How to Integrate Firebase Into Your React Native IOS App

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in previous lesson we've learned how to connect Android app with Firebase in this lesson let's learn how to connect an IOS app with Firebase let's create let's add an app inside our react native project and Firebase let's add IOS app now we have to add the bundle ID where can we get that bundle ID let's open xcode to open xcode from terminal just type that code exceed Dash B iOS that allow us to open xcode inside that project as you see now let's get our bundle ID we can get it when we press here just press on signing and capabilities let's copy that bundle identifier and copy and paste it here and let's register a new app let's download Google info.placed and now let's press next next next continue to cancel and let's go to react native Firebase first we need to add those configurations download the Google service Google info dot placed inside our app using xcode open the project and add files to that project so that's our project let's press on add files add files to project and let's go for downloads and select that file that we have downloaded from Firebase to connect our IOS app with Firebase let's press on ADD now we've added that file let's go down we need to add that code inside app delegate.h let's import let's add that import here in xcode we can we can make it put it using xcode here we can make it also using vs code if we open iOS and if we open that folder the file name we can add it here too edit whatever you want whatever you want okay but it's better to edit using xcode and now let's add this this fire app configuration inside did finish launching without options function so let's search at this function we can see it here all we need to add that file that code here inside this function you may be wonder why xcode is better in adding configuration I'm gonna tell you because xcode allow us to see our errors because we have an error here Firebase file not found that's because we didn't install the Bots yet so let's scroll down scroll down and out linking and rebuilding here in iOS we need to open the iOS folder of an iOS folder and run that command both install repo update so let's edit and wait until our Bots are done we got here an error while we are installing the pods the Swift pod Firebase core internal depends on Google utilities which doesn't Define modules so let's solve that issue let's copy it and open a new tab and press that issue you will get this stack overflow link I will leave that link in the description so don't forget to check it and now let's add those installing to others inside both file we here in both file let's add them and add this to now let's run both install again foreign again and let's see great we have installed them correctly now let's try to run our project let's type exceed Dash B iOS to open the xcode and now let's try to clean first and build I have a notice because my ship is M1 so I need to add this step if you are using the Apple the Apple chip I mean MacBook Pro with M1 you have to add this arm C4 here just press on the project name on that project and the build settings any iOS simulator SDK and add arm 64. and else inside Bots press on both Press On build settings and any iOS simulator SDK just add arm 64. and now let's run the project finally build is successful after all of those errors that we have made and it's a good experience to face those errors with me you maybe don't face those errors for example if your chip is not a money chip you will not face that error so we have successfully connected our Firebase with our IOS app don't forget the like button ends and see you in the next lesson and we're gonna make an authentication using Firebase thanks for watching
Channel: HeroDev
Views: 5,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: setup react native firebase, react native firebase, react native, react native coding, react native course, react native tutorial, react native beginner course, firebase android, firebase ios, react navigation, firebase, react js, Firebase integration, React Native, IOS app development, Mobile app development, Firebase authentication, Firebase database, Firebase cloud messaging, React Native Firebase, React Native IOS app, herodev, @react-native-firebase/app, learn firebase
Id: VykdJYiOFdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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