How to Integrate Rave(Fluterwave) Payment Gate In PHP

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okay integrates in Ralph famous fruit I weave which PHP is my good variety says I don't waste time so this my code is a my HTML form and is the results of my codes I did I take the name of the donate oh I take it never do I take the email this one should be okay yes email and the name then I slept on stupid chefs a design yeah just was a lady donation price we have one thousand five thousand and three thousand I use it as a radio button to store this value so if you check my coat right now he is one thousand and I say the value is a cost Oh what is what are we getting also this is a five thousand the value is five thousand and this one is thirty thousand and the value is and order I haven't so important year and take note at my form he's going to process the speech with our created EPG a call processed of speech which is blank now I want to test my for my name is walking so I would say HP and I'll say if you sect resect the coastal super global post so what is our post name is in a in text so the name does the name yay the name is donut so for me to avoid mistakes I also make mistake I don't one are not puppets so I will copy this and take it to process it reset discuss to this name then perform this action so to I perform I want you to show people name seekers to super global post name is coming from yay the name is coming from me I teach type name is a coastal name then the next one is a email next one is email so I'll say we will email you C cos 2 pi Global post and EC email trick I see email and the next one is the two needs the most is trying to donate is a coastal super Global post or so then what's the name technologies radio ports radio pod cinemas to be the same so that it can be selective as like this and as latest is only off to take on this one Australia's only auto tech edition so the name us to be received and have given one name under name is called so I use option singing options is optional teeny of shots of shots so the name is option I have to put your name yay so let test if we are truly getting some data so to test if I'm getting some data right now I have to echo dystrophy variables have to equate automation I'm getting the field the data from the form I'll say echo revenue echo through email then echo we'll be doing it so if I save now and I come here then I said it's okay see I have the data from this phone I'm going to use all this form as main credenza now then ask is do we need this PJ will be TP ready payment processing will be happen what we are going to do is that we are going to send it data from this our website here in to it what party website is called half as good as a lollipop but beside the middlemen between Internet Oh with receiver is going to be gimme it mean to me so how do we set up our half I go to write type RAF radius sort of system before so I such rough to my future we've I have why wait wait for eluding I can just do this off because I will need all this theory I do very biased all comments here let's process upon this rough if I came here but I want you to know I'm doing it our login if you have no critic on before you can just pretty simple cuts where these keys our log in my account switches I see bacon new idea with dot-com that's my test accounts that's my second account find what the first one is unique and it's crazy working correctly so the password is still can see remember my details because remember 92 is my avatar already so we are going to velopment mood we are on development mode EA the first thing we have to do is to change this is to change from this life mode to test mode so that I can use to test different m1 I have been changing which we take us to testing dashboard now we tested at workforce an easy to test I also want the goose which roughly means it's work now I am on Testament my no I mean the nesting is to go to documentation which is my different way so I will put this in your table open it up then in this case we go to standard rough because if you are using inline is a fast I would tell you start up going to no standards we already know everything so we are going to use standard then I click on our standard that is no way I should be it's no way I should be decreasing which well quick start yes so you see I just first step 11:22 which we have did here we have colada Pimenta TV operating name female we have quality amount is trying to donate which ovulated it's a recyclability operate aditya land in ask is this is why here at we talk home so as a sample code we are working with PHP which they could be going to need are we copy all for now allow yesterday one after the other I go to copy all and I put him in process permits immediately after year I just pasted Riley I don't need his peepee talk I don't need to attack so I take it off now if I using gravity see you our your Salamis supports the station then he says customer it was a customer in me we already getting it for me recently the widow's delete is a bright very boo EMU which is the customer him ooh the newest available email then is a customer a mod which a Mata di mata is donating we are getting it for me didn't it so we change that to reboot donate the NT currencies engine gain engineer you st. anyway USA oh no does anyone else if I want to collect it was Tunis to the currency symbol it is US dollars each I need to us or any other team then D detects ref in this case is regulated community known in the production we got with a little unique you need to rev numba bow in this case adios and put some random don't buy a as tariff and run Brno by