How to jack up and brace a broken rafter.

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all right here i am there's a rafter right here  behind me and you can see that this raptor is   completely broken it's the worst one i've ever  seen if you've got a broken rafter this is also   a homeowner did all this this was not  done by a professional i can just tell   so but anyway if you if you got something similar  to this and you need to get it fixed uh go ahead   and stick with me and you would know i've got the  worst looking rafter i've ever seen in my life   and it's a 2x4 which makes it even worse  because these roofing nails have actually come   through halfway through the 2x4 and  now i can't just push the wood back up   there's you're going to have to stick around to  see how i fix this and on top of that being broken   there's no ceiling joists you would know so  here i've got two ceiling joists that i've   added in and i got another video on how to put  in ceiling joist but basically what i'm gonna do   is i'm throwing in these two ceiling joists in  right here and i'll get a better video of all this   going down and see that broken  raptors right in the middle   right there's the broken one there's  the two ceiling joists that i have   the ones they had before were flat like that just  laying flat and that is not structurally sound uh do it like this like i have here these  two that's how you do the ceiling joists   check out my other video and there's the  ceiling that i fixed right up over there   got a couple of framing videos but let's see  how i'm gonna get those nails out from inside   there is the first thing i'm gonna try and do  and i'm gonna use the sawzall so stick stick okay all right so i'm gonna go over i'm gonna go  over some of this framing really briefly here okay   here's my two ceiling joists and i put a spacer  board right in between and nailed them in from the   sides right here these run all the way top plate  to top plate over there i added in another ceiling   joist here top plate to top plate and another one  here top plate to top plate okay then i've nailed   a board in across right here that goes all the  way across and you can see i've nailed it in each   rafter or each ceiling joist and these are just  two by four ceiling joists you can do two by sixes   they've used two by fours and everything  and i'm just matching what they have   actually they didn't even have any so here's the  first ones that this house has ever had right here   anyway this board runs across right  here and i've got the jack right there   sitting on a chalk of wood just a two by four  piece and that gives it a slight angle the jack   a slight angle so that it's on that rafter and  that chalk you can slide it forwards or backwards   to get it where you want it and then i've got  a piece of wood just sitting on top of that   and it's resting on this pushing down the weight  on my new ceiling joist instead of the ceiling   below it that way i'm not going to puncture the  ceiling and push the sheetrock out and make a   lot of problems inside the house and there's no  roof leaks currently there was a massive bow in   this roof right here and it snows a lot here  it can and ice and rain and all kinds of stuff   so i need to push that up so that stuff doesn't  collect there i also need to brace all this up   so i'm gonna brace this one this one and  this one and i'm gonna push and jack that   one up right now so let's see you can  see it's nailed there it's nailed here   and it's not nailed here but i have a screw that  started right there if you can see it and it's   already started to go up in there once this gets  jacked up you know 12 inches i do this easier   with a jack that works okay okay i gotta hold  this screw in so that i can keep jacking it no way oh it's so hard and painful laying  here like this and uh he can't help but laugh don't stop it it's gonna hurt it's gonna hurt   for a little while but it'll  all be done in a little bit as i hear cracks i'm gonna back out a little bit okay you see how this board's closing the gap   we're getting really close  now my arms are killing me okay we're there it is completely at max where  it needs to be and i'm gonna toss this screw in okay so here's what's going on um the video was  way too long was about an hour long so what i'm   gonna do from here is i'm going to explain i've  got this jacked up and i've removed the jack   but before i move the jack it was sitting  right over there where you saw me jacking it up   i removed that jack and i put this rat run  that's called it's this two by four lane flat   and this other two by four laying upright flat  against it nailed from the back side into this   board all the way down you're putting nails all  the way down into this flat one and this flat one   you nail it downwards into these ceiling joists  so down down and that ceiling joists far back   over there you nail this board down too  down and this one down see this is a support   nailed into this board right here and right  here at the top all the way down right here   and one right there so there's three and that's  just to support these roofing rafters because   they're just two by fours and i'm some supporting  all three of those roofing rafters those two by   fours