How to CLEARLY Hear the Holy Spirit's Voice

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you don't have to settle for confusion you can hear the Holy Spirit yes with confidence and with Clarity that means you're not going to be second guessing you're not going to be wondering are these my thoughts are these my emotions or is this the voice of the Holy Spirit and you can hear him with Clarity you'll know what he's saying when he speaks to you I'm going to give you biblical keys to clearly hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit and the moment you apply these Keys they'll start working listen this is scripture this is not my opinion I'm going to give you the truth of the word of God on this subject right now and as you receive this truth you're going to begin to see and hear in the spirit with Clarity my prayer is that you become so sensitive to the voice of the holy spirit that all he has to do is whisper and you hear him and then respond you can have that you don't have to believe this lie that the holy spirit is difficult to hear you you don't have to believe this lie that hearing the holy spirit is reserved for some select group of Christians who are spiritually Elite there's no such group all of us are utterly helpless without the holy spirit all of us are completely dependent upon the precious holy spirit of God and he is in fact speaking to you right now in fact that is probably one of the most shocking truths I can give you on this subject when people come to me and say how do I hear the Holy Spirit why isn't he speaking to me why does he seem like he's a million miles away why am I so confused on this issue when I tell them that they are in fact already hearing the Holy Spirit I'm usually met with confusion so I want you to write this in the comments section by Faith Lord I'm listening type those simple words in the comment section right now whether you're watching live or on the replay write that in Faith Lord I'm listening because I promise you he is speaking to you he's not going to speak to you he didn't stop speaking to you he is speaking to you right now the holy spirit of God is saying something to you the holy spirit is communing with you he wants that Fellowship the Holy Spirit wants a friendship with you more than you want a friendship with him he is totally committed it's up to you to listen and so we must first understand the difference between hearing and recognizing remember this hearing the voice of the holy spirit is not a skill to be acquired it is a sense to be sharpened I want to say that again hearing the voice of the holy spirit is not a skill to be acquired it's a sense to be sharpened well what do I mean by that I mean that when you were born again you were born hearing the Holy Spirit think about when someone is born healthy when someone is Born Into the physical world in a physical body perfectly healthy they are born with their senses all intact those include hearing and seeing now you can't explain sight to a man born blind you can't explain hearing to a man-born death because these are senses difficult to describe you have to experience them to know them this is why when people ask me what does the Holy Spirit sound like I don't give them a direct answer because you can't give a direct answer that's going to do them any good people want to hear things like oh when he speaks it sounds like a whisper or when he speaks he speaks with a lot of bass or when he speaks it sounds like many Waters and these are typically biblical responses that we give and yes these can be helpful in terms of our own experiences with him but if I just give you these descriptions always sounds like a whisper then what happens when you begin to whisper a thought of your own to yourself you're going to be confused you're going to say well that was a whisper so surely that was the Holy Spirit so why didn't that seem to work out so it's not a matter of getting these descriptions of what his voice sounds like it's a matter of exercising what he's already given to you and that is the ability to hear his voice you are hearing him now so just like those who are born in physical body with physical senses so those who are born again are born already hearing him you can hear the Holy Spirit you are hearing him right now so the question is not a matter of hearing him but of recognizing him this is why again the greatest probably most shocking truth I can give you in regards to hearing the voice of the holy spirit is the fact that you already hear him I'll prove it to you with scripture go with me now first Samuel chapter 3 I'm going to read verses 1 through 10. first Samuel chapter 3 verses 1 through 10. meanwhile the boy Samuel served the Lord by assisting Eli now in those days messages from the Lord were very rare and Visions were quite uncommon so the prophets were not often hearing the voice of God one night Eli who was almost blind by now had gone to bed Eli was Samuel's mentor and Eli was also unable to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit on a regular basis and here we see that he was blind or almost blind by now I believe this was a physical parallel that revealed this spiritual reality he was almost completely blind verse 3 the lamp of the god the lamp of God had not yet gone out and Samuel was sleeping in the Tabernacle near the ark verse 4 suddenly the Lord called out Samuel yes Samuel replied what is it verse 5 he got up and ran to Eli here I am did you call me I didn't call you Eli replied go back to bed so he did then the Lord called out again Samuel again Samuel got up and went to Eli here I am did you call me I didn't call you my son Eli I said go back to bed so here Eli still doesn't recognize that Samuel is hearing from God verse 7 Samuel did not yet know the Lord because he had never had a message from the Lord before now this is key this goes back to what I was saying just a few moments ago people often want I should actually say Believers often want these very specific descriptions of the voice of the Holy Spirit tell me is there a lot of bass tell me does he whisper tell me does he speak sternly tell me does he sound like a man tell me does he sound like your own thoughts tell me does he sound like many Waters tell me does it sound like the wind and if I give you descriptions and you're going to be obsessed with those descriptions and then you're going to try to live in a relationship with the Holy Spirit based off of someone else's experience instead of having it for your own just as you cannot explain as I said a moment ago just as you cannot explain sight to a man born blind and hearing to a man born deaf so you cannot explain the sense of the spirit to those who haven't heard it notice here Samuel did not yet know the Lord why because he had never had a message from the Lord before so why didn't he recognize the voice of the holy spirit it's very simple and it's going to sound overly simplistic but we'll explain in a moment Samuel did not recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit simply because he did not recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit he hadn't heard it yet he hadn't become familiar with it now verse 8 so the Lord called a third time and once more Samuel got up and went to Eli here I am did you call me then Eli