How To Kill Team | 10 Tips For New Players

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even though kill team can be viewed as a stripped down version of big 40K it still has a ton of nuance built in that keeps the depth that a lot of us love in strategy games these details however can feel a little daunting for new players here at the chemrex project we have gone over many of the core rules for the game in hopes to provide new players a baseline of information there is still more to go over but I wanted to take this time to provide to all of you a handful of tips to hopefully quickly expand your understanding of the many ways a game of kill team can play out some of these will be strategic ideas others will be Concepts hidden within the rules in odd Games Workshop uas and some will just be good practice going forward to improve your decision making before that thanks to everyone who has been enjoying the channel so far if you're new and want more tabletop content don't forget to hit that subscribe button maybe toss a like and if you're up for it so with that said let's get into it number one determine the terrain rules before starting kill team normally isn't played on an open field the Kill Zone holds just as much value as the teams that will be used during the match before even deploying units it is important to ascertain everything they will be interacting with on a base level light terrain heavy terrain insignificant terrain and Vantage points will need to be set we talked further about how this terrain interacts in both movement and combat in a couple other videos I'll link them below and in the info tab for all of you depending on how you're playing terrain can also adapt to a more narrative structure plasma coils can cause D3 mortal wounds to units that end their activation within one inch of them radar dishes can be triggered with an action point to allow your team to gain an additional command Point once a turn narrative games use terrain heavily in interesting ways when playing casually don't hesitate to expand your use of these rules again just make sure everyone is in agreement before the game starts no one enjoys finding out the wall they are hiding behind is actual light instead of heavy after being shot from Vantage Point number two take your time in the setup phase with the recent kill team expansion into the critical Ops cards teams Now set up in a back and forth manner for those that still play in the original rules this concept still stands initial unit positioning before turn one even starts usually sets the tone for the rest of the entire game putting heavy emphasis on melee in one part of the Kill Zone could pull certain enemy units to that side away from the other sectors making them more easy to deal with in some ways placing most of your impactful units on one side could cause your opponent to abandon it completely in hopes to gain better positioning over the course of the game without losing too many operatives placing units in dangerous spots could bait enemy deployment or even first turn movement into positions that can end up being traps in your favor match-up experience will play into this heavily knowing enemy threat ranges and abilities will allow you to make these calls a bit more easily for example critical Ops technically buffed the corsairs a little bit in sequence they would set up in the Kill Zone in three groups of three this would allow a Corsair player to set up the first group in a way that could force the opponent to change their setup to something more negative for their early game play placing two big units in forward positions in the open with engage orders will force the enemy team to have to adjust to the potential that this could be what turn one will play like no one wants a star storm duelist in their face in turn one ripping down their units but if the enemy then perfectly sets up to counter it at a sacrifice of positioning while also having units in engage that should probably be in conceal the corsairs can then spend a command point on one step ahead after the initiative roles are made these two units are then picked up and placed elsewhere with new orders set counter play through positioning before turn one even begins not all teams have this level of setup play worm blade can have two units in reserve higher Tech can have one some teams like the Phobos can have many units move before turn one starts again match-up knowledge is key here it will take some time so don't worry if you don't fully get all of it right away number three measure and Mark before moving this is more of a habit to get into I've been trying to push this for myself as well know that it isn't against the rules to measure anything before actions are taken doing so will allow you to make an assessment as to the value of any action taken and if you need to visualize any stage of a move placing dice along the path can help with this the benefit to this method is that the source of the move doesn't change until you lock in the action you actually want to take this means you won't have to try and put the unit back in its original position causing possible arguments over whether or not it was exactly where you returned it to there is a reverse concept to this let me give you an example my opponent has a unit with a frag grenade just beyond a Mission Point that unit has not activated yet I would ask about the unit's move characteristic as well as its action points it can use as well as other potentials to increase its overall distance moved such as gaining action points or abilities that allow free movements using this information I could pre-measure the move distance as well as the grenade range allowing me to know the distance I could move a concealed unit into other cover without risk of being attacked measuring and marking can be an extremely powerful tool in your decision making process don't underestimate it number four ABA or always be asking hopefully your opponent isn't a complete and understands that most people would prefer Intel over going into the unknown I've made it a habit to establish as many rules as possible to my opponents when I play before the game even begins to try and alleviate some of this usually I'll ask if they need some info we've touched on this already in some of the previous tips but I really need to get this idea through to all of you games like kill team can feel overwhelming at times it can even feel like your opponent's team is full of gotcha strategies that you just can't get around because of how you set up your team or even with the units you choose to take but if you know beforehand if something can happen your actions taken can shift to give you benefits when normally it might feel like the deck is stacked against you for instance it is a habit among my group to ask about blast weapons not just their locations but