How-To Jewelry Tutorial: Wire Goddess Bracelet

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[Music] hi guys um how we doing [Music] uh ginger joan and jane you are not allowed to speak to me through this entire life oh my goodness you guys got my laugh box turned over and i've had to compose myself so that i can do a facebook live some of you are just hilarious oh my gosh they're ginger no talking ginger no talking oh man you guys how has your week been mine has been really really good i feel like i've gotten a lot of things accomplished this weekend this weekend this week see now ginger [Laughter] oh my goodness anyway i got a lot of things accomplished this week and i'm feeling really good about next week because there are some new bead releases coming out next week that you guys are going to love i am so excited i wish that i could tell you more or could show you a little teaser but i cannot there's and now joan is here oh my goodness you guys so all i can say is that next week is going to be a very exciting week as far as beads are concerned if you are a fan of jesse james beads which i obviously am and you guys it's my favorite time of year so i'm giving you some little hints right jesse james beads it's my favorite time of year this is not necessarily making up for the fact that i'm not having a haunt this year but it is definitely um making things a lot better right so there is some beady goodness to come out of a season that is just definitely a weird one this year so anyway just stay posted for that you guys it's gonna be um exciting to say the least lots of new things coming out next week and there will not be a maker mystery series this saturday but there will be next weekend so the maker mystery series you guys was a very difficult to edit not gonna lie um having to do a voiceover and then do that kind of editing is a is a huge challenge for me so if you know anybody out there who might want to like swap beads for video editing let me know um not really though but because of that i'm going to do every other weekend with the maker mystery series so don't be sad that there's not one this week i originally had planned on doing them every other week anyways so um just just know that there will not be one this weekend but there will be one the following weekend oh gosh so what else what else shall i tell you guys um let's see i feel like there was something very important that i needed to tell you hmm oh i there are actually a couple of things i needed to tell you so this afternoon is going to be i don't know if you guys watch me over on jewel loom with juliana but we didn't have a facebook live this past uh wednesday things were just really really busy with her and i had some other things going on as well so that didn't happen that's going to happen this afternoon and actually it's going to be our saturday project instead of our regular wednesday project i know that's a little confusing but um definitely come back and check us out on jewel loom at 3 p.m no i'm sorry 4 p.m eastern time and we will be doing a project we're going to finish up we were actually working on a project with our small goddess looms so we will be finishing up that project and showing you guys how to finish that off take it off of the loom and all of the little things that you need to know to get that finished and squared away um so yeah i'll post a link for that so that you won't miss it just set your reminders just in case and let's see what else i have a three o'clock meeting you guys i've got a three o'clock meeting with miss sarah james and with the beatle on crew and we are working out the details of our destination north pole classes that are going to be taking place in december so if you've not signed up for that definitely do that we're we're kind of crossing the t's and dotting the eyes at this point and you know getting all of the projects squared away it's going to be so much fun if you are interested in learning more about that you just head on over to the jesse james speeds website speaking of jesse james speed's website our new jesse james beads team member miss kelly will be here i don't know if she's here yet or not but she will be here um dropping links and saying hello on the jessie james beads little icon so if you see her that's kelly it's not sarah but please say hello to her and welcome her she is a brand new team member and we are really really happy to have her um i know she's she's gonna be a um an excellent an excellent friend to all of us so hi allison hi kathy i haven't taken time you guys to say hi to anybody i did kind of mention uh ginger and joan who are not allowed to speak to me for the remainder of the facebook live this is miss wanda suzanne it's so good to see you guys steph randy hi guys so how has everybody's week been so far i know i asked that already but it was right at the beginning there were only like maybe four of you here um so i definitely want to just touch base and say the hellos again and welcome to all of you who are new who may just be joining me for the first time welcome to sarah ellis designs things get really weird here and sometimes i eat snacks so you never know what you're going to see but for today we actually are not going to be eating snacks so we are creating some jewelry and this is a project that was requested i actually um had a couple of requests for this kind of design and you guys know i always ask for things for you to um to send me project ideas send them to me via message this is one that i've had several messages over and i'm happy to show this to you because i'm using some czech glass beads for this project and i just wanted to mention just really really quickly that czech glass is actually by three get one free over on the jesse james beads website so if you like the czech glass that i'm using in today's project you can run over to the jesse james beads website and grab some and use the code sparkle check there are no spaces in that that's all one word and you can get buy three get one free which is a really cool deal because stocking up on czech glass like i don't know about you guys but chat glass is kind of the backbone of my collection of beady goodness so there is that for for the teaser picture i used some clear with the a b finish for the picture but today i'm actually using some sapphire blue they are eight millimeters and i do want to mention that this project i'm actually doing this with wire because you guys know wire is like my medium of choice however the steps for this can be accomplished the exact same way there is no change whatsoever if