realized it was the Lord who was calling the boy so he said to Samuel go and lie down again and if someone calls again say Speak Lord your servant is listening so Samuel went back to bed and the Lord came and called as before Samuel Samuel and Samuel replied speak your servant is listening so from then on he begins to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit now watch this Samuel heard the voice of God before he recognized think about that Samuel heard the voice of God before he recognized the voice of God and I believe that's what's happening with many Believers in fact that's what I believe is happening with all believers who claim they cannot hear God he's speaking he's saying something he's ministering to your spirit you just haven't learned to recognize it I'll prove it to you again John 10 27 Jesus said my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me so the question isn't can I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit the question is do you belong to God and if you belong to God then the answer is yes you can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit now as I said it's not a skill to be acquired a skill is something that we do in our own effort to to acquire but by doing it God's way we do it according to God's grace and therefore it produces actual results many people believe that by following biblical truths or by following the pattern that God has laid out for us in Scripture that this somehow equates man attempting to connect with God but that's not the case when we do things by faith according to what God has said we are doing it according to God's methods and when we do it according to God's ways then and only then do we have God's grace to see God's results and so we must learn that there's a difference between the satanic the secular and the spirit now the satanic is quite easy to spot the satanic is anything that contradicts the word of God and this is very blatant the enemy is outright against What God Says When God says one thing the enemy contradicts that sometimes he's a little bit subtle in first getting you to question what God has said as he did with Eve in the garden and sometimes the enemy is a little more direct than just outright saying the lie and this works most effectively on those who don't know the word of God so the satanic can be easily spotted or discerned by the one who is well versed in the word of God when you know the word you can spot the lies of the enemy as they hit you and then there's the secular this one is a little more subtle you see a satanic lie would be something like you don't need to go to church ever well that's obviously a direct contradiction to God's word and none of us would ever believe that we would reject that idea outright simply because we know it's contrary to what God has said in the scripture but the secular is going to be something a little bit more subtle it's going to be something more believable whereas the satanic may say you don't need the church you don't need other people you don't need your fellow brothers and sisters the secular would say well maybe you don't need to go to church today because you're so tired or you've had such a rough week I think you should take some time off from connecting with the people of God or you deserve this time to yourself and therefore the secular is a little more subtle it's a little more humanistic it's a little more and contradicted to God's nature so it's the satanic contradiction contradicts God's word and the secular often contradicts God's nature and so it's a little more difficult to spot but the spirit aligns with both the word and the nature sure of God and this is what we must tune into now people complicate this process again we want we want very specific methods but the problem is when we have very specific methods we ultimately fall into religious Superstition very specific methods are the fast track to superstitious superstitious methodology easy for me to say and people complicate this because they want a list of things well tell me specifically what to do in terms of man-made superstitions that I might hear the voice of the holy spirit with Clarity well this is where it comes back again to the truth that we must simply follow the scripture so what I'm giving you is not man-made it's not superstitious and therefore it is of God and God will give you the grace to do it it really is just the Holy Spirit it really is just learning to trust him speaking people often ask this question how do I hear him how do I hear him how do I hear him well now we know you already do so the question we should be asking now how do I recognize him how do I recognize him how do I recognize him because if we can silence the voice of the flesh which is self if we can silence the voice of the satanic which is that which contradicts God's word if we can silence the secular which contradicts God's nature then all we're left with is Spirit think about this now because this is a very powerful truth that actually helped me in my own walk with the Holy Spirit I learned that it wasn't about trying to get the Holy Spirit to speak he's already speaking the key is silencing self silencing satanic silencing secular and when you silence self when you silence secular when you silence satanic All That Remains all that you'll hear is the spirit how then would it be difficult to hear him if he's the only one you hear speaking and this is where it becomes simple this is where it becomes easy this is where it becomes second nature I don't have to beg my wife to speak to me I don't have to work to recognize her voice I've been with her long enough I know her well enough to know that she will speak to me and when she speaks I recognize that voice I could pick her voice out of a crowd of any number of people as long as I could hear her as long as I wasn't drowning out her voice with everything else around her so it's simply a matter of silencing now everything else so this is key number one key number one hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit you do this today listen you do these things today you're gonna start walking in Greater Clarity that's not hyperbole I'm not over promising that's the scripture that's the Bible okay so silence and Stillness is key number one now this is what happens when you begin to pray consistently you begin to hear the voice of the holy spirit with confidence and clarity you begin to draw closer to him you're more familiar with the way he speaks you're more familiar with his likes and dislikes you draw closer to him as a friend as a guide as a comforter as a teacher watch this this is what the Bible says in Matthew chapter 6 verse 6 but when you pray go away by yourself shut the door behind you and pray to your father in private then your father who sees everything will reward you so here Jesus is talking about the discipline of removing outer distraction removing the exterior removing those things which would pull you from his presence of course we do this to make sure that we're praying with proper motives so that we're not doing it to receive the praise of man but rather the affirmation of Father God and we go away privately also that we might do away with exterior distractions to get away from the noise this must become an implemented discipline