How to know if Mewing can work for you (2024 Update)

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can you get results from just Mee alone so there are some people who can see really great results from just mewing alone you see them online basically they start mewing maybe they do some hard mewing maybe they're doing some chewing and all of a sudden they have this great before and after photo but then why is it for some people that they've been mewing for months and sometimes even years without seeing any real significant progress ear ear on in my days here on YouTube I made a video that was called The two types of people who can see results from meing and then the other group who may need to seek professional help or do something in addition to just meu or tongue exercise well my understanding and knowledge has changed since then and in this video I want to give you my updated opinion on the two types of people who can see results from Mee now of course this really is an oversimplification ation but it's useful for the sake of this video so let's start with an example of someone from group number one they've never had orthodonics they never really had to they generally had straight teeth for most of their life they hear about Mee online and they think oh seems like a good idea they press their tongue up on their pallet after a few weeks or months they start to notice some progress meeing starts to feel easier for them and they just generally have a smooth and steady progress as they practice practice me and that's person number one they can easily press their tongue up on their upper pallet they feel that their tongue pushes evenly when they press it up they're able to do it with relative ease and comfort over time so it's not a struggle it's not difficult it starts to become easier and more natural over time so that last one is a major key as they do it it starts to become more comfortable more normal and actually unconscious when they wake up in the morning as they go about their day they're mut without trying someone commented on one of my videos and he said why are you making this all so complicated just suck your tongue up to the roof of your pallet and get on with it that's all you have to do well yeah that person is very likely in group number one and there are people out there like that for people in group number one this is great do mewing learn the proper technique but what about everybody else what about people in group number two so someone in group number two is essentially someone who will not be able to see progress from just mewing alone generally they have a little bit of crowding in their upper pallet their maxilla is a little bit smaller than it should be they possibly have had Orthodontics in the past they possibly had a history of mouth breathing in the past they probably have some degree of forward head posture and you can see the results of this in their jaw and in their face if you look at them from the side or possibly from the front as well this person comes across in online and they try it but they have difficulty with it it feels uncomfortable they might say that they feel like they can't breathe when they do me they might say that they just don't know how to do it properly they for some reason they just can't do it so this is what I'm calling group number two they find me difficult and uncomfortable no matter how hard they try it just feels like their tongue doesn't fit on their pallette it feels like their pallet is too small and too narrow it possibly feels uneven when they do mic as in like you know the left side pushes up more or the right side pushes up but the left side doesn't asymmetry their tongue falls down when they're not consciously thinking about it so these are the people I talk to who basically say I have to think about keeping it up all the time when I stop thinking about it it falls down and lastly it doesn't become more natural over time it stays difficult for them to do Mee and it doesn't improve okay so what's going on here what is the difference between person number one and person number to and if you do happen to be in this second category what do you do about it many people see Mee as a technique right it's an exercise it's like a verb it's something you do I'm mewing I'm pressing my tongue up on my pallet and that's true it is a technique it is an exercise and that's what we're talking about here right some people can do it and some people can't do it there's also the second thing that me is it's the ideal position of your tongue so it's actually an end goal this is how you want your tongue to be all the time this is the person you want to be this is the way you want your body to function and this is the correct structural integrity and posture of your body so how can it both be an exercise as in a method that you use to get to the goal and the goal at the same time group number one they're able to say this is muing this is the correct position my tongue should be in but back to person number two what do you do if you can't get to that end goal you can't do the exercise of mewing properly it means that mewing as an exercise is probably not going to work for you and you need something else that you can use some other exercise or some other guide that can help you get there some examples of this include M functional therapy to stretch and strengthen your tongue having your tongue assessed for its Mobility to see if you have a tongue tie anything to improve your posture including corrective exercise routines yoga Pilates anything like that to help strengthen your core muscles and to help stretch and improve any muscle imbalances that you have some orthodontic appliances can be good to help expand your palette and there's also our programs which you can look into in the link in the description which are a combination of a lot of these different things and you can get some guidance with me if you just send me an email if you find Mee very difficult and just practicing it alone isn't working it's kind of like trying to to go from zero to 100 or jump over too many hurdles too quickly thinking you're going to go from where you are to perfect Mee overnight is very difficult and I think unlikely to happen and I would instead recommend that you think of it like gradually improving your tongue's resting position gradually improving your posture gradually improving your jaw the expansion of your maxilla over time and not trying to think that you have to get it perfectly right away because the I don't think that's how it works unless you're in group number one so thank you for watching if you want to take your results to the next level do our free training in the description just going to teach you some simple exercises that you can start doing right now also comment below if you're person number one person number two and maybe some things you've been struggling with or questions you have that I could do videos on in the future so other than that have a great week and see you in the next video
Channel: Best Face Forward
Views: 16,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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