybe they don't like a certain personality maybe the way someone dresses reminds of someone they don't like and they don't even consider these things about personal preference they just imagine that they're discerners so of course this must be true i discerned it of course it has to be true how is it that we're so confident in our own preferences and that's what happens they convince themselves of these things they they say oh i have discernment when really they have is personal preference and it's not that they're discerning it it's that they just are thinking it they're feeling it i've run into this situation time and time again so those who are strong in the spirit have true discernment and wisdom they have true discernment wisdom so how can you tell when someone is truly discerning by the holy spirit and not just their own personal preferences i'll show you you go to first corinthians chapter 12. a very very telling portion of scripture and i'm going to kind of park it here for a little bit first corinthians chapter 12. i'm just going to read the first three verses here just to give you a little bit of background paul the apostle is talking to the corinthians who themselves come from a culture of sorcery and witchcraft and idol worship and so the corinthians believed in pagan power and paul the apostle is writing to them saying look i want you to understand the spiritual gifts because i don't want you to confuse it for your old pagan power which i'm sure they were prone to do they probably thought oh yeah we know what power is we know what prophecy is and paul is saying look here's the difference all right you've had pagan power now concerning the spiritual gifts i don't want you to be ignorant he writes now dear brothers and sisters regarding the question about the special abilities the spirit gives us i love that because you know they asked about it because paul says okay concerning your question here so they're so they're so interested in power which is not necessarily wrong depends what your motives are check acts 8 for simon the sorcerer he had impure motives so you know the corinthians are looking at this going hey paul we hear there's some special abilities and they're probably equating it and paul's going oh no they're asking about the spiritual gifts and they're probably thinking it's very similar to the pagan power they operated in so he writes regarding your question about the special abilities the spirit gives us i don't want you to misunderstand this so he says that right off the bat look guys let's have a clear understanding here and then he gives them the key to discerning between god's power the holy spirit's power and pagan power you know that when you were still pagans you were led astray and swept along in worshiping speechless idols so i want you to know that no one speaking by the spirit of god will curse jesus and no one can say jesus is lord except by the holy spirit now this right here has led to this superstitious myth that someone who has a demon can't say the words jesus is lord like that phrase somehow is this magic phrase that's not what paul the apostle is saying rather he's talking about the declaration of their lives he's talking about the motivation of their ministry in operation he's talking about the source of their power he's saying that those who are operating in true power would not curse jesus because they're for him and those who are operating in demon power or worldly power would curse jesus because they're operating in different powers so he's basically saying here that the way you distinguish between true power and false power is not in their methods it's not in how they dress though if somebody's dressed you know provocatively you should probably question their character he's not saying that that what he is saying i should say is that you can tell the difference between true power and false power or demonic power by what their message is about jesus not these exterior things people who claim to be discerners so often just go with their preferences or because somebody says something differently than what they've been taught they go oh that's a red flag i discerned it no that's not how it works discernment has to do with the core of the spirit and and the problem is we're so dismissive with people well they disagreed with me on on on which day you should worship they say sunday i say ah i discern i gotta stay on the narrow path and we're throwing brothers and sisters to the side we're dividing over non-essential issues because of so-called discernment right when in fact the true test here is what they do with jesus let me show you another one first john chapter four i'm gonna read verses one through three first john chapter four i'm reading verses one through three dear friends do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the spirit so now we're gonna get some insight on discernment here you must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from god so this is where we are right on this particular verse this is where we are in the church i tested the spirit test the spirits test the spirit i saw someone specifically say you need to use discernment with this guy i thought interesting because i thought you should use discernment with everyone what they really meant is you should dismiss this guy because i don't like him we should use discernment on everyone not just with people we don't like so you must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from god now watch this for there are many false prophets in the world okay so how do we do it i wonder if the scripture has the answer verse 2 this is how we know if they have the spirit of god if a person claiming to