you want to do this with cording i recommend using rat tail or chinese cording you do want something that is a little bit thick for this at least to when it comes to cord so that it shows up really nicely between the beads and it creates some structure because if you use something really really thin your bracelet is a little bit on the wobbly side and it just doesn't wear very well so i definitely recommend using something that's a little bit thicker you probably want to go with like something that is one millimeter in diameter or a little bit bigger just kind of depends on the look that you're going for but again the steps are exactly the same regardless of whether you are using cord or you are using wire i am going to use the tying station to secure my work for today wanda says she's got her iced coffee and she's ready to learn wanda please bring me an iced coffee that's the high maintenance meat coming out please bring me an iced coffee and while you're here anyway so i'm gonna use the tying station for this but i do want to tell you that you can use a macrame board for this actually works really well just as well as the tying station the only difference is of course with the tying station you can get your hands underneath there so you can get your fingers nice up and underneath your work whereas with the macrame board what you would do is you would just secure your ends in the little slots the little grooves that are cut in all the all the sides and you can't really get underneath there with your fingers but it does work so don't feel like if you don't have a tying station you cannot accomplish this project because you absolutely can okay so what are you going to need you need two pieces of 20 gauge wire i'm using german style wire that's the hard tempered stuff in a silver color you need about 16 inches of those depending on how large you want your bracelet to be but you really don't need any more than that you're also going to need a piece of artistic wire that is the dead soft wire because we are actually going to be doing some square knots with that wire it's a little bit more difficult to do the knotting with the german style wire can be done it's just a little bit more fickle and fussy and if you're a beginner i definitely don't recommend it so definitely grab some artistic wire i've got a gold piece of artistic wire for mine so i'm kind of mixing my metals together here but it is up to you obviously and cut yourself a ton of this i don't have an actual measurement for this i probably got about 36 inches probably more than that which is way more than you're going to need for this but because i don't have an actual measurement i you know you know how i am you know i always have way way too much so give yourself at least 24 and cross your fingers this is a project where you can't add on right you can't add on to this so you definitely want to have more than than than you need all right so it looks like we've got a packed house let's get down to it let's get started with this project you guys are going to be amazed those of you who do not know how to do this you're going to be like whoa i had no idea it was this easy i promise you so let's get to it shall we joan says we're not allowed to talk to sarah while she's doing the show you are not you are you are not allowed to speak because i'll get started giggling again and it will just not be good i'm just kidding you guys you can talk to me if you want to can't it's not it's not a facebook live without joan ginger and jane so okay so the tying station you guys this is a beadalon product it's one of my top top favorite tools that is available i love it because it has this handy ruler on the side so that you can do your measuring while you are working the top here is just two acrylic plates you've got a wing nut and a washer don't lose that washer because if you tighten down your wing nut without the washer you will crack the acrylic plate so what we're going to do is we are just going to take our two pieces of our 20 gauge wire here okay this is not the artistic wire this is the german style i want the two pieces and i want to lay those down across that acrylic plate running side by side don't have them crisscrossed okay and then you want to put the acrylic plate down on top and if you've got some coming out the top that's totally fine but you want to try to keep them as evenly spaced as possible you don't want one to be shorter than the other okay and then i'm gonna pop this down so somebody asked if there was a list of the things that i am using and actually there is i did not i don't think put in the event that the materials list that you need for this but it is over on the beadalon i'm sorry not be alone the jesse james beads blog if you want the materials list it's really not a lot of things i can tell you if you want to just write it down real quick so you just need two pieces of 16 inch 20 gauge german style wire that's what i'm using for the core here and it's really difficult you guys not going to lie to attach your wire to your tying station it doesn't work the same way that cording does so you have to be really patient with that i'm just going to take the two ends down here on the other end of the tying station and slip those underneath the acrylic plates that are down here on this end and tighten it down and then you're also going to need 24 to 36 inches i've got 36 inches because i don't know exactly for sure how many oh gosh you guys i've got to add the beads i'll do that in just a second so you're going to need 24 to 36 inches of artistic wire and you're going to need about 24 8 millimeter check glass beads okay and then just your tools that's pretty much the extent of it doesn't take a lot of wire as far as different parts and pieces right uh karen says painters tape yeah painters tape will absolutely keep your wire in place however i attached my wire i completely forgot to add my beads so i am going to undo the wire down here on this end so as far as the beads are concerned we're using the czech glass beads i'm using eight millimeter czech glass beads you can use whichever size or shape that you want this project looks much better if you use a round type of bead but it is very interesting if you do this with squares just so you know but the round beads or oval shaped beads are probably the most popular for this kind of project and you can actually accomplish this exact same project with seed beads as well just on a smaller scale right okay sharon says what gauge artistic wire you're going to need 20 gauge artistic wire and i'm also using 20 gauge on