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hello everyone and welcome back to my YouTube channel I hope you're all doing really really well and a special warm welcome if you're new here in this very full bumper video I'm sharing seven key factors to consider with do's and don'ts of how to instantly and easily look 10 pounds Slimmer now I'm a big advocator of looking and feeling our very best that's the reason why I created this channel to help everyone with this of course now I certainly don't think that looking and feeling our best is about achieving a certain body shape or size I really believe we should all embrace our own bodies but as I got older though I found I've got kind of thicker through the middle and lots of other places and I never had a ways to begin with anyway so I'm always hunting for ways to create the illusion of a waste and slimness in general so I want to share my tips and hacks with you today that I've developed over the last few decades quite a few if you wish to incorporate some of these instant tips into your outfit choices then I've got a lot of do's and don'ts in this video now just an important Point actually some of the don'ts that I'm sharing are actually really fine and would look lovely but I call them don'ts here if your goal is mainly to look slimmer so let's get straight into my first style tip which is proper fit one of the best ways to look slimmer and to look better overall to be honest is to wear clothes that fit you properly so my first do is do make sure that your clothes fit properly and flatter your body shape the clothes that you wear and the way that you wear them can make you look 10 pounds lighter in seconds so for example this red top that I'm wearing here it fits on the shoulder fits on the bus line has a suggestion of a waste but isn't tightly constricting so if a piece doesn't fit get a tailor to alter it to fit better after all it's pretty unlikely that all let's say size 14 clothes fit every size 14 lady we have Myriad shapes and sizes and no bran can really deal with this so this is where the tailor comes in and is so valuable so if I first don't don't wear oversized baggy or ill-fitting garments because they'll just add bulkum widths big Pieces Just make us look bigger no two ways about it the eye is very deceiving and assumes that the size of the item you're wearing is actually your size so if you're wearing something of voluminous and baggy well you just look a little bit larger than you are so on a similar note don't add too much volume I would suggest a maximum of one item per outfit with a bit of volume this could create a really balanced look so if you wear a pair of loose slouchy trousers team them with a fitted top or a flowy blouse with a more fitted skirt conversely though don't buy clothes that are too small for you I have to confess to having done this maybe a couple of times maybe more it's just a sense of satisfaction to be able to fit into a smaller size isn't it so I fitted into it but that didn't mean that I looked good in it so I seriously advise not to stuff ourselves into clothes that don't fit they accentuate the lumps and bumps on anyone basically even if you're really young so rule of thumb if you need help to get into it it may be too small now here's a really big one do wish wear shapewear I know it's not for everybody but it's especially useful if you want to look extras felt for a special event and we are coming into the wedding season not necessarily our own but maybe a relative and even if you're not a fan of shapewear do wear underwear that really fits wear a bra that gives you full coverage without bulges invest in a properly fitted bra and get a bra fitting too select a bra that supports and lifts and this will immediately improve your posture and will slim down your silhouette so for my second big styling point to look slimmer instantly number two enhance your natural assets so do enhance your natural assets there's nothing like showing off a natural asset for a real confidence boost highlighting your best bits can draw attention away from the areas that you feel less confident about do show off your slimmest bits often these are wrists ankles neck throat leave a little bit of Skin showing reveal your wrists to really slim down an outfit and the ankles work in the same way as well so here you can can see the big difference showing ankles makes to the overall effect of the outfit and how slim I look in them one and not the other as you can see the high Vamp tan shoes which cover the feet make the whole outfit look bulkier and make me look wider whereas when I wear the ankle Grazer jeans and the shoes which do not cover the foot the whole effect is slimmer so do be careful also of the position of pockets on your jeans and trousers this is an easily overlooked one if your pockets are bigger than your hand they may make your bottom look larger instead select jeans or trousers with pockets that are positioned higher up this will lift the whole look of the bottom and make it look elevated and let's face it who doesn't want an elevated bottom another thing to use strategically is do use accessories strategically when wearing any accessories if your goal is to look slimmer think vertical and think upwards you're trying to draw the eye straight and up so pendant necklaces scarves belts that kind of thing okay let's move on to my third big point which is monochrome Dr addressing in one head to toe color or at least a tonal variation on one color is the easiest slimming trick that there is it creates one long clean line and it doesn't break the body up into separate chunks it makes us look taller and it's especially brilliant for petite ladies so do wear monochrome or tonal outfits as you can see here don't always assume that you have to wear dark colors to look slim either of course darker colors do work but don't feel restricted to this do try to wear lighter colors especially for spring and summer and even winter whites don't be afraid of them they're always incredibly stylish do