be a prophet acknowledges that jesus christ came in a real body that person has the spirit of god so what is the test what they do with jesus if christ is the central message they're of god and if they're not of god then at least we know their ministry is not some super dangerous thing god will judge them later like we saw in matthew 7. but we have to stop with the heresy hunting i've seen a lot of my friends in in recent seasons just take a lot of hits from all different sides wow and i'm thinking i mean i i trust me i remember when when things first started picking up for us how how hard that was to endure now i'm kind of like you know i just whatever whatever people say i really honestly does not bother me anywhere near as much as it used to but i'm seeing men of god women of god being attacked by so-called discerners but those who are really walking in the spirit are going to walk in discernment and wisdom you can't just feel bad about something or feel uneasy about it and call that your discernment that's likely as i said your own emotion your own preferences like my brother was in a hardcore band my brother-in-law was in a hardcore band and if you don't know what hardcore is it's really really loud music like loud electric guitar and like they scream into the microphone when they're singing and i i i thought every single time that he's saying i thought oh his throat has to be bleeding his throat has to be bleeding after that long 45 minute set but that's you know that's just how they sing so i would go to these hardcore shows in support of my brother-in-law's ministries people would see me they go like what are you doing here like i'm here to support uh the christian band you know so i would see them they would get up on these platforms and i watched as they would sing the gospel they were screaming it yeah their throats were probably hurting and it didn't sound pleasant to me but i'm listening to i'm watching them on the platform they're singing the gospel through this music and i watched i kid you not i watched demons manifest in that concert venue people were manifesting and getting set free from demons during this hardcore music show and then i saw people get saved in response to what they were singing the fruit of the spirit was demonstrated there and so i remember we were leaving the building and some lady outside the the the service or the concert what everyone i don't know what to call it she was saying to people around her this this music grieves the holy spirit i thought that's interesting if it grieves the holy spirit why is he using it to drive out demons why is he using it to save souls why is he using it to minister you can't have salvation without the holy spirit why did he bless the message and so she's telling you i i this grieves the holy spirit you know what she was looking at the dim lights the guitar the strange vocals that's what she was looking at so she was judging from the exterior and because she didn't like the music she said i'm discerning this is not of god and she tried to spiritualize her own discomfort and criticism the gift of discernment is not the gift of criticism the gift of discernment is not the gift of cynicism or skepticism see we call it discernment but it's just personal skepticism we do it with so many ministries we deal with people from all over now you guys have seen people attack this ministry which again i'm not complaining about and that's not why i'm teaching on this i'm teaching this because i want the people of god to be armed with the sermon but you've seen this ministry attacked how do you feel when you see people attacking this ministry that you know is real you've watched us enough you've seen behind the scenes you've been a part of it you go yeah that's a legitimate ministry that's why you're here watching now but my question is just as you've seen people attack this ministry you have to ask yourself are you doing that to other ministries that you're not quite familiar with yet maybe the person's personality comes across a little abrasive i find this interesting whenever someone boldly proclaims what we agree with say my goodness how bold but whenever someone boldly proclaims what we disagree with we say my goodness how arrogant i have a definition i made up for arrogance i think it can work my definition for arrogance is when your confidence exceeds your competence i'm going to try to coin that that's a little phrase i'll trademark it reuben let's trademark it arrogance is when your confidence exceeds your competence but people just kind of slap that label on anybody who says something they don't like when they say it with confidence why do we have to personally attack these men and women of god why do we do that why not just say you know what i disagree with that but let's move on from there why do we have to say oh they're arrogant oh i discerned they're so wrong oh i discerned this and do you discern it or do you feel it and now you're blaming the holy spirit wow so these are things we have to ask ourselves i'm going to show you one more look at go to jude chapter 1. i'm going to go verses 3 and 4. oh there's only one chapter but it's still chapter 1. jude one i'm going to read verses three and four dear friends i had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share but now i find that i must write about something else urging you to defend the faith right we have that this is what people use defending the faith defending the faith defending the faith watch this that god has entrusted once for all time to his holy people verse 4 i say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches saying that god's marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives so so when the scripture talks about defending the faith it's not saying go criticize everyone who has a disagreement with you on a side doctrine what's the bible saying what does the bible say in context it's saying i say this why why did he write defend the faith why did he write to defend the faith it says it i say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches saying that god's marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives well that's it so defending the faith has nothing to do with oh he said he prophesized and i don't believe in prophecy defending the faith has nothing to do with well you believe water baptism does this and you believe water baptism does that defending the faith has nothing to do with let's worship on saturday or sunday or every day right defending the faith has nothing to do with you believe in pre-trib but i'm post-trib defending the faith has nothing to do with these things defending the faith has to do with calling people out when they're preaching a different gospel this particular gospel says god's grace allows you to live immoral life so go on sinning because god's grace allows it so what do we do we take people's side doctrines and we claim that's the gospel they're preaching well that's just religious think about the fact that if i preach on healing somebody says you forgot to mention the baptism with the spirit if i preach on the baptism with the spirit somebody says you forgot to mention prosperity if i preach on prosperity someone says ah see he's that's all he preaches now that's the whole gospel wait a minute doesn't the bible talk about all these different things and what percentage of my messages should be what you would call the core gospel so we have to start nitpicking in this way and we have to stop calling it discernment we have to start using godly discernment which is discernment based on the word not on your preferences or your culture so that excuse me that's number six strong discernment and wisdom and those who are led by the spirit aren't going to go nitpicking these other men and women of god that's not the holy that is not the holy spirit whenever you see someone commenting on somebody else saying something didn't sit right just and they give no reason for it that's probably not the holy spirit because the holy spirit gives this discernment by the word if someone's preaching that christ did not come in bodily form if someone's preaching that god's grace allows you to live immoral lives if someone's preaching that jesus isn't lord if someone's preaching something that violates the core and essential doctrines of the faith yes then that is true discernment but if they just have a different view than you on some side issue that is not discernment that is your personal preference let's stop condemning the people of god and let's pursue unity and love in the name of maturity in the name of the spirit steve how's the chat doing chad's doing amazing janice writes some do it based on their past experience of their feelings not by the word of god janet also writes thank you so much pastor david for all of these teachings they have really impacted my life god bless this ministry so guys let me know in the comment section right now if that is challenging you that that word on discernment because i'm seeing men and women of god who i deeply love being attacked just from all sides and people of god we have to be careful we ha we we can't afford to have fewer people in ministry right now there's a building that's on fire and we're arguing about which fire trucks to send let god do what he does now if the gospel is being violated at its core that's different but we can't just go taking someone's side doctrine and saying that's what they believe is the gospel that's to conflate the two just because someone preaches on prosperity doesn't mean they believe prosperity is the gospel same goes for healing same goes for deliverance same goes for speaking in tongues all those things so let's judge with righteous judgment with maturity guys maturity let's please let's please let's please have unity in the name of jesus i'm asking you as your friend let's be careful with what we say about these other men and women of god because i'm seeing marvelous ministries on the rise right now i'm seeing wonderful ministries whom god is raising and people are tearing them down for no reason let's be careful people of god please okay so that's number six strong discernment and wisdom number seven a love for god's word psalm 119 verses 9 through 16 say how can a young person stay pure by obeying your word i love that verse 10 listen okay as i read these verses just listen to the love for the word of god listen to this i have hidden your word in my heart that i might not sin against you i will praise you o lord teach me your decrees i have recited aloud all the regulations you have given us i have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches whoa let me just stop there can you imagine if god's people loved his word as much as they love riches look at what they said i have rejoiced in your laws as much as enriches can you imagine if i just went like crazy right now and i said everybody on the live stream gets a thousand dollars what if i did that what do i just give every or if i said i'm going to pick 10 people i'm going to give them 100 000 each what if i just did that right now and just said i'm gonna hand out money and i picked you and you got a hundred thousand my goodness you would be rejoicing you would be flipping out you would be thinking of all the things that you can do what if what if you rejoiced in god's word as much as you do in riches i will study