the german style wire as well you just want something to be a little a little thick it's got to have a good you know it's got to be nice and wide otherwise you don't see it and really the important part of this design is seeing you guys i'm dropping my beads on evenly on either one of these wires here but you want you want to be able to see the wire that goes through there oh my goodness i should have grabbed some painters tape they're so right definitely a challenge so let me tell you the first little bit of this project is how should i put this it's not difficult it's just like a lot of other things where the first few steps this guy is just not cooperating at all the first few steps are going to feel a little wonky it's going to look like a hot mess but you have to trust the process with this okay i promise you that if you if you just give yourself a little bit of grace and go slow you will you'll have this down easy peasy no problems so again your two pieces you want to load these up with an even amount of beads so i've got 24 beads i'm doing 12 beads on each side if you need to make your bracelet a little bit larger you could add a couple more beads however i feel like it's probably better to increase the length of your bracelet with the amount of knotting that you do and not necessarily with the beads because this is kind of a difficult one to kind of guess as to how long it's going to be based on the beads so once you get your beads on there you're kind of stuck with however many you've got you can't really take it back right so um i i would adjust the length as far as you know knotting is concerned or even with jump rings at the end okay all right so again having a difficult time getting this wire attached but we will get it there we go all right hi karen you're not late we're just getting started we were just kind of chatting a little bit and talking about supplies and all of that all right this wire just does not want to stay down here okay we're just gonna do the best that we can with this okay so you guys i'm telling you this is super easy peasy you are going to be amazed so all over the beads i'm just going to slide these down so that i have this big open space here to work with okay because this is where we're going to start let me show you the bracelet it starts out with some square knots excuse me um julie could you use one piece of wire and bend in the middle not as far as i know i really don't think i i guess that you probably could i feel like it would probably be more trouble than it's worth though um you definitely can try it and let me know i just feel like it's probably not going to go as smoothly as this is going to go so we're going to start with some square knots with our artistic wire that's why i chose the artistic wire because it is a dead soft wire it's a lot easier to create a square knot with some of you may have never made a knot with a hard wire the only thing you've ever knotted with is cording so this may be new for you it works exactly the same way it just takes a little bit more patience okay sarah's one of those cool teachers that doesn't take attendance that's so funny you can be late you can also eat in my class which i was never i was never able to get away with in school okay so what we're going to do is we're going to take our artistic wire okay and i have 10 tons of this artistic wire and it is difficult to work with such a long length but like i said better safe than sorry when it comes to the length of this so i'm going to slide this underneath the two wires that are our core wires here and i want to find the middle so i'm just going to bring the two ends together okay and very carefully find the middle of that wire and i want that middle to be what's running between or running underneath our um goodness our core wires here okay now we're going to start with doing a square knot leslie says and drink apparently um yeah that's kind of a given i just kind of assume that by friday everybody's probably having a drink when it's time for facebook live okay excuse me all right so we're going to start our square knot okay and those of you who know a square knot this is going to be easy for those of you who do not know a square knot i'm going to walk you through this we're going to do about five okay the first one is always the trickiest because it doesn't really you're not knotting up against another knot so it looks kind of funny so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the right hand cord and i'm creating a p shape with it okay and the wire that is running this direction to create that p shape that's going over the top of our core wires here okay holding on to that now i'm going to take the left-handed wire and i need to go underneath it's going to cross over the top of the wire that's coming out this way right it's going to go underneath the core wires and then i need to pull it up through the p shape that we made over here on the right handed side okay and then you just want to pull and it feels a lot different than using cord not gonna lie because it's wire so it definitely you know you gotta kind of use your strength on this one okay and then i like to straighten mine out as i go just use your fingers to warm up the surface of that wire it's gonna make it a lot a little bit easier for you to work with okay so the square knot happens in two steps that is step one where we made our piece shape on the right handed side to finish a square knot you have to do a p shape on the left handed side so we're gonna do step number two okay and we're gonna start out excuse me exactly the same way we're gonna take our left-handed piece of wire and we're gonna create a p shape okay on the left this time this wire is running across the top of these two core wires and our right-handed wire pick it up it needs to be going over the top of this wire underneath the core wires and then up through the p shape okay and again it's a little tricky because it's wire right okay and then you want to pull and i'm really pulling i don't know if you can tell or not but i'm really using a lot of strength for this okay if you are not used to this i would recommend trying with some 24 gauge wire or 26 gauge wire to make your knots just as a practice before you come to do the actual bracelet just so that you can kind of get a feel of what it feels like to knot with wire because it is tricky okay it's not hard it's just tricky takes a little bit of patience all right now that's one knot two steps makes one knot we need to do that three more times okay so we'll have well maybe four more times i can't