in the life of every believer every believer must come to this place of consistent faithful deep prayer when you begin to do this there are things that develop in you that are very difficult to explain unless you've experienced them yourself you see we as the children of God are called to be beings of light reflections of who he is we are not the source of that light but we ought to be reflections of that light we must day by day Moment by moment become more and more like Jesus we are of God we are his children we belong to him we are of the kingdom of heaven we are Heavenly beings not Earthly beings we are Heavenly beings having an Earthly experience not Earthly beings looking for a Heavenly one we are of the kingdom of heaven we are citizens of Heaven Christ is in power and authority we are in Christ and so we as believers ought to be taking on his character in nature and this is what begins to develop when you become closer to the Holy Spirit through prayer and when I say closer to the Holy Spirit I don't mean that literally I use that in terms of describing your awareness of who he is your awareness of his nearness because you can't get any closer than within you he dwells within you he doesn't abandon you he abides faithfully and in doing that he changes your nature and to experience the power of that transformation to experience the fullness of what he offers as that abiding presence on your life you must learn to be aware of what he's doing and then surrender to what he is doing in your life he sanctifies you day by day and this is one of the powerful works of prayer especially if you practice this in private especially if you implement this as a daily faithful discipline you begin to connect with that Spirit nature within you and the exterior begins to lose its power now watch this when you begin to seek the Lord like this the flesh begins to lose its power those cravings for sinful things begin to weaken those desires for habitual sins begin to weaken in fact you can come to the place where what once Drew you begins to disgust you what once tempted you will begin to repulse you you have your nature so transformed that you become like him his desires become your desires his presence marks your life and everywhere you go you take the atmosphere of heaven with you that's being a carrier of the glory of God walking into rooms and changing the atmosphere you do this and you don't have to go seeking encounters you live and encounter you don't have to go seeking atmospheres you become an atmosphere you become a carrier of the glory a host of the holy spirit's presence this is what happens when you pray Faithfully but one of the elements of Prayer is this shutting away of the exterior and the reason we do this in part this is not the only reason we do this but in part is so that we can silence the other voices that speak self speaks that's your flesh your own desires your own will your own emotions your own inclinations your own upbringing everything about you speaks and that is self then there's the satanic we know this is everything that contradicts God's word there is the secular this is everything that contradicts God's nature but then there's the spirit and when you go away to that quiet place and this is difficult for some you put that phone away you shut the laptop you tell everyone in your home listen I love you it's what I tell people I love you but you have to give me this block of time it cannot be disturbed for this block of time and then use that block of time to spend time with him shut off the TV shut off the tablet shut the laptop turn off the phone stop taking calls stop returning texts get rid of all the screens in fact even your your watch if you have a device that's on your wrist get rid of all the screens get rid of all the distractions and then once you silence the exterior now you go into that private place and and you've you've actually done a good portion of the battle you've actually already had victory over a good portion of the enemy and this is to silence those distractions which would pull you from prayer and then comes the difficult part watch this now silence and Stillness silence and Stillness silence is the putting away of outer distraction Stillness is the quieting of the Soul oh here is where we have trouble you ever notice that the moment you begin to pray that suddenly you're bombarded thoughts distracting you from prayer many of us blame the enemy it's more often your flesh suddenly when you begin to pray you're thinking about the bills you're thinking about your marriage you're thinking about the kids you're thinking about your fears you're what ifs you're wondering about the future perhaps you're thinking about a project you're working on a test you have to take some task lists that you must complete and you begin to have all these inner stirrings this inner chaos I call it and it's more than just concerns with everyday life like what will I eat what will I wear where will I go how will I work it also becomes that inner chaos of mind and emotion where you begin now to attack yourself by doing the work of the enemy for him and accusing yourself you start to remember suddenly all of your past all of the things you did wrong and then you start to lie to yourself and you start to allow the enemy to lie to you and then you agree with those lies and you come into partnership with those lies and now suddenly you're believing that God doesn't want to hear from you suddenly you're believing that you have some ladder to climb that every misdeed took you down this ladder and that only good deeds can bring you back to him when all he's looking for is a broken spirit and a contrite heart and you can leave that past behind but it's difficult to do when you're thinking about your past mistakes it seems to me that people have more trouble forgiving themselves than they do others and so that could be one of the weights that you carry as you approach the holy spirit in prayer you can begin to have stirrings of anger maybe ways that you were offended bitterness begins to seep in bitterness can destroy your prayer life because now you can't even pray because the holy spirit is saying the whole time get it right get it right get it right get it right you can't even close your eyes for a moment of silence because the moment that you do all of that comes to the surface and now you're faced with having to forgive and you can't do it so bitterness begins to destroy prayer and peer motives begin to destroy prayer and that's what I call Inner chaos all of those stirrings about life about self about your relationship with God about your theological questions many people struggle with that too they they can't even pray because they want all their questions answered about everything before they can focus on the Lord and that's another attack of the enemy that's another inclination of the flesh to fight you why does the flesh fight you so hard well because it's in prayer that the flesh dies that's why the flesh squirms so much when you pray that's why when you go to pray suddenly you feel these urges to get out of there my friend that's not a demon that's you that's the Flesh and the flesh knows that when you begin to seek the Lord that it begins to weaken and the flesh begins to lose its power over your life