these ceiling joists are nailed in to the  roofing rafters those are nailed together there   those are nailed together right there remember  there's two there one on each sides of that   rafter both nailed in squeezing it in between  that one and then there's another one way back   over there nailed to that raptor running across  to the top plates like we discussed before the   ceiling joist this one this one and that one back  there all go through and rest on the top plate   i've got these not only resting on the top plates  but i've got them nailed into you see nailed   into these walls these are the studs  for the walls going down into my room   and i'm going to take you over closer to this  middle section that whole middle section there's   a lot going on right all in right here and right  up in there so i'm going to take you over there   just in a second but i think that's everything i  think i covered everything how the ceiling joist   this rat run and these braces going up one two  and three now i'm going to explain this whole   middle section so stay close so you can see here  this middle section i just seen something i got   to do um see this middle board is a spacer  going through right here and i forgot to   nail that one in i'm going to nail it through here  on both sides to support the weight right here   but these because there's a lot of weight right  here i jacked this beam up was a lot of weight   so i reinforced it with the rat run and then i  put this brace in as normal i've got this top one   right here to support the broken piece this was  all that broken rafter and i squeezed it up about   nine inches up and it's all kind of rotted  but that's why i set it on this new board   and this board that goes across right here as  you see it sets on this rat round on the top   that connects the roofing joists  together this two by four right here   and if you want to you could add another one on  the back side of it just like we did right here   with this one you can do the same thing up at the  top and then you can run a two by four from here   from this point all the way down and resting  on there on both sides resting on both sides   and run a two by four in the middle okay if you  want to this is a very small section only eight   foot sections so i'm not going to do that on this  on this project but if you have a bigger area you   want to use two by sixes right here and also one  in the middle and then run your 2x6 raptors up   you know on both sides and you can even bolt  them together right there there and they're   bolted all together you can do it you know  different ways there's multiple ways to do this   this is how i'm doing it to give you an  idea um i renovate old houses just by myself   and fix problems like this one at a  time so if you like that kind of stuff   go ahead and subscribe to my channel like this  video if it's helpful in any way and look up here it's because this rafter at the back was  not connected to anything if you remember   it was hanging down like this far so now  i've pushed it up and i've put this board   going across onto this beam and that takes a lot  of the weight so this beam right here this support   takes a lot of the weight of the roof from that  middle section where i where i um where i jacked   it up and this one does the same thing this one  takes a lot of weight as well where i jacked it up   right here so these two are acting as um to spread  the weight more evenly across this beam and get   the weight more on the edges like over here a lot  of the weight is on that rafter on the top plate   on the edge of the house and now a lot of the  weight is right here on this little beam that i've nailed on both sides running up connected right  here in right here to the top plate on this wall   this is a 10 foot wall i'm at the very top  and i've connected it right here the roof is   connected to the wall the roof is connected to  the top plate the ceiling everything's connected   and right here this old rafter is now  connected with three screws one two three   into the new that ties everything  together once i put one more board from i'm gonna do another one right on the other  side right here going across right here   if that makes any sense anyway so that's how  i've done this it's it's been quite a nightmare   if you're gonna buy an older house with you  know 100 of these or 15 or 20 of these maybe   think twice because you can see this is quite a  bit of work quite a bit of wood wood's expensive   you can easily get into a nightmare   so hopefully this was helpful go ahead and  like this video if this was helpful in any way you
Channel: Grant Keys Properties
Views: 39,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bace and jack up rafter how to, bracing and jacking rafter, bracing and jacking up rafter, broken rafter repair, how i brace broken rafters, how ro jack up rafter, how to brace a broken rafter, how to brace rafter, how to fix broken rafter, how to jack up broken rafter, how to jack up rafter, how to repair broken rafter, jacking up rafter, rafter jack up and brace, repair a broken rafter, repairing broken rafter, support and jack broken rafter
Id: gGOs6E9-KK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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