remember how many are on the original i think i did one two three four five i did five so we'll do five so we're gonna do four more okay all right taking the right-handed side and something else before i go any further notice how it still slides that's okay you're not going to be able to get this on there so tight that it's not going to slide but when we start adding the beads that's going to keep this in place so don't worry if it's still sliding around okay all right now right handed side making our p shape across the top of the core wires left-handed piece across that piece that's running this direction now underneath the core wires and up through the p shape and pull pull tight okay that was the first step second step is the same left-handed p shape it's the same it's just mirrored okay right-handed goes over the top of that one underneath and up through okay now if you're having trouble following the knot definitely google square knots because there's some really great images to show you exactly okay i know it's kind of tricky if you've never done a square knot before you do need to see it three or four times before you really get the hang of it so um you're definitely not going to hurt my feelings or make me feel like i'm a bad teacher if you have to google that okay all right now that's two let's do two more i've got four stuck in the brain today so we're just gonna stick with four i think all right all right so i'm just kind of going through this are messy square knots a thing sure hey when it comes to wire messy everything is a thing okay totally acceptable design options all right there's three i'm gonna do one more and then we're gonna move our beads into this okay i make the best square knots i don't know about that i don't know about that i always feel like i'm just all thumbs when i'm doing a square knot and i always worry that i'm not explaining it very well so i appreciate you saying that for sure because i do worry that's why i don't teach a whole lot of knots even though knotting is one of my very favorite things i don't teach a lot of them because i feel like they don't translate very well when you're trying to explain it and your hands are in the way steph says how long is the knotting wire again i've got about 36 inches here and just like with everything else that's that's probably way too much but okay excuse me you guys i've got a tickle in my throat today all right so we've got our four square knots i'm gonna hold this up here a little bit closer so that you can get a look at it okay and if you are curious as to know how to count your square knots you always want to count on the right-handed side and you're counting that little belt remember our tushy knots with the belts our square knots have belts too so we have one two three four four of those little bumps or four of those little belts that's how we count how that's how we count how many we've got okay okay now what we want to do is we want to take the right hand piece of our wire and go underneath our two core wires and bring that wire out here to the left and we want to do the same thing with the right or i'm sorry with the left we want to go underneath and bring it out to the right so we're just swapping the spots of those wires underneath our core wires okay which seems kind of weird but i promise you it it will work better if you do it this way if you don't this next part tends to be more of a struggle okay now i'm gonna slide my beads up and what i want with my beads is there is a there's the same amount of beads on either side right we've got 12 on either side however i want these to be staggered a little bit so one bead over here on the left-handed side is going to be up further than the next bead right they're going to be sitting at this kind of angle that's what's going to help you that's what's going to help you get that goddess shape that you guys are so familiar with okay now this is where i said at the beginning it's a little wonky okay a little strange and the first turns the first little bit of this is going to be it's not going to look good and you're going to think you're doing it wrong but i promise you if you'll stick with it you are you're doing it right okay so what we want we're only going to use one piece of wire to start with we're going to start out with our left-handed side of wire so just leave the right one out of the way okay we want that wire to go underneath our first bead and like i said kind of a challenge it's not i don't really know how to explain it it's not running necessarily between the two beads and under but it is sitting underneath that first bead okay which is i'm just kind of holding it there with my finger right i'm gonna slide up the next bead over here on this side okay now i'm going to take this wire the left-handed wire only using the left-handed wire and i'm going to lay it diagonally across the two core wires underneath the first two beads okay so those first two beads are sitting up against this wire now i want to very carefully fold that wire it's not a sharp bend okay it's just a a kind of a smooth fold i want to fold that over the edge of this wire over here on the right and bring that wire all the way back around to the underneath [Music] okay do you see what i've done that's all and that's exactly the entire process believe it or not okay so i'm going to slide up two more beads and this wire is sitting underneath the bead on the left right you always want that wire to sit underneath the bead on the left then i'm going to fold it over so now it's over here on the right running at a diagonal right underneath the two beads i want to fold it again and bring it back out the left all i'm doing is just kind of folding this left-handed wire around i'm not making sharp bends i'm not pinching or anything like that this is a very kind of fluid kind of bend it's not a sharp angle by any means over the base wires under the base wires is what joan said is that right yeah so we're under the base wires and we're gonna go over and then back under right and i'm doing two beads at a time that makes it so much easier than trying to work with it with all of your beads pushed up here don't do that don't make it harder than it needs to be okay slide two beads up at a time that makes it so much easier i've got two beads the wire is sitting underneath the bead on the left okay just very carefully and keep everything together here this wire keeps popping out of the tying station so hold on okay bending the wire over the two top or over the top of the two core beads okay and it's at an angle just because that's