How To Know If You Have ADHD

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It was really good, literally didn't hear a single thing that isn't my day to day life, also it is accurately depicts a lot of the problems, and is especially funny to relate to.

Looking at the comments pisses me off though. 90% of the comments are just "HERP DERP, I ONCE DID THIS, I DEFINITELY HAVE ADHD THEN" not taking into account the incredibly important point that these are everyday occurrences, especially the constantly moving thoughts which are literally every god damn waking second... Not even that! Even my dreams don't sit still! II get to points where I decide I'm bored with it, and change everything about it myself (not lucid dreams either, I know I change the reality but somehow don't link it to being a dream).

PS: really glad he made the point that the "bla bla bla - Oh look a butterfly!" thing is just a joke and doesn't accurately depict it.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/Soshidow 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

Basically ADHD is a perpetual state of endless free association

That seemed to be the gist of his overall point

I like that as a generality

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

The eye thing happens happens to me literally every day

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/FlyingP1gman 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

I don't think this video will have a good effect. ADHD is so over diagnosed because these symptoms can be very common. Nigahiga appears to have a younger audience so this could actually be harmful.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Throwmeamidget 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

I feel like this is a very mild/general description of ADHD. Most of these are things that people without ADHD will be able to say they also experience, not realizing what the difference actually is. =/

That said, I couldn't pay attention after the third or fourth thing he listed, so...

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/QuilavaKing 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

I think he forgot to mention the most important part in figuring out whether you have ADHD: talking to your doctor. :P It was funny though.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Supercrushhh 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

I am not a big fan of it, it does not show why it is a disorder, it is more an entertainment video, the title is horrible.

You should see a psychiatrist if you are having doubts or issues.

That is also why we do not diagnose people on this subreddit.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Tylzen 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

As I was watching the examples, I kept remembering specific times where each issue happened.

I kept thinking, "man I'm getting pretty good at being mindful/aware. I gotta just keep improving myself little by little. Make myself be perceived as normal..... so many things to work on, but I'm getting the hang of this. It ain't so bad... Wait, is training myself to think more kind of fueling my ADHD? Is this the wrong way to go about things? Oh wait I should focus on watching this video."

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bojanger 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