that's the stirrings of the flesh how do you silence those the Bible says in Psalm 46 10 be still and know that I am God Stillness precedes revelation this Stillness is confidence in God this Stillness is focused on God this Stillness is trust in his power and his plan so silence and Stillness you put away the outer the exterior by removing all of the natural distractions and this inner chaos which by the way many Christians ask me David why is it that I seem to be doing okay until the moment I go to pray and then suddenly the moment I start to pray all these thoughts begin to fill my mind they ask me why is it that these thoughts this inner chaos doesn't show up until I begin to pray my friend it's not that the inner chaos shows up when you begin to pray it's that the inner chaos is revealed when you begin to pray think about that think about that because that's important to understand that inner chaos is there all along you're just never quiet enough to hear what's happening in you which is why it's important to practice silence and Stillness you begin to do this and you become like Jesus you begin to focus on prayer in this way set aside those distractions and become consistent now your character becomes like his character the fruit of the spirit begins to manifest in your life you become transformed inwardly outwardly to become a reflection of that Heavenly light child of God you begin to carry the presence of the holy spirit in an evident way there's a weight on you when you walk around that's what happens when you begin to pray consistently and to the point here you begin to become sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit listen now listen you say David how do I do this so how do I practice silence and stills how do I get rid of that that inner chaos well it's through worship it's the focus on him it's through loving him worship brings Stillness but here's what begins to happen when you put away those exterior distractions and you begin to silence what's happening within you my friend you're going to notice now clarity Clarity begins to affect every aspect of your spiritual life there's so much going on in our minds that when we finally silence it suddenly the Holy Spirit becomes Ultra clear it's not that he wasn't speaking it's that we weren't giving an ear to listen that he who has eyes to see see that he who has ears to hear hear not a skill to be acquired sense to be sharpened how silence and Stillness and what begins to happen now as you're praying and you remove distraction and now that inner chaos is calmed because you trust him and you worship Him what's left the voice of the Holy Ghost and that voice begins to speak to you clearly and in alignment with the word which is going to be my next point and I'm going to get there in a moment but now there's this stability that comes over you because many Christians have and I'm not saying this in a mocking way so please don't hear what I'm not saying I'm not using this as a joke I I literally mean that some people might misinterpret this it's almost a form of like like spiritual OCD where every thought that enters their mind they think it's God and the Really tormenting aspect of that is the fact that you don't want to miss him so if you have just some whim that pops into your head and then you fixate on that whim and you're so sure that it's God you're gonna feel guilty for letting it go but remember this the Holy Spirit doesn't push the Holy Spirit doesn't Force you the Holy Spirit isn't aggressive he's persistent but not aggressive there's a big difference and as he begins to lead you and as you begin to practice silence and Stillness now he becomes clear I can't tell you how many times I've come out of those seasons of just intensified prayer look to my life there's people asking about what my prayer life is like I'll give it to you simply I believe in setting aside daily time to just spend with him sometimes that can be more sometimes that's less and especially if you work a full-time job you're a parent you're a spouse you're involved in your church the Lord understands look the Lord is not bound by time like we are but he knows it's good for us that we spend daily time with him so he's going to give you Grace in certain areas and there are some seasons of life let's just be real here where you can extend those private moments with the Lord for longer than others so my prayer life is I spend a certain amount of time with the Lord every single day that I cannot I say Lord help me to not give that up that I need to keep in place I'm going to keep my sanity and then all throughout the day I'm acknowledging his presence all throughout the day I'm aware of his nearness and as you practice both scheduled and spontaneous prayer you'll notice the effects of it begin to impact your life and so when you begin to do this you'll notice that there are seasons where you increase that private prayer now I've come out of Seasons where I've increased that private prayer and I can tell you when I walk out of that prayer room I can I can't really word it properly but but bear with me as I say I feel like I can sense what's going on in people I was telling my wife the other day I said dear because we had people over there was a you know and so I needed like a break and and and she's in the room talking to me she's like hey is everything okay I said my dear you just have to understand I I can sense very very strongly what's going on in people like not not a subtle thing it's a very strong sense I have and that comes in times of heightened prayer when I heighten or Intense or increase that devotion of private prayer spontaneous prayer doesn't really do that all that much but when I when I increase that that that you know from go from one hour to three hours or three hours to six hours and you do that daily well you're now and I'm not giving you a formula okay so don't hear what I'm not saying but but but when you intensify that when you increase that time in that private prayer your sensitivity to the spiritual really heightens and I'm not talking about suspicion I'm not talking about cynicism I'm not talking about your own thoughts because a lot of Believers say oh I have discernment and and really they're just talking about their own likes and dislikes I'm talking about true spirit-led insight this is not just me this is this can be every believer so I'm by no means bragging on myself I have nothing to boast about it's all him and every believer has access to this I'm saying this to wet your spiritual appetite it's as though you just your sense is a heightened and you can really start to like it's strong like I'm almost disturbed by some of the things I feel in other people and that's what begins to happen when you practice silence and Stillness and so hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit there's there's this confidence like there are times where where I'm in these modes and the Holy Spirit just has me start calling preachers out of the blue like preachers who have no idea that I even have their number I'll call them and I'll say this is David Eagle Hernandez and the Holy Spirit told me to do this and they'll say something like I was literally just praying that 10 minutes ago for that and I said that's the Holy Spirit and then that's the end