the way our beads are going you don't have to work at that angle you don't have to force that wire to make that kind of angled shape it's going to naturally do that because our beads are staggered right okay now we're going to go and fold under back out to the left right now one thing i will mention is i do want to keep my beads pushed up okay i want to keep those beads pushed up so there's not a whole lot of wiggle room in there they are not moving right they're pretty much in place once i get that wire folded around i also want to keep the spacing here with my two core wires see how i can see daylight between these two core wires don't get them pinched up next to each other because then you're going to have kind of these pinched out shapes in your bracelet so you always want to try to keep that that shape the distance consistent your beads are going to help with that but it is easy when you are bringing this wire over to pull this wire and that's going to close up that space there don't pull these two wires together don't squeeze them you need all that open room okay so brought the wire across the two top and i'm taking it underneath just bringing it out to the side okay again pushing my beads up in place two more beads okay same thing folding this wire over and then underneath you guys are so so sweet i'm telling you all right now two more so we're just going to keep going okay making sure that got even spacing keeping those beads locked in place yes eve this absolutely is a braid it's really weird how this comes together but yeah it's it is a braid when it's finished and you actually can do this in a braiding kind of fashion um and i've seen people do it really really quickly like you know when you plat with three with three pieces of something i've seen people that can do this technique that fast you know just as as quickly as you would plan your hair which is pretty amazing to me okay so over bending the wire underneath going out back over here to the left and also guys i know i've mentioned it once or twice before already but i'm going to mention it again because there are a lot of people that are kind of just now joining us everything i'm doing here is doable with cord okay i'm just doing it with wire because i do everything with wire that's just kind of my art form but you can do this with cord absolutely so those of you who wanted to see this in chord the steps are exactly the same i promise you okay let me look back here because i thought there was a question okay so jane says when you say the left bead is on top of the wire is it also under the wire i'm talking about the first left bead i have the rest of it i'm so confused okay okay okay i think i know what you mean okay so see how see where the wire is running underneath these two core wires see the placement of that when i slide my left bead up it's going to sit over the top of that wire is that what you mean it's sitting that wire is sitting underneath that bead that i just moved up it's not going to stay there it's going to move over once i kind of guide this wire over to the right but that's where you need it to be sitting before you fold your wire over i hope that i answered your question okay so i fold the wire over and now i'm gonna go fold to the underneath and out okay same thing slide two beads up okay fold your wire over fold it to the underside and back out oh goodness let's see where we'll definitely have to invest in a tying station okay you guys i can give you a link to the tying station when we're done here if you need to if you need a direct link to it um but yeah it's a beadalon product and i use this for everything i love it so so much it's so cool because if you need your hands free even if you're not doing knotting or something like this but you need to attach two pieces of something so that you can work in the center this thing is it's worth every penny and it's not expensive which is makes it doubly cool right all right so i've got two beads up here folding the wire over we're almost done i've only got three more sets of beads to go we'll be done with this side okay the right side is easy breezy it's the left side let's see meant the first kathleen says jane meant the first left bead i'm so confused this one right here up here at the top the wire is sitting underneath it yes the folding wire does that make sense i i hope i'm glad you guys have each other because i'm a lot of times i'm i'm very confused okay which is not a good thing i hope that i'm not leaving you super confused leslie said i'd probably use the spongy thingies i love that that's a technical term by the way the spongy thingies that come with this for the wire yeah that would probably help a little bit they would definitely hold these wires in place i just didn't think to grab that but yeah that would definitely help and painters tape that would definitely help as well all right so folding over coming over here to the underneath again and i can see sometimes where even my folds are a little too tight so i kind of readjust this and it's it's easy to do that because it's wire it's really forgiving and the cording is really forgiving as well okay so don't worry if you do get it pinched too tight because you can always open it back up okay same thing fold that wire over take the wire underneath did i just see that is he vet here she is everybody say hello to yvette you guys yvette is my boss at beadalon say hello to yvette love her love her so much so much love all right these are my last two beads fold that wire okay and then fold it underneath and out this direction okay now we're just going to leave that just going to leave it like it is now if you are using cord might be a little bit more tricky to just leave it laying there that's why the wire part is super easy to use because you can just leave it it's going to stay in place until you pick it up to do something else with it however if you're using cord for this instead of wire your beads obviously are going to want to slip downwards so i would take your you know the little springy things bead stoppers i would attach bead stoppers on either end here just to hold your beads in place while you do the right-handed piece of cord but with the wire we don't have to worry about that okay so now we're going to come back up here to the top right and we have the right-handed piece of wire and we need to work it all the way down and it's so much easier this time because our beads are already in the place that we want them all i have to do is just lay this wire in its spot so i'm going to take the right-handed wire and i'm going