He talks fast.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/autopornbot 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2014 🗫︎ replies
Hey guys! So, as you can tell from the title, this video is gonna be about how to know if you have ADHD or not. And for those of you that don't already know, ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. But the reason I'm making this video is because I feel like a lot of people these days say or they think they have ADHD, but that's only because they don't know what it's really like to have it. As a little kid I was diagnosed with it, but I never took any medicine for it, so I never knew what normal people thought like. I can't stand when people say that ADHD is not a real thing and that it's just an excuse for lazy people to blame their laziness on. But what I can't stand even more is that when people actually do use it as an excuse, even when they don't have it, just because they didn't do well in school or they're bad at studying or something. But, really, there's no excuse because I grew up with it and I didn't take any medication for it and I still got all A's and B's. Then again, I also cheated a lot. So after watching this video, if you can honestly say that you relate to more of these things than not, then chances are-- I mean, I'm no doctor, but your brain is probably just as messed up as mine. I'm gonna be giving you guys actual examples, not those typical ADHD jokes. You know which jokes I'm talking about. They'll be talking and then, all of a sudden, pretend to be distracted by something-- kind of like what I'm about to do right... Oh, look! A butterfly! I mean, even I made that joke, but only as a joke because that is such a huge exaggeration. It's really nothing like that. Most of the time. And if these sound unrealistic to you, it's probably just because you don't have it. But, trust me, they're all real. They actually do happen. I would know because, sadly, they're all my personal experiences. So without further ado, and no more hesitation, here are some real examples to help you guys know if you actually do or do not-- I'm not even kidding. There's an actual butterfly right there. I gotta-- How To Know If You Have ADHD See how many of these you can relate to. Go! You meet someone new and then five seconds after they've introduced themselves, you already forgot their name. No matter how hard you try to focus, whenever you're reading something, like a book or a textbook, you'll read every single word on the page, you hear every single word in your head, yet five pages down the road you have no idea what's going on or how you got there. You look at someone straight in the eyes and rather than paying attention to what they're saying, you trying to decide which eye you normally look at. Is is the left eye or the right eye? Or maybe it's the nose! Or the mouth! Or maybe you're supposed to look at the face as a whole, but you already forgot how to do that because now all you see is a bunch of face parts. To you, there's no such thing as sitting still. You don't realize it until someone tells you to stop, but you either have been rapidly shaking your leg, tapping your hands or nodding your head to music that isn't there, or playing with whatever is currently in your hands, like a cellphone. You're a time traveler. You go and take a five minute Facebook break from work, but when you come back it's an hour later! Sometimes you have to remind yourself to smile when you're with people, and not because you don't like them or because you're upset-- it's because you have a bunch of other thoughts going through your head that aren't smile-worthy. No matter how hard you try or how important the call is, when you're on the phone with someone you have to be doing something else at the same time. You don't intentionally procrastinate, you're just most productive when you have to get something done. You work best when you're under pressure! Again, you don't intentionally procrastinate, but you can never decide what you want from a menu until you're under pressure because the waiter just got to you. You have a bunch of incomplete things 'cause you're always jumping from one thing to the next! You leave your room to go get your phone that you forgot in the kitchen, but when you come back, all you have is a cup of water, snacks and pretty much everything that's not your phone. A lot of the times that you're on the phone with people, you freak out because you can't find your phone. You're not sure if you just came downstairs or if you're about to go up. You force yourself to burp to remember what you had for lunch. When somebody tells you to think about one specific thing, you can't because now you're thinking about thinking about things, causing you to not think about what you're supposed to be thinking about. You text something that makes absolutely no sense because someone was talking to you and you write out what they were saying instead. You can remember a full phone number by repeating the numbers in your head, but the moment you start putting it into the keypad, all the different sounds from the keytones throw you off and you forget. You have to buy a lot of shampoo because when you're in the shower you have the most thoughts, and you don't even realize that you just washed your hair three times. You hate working in groups, not because other people have bad ideas-- it's just that their ideas distract yours. You overly set reminders for yourself when important things are coming up because you know you're gonna forget! You always have these silent, awkward moments with people because when you're talking to them, you'll always forget what you're about to say mid-sentence and when you do it, it's like... Like... You have these, um... You're very indecisive. I mean, I guess this one kinda applies to everyone. Or not. Or maybe... And last but not least... when you have ADHD, every single thought leads to another thought. And I actually kinda learned how to use that to my advantage when I'm coming up with videos. For example, I'm just gonna freestyle something right now, just to show you how my brain works. See, you could be thinking about this video and your mind could still go off in an infinite amount of directions, which is the opposite of One Direction. Maybe that's how they got their name, because they all have ADHD! ADHD, like Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder-- Disorder? I mean, who says it's a disorder, anyways? Speaking of disorder, who came up with the word disorder? It kind of sounds like a rapper trying to order at a bakery. Hey, lemme get dis order, dough! A deer, a female deer! Like Bambi! Bambi? Whatever happened to Bam-A and Bam-C? What is a Bam-C? Maybe they meant C-Bam, 'cause when the sea goes bam, that's like the waves crashing. And waves are created by wind, and wind can go in every single direction, which is the opposite of One Direction and that's how they got their name! That's how they got their name, from the multi-directional wind, causing the waves to crashing a sea. Bam, Bam-C, Bambi...deer! Like a rapper trying to get "dis order dough", creating the word disorder, and ADHD, which is what all the guys in One Direction have, which is the complete opposite of all the different directions this video could go in! I honestly don't know how I remembered all that. I mean, it was a freestyle, so I didn't have to memorize anything, but at the same time, I had to remember how to say it backwards, so I had to pay attention to what I was saying. I mean, I guess to a certain degree I don't have ADH-- Oh, look, a butterfly! What the hell are all these things? TEEHEE So, once again, thank you guys so much for watching. If you want to see the previous video, click the one on the right. If you want to see the blue version behind-the-scenes, click the one on the left! And if you want to see the coolest thing in the world, click the little red bu-- Oh! Look, a butterfly. Ohh, look at it--ooh! There's so many! Awww! Yeah.
Channel: nigahiga
Views: 14,607,291
Rating: 4.9630113 out of 5
Keywords: how to know if you have adhd, nigahiga, add, adhd, ryan higa, higatv, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Disease Or Medical Condition)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 19 2014
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