of the conversation and the Holy Spirit will have me call several people just he drops people in my spirit has me call random people and give them words and start praying over them and start sowing and start doing things and and that comes from from what I'm giving you here it's silence and Stillness there's no secret there's no shortcut it's right there in scripture it's the putting away of the Flesh and entering into this place of deep spiritual connection and you become very sensitive it's very difficult to not hear the holy spirit in this regard number two so that's number one is silence and Stillness number two and this probably should have been Point number one to be honest with you but I wanted to give you that foundational explanation of self-secular satanic spirit before um I moved on this way that's something I can touch on in every Point uh which is why I started with the point I just started before silence and Stillness but number two is the word now John 14 26 says this but when the father sends the advocate as my representative that is the holy spirit he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you now watch this the Holy Spirit works with the word many Believers are under the impression that the word of God is somehow a contradiction to what the Holy Spirit wants to do and this is evidenced by the fact that we say things all the time and we say it out of a genuine place and I may offend some people by saying this but people say this all the time and I get where they're coming from I've even used language like this but we say things like oh you know the Holy Spirit moved and it was so powerful it was so good that he didn't even preach a sermon she didn't even use her notes oh they didn't even preach a single note of scripture it was all just the Holy Spirit I'm thinking wait a minute you're talking as if the Holy Spirit and the word contradict one another when in fact they work with one another the Holy Spirit works with the word the word works with the Holy Spirit the word is the material with which the Holy Spirit builds your spiritual life the word is the material with which the Holy Spirit builds your spiritual life so the Holy Spirit takes what has been taught of the Lord from the scripture and it takes he takes I should say and the Holy Spirit takes and reminds you of what you've already been taught so he reminds and he reveals he reminds and he reveals that's his role in your life and so if you want to hear the voice of the holy spirit with more clarity you must know the word with more familiarity if you want to hear the voice of the holy spirit with more clarity you must know the word with more familiarity if you're serious about hearing the voice of God you'll be serious about scripture don't tell me God's not speaking to you and your Bible is closed don't tell me God's not speaking to you and your hours and hours and hours on Tick Tock and Instagram and Facebook and YouTube but you have just minutes on the Bible app don't tell me God is not speaking to you when you haven't even looked to his word yet if you're serious about hearing the voice of God you'll get serious about the scripture because it's with the scripture that the Holy Spirit speaks the word familiarizes you with his nature the word familiarizes you with his voice now the word is the foundational way the Holy Spirit speaks second Timothy 3 16 and 17 says this all scripture is inspired by God and is useful I want you to write that in the comments All scripture write that live or on replay all scripture those two simple words because the Bible says all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right God uses it to prepare and equip his people you want a word from God open your Bible people ask me David what's God saying for 2023 he's saying what he's always been saying listen he's saying what he's always been saying he will say is it going to be a season of healing of Deliverance of the prophetic of prosperity of the glory and I understand that there are moments and Seasons where God will intensify his work in these areas but the reality is that God since the beginning of the church and really all throughout history has been saving Souls has been delivering the captives has been Healing The Sick has been speaking to the prophetic has been revealing his glory that's something that happens hopefully every day not just in certain years and so we have to stop having this superstitious approach as if God is really waiting for certain days on the calendar which everything is done in his timing it's according to his calendar not man's calendar and so we must look to the word to see about what God is speaking if you're serious about hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit you'll be serious about reading the Bible read your Bibles at this look at sadly I even I have to say this this should not even have to be stressed I've watched videos of Believers from around the world in many parts of the world who who who can't even own a Bible legally they have to get their Bibles Underground and I've seen them open packages with the Bible in it and and they're so moved they're so excited to receive it that they hold the Bible up and and they they like they smell the scripture they smell the pages and they press it against their bodies and hold it tight like it's like it's their child and and they're so thankful that they even have a copy finally of the scripture the written word of God and meanwhile many of us in many parts of the world just kind of passively dismiss it and we say well maybe later I'll start a Bible reading plan at some point when we should be in the word we should be serious about what he's saying to us why is God going to give you a revelation specifically if you're not even obeying his word generally you want specific words start obeying the general words he gave in scripture by the way let me give you this real briefly then we'll go to point number three so number two is the word but remember this there are four ways the Holy Spirit speaks the word is the first the most important and the most reliable way that God speaks the word of God is the more sure word of Prophecy there is no more certain way of hearing God than the scripture the scripture does however also reveal to us concerning the wisdom that God gives to us which is number two so the word is the first and most reliable way of hearing God the second is wisdom now wisdom is not a specific instruction spoken to your heart wisdom is divine reasoning or I should say Godly wisdom is divine reasoning it's the mind of God working through you so you don't when you exercise wisdom necessarily here a specific instruction but with the wisdom of God you can navigate certain situations so again wisdom isn't a specific instruction it's divine reasoning working in you and when you exercise wisdom you learn to navigate certain paths you have to take certain circumstances you're facing certain conundrums that you don't know how to escape the wisdom that God gives you helps you to navigate those areas of your life now the word is the most reliable wisdom is the second most reliable number three is the whisper now this is the one many of us want we want the Holy Spirit saying very specific things by the house on Straight Street or make sure if you're going