How To Kill Team | Close Quarters Rules

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season two of kill team brought an enhanced system of play in the form of Close Quarters with the release of end of the dark a tightly packed brutal form of play that involves limited terrain narrow hallways and small rooms the brutality within this system comes from not only sweeping changes to what teams can and can no longer do but also adjustments in how cover lines work as well as several shifts for attack special rules that make certain weapons way more powerful than normal before we get into it thanks for watching if you're interested in tabletop games like kill team and are new to the channel maybe tap that subscribe button maybe the like as well if you're interested and know that we have a Discord community that is linked in the description below where we hang out talk about rules games we've played as well as showing off any of our paint projects we're working on with that said let's take a look at the differences you will have to face when entering the narrow Halls of the Close Quarters style map the biggest element that comes from Close Quarters games are the walls themselves they drastically change the method of play for all teams involved limiting movements measurement and actions and they exist as an immovable object unable to be tinkered with or adjusted outside of specific narrative circumstances but we'll be focusing on matched play maps and rules for this overview all walls count as heavy terrain and you have to consider that they lead all the way up to some kind of ceiling there is no climbing function that allows units to pass over them and characters with fly are similarly restricted by the Wall's existence a key element to them is that when measuring distances for abilities or attacks or certain rules you must measure around the walls with the shortest possible distance this is what that would look like the Phobos box breaker has a wall between itself and this legionary icon Bearer in cover in conceal the play it is looking for is to aspect scan the icon Bearer and give this Marksman the ability to treat it as having an engage order in a straight line this works and the ability doesn't require visibility to the enemy unit in the first place however from its current location the measurement for this ability must go around the wall before being measured towards the icon Bearer this prevents aspects from occurring by rule of thumb if a unit must measure through a closed off portion of wall for an ability or to determine if it is on an objective or near a marker it must measure around that wall at the shortest distance to see if it is within range the only exception to this is when measuring two specific parts of the map for Mission scoring purposes like the security tacop central control it requires units to be within three inches of the map Center and that can be measured without any interruptions by walls as well despite their looks with the pillars that jut out every handful of inches walls are considered flat on their sides for cover purposes only corners and and the outer edge of hatchways provide heavy cover for units I guess while we're on the topic of hatchways these gates are key to every approach in close quarters style matches controlling their ability to be opened or passed through controls the flow of movement you or your opponent will have access to when closed a hatch simply is a wall it is heavy and measurement can't normally be made through it when open several things occur the hatch component must be swung to a full open State no opening slightly just to get some Vision this hatch still has the wall trait but it no longer affects the now accessible part of the wall let's start with a visualization even though there is a bottom and top to the new Gateway this whole area is now considered accessible this area can provide no cover to units on either side the outer edges will still be considered heavy terrain however as long as part of a unit's base passes through this area it can use up to an inch to the left or right of the wall as though it isn't there this means this worm blade doesn't have to pass through the access point in the dead center if an ally is blocking part of the area now let's tear through a couple examples to try and show how many actions and strategies interact with this access point when a hatchway is open and a unit wishes to pass through measurement of this move is taken as standard and is considered performable so long as the unit is fully on the other side of the access point when its move ends no adding an inch to make the move possible if the full movement doesn't allow for the unit to pass through it must remain on the side it started on and remember that its full base is able to pass through using the rules mentioned before as units without fly or other special rules can't pass through their allies or enemies units can be used to block movement these two legionary units would prevent this anointed from charging past into the room beyond the positioning of these two were blade units would prevent this Phobos from entering their room there are new actions that exist to help mitigate some of the tomfoolery based tactics like hatchway blocking let's take a look at those now sticking with the worm Blade versus the Phobos example let's get into the specifics the Phobos Reaver is against the access point but the worm blade units are outside of an inch of it therefore the Reaver can't use the regular fight action the reason it can't charge is that the worm blade bases would prevent the Reaver from fully standing on the opposite side of the wall however to do this these worm blade units have to stand within two inches of their side of the access point now the Reaver could shoot at this point it is completely viable and the worm blade units would not get cover from their side of the wall for that action due to the reaver's position but this setup doesn't protect the worm blade from the reverse knife for one action point hatchway fight can be used it is considered a fight action and would fill that role for actions used in a turn this allows the Reaver to Target one of the enemy operatives and treat it as being within engagement range for the action Norm finally if both these worm blade units were in engagement range of the Reaver they would give each other melee support for plus one to the weapon skill check as neither are truly with an engagement range this fight is only a one-on-one no benefits for either side another action involves the opening and closing of the hatchway this is also a one action point Mission action that can be used to change the state of a hatchway this being a mission action prevents a three APL unit from sitting on a door opening it shooting and then closing it as the specific Mission action can only be taken once per turn per unit to perform this action the unit must be within an inch of the hatchway access point it must not be with an engagement range of an enemy and if the door is open an enemy