their limits is it full field range 6 in inches what's the blast distance looking like two inches more less basic information like this can prevent serious damage to your team by allowing you to make calls with how much distance is needed between operatives normally it is a good idea to use tokens of some kind to show on the field which units have what benefits that way both players know a unit may have something special on them regardless remember to always be asking whenever you might even have the slightest inkling that there may be some information you are missing out on the more you play the more you'll realize all the different functions that can break the standard rules of the game until then using blanket questions like is there a way for that unit to get this far up this turn are a good way to communicate your curiosity number five remember that base sizes are important for a new player this might not seem like much but the base under your unit is used for many things drawing cover lines to smaller bases tends to be an easier task when compared to larger bases giving larger targets an easier time when abusing the obscuring mechanic downsides to large bases comes from maneuverability when measuring for a unit to pass between terrain or even between Allied units the base size must be taken into account if the Gap isn't large enough for the base to easily pass through the action cannot be taken barring rules that allow it like fly it's not commonplace but carrying around an extra set of bases for the team you have could help in this alternatively pre-checking before placing units on the field that gaps between terrain are wide enough for some of the more beefy units on your team to pass by can be massively important when placing barricades close to other terrain it is a good idea to check for this as well if it is your plan to be able to wrap around the barricade on either side questions pop up on the kill team subreddit often about custom models for casual matches the rule of thumb is that as long as your opponent is okay with the model size being not overtly beneficial it should be fine for tournament play you will need to let the organizer know about your units and get a judgment call from them beyond that making sure each of your operatives is on the right sized base is of key importance to maintaining most of the balance number six close combat isn't limited to kill or be killed I get it the bloodlust in you is probably through the roof the desire to table your opponent with maximum aggression is just too appealing but take a second and think out the situation this legionary chosen just charged this already activated helpless casserkin Trooper on a capture point it would be so easy to Rend the flesh from his bones but then there is a problem six inches away there is a Caster can melt a Gunner he hasn't gone yet and he is in conceal the chosen doesn't have a Grenade on hand and would be unable to close the gap and plasma gun down its would be adversary but it did charge so it has to fight right not exactly in this situation it is best to spend one of the two leftover action points on capturing the mission objective if that is what is allowed and then you could take one of two paths path one I call a tactical hug when an operative is being closed in on by some solid ranged weapons a way to avoid the onslaught is to pick a unit that has already gone and charge it this can be done after shooting at a different unit or performing other tasks but ending the activation in melee prevents any possible range damage from occurring against most teams so far teams like the exaction squad and the blooded have ways around this but for the most part this is a method of stalling your opponent by limiting their strongest option from being used Beyond this there is some level of protection for that unit in a subsequent turn if its melee potential is greater than that of its enemy most casercon soldiers would not think of joining in on a fight against a legionary chosen but the only way to shoot is if their Allied unit Retreats normally this would require the two APL unit to spend both of its action points to get out of Harm's Way the Caster can have a command Point way around this but even if the trooper Retreats and open fires the barrel of a hot shot last gun and the cost of a command Point are more agreeable than quickly becoming a puddle of Flesh and metal to a simple melta gun not only that but the chosen can then charge from its position to the more apt Target being the melta Gunner it could also put a round of plasma shots into the trooper for good measure path 2 I call playing with your food casser can troopers normally hit for two damage in melee three on a crit and at only three attacks on a four plus you'll be lucky to land two hits the chosen on the other hand gets five attacks on a two plus it has lethal five it heals two wounds after a crit does four normal damage and seven crit damage horrifying by comparison so let's say you choose to fight but are hoping to not kill the trooper this time around the casserkin gets lucky and rolls two hits and a miss the chosen gets a crazy three crits in two hits but here is the way this plays out for the opener The Chosen Perry is a normal with a normal the casterkin uses its normal to put two damage on the board running out of usable dice The Chosen then crits the now eight health casserkin for seven damage bringing it down to one and putting it in the injured state but the rest of the dice are just going to kill the trooper then it's melted time right not today an FAQ pointed out that an operative can still perform the Perry with its dice even if the enemy has no dice to discard it is sad to waste such a beautiful role but survival is important and now in the following turn if the trooper chooses to retreat it won't get far and if it chooses to shoot it isn't hitting much on a five up not only that but the two health Lost was already recovered from the chosen's crit heel ability it's like nothing happened at all number seven kill team is a game of scored points within a four turn time limit as stated the urge to table your opponent is probably pretty strong and I agree it is fun but if you lose the game through that process the bragging rights are cut a little short by being reminded that you lost so let's take a look at the structure of a critical Ops match play game the field is set up with six total main objective points at most you can score four per turn on the main objective with the data slate update the cap on this is set at 16. side missions provide six total points as well you also get two from having painted units but in casual play I tend to ignore this rule that all being said you need to have a plan on how to earn as many points as possible for yourself but also how to limit the points your opponent can earn a casser can Sergeant