to buy a car buy the silver one or you know if you're gonna go to school wear your red shirt today and the Holy Spirit certainly does speak specifically to us but if you're not careful and you try to live your life by the whisper you're going to lose your mind let me just say let me put it to you plainly okay I'm telling you this because I love you and hopefully you know by now that I love you in Christ you know that I care about you that's why I give you the truth even when people get offended by it remember this by the way preachers of the Gospel we should neither aim for controversy nor should we try to avoid it don't try to resist controversy and don't go looking for controversy rather go after truth speak the truth and if on the way to truth you find controversy controversy if on the way to truth you find controversy then okay that's fine but pursue truth not controversy and don't try to avoid it either but I'm saying this to you because many believers they want that whisper they want those Specific Instructions every day tell me specific specific specific and this is why many lose their minds this is why many become angry this is why many become unreasonable this is why many become stubborn this is why many are difficult to talk to they become isolated and weird because they don't know the difference between the word the wisdom that God gives us and the whisper of the Holy Spirit and often this whisper these Specific Instructions are where Believers display these ocd-like symptoms I'll give you an example when I was a new convert I used to stand in front of my closet for 20 minutes trying to pick out a shirt to wear because I wanted to make sure I was hearing God correctly and I would hear in my head he wants you to wear the red one no he wants you to wear the blue one nobody wants you to wear the gray one I'm thinking what if I miss this and what if God was speaking to some individual who I will encounter today and telling them look for a young man in a red shirt and I will give you a word to give to him and what if I'm missing something or missing something for them on behalf of the Lord what if I'm causing myself to miss Divine Destiny all because I'm not wearing the right shirt that right there will drive you nuts I'm telling you should should I buy this house or that house use wisdom when should I start the ministry exactly use wisdom what nation should I go to on a mission strip use wisdom yes the holy spirit will speak clearly to you but you also have the word and wisdom and so some have asked if it's in God's word why does the spirit need to speak it to us if it's not in God's word why would the spirit speak it to us these questions however fail to take into account the need for Specific Instructions for details of Our Lives not addressed in scriptures for example where you should live who you should marry where you should work and so forth so the Holy Spirit does speak specifically to you the problem is this we rely to Heavenly heavily on that whisper we rely too much on that whisper and the whisper is is less reliable than the word and wisdom because the whisper is the one that we confuse now for our our thoughts and our emotions there are times when you have a thought and you are so sure it's the Holy Spirit and because of that you drive yourself crazy with doing some weird thing that you thought God wanted you to do and then you chalk it up to all maybe he was just testing me sometimes yes that's true most of the time it was just you and now you're going to drive yourself nuts don't do that and then there's number four wonders this of course is the least reliable way to hear from God especially since the enemy himself can also produce wonders wonders would be things like prophets uh Visions dreams Miracles being performed and so forth so the Holy Spirit speaks to the word he speaks to wisdom he speaks to the whisper and he speaks to wonders watch this now the word is the most reliable next to that in terms of its reliability is the wisdom that God gives you which is divine reasoning that is exercised through you and then there is the whisper these are The Specific Instructions spoken by the Holy Spirit directly to your heart then there are the Wonders this is where God speaks to prophets Visions dreams and exterior Miracles that happen here's where many Believers make their mistake they tried to live their lives please hear me please hear me please hear me and please share this so that others people need to hear this so leave a like right now that'll help many Believers try to live their lives by wonders and the whisper and they make wonders and the whisper their Foundation and because they make wonders and the whisper their Foundation they neglect the word and wisdom and they're left in confusion they're aimless wandering around no purpose no vision no Clarity no structure God is about structure and organization they have no no Direction and they just excuse it by saying well I'm just flowing with the Holy Ghost are you or are you mixing your mind and emotions with what you think is the holy spirit because you failed to build a foundation with the word and the wisdom of God Believers should build on the word and the wisdom of God the written word and that Divine reasoning he gives us and then from there the whisper and the Wonders become clear but you want to hear the voice of the holy spirit with Clarity you need the word plain and simple if you don't have a discipline for the word you're not going to hear him with Clarity I'm just telling you I'm just telling you like it is if you're not in the word you will be aimless you'll be tossed to and fro by by any wave that comes your way any new belief you'll take it any Doctrine given to you you'll take it anybody says anything even halfway convincing you'll believe it and you're going to be tossed about why because you didn't build the foundation with the word the word comes first and the wisdom and the whisper then Wonder so that's key number two you must you must you must know the word so key number one silence and Stillness key number two the word the written word of God key number three now we're gonna go we're gonna really challenge you here key number three is obedience Proverbs 3 6 says this in all thy ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy paths it's in acknowledging and involving the Lord that we receive clearer Direction many Believers will say to the Lord Lord show me what nation you want me to go to tell me what ocean you want me to Cross and the Lord will say to them you want me to tell you what ocean to cross you haven't even crossed the street when I've told you to cross it Lord send me to the nations of the world and I'll win their souls he sent you to your community to your family to your school what are you doing there why is God going to give you step three if you've yet to take step one why is God going to give you the next instruction if you haven't implemented the first instruction Jesus talked about the fact that what understanding we do have would be taken away from us if we don't Embrace that understanding it's the law of stewardship when you take care of what God has given you he increases that which he has given you the same applies to Revelation please hear me now this is something this is something so few