How to kill Pokeweed, Japanese Knotweed, and Bamboo

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hello this video is about my method to get rid of pokeweed Japanese knotweed and bamboo and weeds like that mostly it's going to be on well today it's going to be pokeweed what I have here is an embankment which we need the weeds the vegetation on the whole the embankment but what I like to do about two three times a year is come to this Bank and try to control this pokeweed from completely taking over oak weeds very invasive just like not weed and bamboo so if you know if this is just an area that didn't have other weeds or grass or anything else you spray pokeweed when it's when it's very little when it's young with Roundup and your goal then you can kill it you can control it but most for most people it's in their gardens or somewhere else or they have to be a little more careful with with spring so what I found is let the pokeweed get about this tall and that's that guy right there is about four foot I wouldn't do this to these little ones yet I'll let them grow just a little bit bigger they're only a foot and a half or so tall and the reason is the the stalk won't be thick enough to do the procedure that you're going to see shortly so I like to let them get at least three foot tall or so but not go to seed if you let them get six foot tall they go to seed and then you got a whole host more problems the following year so here's what you're going to need a cutting device typically a machete I just use my rip saw here because it just works perfect you want something that you could do it a quick clean cut even sheers might work but tend to squash it a little bit this makes a nice quick clean cut any I need some sort of rod like this this is just a steel rod a metal rod not even sure what the hell it is where I got it from a coat hanger something like that preferably something like this just a little bit thicker than a coat hanger this is maybe twice as thick as a coat hanger if you're going to meet something like that the worst case scenario a small screwdriver although it should be pretty long but thin so finding the right screwdrivers is a little tricky but you could get away with that but something like this is better and then your then your round up this isn't actually the round up brand this is the generic glyphosate which is the the active ingredient in roundup I don't buy my roundup from Lowe's or Home Depot or anything like that I actually go to tractor supply they sell a very concentrated 41% glyphosate product used to be called pronto now it's something else ground works or something but it always seems to be the same 41% glyphosate I mix it at three ounces per gallon and that's pretty much what I use for all weed control I've been in the property maintenance business for about 10 12 years so I've done my share of weed control and experimenting and everything else so so this is that the procedure I came up with take these two tools here and first thing you're going to do is you know maybe a foot or so up you're just gonna whack off that top of that pokeweed so you have the stock looks like this okay once you have the stock like that you're going to take your rod and just push it down in there you know 8 10 12 inches or something till you get that whole like that okay that's where you're going to stick left my tank is a little too far away here but let me pull this over and take your nozzle don't shove it in there or it has to displace the air and it kind of shoots back out at you so kind of just hold it just a little bit back like that squeeze the trigger very very gently just enough to fill it up let it foam over just a little bit there hopefully you can see that and that's it that's all you do put that little shot of glyphosate in there and that stalk is going to die it's going to take about three weeks but it'll just turn brown and wilt after this video ends I'm gonna include a picture of one that I did about three weeks ago and I did a bunch of this about three weeks ago it's all dead it's done no sprouts coming off of it and the nice thing about it is you're not killing anything else around it just that particular pokeweed that stalk I know it seems a little labor intensive it's not that labor intensive but it man it is time consuming if you have a lot of it but once you get control of it uh you know every year it's all I have now is a couple of stalks they're sporadic so it's not too bad to do this I spend about an hour maybe three four times a year I'll spend an hour and I'm able to keep this which is a very I'm talking about a large Bank here just goes around the bend it goes for quite a ways so about an hour a couple times a year doing this method and I'm able to keep the pokeweed from completely taking over the entire property which is what it will do if you don't do something about it any questions about this process you know feel free to comment with a question I'll try to try to answer any questions you might have but this works very well for pokeweed Japanese knotweed and some bamboos you have to experiment with it but some bamboos the reason you need that raw the pushdown in there is you probably figured out by an outer there's membranes obviously bamboo has that this the membranes if you don't poke it down through you're not going to get very much if any chemical in there so you do have to poke it down through so that's pretty much all you need your your glyphosate a cutter and a rod and a little bit of time but you can control this stuff and this method I found works pretty darn well so thank you
Channel: 10 Second Productions
Views: 29,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kill, control, pokeweed, poke-weed, poke weed, knotweed, japanese knotweed, bamboo
Id: s5HVo3xrXHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016
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