to lay it right between the first two beads right so i'm coming to the left okay and i'm going to do the exact same thing i'm going to fold it underneath all of the beads and the wire right that first one never looks super good it's okay because you can really adjust it in the beginning or at the end i'm sorry okay once we get this off of here you can adjust that first fold of wire to make it look a little bit better it's a little wonky at first okay but we're just going to follow the same pattern we're just folding the wire and placing it in between so we're going to have these kind of v-shapes with our wire okay fold it underneath back out to the right-handed side okay lay it in between the next two beads in that diagonal way okay fold it underneath back out to the right across fold underneath oops to the right across the top underneath to the right straighten your wire out as you go okay just filling in those spaces with our wire at this point underneath okay and you can see this side goes so much faster back out across back out across back out okay we're almost to the end and you guys i had 36 inches of wire i've got very little wire left to work with and we still need to do four square knots and you can come in and readjust if you need to okay and then we've got one more to go right there and then back out oh wait sorry put that in the wrong place and then back out all right now we've made it all the way down the bracelet right now we need to use our two ends to do some square knotting and unfortunately i have very little wire left on one side that's just kind of the nature of how it works but yeah so i'm going to say 36 inches 24 inches is not going to cut it you're going to need every bit of 36 inches of the artistic wire for this and i would even go as far to say is maybe maybe bump that up from 36 to 40 inches just to be on the safe side i've got enough here to do some knotting but for those of you who are new at knotting with wire you definitely want to have a little bit more to work with just so that you feel like you're not working in a little teeny tiny space okay okay so we want to finish this off the exact same way that we started it so we're going to finish it off with some square knots and i don't think i'm going to be able to get all let me slide all this up a little bit i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get four or not to be honest with you uh i'm definitely a little short on the wire but that's all right so i'm just starting out just like we did square knot just get that first first step first step is always the trickiest okay that was the right now we're going to do the left okay and pull and if you find that when you are getting short on wire you can always come in here with your tools come in with your chain nose pliers to grab that wire oh golly don't pull it that tight don't knock it off the table but it does help right to get yourself a little bit more leverage to pull those knots tight when your pieces are short okay all right let's see how many i can get i don't think i'm going to be able to get all those but give it a shot okay getting a little short here and it is looking a little wonky but i can i can really clean all this up right that's the cool part about the wire is that you can absolutely clean it all up okay cutting it really close here [Music] yeah it would definitely it would help if i had more wire for sure like i said i had 36 inches to start with here i feel like 40 would probably have given me just a little bit more um to work with as far as the knots down here whoa and that's the second time that time i didn't knock the light in the floor but i did knock it out of the way it's all right it's my stuff it's okay okay i don't know if i can get one more i think i probably can i don't know i kind of hate to push it should i try for it should i not i i will i might as well i've already knocked some other things in the floor so at this point does it really matter but yeah a little bit more wire would have definitely been beneficial here okay but that's the good part about the facebook live is that you get to see me make the mistake unless you're working with me right and at this point you're probably using your sentence enhancers and really fussing at me for leaving you with such a short amount of wire but all right so we've got our four knots the last four here are not nearly as pretty as our first four but if i had had a little bit more length to work with i probably could have gotten these to look really really pretty but the truth is is that once you get this finished you're not really going to notice this part anyway so it doesn't really make that big of a difference okay so now what i want to do is i want to take this off of the tying station because clearly we need to be able to work without knocking things in the floor okay so this is what we have right and we can make some adjustments we need to if we need to pull everything and straighten everything up you can grab these core wires and then use your fingers to kind of push the artistic wire and the beads into place and you can kind of push and pull from either end right to get everything looking exactly the way you want it to this very first wrap that i made that i didn't like the way that it it laid at first i can come in here and put it where i want it to go i can use my pliers to straighten the wire out so at this point you just really kind of want to go through and make your little adjustments as far as making everything look the way you want it to look okay now what we want to do is we want to now notice we don't have any artistic wire extra pieces up here right because that's where we started our knots but we do down here we have these two rogue pieces and so to get rid of our two rogue pieces i just want to take one of them i'm going to do one at a time and i'm just going to wrap around our core wires about two times okay just wrap it around both of them at the end of the knot the last knot that we made and then i'm going to come in and trim off okay if you were using cord here you would do a half hitch knot over your core wires okay now i'm going to take the other side of the wire i'm going to do the same thing just wrap around twice and i even wrapped over the wraps that i already made okay coming with my cutter tool trim that off and again if it was cored you just do a half hitch knot with that side and then trim off the tail okay now i want to i only want one wire up here to work with right i've got two i only need one and i'm going to do a wrapped loop here there are a million different