Believers are aware of the law of stewardship applies to Revelation too I need you to understand that the law of stewardship applies to Revelation the law of stewardship says that God will increase what I have if what I have honors God so if God gives you finances and you honor him with those finances he increases your finances if God gives you responsibility and you honor him in that responsibility he gives you more responsibility if God gives you influence and you honor him in that influence he gives you greater influence so on and so forth if you honor God with the Revelation he's given you he gives you more revelation the law of stewardship applies to revelation and so we as Believers must be responsive to the voice of the Holy Spirit don't tell me you're sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit if it takes you forever to respond to his instruction sensitivity to the voice of the holy spirit is much more than just hearing him clearly it's about responding immediately delay is Disobedience why are you bargaining with God why are you debating with him you know why many Believers have trouble hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit many Believers have trouble hearing the voice of the holy spirit because they don't want to hear him because they don't like what they know he's saying this is in fact why I'm going to go there guys this is in fact why some Believers don't like praying they don't want to go to the prayer room because they know the moment they get alone with God and it's silent and it's quiet they're going to be confronted with what God has been telling them to do and they don't want to face it so what do they do all together they just avoid the prayer room well I already know what God's going to tell me and we don't say it outright like that we don't verbalize that surely we wouldn't do that because then we wouldn't be able to deceive ourselves but rather we say things like well I don't know if he'll accept me well I don't know what to pray or I don't want to really go to that place of prayer because I'm tired and really all the while we're just avoiding that confrontation because we know God is not changing his mind and because of that Disobedience many Believers get stuck to where they can no longer hear the next instruction because God has already given it to them and they didn't like what they heard guys this is scary I've had preachers say guys listen please please listen preachers have said I can't hear the voice of God anymore that's terrifying to come to the place where as a minister of the Gospel as a spiritual leader you can't hear from him anymore terrifying even as a Believer to come to that place to where you can't hear from it anymore why because because many of us just don't like what we're hearing we claim to not be able to hear God because we're deceiving ourselves because we don't want to face what he's told us and we know it but as you begin to obey God says jump and you jump God says run and you run God says go and you go you start to do that when God speaks respond and I'm not talking remember we already addressed that that hypersensitive obsessive compulsive hearing of what we think is the voice of the Holy Spirit okay so that's one side of the coin the other side of the coin is once we know what God has spoken and we are certain of it we know God has said it and it and it and it by the way is validated by his word it doesn't contradict the scripture he'll never tell you to do anything that contradicts the scripture once we know that and we move forward with it and we obey him well then the next step will be revealed take step one you'll show you two take two you'll show you three take three he'll show you four I once heard it said and I wish I knew the attribution because I don't recall right now offhand I once heard it said that faith is coming to the edge of light where there is only Darkness Beyond and then taking one more step what an incredible quote I wish I came up with that but that's the truth God Reveals incrementally His will progressively unfolding before our spiritual eyes and if we have the faith to walk that path that we cannot fully see and we have the faith to continue to obey even when we don't know the result well a holy spirit just begins to speak and this now you're going to love this this now is when you get into that flow he speaks I move he speaks I move he speaks I move and that is really the beauty of walking in that sensitivity to the Holy Spirit you start to gain spiritual momentum and now listen here he's no longer having to speak specifically about the broader things in your life where you should live who you should marry what car you should drive what degree you should go for what business partner you should choose and so forth but now he begins to speak to you very specific things in ways that can help those around you he helps to speak to you in ways that can help you to avoid Calamity what greater Advantage is there in life than knowing the voice of the one who knows all things think about that that I can know his voice that God I mean I don't even think we grasp that I certainly don't grasp that maybe some of you do I don't my mind I can't wrap my mind around it it's very difficult for me to understand this God the creator of Heaven and Earth and that's not just a cliche think about that the vastness of the cosmos the infinite nature of the heavens the beauty the largeness the terror everything created it he knows the hearts of men he hears conversations that take place behind your back he can see very clearly your future it's right there in front of him certainly surely his word is a lamp unto your feet a guide into your path and he speaks from the perspective of Eternity he speaks outside of the bounds of time and he sees the paths laid before you and as you make your choices like air traffic control speaking to a pilot he can tell you adjust your altitude change your direction reduce your speed storm up ahead turbulence to your left he speaks we listen obey obey obey and his voice will become clearer number one silence and Stillness number two the word number three obedience let me pray for you I really want you to receive this now I want you to ask the Lord first of all to forgive you for disobedience I'll be right there with you all of us have things we need to correct in our lives all of us are Works in progress Lord forgive us for not being sensitive enough to your voice that we obey immediately and then I want to pray that God would bring Clarity to you as you begin to apply these Keys come on let's pray father we your children come to you now and we ask Heavenly Father for your forgiveness and your mercy we throw ourselves helplessly on your mercy [Music] thank you for being kind to us [Music] now Lord forgetting those things which are behind us we now press forward moving forward precious Holy Spirit help us to obey you and hear you help us to respond immediately when you speak teach us and give us the grace to practice silence Stillness that we might behold you give us a hunger for your word speak to us in times of Revelation through your word father I pray give us the grace to obey [Music] remove every attack of the enemy right now in the name of Jesus and give us the grace to obey in the mighty name of Jesus we