How to Integrate Firebase Into Your React Native Android App

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hello Heroes and Welcome to our new tutorial in this tutorial we're gonna learn how to use Firebase to create a database and to make authentication using Firebase you have to know that Firebase has a lot of benefits so don't forget subscribe to my channel and follow this playlist because we're gonna learn how to use how to integrate Firebase with react native in this lesson we're going to learn how to integrate Firebase in Android app okay now let's go to Firebase let's create a new project let's rename that project react native dream and let's continue we don't need the analytics right now let's create a project we have now our project let's press continue now let's create we have a Firebase project we want to create an app inside this project we create we can create Android app IOS app or web app now let's create an Android app we need here the package name we can get it from our code from Android app SRC Main Java main application or main activity any one of those so let's copy that and add it here at least let's register a new app and Next Step let's download that file because because this file is very important let's download it Google service to Json and I'm gonna where to put that file here we should put it inside our project inside our app folder so now let's show it through our file Google service.json inside our code inside here inside the app open Android and open app and let's drag and drop here okay let's press next and next and continue continue to console now let's install our package that's responsible to connecting Firebase to our app let's right let's try react native fireplace and open that link now we need to install that package we are going to add for recognitive Firebase app let's install it then we need to make some configurations inside our app build.gradle let's add that line of code inside Android built.gradle down here in dependencies let's add this that's this line of code and press save and we should add that line of code to an Android app build.gradle so here Android app build.gradle let's add that code at the top of here and let's press save now let's try to run our app your Android now we have connected our Firebase to our agnative Android app correctly in the next video let's connect it to IOS app so don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe and continue watching this list because you're gonna learn everything about Firebase in this playlist for beginners thanks for watching
Channel: HeroDev
Views: 11,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react native, android app, react native tutorial, react native vs flutter, firebase, google, firebase integration tutorial, react native firebase app, how to use firebase in android app, firebase authentication in react native, firebase realtime database setup, react native firebase setup, firebase remote config setup, firebase tutorial, android app development, react native firebase, mobile app development, react native android, firebase real-time database, @react-native-firebase
Id: kSpKqyJdgts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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