assess whether that's my turf fair for now they my public key nota we have changed our touch what to test so you can use our test ID so you come to settings when you come to searches why are we such as - ok so this is e then you come to API it goes to epi an API we are going to get our API key so this is my public key and he is requesting for public key so I will just need to copy my public key yeah I replace it with this one saying your public saying your public key then is a redirect URL after sources permit where did I want this user to go so I want him to go to success don't push people have created if I yeah my sister says those PHP so I will see with the red you are where I want you to come back to HTTP which is I want you to come back to http it is a low coast-to-coast the name demo and his [Music] because demo new success each piece speech is optional we don't need it this was sufficient users we're in premium plan so we don't need that we have done with the first step of you understand this time the amount is the amount owed the same routine that we are getting from alpha from William PG so the email the email and the currency our API credentials and some planets the entity good enough rough we are currently rough API T so if you are going to take install off to possess that limits then diem on Travis contain diamonte self it gets the cost of my email from this OPA instead of the currency in Qadir F dash RF Nova it gets the public key a Gatorade URL for me they needed a payment plan which we don't need to take this payment plan off don't use that then it says here that the content - type is this is rough potential to use a saint isn't the only Arab name in the desk is he call me and tell us that tire Unicom dystrophy dental eye if you want to iterate the user to the pavement pitch then uncomment this you re with only this property yeah I will take it off then iterates to the pitch to use a campy so he's going to do a copy then dr. what about what I'm is that the after of I finish some processing E is going to redirect the user to transaction pitch less testers is my transaction pitch they're now going to see each P can now see a coup ruff next stitch this ice if this ice if this now I came here and i refresh so this is my name which is my email address like this so I selected 5,000 then I clicked it was wait for it wait for it wait for it oh yeah now I will say that leaf articles too rough that's why rough isn't between us listen padrino's yeah so in case I don't want to pee now I just can sue or close yeah I just do that here I still key corner shop not protected go read the house under stomped continue and this is going to success speech that is my that is my develops at malvasia so can find it and it is sources say demo is a low-cost demo and sort of speech try to delete this you start getting dear that means I'm misspelling my sauces but will be succ es6 which me I see is you don't know let me check my father knew and food I name is mu L which is to I used up wearing this piece so I just thought well yeah I am what's a manly me to try again let's try again let's try again so after I just after I just my section here how I just started my show you I see we direct to me is reading to me then I see if that I will fresh fresh again I cry I want you to know that route will iterate to that topic safe so I donate 1000 then I go on so I will concede for now nothing yes you have fun town alright so I'm not paying it I considered consuming that is really speech in this PDF we are going to set this pitch Tiago to fight limits because you can see the UI and I just types a set of pigeon in bin ve if we you can give item I can say pass speed that will be fighter air speed so this the our raft allows the data to refight and repayment responses so I use with a rated pitch and the speech we could I was up goddess section yet without touch one by one I'll come to my section PGA and I pissed it this should be possessive why this should be possessing pitch why this was P percent people have made a mistake it was cotton like that so if you said is Coco's bamboo basket TSN Ralph is going to create some txt is lef references in the URL that concedes he still Tina since variation in the URL and the skated Eva Franciscan viruses good has to be very unique to use so after you get this then the referees is then the amount you have to use service ID to cut the actual emotes do you say centralization to stall it avoid it is here and the currency raising the unwanted I will be promote ability now is 5,000 error we fell Turner which I'm going to write you 5,000 era you are a star what I'm saying so 5 Turner Aditi I try mother have custody just click to delete the currency could is NGH NGH I have cut you from the Slava same use of aside to get this automatically not man I was doing kids at Ramona's is donating then your secret key of your ruff ruff dashboard on that test mood we have secret key I just copy that yeah just copy that time to teach you I just copy that there and I put it here dainty cheers I love where the reference is know about us to be unique the unique ID when in random number to generate that then the data string is T so this rough masculine is apply the scurrying squirrel credentials entities as post then is currently responding instead response key and is validating it yet inner see if response zeros you and if response zero that means just one piece if I didi Ahmad you see if check our modes ref imodium a-d roughly Sicilian is all site will be trying to complain it with a month you are you are trying to use it as a please he's trying to check it so easily charger modes in the charger