your commandments and reflect on your ways i will delight in your decrees and not forget your word that's so key because sometimes we hear the word and then we forget the word if reading the word is eating then meditation is digestion if eating the word is reading the word then meditation is digestion you must not only consume it you must digest it you must meditate on it must become a part of you that's what begins to happen when you walk with the spirit if you have no interest in the word you are not walking with the holy spirit if you're noticing your hunger for the word begin to weaken you are being distanced from the holy spirit that is a sign to you that you are being distanced from the holy spirit and you must get back to walking with him the hunger for the word is a sign of spiritual health now listen there is a difference between hunger and starvation just like there's a difference between desire and desperation desire for god is good desperation not so much now hear me out don't don't don't flip out on me yet i know that sounds different than what we've been taught but hear me out here just for a second if i'm starving it means i haven't been eating now if i'm starving i should eat but i shouldn't live a lifestyle of starvation hunger is a sign of healthy growth starvation is a sign that you've not been eating like you should in the same way desire for god is healthy spiritually desperation means you've been lacking now desperation has its place think of people like hannah in the scripture desperation has its place i have a testimony that resulted from desperation but the truth is i was only desperate because i wasn't connected with god like i should have been desperation shows that we've been disconnected how can i be desperate for what i have so hunger is the key not that if you're in this place where you're constantly broken constantly on the verge of collapse constantly on the verge of giving up that's not a healthy place to be it has to do with your intake of the word and it's likely that if you're constantly in desperation constantly on the verge of collapse constantly weak and needing god or else you're going to quit then you're probably not taking in the word so a love for god's word is key you must have that hunger that daily desire to feed upon the truths of the word of god and not just desperation because you're desperate if you haven't read the word in three weeks you're hungry if you read it yesterday so a love for god's word is a sign that you are walking with the holy spirit i'm gonna read these last two but i'm going to shorten them up just a little bit and maybe i'll do number nine as a full lesson but but for now let me just let me just kind of whet your appetite here number eight is favor when you're walking with the holy spirit you have favor that doesn't mean that you have everything that you want but it means that you are well positioned to live out the blessings of god and the blessings of god don't just include material things psalm 84 9 says oh god look with favor upon the king our shield show favor to the one you have anointed now oil in the scripture is a symbol of the holy spirit so when someone was anointed in the old testament it was a symbolic marking of the holy spirit upon their lives and so there was favor shown to the one who was anointed there is favor given to the one who walks with the spirit when you walk with the holy spirit the holy spirit will cause you to meet the right people at the right times under the right conditions he'll open up the doors that need to be open he'll cause your path to be made straight he will make a way where there seems to be no way you have favor when you walk with the holy spirit you have favor when you're in god's will i want to park it here at number nine just for a second before i do if you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe to encounter tv right now and click that notification bell so you don't miss any content we put out sermons and teachings on the holy spirit prayer spiritual warfare and such topics we also show footage of the power of the holy spirit in action if you're looking for a channel or a ministry that's spirit-filled we believe in the power and biblically balanced we believe in the the scripture then this is for you this ministry this channel is for you join the spirit family by connecting with this ministry subscribe right now and go ahead and leave a comment let me know how you're enjoying this message in the comment section right now whether you're watching live or on the replay okay number nine now this one's really going to help you out okay this is for several of you who are living in condemnation and maybe even doubt number nine is confidence in your salvation i get so many emails and i'm not complaining okay listen i'm not complaining you email me if you're running into trouble email me message me on instagram message me on facebook i'm hardly on those things but if i happen to catch it i will reply okay but you know i get so many messages from people who are so afraid of whether or not they've lost their salvation they said brother david i messed up here did i lose my salvation brother david i looked at a woman to lust did i lose my salvation or they'll ask questions like if i die and the last thing i did was sin do i go to heaven or hell well the reason they're asking that question in the first place is because they don't understand how salvation works i mean imagine this is what some people imagine that they're driving down the street they look at a woman maybe jogging by they have a lustful thought then a suddenly a a diesel truck comes and wipes them off the road they die in that moment and now guess