ways you can finish this off okay you don't have to follow my exact steps here you could just do a simple knot and call it i mean a simple loop and call it a day and trim off your tails but i am going to do a wrapped loop here so the first thing i want to do is i want to take my shorter piece of wire if you've got a shorter one if you don't have a shorter one and they're the same in the same size just pick one of them okay and wrap it around the core wire or the one that you're going to leave about once or twice just sort of like what we did on the other end right and then cut it off that's really the joy of using wire instead of cord you just wrap it around and cut it off and it's done now we have our single strand of wire here our single piece and we're going to come in and do a wrapped loop so i'm just going to grab the tail end of that wire right up against the wraps that i made with my chain nose pliers i'm going to bend the wire when i take those chain nose pliers away you can see there's that tiny little space there that's where we want to put our round nose pliers so coming in with the round nose pliers i'm going to go up and over the top barrel of the pliers roll those out of the way so i can take the wire on over to the other side and then i'm just going to wire wrap and meet up with the last wraps that i just made right and then i'm just going to trim this off and we're done right with that end that end is finished all we need now is just hardware okay now we want to do the exact same thing over here on the other end so excuse me one of the wires i'm gonna trim some of this off it's a little excessive i'm gonna take one wrap it around once or twice trim it off okay now i'm just gonna do a wrapped loop just following the same steps and same thing just wrapping around okay and then we want to trim off now you can at this point put whatever kind of hardware you want on this the first thing we're going to do is we're going to shape this into a bracelet right and because it's wire all we have to do is just kind of bend it into the shape that we want we don't need a mandrel we don't need a special tool we all know what a bracelet shape looks like and this stuff is just easy peasy gonna squeeze right into shape done boom bracelet however it is a little bit on the loose side so i wouldn't wear this as just a bangle i'm afraid it is kind of bendy so it will probably come off so you do need some hardware here and my friend ginger was asking if you could attach a magnetic clasp here you absolutely can you can use whatever you want you can do jump rings and just a lobster clasp you can do any any number of things okay i did on this one i just used some of my extra 20 gauge wire to create just a little shepherd's hook you don't have to do that if you don't want to um but you absolutely can i'll show that to you really really quickly it's not my favorite clasp in the whole world and there are a million different ways to do this this was just really quick and easy that i just i just did kind of on the fly so using my favorite tool on the planet ever is the step to bail making pliers love these so much and i'm going to use another piece of 20 gauge wire and just a scrap piece that i had on hand okay and you do want to work harden this a bit as well i'm not going to because i don't have my block sitting here but i am just going to show you kind of the steps so this is very similar to the ear wires that i make with my stepped bell making pliers it's pretty much the same concept so i'm grabbing the wire right at the end and you can use either one of these ends here and all you want to do is just turn a loop okay now instead of when we make an ear wire we place it let's see no it is it is opposite right yeah so place it into the step to bell making pliers or the large bell making pliers if you don't have these guys okay you just want to use the largest mandrel and you can see the direction that my loop is facing okay it's kind of it's facing down and then i'm going to come and bend actually i did that backwards just kidding i want the loop to face upwards i'm sorry do i no how did i do this last time oh my goodness you guys my brain has just completely shut off i do want my loop to be facing downwards i'm sorry okay so we've got kind of this shape i remember now so we're making it looks just like an ear wire at this point right i forgot i have to trim off some of this but i would need another loop down here so i'm going to place i'm going to place the wire back into the tool okay now i'm going to use these little guys to go the other direction just like that okay now i'm just going to come in with my cutters trim off don't cut off too much because you still want to have a full loop here you want to be sure that it's nice and closed i forgot this is where i struggled because i didn't use any jump rings and so my little decorative loop on the end of my shepard's hook wouldn't clear the loops here my wrapped loops so i trimmed some of mine off that's what i'm going to do here as well so i'm just going to come in with the cutter tool and trim some of that off okay and if it is if if you need to file it right there you absolutely can you can use your wire rounder tip if you need to but you just want to be sure that it will clear the loops if you're not going to use any um any jump rings there right and now at this point i absolutely would put this on the block and i would work hard in this just because i really really um want this to keep its shape you don't want this to pull out and fall apart on you okay but to attach it you would just do it just like you would any other loop just by opening it laterally with your pliers hooking it to one of the wrapped loops here on the end and close it back and then you've got yourself a little clasp okay if you don't want your clasp to sit that direction you can take your take your pliers grab your loops and turn your loops here on the ends this direction okay that's really going to kind of help your your clasp sit the direction that you want to so it's not actually going to scrape up against your arm but you don't have to do it that way guys you can just use a standard lobster clasp right i just used scraps because that's what i had and that's what i did with the original just using some scrap wire you don't have to you don't have to go that extra step if you don't want to i mean there are beautiful clasps that are available that would look amazing on this so you know you don't have to do every little piece of it handmade but there you go and you guys i'm telling you you can absolutely 110 percent