modes is the same as these are month do a control culture Ravi's secure is going to allow you to process it then I now tell you that if the sauces damn easy for this validity are true then it to deviate give item so in this piece the saturation all successful this is where we are going to give item we are going to give the item values your PHP code to give item in this place well this please always use at a location at the brackets location location location pitch dot PHP PHP that means I have received your payment I will show you success message I will create this file called pit dot PHP so just clean your file then I quit Pete dos PHP then I save my gente in this place I now say thank you thank you say thank you for your donation that means I have received the user donation which my father sent page has sent for me yes there is no delay to the speech if the transaction is known sesame rental wrong code already cut is not valid or is the OTP is not real then you goes to add a location field dr. Petrie filled arguments you had known in Norris 20 mins from this user when this key you see you shall receive the payments equals to arrive dashboard well did you know is when teammates now you come to fill to speech PTC we do not so that's it make sure I save all my goodies if I see what my career I have save all my goodies now why are we going to test this out now Ravi's having it Teske so I can come here now say ruff the Scott I try to use that I say ruff so this is worth Lescott then in this case where our which I know you guys just go back to this is a rough test cut it is for master cut I won't down tree - time to wet there that's 99 cause then I'll be taking 5000 I'll call me and say I'm taking five thousand yet because I'll be using five thousand if I use 1000 you feel because the amount is not the same as the amount and send it off okay I would still try it now so this is the cut I'll be using it this as my card number then I input my name I provide my email then I select five thousand an IP remember that's dirty is our effort to be very unique it has to be very unique then I pissed in the number year my image ready for Nadia more time trying to donate his five thousand air dam Valley - we say valid it to zero nine twenty two so I will type zero 922 then the CVV the CV is five six four Izzy five six four I use five six we fight the series five six off now I don't want to nest which he's going to take me anima banking it would take me in my ulti instead Renta my four digit PIN rough to Philippi which is tight retained so I will touch c3 the next case is trying to charge normatively I've been using cuddle P online before then you say what CP then roughly was due to build one two three four five we see 1 2 3 4 5 then I okay it now payment was successful but passed arrow syntax error unless treated if observe in so say speech is going to toss a speech and line 37 let's check that I come to suspect I can tell a person if we charge ricotta is equal to 0 that's clearly not okay there should be something here which I know something - at that time what something should be so that's the error let's try that again let's try that again go back I mean afresh if we check your website but now you see some payment is coming true just check your dashboard RC transactions when are we dealt with Karma for meeting so why can you thank you let me check my transaction you can see graph tomato fattening is convention is comment you want it to confirm the transaction references is not a unique I have to get on a unique unique number then you go back again and we're going to cannot post would be identified I come back here I come back here so after generate another unique references limit I can just add number year then I receive I wish I fresh Kamiya I input my email and continue I don't know network we don't have cut diamonds ACV visa 2009 22:5 cecil 0 922 five six seven five six start treating started eating so one two three four five yes thank you for your payment's we can see that you have received a payment you check your dashboard i refresh should refresh the site with fresh fresh decide again transaction any payment is he implement to be this it's implemented that I have received now command tests assess a fig filling section to be able to fill I will change I will change the reference system by again to random number then I will save remember I am catching five thousand a year and I want to use and I want to donate 1000 so you know doing it one thousand then I sent I wish they might at zero-nine 22 the same five six seven is poverty - one two three four five you can see inventors field because I am paying $1,000 and I am touching 5,000 a year so they are known TC that means dependent I believe that is what it is well you will still receive let me see if reduced it gets a limit sometime roughly in KDP Mencia but you don't give I tend to the user because it's no it's not this time to do need dye abuse so you need to give the item I see you get 1000 area we can't give the item cause you say is not paint the ultra Hartman's it's late therefore so after you have done I want to good life when your cPanel server you just change this from life to continue from testament to life then you go to settings and kids the life API key because test card we not walk in a life API key that we agree work with invalid cut and valid bank account token
Channel: Zubayr Ganiyu Seun
Views: 5,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rave, flutterwave, intergrate, in, php, payment, gateway
Id: klqiCg_5xN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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