what they think they go to hell that's not how it works if that was how it worked then not only were we saved by the cross we were saved by the cross plus good timing make sure that you don't sin right before you die how do any of us keep that standard you never know so that's not how salvation works now just because you lose your confidence in your salvation doesn't mean you've lost your salvation let me say that again just because you've lost your confidence in your salvation doesn't mean that you've lost your salvation having said that when you walk with the holy spirit you have better access to that confidence in what christ has accomplished for you the bible says in ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of god not of works lest any man should boast so obviously biblically speaking god does not consider faith a work all that's required of us is that we believe romans chapter 10 verse 9 says if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved galatians 3 6 in the same way abraham believed god and god counted him as righteous because of his faith so it's by faith that you are saved come on now i want you to visualize a tree visualize a tall tree with roots that go deep into the ground now some people imagine that if salvation were a tree the roots are good works and the fruits are salvation that's not how it works i wrote about this years ago it's called digas salvation tree you can put it up on google and it'll it'll come up i wrote this years ago salvation is the this is not produced by good works salvation doesn't come about because i do good so if you're imagining salvation as a tree you must know that the roots are not good works the roots are faith the fruits are good works so good works are not the roots of salvation they're the fruits of salvation we don't do good works to be saved we do good works because we are saved imagine an operating table now you go in for an operation you don't come out of that operation and go man i did a really good job either really if you're operating on yourself okay i don't know why you would do that it's very dangerous but nobody's gonna operate on themselves why because you need the surgeon to do his work well jesus is the surgeon of the soul so salvation is like getting on the operating table you've really got nothing to do with it other than you surrendered yourself to the table and then the physician does his work it'd be like if i wrote you a check you would have to have faith to deposit that check but you wouldn't have done anything to earn that money in the same way we have faith to receive salvation but it's still a free gift and requires no works again faith is not considered a work so once you understand that you are sealed by the holy spirit your confidence in your salvation goes through the roof you're no longer walking around paranoid wondering did i sin enough to lose my salvation today imagine this imagine before you was a long hallway and on one side of that hallway is a door and all the way on the other side of that hallway is another door now the first door before you is called justification justification is your position your position once you are saved is sinless blameless holy spotless once you put your faith in christ you switch records with him and now you receive that perfect unblemished record so justified means you've been declared in the courts of heaven innocent justified it's done okay now you open that door and you shut the door behind you that's justification you're saved now that process in the hallway is called sanctification so the first door justification is your position the hallway sanctification is your process but no matter where you are in the hallway of sanctification you're still past the door of justification you may take ten steps forward twelve steps back five steps forward two two steps back doesn't matter god is not looking for you to be perfect he is looking for you to be submitted to the process of being perfected progress not perfection that's sanctification and so as long as i'm in that hallway with sanctification behind me i am saved now you ask well what if i slip up well that's a step backwards some may ask at this point well can i go back to that door of justification that's debatable that's a different sermon for a different time but so long as you are justified and in that hallway of sanctification so long as you are in the process you're saved so justification the first door is your position the hallway sanctification is your process the door all the way at the other end that is perfection that's glorification that's when you're done now here's what the scripture says ephesians chapter 1 verse 14 the spirit is god's guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased to us to be his own people he did this so we would praise and glorify him so here the scripture tells us that the spirit of god in us is god's guarantee it's the deposit it's it's like the the assurance that it belongs to you the scripture also says in second corinthians chapter 1 verse 22 and he has identified us as his own by placing the holy spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised so the holy spirit has been deposited in us to show that we belong to god so when you walk with the holy spirit the confidence in your salvation is boosted through the roof because you recognize the work that he's doing now again just because you've lost the confidence of your salvation doesn't mean you've lost your salvation it just means you've lost your perspective now watch this i wrote this down to help you understand ephesians 1 14 and 2nd corinthians 1 22 which i just read listen to this i wrote this in jewish wedding culture the