The Secret to Killing Bamboo | NO Chemicals or Machines

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The trick to removing any of the intimidating species (aside from not starting it in the first place) is understanding how to hit it where it hurts.

Notice he says “building roots in the first few years” this is the war chest of resources you’re fighting. All of that stored starch. It’s why you do better if you fight [immediately]. It’s why sometimes intact roots are better (easier to find) than breaking them up.

Edit: clarification (and a word)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bwainfweeze 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2023 🗫︎ replies
this is the Crux of the matter for people with bamboo in America why they're so afraid of it because they don't understand what I'm about to tell you is how bamboo grows and once you have that knowledge you have a lot more control over the bamboo even eliminating it totally if you want first I want to tell you how this stuff grows okay when you plant say you order from a nursery you're going to get it like you probably do you're going to order a hidden plant or two or whatever and it might be four or five feet tall and a little three gallon pot or whatever you just plant that within five years you should start seeing canes come up about this size but this is the difference we're all used to if you plant a tree it's a little skinny sapling and each year it gets bigger and bigger and it builds upon that bamboo is not like that at all what they say about bamboo is the first year it sleeps the second year it creeps and the third year it leaps so in that third year it's going to really start taking over some territory that's what it's trying to it'll send Runners out and pop up over there somewhere and so you got to watch it because you want it within where you want to keep it you know but um what what's going on here is when I said after five years you start to see something like this well during those five years the rhizomes are building up and storing energy and becoming a stronger they're all connected all these bamboos here they're all connected to each other underground and that's an interesting thing a lot of bamboos when when they flower they do it all over the world at the same time because they're from the same mother okay they're saying they're all the same so that's pretty interesting but let's say it's five years now and you're going to get canes this big well it doesn't come up skinny and get big over the years it comes up full size and right out of the ground this big fat Chute if you want to eat it it's excellent if you let it keep growing I mean they grow more than a foot a day when they're sending these shoots up and they will make this cane it'll go all the way up to full height whatever the bamboo does 30 feet 50 feet whatever that variety does you'll just see a a solid cane going up there and when it gets to full height then it lays out branches and then it puts on the leaves and so that right what I just described is the key to if you buy a property and it has bamboo and it's gotten out of hand and you'd rather just get rid of it totally okay here's how you do it you use that knowledge of how it grows against it okay so let's say it's this time of year it's September and you want that bamboo totally gone you don't want to leave any let you want it gone go out and cut down all the canes that's your first job now you got to be real observant and Vigilant in the springtime when they start sending they're gonna you know just because you cut them down isn't going to stop anything okay in the spring they're going to send shoots up you want to let them do that let them send the shoot up the whole way because it's drawing energy from the rhizome system to do that that's a lot of energy to make something like that and let it lay out the branches that's some more energy getting sapped but as soon as you see the first hint of a leaf coming on cut everything down again well that really sets it back and it's not going to like that but it'll wait till late summer and it might send up some little small things which you can do the same process with and get rid of them and next year here comes some more big canes I mean you might do this two three years four I don't know but you just keep with it you are constantly weakening that rhizome system you never let it get leaves out where it can draw energy do photosynthesis and feed itself and eventually they die and you will have no bamboo there so no chemicals no bulldozers you don't you know that's not necessary
Channel: Nature's Always Right
Views: 799,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get rid of bamboo, how to get rid of bamboo roots, how bamboo grows, how to remove bamboo, how to remove bamboo permanently, kill bamboo, remove bamboo, how to kill bamboo, how to kill bamboo roots permanently, how to kill bamboo permanently, how to kill bamboo tree, how to kill bamboo roots, how to remove bamboo plants, how to get rid of bamboo in your yard, how to get rid of invasive bamboo, killing bamboo, the secret to killing bamboo
Id: pI4GaU9nNAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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