pray I want you to say it now because you believe it say Amen if you enjoyed this teaching whether you're watching live or replay make sure you leave a like on the video yes that actually helps us helps to spread the video even further and also if you haven't done so already make sure you're subscribed to this channel if you want to learn more about the Holy Spirit prayer spiritual warfare and such topics also if you want to see the power of the Holy Spirit In Action from our live streamed events from around the world then make sure you're subscribed and do click that notification Bell when you subscribe now I want to read you a portion of scripture here it's found in Proverbs Chapter 11. I want you to go there now Proverbs chapter 11 verse 24-28 this is wisdom from the holy spirit being spoken through these proverbs give freely and become more wealthy be stingy and lose everything the generous will prosper those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed people curse those who hoard their grain but they bless the one who sells in time of need if you search for good you will find favor but if you search for evil it will find you trust in your money and down you go but The Godly flourish like leaves in Spring this is a principle that I've really tried to apply to my life to be a generous Giver now I like anyone else could use some work in this area but I'm very intentional about trying to be generous and hopefully I'm a good reflection of the Lord's generosity this is something I constantly ask for his help with but I found that as I've obeyed his word as I freely released resources that by the way God placed in my hands we may say things like well I worked for it or I strived for it or I used my body I used my mind I used my emotions I everything in me I use to gain that Finance it's true and you did use your free will to use what God gave you to bring forth your resources But ultimately God's the one who gave it to you so when I release those resources I have found that there's never been lack even in this time of the recession and if you're watching this maybe years from now I'm talking about the recession that people were in around 2020 2022 right around there but you know even in that season the ministry has flourished why because whenever we're faced with the difficult season whenever we see that things around the corner may not look so good I gather my team together and I say here's what we're going to do we're gonna find Ministries we're gonna find good soil and we're gonna sow Financial seed and I've found that the word of God is true look either we believe the word or we don't either we obey his voice or we don't and the word is quite clear give freely and become more wealthy there's something to be said of generosity when we reflect that generous nature it comes back God brings it back to us I can't say how I can't say when I can't say in what amounts I don't use gimmicks like that but we do know the scripture teaches that the generous soul will prosper see the world thinks just the opposite the world thinks well if I give if I release then then I'll lack and do you know what's at the heart of that deception the heart of that deception is fear fear says if I give I will lack if I give I won't have enough if I give I'll go without that's a lie from the enemy let God Be True in every man a liar let God be true and let the devil be a liar his word is true and the word says when we release God releases to us and so I want to challenge you right now to support this ministry look if you've been blessed by the teachings by the services by the books by the events then I want you to help pay that forward freely we see we receive so freely we give our ministry doesn't charge for our events or for our content why because we want it to go far and wide it's supported the generous donors like you so I'm going to challenge you either give a single donation by going to davidhernandez donate maybe you want to give a single donation 25 50 100 whatever God puts on your heart whatever the Holy Spirit speaks or maybe you're saying you know what I'd like to partner with you on a monthly basis then go right now to partner whether you're giving a single gift or a partnership gift by monthly giving you can go to David Hernandez donate for a single gift slash partner for a monthly gift and I actually be able to see some names coming in right now if everybody who watches this does something just do what the Holy Spirit leads you pause for a moment say holy spirit what would you like me to give listen for what he says and then just release it by faith that's what I do and it's not always easy trust me when the Holy Spirit tells me some amounts I'm like are you sure that's you Holy Spirit but you know I understand that he's working with me and he's teaching me and I sometimes I have to say to him Holy Spirit give me the faith for this and maybe that's what you have to pray right now Kirsten Joshua Teresa Sonia Helen thank you for your gift Brad also thank you for your gift uh Catherine M thank you for your gift Dante thank you for partnering David thank you for partnering Denise thank you for partnering Brian and Kristen and also I see Vina thank you for partnering with us monthly Marita thank you for your one-time gift I appreciate you uh Irwin thank you for your gift Hannah thank you for your gift Janet thank you for your partnership a Miriam thank you for your partnership Paul thank you for your partnership Isabella thank you for your gift we so appreciate you Myrna thank you for signing up to becoming a partner Raymond thank you for your gift guys they're coming in so fast I can't really read all of them but I'm going to read as many as I can uh Ken thank you for your one time gift so I want to challenge you especially as we're getting into the new year to partner with the ministry maybe you can give a one-time gift or a single gift I should say maybe you can partner with us monthly some of you can do both which would be very helpful but whatever you do listen for the holy spirit's instruction and so again David Hernandez partner to become a monthly supporter you can do that for as little as fifteen dollars a month and that goes a long way those monthly Partnerships if you want to give a single gift you're going to go to donate uh Tim I said single gift you're gonna go to donate for the single gift and again partner partner for monthly slash donate for the single gift and if you enjoyed this teaching then make sure you also check out Bible study for beginners five simple keys
Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 991,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to CLEARLY Hear the Holy Spirit's Voice, how to know you have the holy spirit 7 signs, how to hear the holy spirit, how to hear the holy spirits voice, how to hear the voice of the holy spirit, how do i hear the holy spirit, how do i hear god, how do i hear, how do i hear the voice of the holy spirit, how do i hear gods voice, how do i hear god speak to me, how do i know if the holy spirit is speaking to me, david diga hernandez, holy spirit, the holy spirit
Id: GMdXQtu-kis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 11sec (3791 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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