father of the groom would usually be the one who picked the bride for his son how'd you like to do that steve pick your son's bride interesting so that's what would happen in jewish wedding culture the father would pick the bride after the father of the groom found whom he believed to be the choice bride he would approach the bride and her family there would there would be a written marriage agreement made like a contract after the written agreement was finished it was customary watch this for the father of the groom to give a gift to the father of the bride the gift acted as a deposit for the bride it was a promissory note a guarantee of the groom's intentions to marry once the deposit was made the intent to marry would become official the jewish wedding traditions like many jewish traditions mirror the spiritual realm just as the father of the groom selects the bride so god the father has chosen to give the church to his son and just as the father of the groom leaves a gift representing a promise so god fills you with his holy spirit his divine promise when the groom left the gift for the for the bride it was him saying i'm coming back to get you the holy spirit in you is the promise of god saying i'm coming back to get you so walking with the holy spirit gives you assurance of salvation now i'm going to give you the full list right now and then i'm going to pray with you before i do i want everyone watching right now to say something about this message whether you're watching on replay or live everybody say something now about the message how it spoke to you what you thought maybe you can add some things what are some other signs that indicate that you're truly walking with the holy spirit everybody say something right now and everybody leave a like on the video right now whether you're watching live or on the replay and i'll recap these and then we're gonna pray number one signs that you know signs that will help you to know that you're walking with the holy spirit number one the character of christ number two boldness in your witness number three disdain for your own sin number four power and authority number five radical faith number six strong discernment and wisdom number seven love for god's word number eight favor number nine confidence in salvation now i'm going to pray for you i really believe god wants to touch you look if you were stirred by this message don't just click off because this is a divine appointment i truly believe it i'm not i'm not just saying that i truly believe god has ordained this moment he's sovereign and so i want you to receive this prayer and ask the holy spirit to help you walk with him and then measure your life against this let there be some corrections here that indicate to you that you are walking with the holy spirit let this show you where you can improve let these be signs to you that show you where you are in your walk with the holy spirit father i pray in the name of jesus that you would help us to walk with the holy spirit and father we thank you for your word against which we can measure our lives thank you for your truth lovingly correct us holy spirit we're open to that correction help us to humble ourselves before your word we honor you we bless your name we love you and father let your healing power flow let your delivering power flow touch your people i pray remove every sickness every bondage touch each life in the name of jesus and i want you to say it because you believe it say amen well one more thing i want to show you something right now so don't log off i'm going to show you something that you absolutely have to see our team really did a good job of putting together this video and i want you to look at it it's a four minute clip i'm going to show it to you in a moment but you know if you're new to this channel now is the time to subscribe encounter tv encounter the presence and power of the holy spirit we release teachings and sermons on the holy spirit prayer and spiritual warfare and topics like that we also show footage of the power of the holy spirit in action we do live streams this is the channel for you if you believe in the power of the spirit and the word spirit-filled biblically balanced word and spirit that's encounter tv so make sure you're subscribed everybody do me a favor right now go and like this video whether you're watching live or on the replay now i want to show you something don't log off i want to show this to you we're on the verge of something really big i talked about stepping out in faith earlier here's the step of faith our ministry is taking right now watch this countries around the world have now reported more than one million coronavirus cases more than three billion people have been asked to stay at a protest started at about noon today in seattle but turned destructive right [Music] the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life jesus said i am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father but by me jesus is the only way to god we are witnessing the greatest miracle of all the salvation of the soul creation cries out for a move of the holy spirit it's time to take the gospel of jesus christ and the power of the holy spirit to the nations of the world the harvest is ready god has given david diego hernandez a plan to reach the masses as this ministry continues to experience rapid growth and favor we now turn our sights to the next phase of the vision we are building a new media center in austin texas we have the keys to the building and we've already begun to build this media center is more than just a building it's a heavenly stronghold a victory for kingdom expansion and advancement of dominion not only will