must not be within one inch of the access point this action is unique in that it can be performed during the full course of a dash or normal move that is to say that if this Reaver wishes to move into this Edition decent room you can measure the part of the move that gets you within one inch of the access point and then measure the rest of the move after triggering the action be it moving past to open or close the hatch moving through while opening or even closing the hatch after getting into the room all of these are possible if you open a hatch and find your unit with an engagement range of an enemy your move must end in that moment unless your unit has a special rule that lets it pass with an engagement ranges of enemies like fly the third basic action introduced with Close Quarters is guard it costs one action point and is considered a shoot action so it would take up one of those functions during a unit's activation this puts that unit in the state of on guard now on guard remains on the unit until one of a couple things happens it has to perform an on guard attack or any other action excluding pass if an enemy end is an engagement range of the unit and no guard action is taken if the unit has its order changed from engage to conceal or if the Turning Point ends you are unable to carry the state to another turn the actions that can be taken in the state are used to interrupt enemy actions any action taken by an enemy during its normal activation can trigger this opening doors moving capturing points shooting actions taken outside of an enemy activation won't trigger it things like the worm blade locus's Quicksilver strike when it activates even other units that trigger the on guard action or other OverWatch actions when this occurs you are able to perform one of three actions an OverWatch a free fight action or something called a point blank OverWatch the first two are what you would expect the OverWatch would consume the unit's ability to OverWatch once a turn and fire on the enemy normally with reduced ballistic skill the free fight action would allow the unit that is charged to potentially go first in a fight before the enemy can choose to fight Point Blank OverWatch allows the agent making the attack to fire on a unit in its engagement range again at the usual reduced ballistic skill that OverWatch provides unless other rules adjust that this also prevents the unit from responding to any upcoming melee so be careful with this after performing The Point Blank OverWatch if the enemy chooses to fight the unit that used the on guard action can't pick a melee weapon or roll at all in response to the enemy attacks until the end of the interrupted enemy unit's activation a couple things to note here one this heavy Bolter legionary without any upgrades can't move and shoot the weapon however it could move Dash and use the guard action allowing it to use the heavy Bolter as an on guard OverWatch this gives many heavy weapon wielders a leg up in their Mobility during Close Quarters missions as a reminder these attacks are OverWatch attacks so I do believe unwieldy and blast are unable to be used by an on guard OverWatch also you don't have to Target the unit you are interrupting if this same legionary Gunner sees an enemy Phobos marine and is able to perform an OverWatch shoot action on it even after a Phobos Marine that it can't see uses in action it could use its OverWatch on the unactivated Marine these actions open up whole new worlds of possibilities in the Close Quarters Kill Zone now let's take a look at some of the rules adjustments that were made to the general kill team core rules to change the feel of the game foreign to start off real quick if you are using critical Ops tackops there is a download on the Warhammer Community page that shows two replacement tack Ops for the deck as well there are faction tack Ops like the legionary's dark desecration that aren't allowed in close quarters missions keep that in mind when setting up barricades the limit for their placement in close quarters is adjusted they must be outside of six inches of the enemy deployment they must be two inches outside of access points and they must be two inches away from other barricades they can also not be placed on terrain features unless considered insignificant several factions have their ploys changed for Close Quarters if they have a ploy that allows a unit to set up outside of the Kill Zone the rules for this are fully Rewritten for instance the worm blade have the ability to place two operatives outside of the Kill Zone to be deployed during the first turn in forward locations this is changed you will have to use deploy at the end of The Scouting step and it will allow only one of the type of units specified to get a full move action as well as a use of the operate hatch action before the turn begins several teams are affected by this several special rules for weapons are changed as well to match the claustrophobic nature of Close Quarters weapons with blast Splash or torrent all gain the lethal 5 rule if they already had this rule or possibly a better version of lethal not much will change but flamers and other such weapons are far more devastating in close range combat weapons with indirect are considered to be a pseudo dual profile weapon one where indirect is on and one where it is off if indirect is in use the weapon gains the range limit of 3 inches for the attack a slight Nerf to grenades but one that does feel necessary in these kinds of maps last lastly when drawing cover lines to targets if those lines pass over one or more agents in engage you must roll one less attack Friend or Foe agents in conceal don't cause this to occur and allies in Base to Base contact with the attacking agent don't trigger this as well all these rules combine to create a tightly packed and potentially devastating Kill Zone that creates big swings in team power potentials by limiting very strong abilities and greatly improving abilities considered by many to be very weak overall hopefully what we went over demystifies the Close Quarters rules module for you it might take a bit to adapt strategies you have gotten used to for your teams of choice in the normal open map setting but from the games I've played Close Quarters has the potential for some incredibly nail-biting matches and is worth taking a look at for everyone that plays kill team thank you for checking out the channel do you have any fun stories from matches played in these darkened Halls let us know in the comments below and as a reminder maybe check out that Discord Link in the description we'd be happy to have you as always likes for the like God and subscribes for the Subscribe Throne I am kimrix and I'll see you in the next one foreign
Channel: KimerexProjekt
Views: 3,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer, games workshop, tabletop gaming, kill team, how to, rules, overview, close quarters, into the dark, itd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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