with a Plasma Pistol is great but if you put it out of position and your opponent kills it by turn two that could be two point on Headhunter for the side mission if they went Seek and Destroy in the Close Quarters game I played with one of the crew a Corsair Hunter was used as a sacrifice during a loot mission to ensure that I would be unable to loot all three points off of it by the end of the game providing my opponent an easier shot for victory again I understand spending all of your action points trying to slay your opponent outright feels appealing I assure you in the attempt if you throw out the need to perform missions and tackops you will take an L by the end of Turn 3 against any competent opponent do remember though that even if your enemy has no units left if you still have units that could perform Mission actions to score you can sort that out before the actual end of the game is called there will always be a full four turns before the end normally the system can be talked through without much need for a lot of measuring number eight pay attention to enemy activations left this has a few purposes first and foremost it is good to know how much more potential the enemy has on the field for scoring points or getting kills this also has a lot to do with overwatches not all teams are made equal in activations the casserkin would have 10 versus the intercessors having six this would provide intercessors in engage the ability to shoot at enemies that fit the visibility and cover line rules this can be devastating since intercessor Gunners get two volleys of shots in activation on top of this bolters can quickly unravel low durability units like the casserkin giving them more opportunities to do so would certainly be something to avoid this can also play into a concept my friends and I call fishing it's early in the turn and my opponent has moved a simple legionary Warrior up and out of position my activation I could move this star storm duelist up and take it out right now but then I'd be out in the open and honestly I kind of want to see what that legionary butcher is about to do the legionary only have six total activations while the corsairs have between eight or nine depending on when you use your leader ability in this matchup as the Corsair player I could use units for simple repositions or Mission actions to churn through more legionary activations and find better moments to strike remember that if a unit has already activated unless OverWatch occurs its strategic threat will be limited until the next turn there is no need for me to burn the warrior right now when maintaining the threat from the Star storm on that side could also lead to killing the more important butcher this could also force a stalemate on that side just through positioning alone much of the Tactical play comes from comparing what tools you have left in your belt versus what your enemy can respond with number nine know the difference between the visibility line and cover lines I go over this across other how to kill Team videos but it boils down to this visibility is as simple as drawing a straight line from the head of a unit to any part of the body of the target Friend or Foe some Buffs and benefits require visibility of their allies to use them and yes an individual unit is visible to itself for those kinds of things cover lines are drawn as a cone from a single point on the active Target space to a Target operative to determine if anything is in the way again we break all this down in the combat video of how to kill team some functions like specifically the shoot action require the cover line check along with the visibility check the Dual requirement is sometimes referred to as a line of sight check in the instance of the Shadow series mirror of Mind spell the ability isn't itself considered a shoot action but because it claims line of sight is needed you must still meet both requirements it's fog of Dreams ability on the other hand only needs to have the visibility line drawn to an enemy to trigger its function this means it works against any enemy you can see in cover or out in conceal or engage it does not matter number 10 the magic circle or two inches if you prefer to go by the inch measurement of the kill team rulers I've spoken on this before but as far as tips for new players go this one is important cover provided by terrain controls the ebb and flow of a kill team match greatly there are some tools to override such rules interactions but not all units have the pleasure of access to them so in these instances there is a function my crew refers to as the magic circle regardless of order if you are one Circle or two inches from your target space cover lines don't really matter anymore as long as the target is still visible it's shootable the two inches is important engagement range around a unit space is normally one inch and you can't end a move and shoot from that distance so you don't have a lot of leeway there for spacing as a fun little trick the legionary butcher is treated by its enemies as having a two inch engagement range this this means enemies cannot end a move within the distance needed to override its cover fun stuff so these are 10 tips I consider important for any new kill team player to know one bonus tip though because 11 tips seems like a weird video title it comes up quick in the rules and I feel like people might miss it within the rule for cover it clearly states that the unit needs to be within one inch of terrain marked as light or heavy or another operative's base only operatives that are themselves visible to the attacker can be considered as cover for their allies behind them so no daisy chaining units off of a wall or barricade although this does cut down viable targets by near half odd mechanic but I kinda like it thanks for watching hopefully you found something interesting in here that will help you in your command efforts again if you are really new this how to kill Team Series is here to try and cover as much as I can with images and video to show the most basic examples of how the game is played so take a look around we also have a Discord community that is growing where we out and talk gaming the link to that as well as my Twitter is in the description below if you have anything you also feel is good to know for new players just getting into kill team let them know in the comments below as always likes for the like God and subscribes for the Subscribe Throne I am kimrix and I'll see you in the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: KimerexProjekt
Views: 29,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer, games workshop, tabletop gaming, kill team, wh40k, 10 tips, tips, learning, teach, new players, start here, rules
Id: urUpNFDJe74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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