this be a place that produces spirit-filled media that touches the nations but this will also be a place of gathering prayer in the home of our own data center which will help us to back up our own video platform so that we aren't subject to the whims of worldly big tech companies this will be the holy spirits video platform [Music] dare to believe big with us put a little faith in a big god and watch what he will do you can be a part of something that changes everything even in these chaotic times god's church is victorious get involved by going to expand we've secured our building and now we need to get to work help us build this next level soul-winning work i need your help get informed about and involved with this project by going right now to expand with over 1.2 million followers and supporters from across our various platforms we can make this god-given vision a reality if everyone including you does their part there's a remnant that's going after the soul of this generation together and with our god we can do this for nothing is impossible with god we're taking a step of faith and we're asking you to take a step of faith with us let's dare to believe god for something big you know we did the math and let's just throw a number out there say a hundred dollars i know a hundred dollars is not necessarily easy to come by but do you realize that if even just half half of our youtube subscribers were to give a hundred dollars we would have all the funding for phase one two and three for the entire project if even half of our subscribers gave a hundred dollars we would have it all if we got all our subscribers together and asked them and half of them responded and said i'll do 100 bucks we would have it all in a day in a day it would be done phase one two and three now i'm not asking everyone to do that because i know for some that's just not possible we did the math also if all our subscribers gave between 25 and 100 some 25 some 50 some 40. if everyone did between 25 and 100 we would have the full amount sometimes these videos get up to 200 000 300 000 let's say this gets let's say this one video gets up to 200 000 views well think about what we can do with that kind of support if even everyone who's watching gave a hundred bucks we could do it but the reality is not everyone's going to do that that's why we need you to do it don't say someone else will get involved don't say oh that sounds wonderful but others will take care of it we need everyone to take personal responsibility to go with us and step into this next phase of ministry we are fighting for the soul of a generation we can't back down now with all that's happening in the world we have to do this we have to do this we have to take the mountain of media we have to take the frontier of social media and technology we have to reach the next generation we have to do it we need the gospel to go around the world so i'm asking go to expand and give your best gift some of you can do 25 some of you can do 50 some of you can do 100 there are business people watching there are investors and business people and people who are well off who can do much more look we work with people who put in large donations all the time if you want to know more about the project i know the business mind you want to know the ins and outs we can talk we can make that available contact our ministry get involved with what god is doing in this generation this is the moment the harvest is ready the harvest is ready and we can win more souls than ever before go right now expand and give your very best gift whether you're watching live or on replay all of us need to come together and do what we can maybe you can make a commitment that within the next month your next nine months even that you'll give a hundred some of you can do a thousand over the next nine months some of you can do more but if everybody just digs deep everybody sacrifices together spirit family this is not my ministry or steve's ministry this is our ministry that god has entrusted to us if everybody does something then we can do this let me tell you something this can be done there are some who are saying oh it's too large of an amount or how could you do that and why i'm telling you i have faith and a big god there's nothing impossible he can do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask i think so help us do it let's win the soul of the next generation to give specifically to project etv so that your gift counts toward the project go to expand if you use the regular donation form it won't be allocated toward that unless you do it through expand go and do your very best gift right now live or replay all of us together don't say someone else don't say some other time it's time for you right now to help us do this let's win the soul of a generation one more time david hernandez ministries dot com slash expand do your very best gift and help us get this project going
Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 686,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Know You're Walking in the Holy Spirit, walking with the holy spirit, how to walk with the holy spirit, walking with the spirit, how to be more like god, how to be like jesus, how to be one with the holy spirit, one with the holy spirit, sermons on the holy spirit, holy spirit sermons, who is the holy spirit, who is the holy spirit and what does he do, holy spirit explained, walking with the holy spirit daily, david diga hernandez holy spirit, encounter tv, Holy spirit
Id: MBhhLgrps30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 17sec (5897 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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