achieve this you can do this you guys ask to see this bracelet you can make this bracelet it doesn't matter what size your beads are it doesn't matter if they are oval shaped or if they are round you can do this with seed beads and it doesn't have to be hard wire you don't have to use a combination of german style and artistic wire to achieve this you can do this with hemp and some chinese knotting cord you can do this with rat tail you can do a um a wire core and use cording to wrap through so you can do a combination of either one right it's really kind of up to you to play around with it and and figure out how it is that you want yours to look but the steps as far as using cord instead of wire are pretty much exactly the same so if you need to refer back to this and you're going to use cord just remember where i've told you to make knots like the half hitch knots instead of wrapping the wire around that's really going to be the only the only difference and of course the way you finish it is going to be a little bit different as well so with the tying station if i were going to use the tying station instead of just laying my two pieces of wire into the tying station i would do a loop right i would take my all of my strands all my cords do a little loop tie a knot put your loop over the peg here and then all you're left with on the end is your ends where you can tie those up you can add a button clasp you can do a million different things so i hope that i have i hope i've answered the call for you guys robin says what size wrist does this fit this is going to be a seven and a half inch bracelet and that's a good question which i i and it kind of brings me to a point that i already made once earlier but i will say it again because again we have people who joined us a little bit late but um if you need to adjust the bracelet as far as length is concerned my my opinion on that is leave the amount of beads and adjust your length in your knots that you start with right so we started this one's got five knots this one has four knots if i needed it to be a little bit bigger of a bracelet i would give it maybe six or seven knots or if you don't want to do that then increase your length with the size of your clasp add extra jump rings i would not i wouldn't adjust it as far as the beads are concerned because it it will look like it's going to be a certain size and when you get done with it it's not it's really um it's really kind of an illusion when you're looking at it as you're working with it so i would stick with 24 to 26 on the number of beads if you're gonna use eight millimeters and make your adjustments as far as size elsewhere and somebody said are these going to fit yeah they're going to fit and in fact they're going to be a little bit big on me because i don't wear i wear really small bracelets i have really really tiny wrists so this is going to be more more loose on me than i prefer but yeah so that's that's going to be about a seven and a half inch bracelet and i use 24 of the eight millimeter czech glass beads for this so there you go all right guys i'm going to turn you around we'll say our goodbyes for the day all right hi hi how are you so i've knocked a whole bunch of things on the floor today made a big old mess that i have to go clean up here in just a second my microphone is all bent over i don't know how you guys are able to hear me i hate this microphone one of these days i'm going to get a good one i've got one of those puffball microphones that i use but i don't know how it would do with a facebook live i'd have to stand here and hold it or sit here rather all right tina says she can't wait to try it i can't wait for you to try either i know that you guys are going to rock this one you totally are it's it's much easier i think than you think it is when you see them um i i've seen this this exact project made in like big wrap bracelets really really long i love that look kind of break it up with maybe a um you know a charm that's got two loops on it to go in the middle but you guys you guys are gonna you're gonna nail this one i know you are you're gonna you're gonna be creating some really beautiful styles and you can mix it up right that's what's so cool is that you can mix up the beads you can mix up the shapes and the sizes and the cord and the wire to get completely different looks from the same technique and i love that trying to take it off all right you guys that is it for me at least right here right at least right here you can catch me again today at 4 00 p.m over on jewel loom i will be with jules we are finishing off a bracelet on the small goddess loom i'm going to show you guys how um to do that actually we're both gonna show you i'm i'm a lot of times i am the um the moral support because jules is such a genius right i just i'm just there to like say yeah you're doing an awesome job because i learned something from her every single time we do a facebook live like i look forward to it because it's like class for me right i get to hang out with her and watch her make the most amazing things ever so come join us on the jewel loom facebook page at 4pm and you guys if you are interested in the tying station if you're interested in the chat glass beads i will pop some links on my page for you guys so that you can follow those i'll pop in affiliate links you guys i make a small commission off of those you do not have to use those if you don't want to but if you do i do make a very small amount of money off of those and it is very much appreciated it allows me to continue to do projects for you guys and buy the materials that i need to supply us with our fun on fridays right i will put my link in jane you got it i'll put it um i will post it here in just a second as soon as i'm done here all right guys have a great afternoon i'll see some of you later if not you can catch me on monday at 7 pm for maker monday on the jesse james beads facebook page if not same time same place right here next week with another fun project keep those ideas coming to me let me know what you guys want to see i am happy to oblige so bye guys have a great afternoon
Channel: Jesse James Beads
Views: 35,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JJB, Jesse James Beads, DIY, DIYCraft, DIYJewelry, Beaded Jewelry, Diy bracelet, craft, easy craft, easy DIY, wedding jewelry, wire wrapping, bracelet, how to, how to make bracelet
Id: DbOwTBv1ebA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 53sec (3713 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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