experiment with different shades of the same with color family as well a color of your choice that you love and feel really comfortable in and if you're worried that an outfit of the same color will look a little bit Bland or boring you can create interest in the outfit with different textures without taking away from the overall monochrome effect so on to my fourth big style tip which is create the illusion of length oh and just before I go on to that if you are enjoying this video which I really hope you are please do give it a thumbs up on the like underneath the video and if you haven't already subscribed if you're new here I'd love for you to join our community as it really helps the channel to keep going I share styling tips and inspiration on what works and what doesn't work every week and also I love to see your comments we've got a fabulous Community here so thank you so much for that so back to my fourth point which is create the illusion of length there are so many ways to do this firstly do wear Columns of color as you can see here wearing Columns of color is one of my personal favorite ways to look more slender and you can see with the outfit the central column of the body even though I'm wearing white looks much thinner as it's framed by the blue long line cardigan it's a really easy and simple way to look about half your size this technique just draws the eye inwards on your torso another thing is do wear vertical lines vertical patterns and vertical seam lines as well and do create vertical lines with jackets Cardigans or shirts particularly when you wear them as a third layer as you can see here one thing that you shouldn't do is don't create horizontal lines across your torso for example a thick belt always go for a thinner one as it creates a much thinner effect for the whole body and don't wear high contrast outfits in other words a big contrast between the colors of your top and bottom as you can see in this out is a lovely Chic look but if my goal is to look slimmer the two contrasting colors of black and white just cut me up at the waist they interrupt the flow of the eye up and down the body so if your main goal is to look slimmer you might not want to wear totally contrasting colors for your top and your bottom the long line color is what it's all about so if we look at these two outfits side by side you can see clearly what the difference is so this outfit has the same problem as we've just seen with the black and white one although the top end jeans are in the same color family in other words variations on Blue there is too much contrast between the dark and the light so it cuts me in half what works better is wearing similar colors all the way up and all the way down your body so as you can see here it's dark all the way it's not the same color but it's dark so it's much more slimming and much more lengthening so my fifth point to look instantly Slimmer is necklines another way to create the illusion of length and slimness is with the neckline that you choose to wear for example pull this red top do wear v-neck lines and do wear scoop or round necks they were similarly flattering effect draw the eye up the slimmest part of your neck and throat and also create a vertical line on your body so don't wear high necklines turtlenecks or boat necks also make your face and neck look shorter and wider now I actually created a whole video on this in relation actually to how to deal with a big bust but I focused a lot on the effect of wearing high necklines compared with v or scoop new necklines which you might like to look at when you've watched this video so my sixth point is proportions these are key balance your outfit with proportion you may have seen in the short video that I created this week which is a little teaser for this big video but one key point I mentioned there is proportion particularly with trousers and your bottoms do wear mid or high rise trousers or jeans this gives the effect of length and slimness so don't wear low rise they will give the effect of cutting you off across your middle and shorten the look of your legs so do wear straight leg boot cut or flare jeans that go all the way down to your shoe and that don't cut off your ankle also do suggest a waste now I'm not saying you should tuck everything in frantically as I know this doesn't work for many of us but just a suggestion of a waste is always more slimming so a top which is slightly cut in at the waist like the one I'm wearing or a jacket which gives the illusion of a waist is also a good technique do create the illusion of a skinnier waist as I mentioned before with a thin belt not a thick one and as you can see here a thin one just draws the eye in so for my seventh Point create the illusion of height so not only do we need to add length we also need to add height so do wear heels even low heels I find that low heels of maybe a centimeter or an inch can create a real uplifted effect you don't have to wear high heels all the time just a little heel or perhaps little kitten heels are absolutely perfect for this also do wear pointed toe shoes which lengthens the look of your feet and your legs don't wear rounded toe shoes as this has the effect of stopping the eyes suddenly and bluntly do match trousers and shoe color so you can see the big difference here that this makes to an outfit but if in doubt go for nude shoes that are a similar color to your skin tone so the last point I want to make here and arguably maybe the most important is do pay attention to your posture this is an often forgotten but instant way to look slimmer pulling your body up or your shoulders back creates a natural slimness pulls in the stomach and is really flattering so with that it's been a packed program I know lots and lots of do's and don'ts but all the links to the items that I mentioned and the things that I wear are in the video description if you scroll down under this video I really hope you enjoyed this video ladies if you have please give it a thumbs up and as I said before if you're new here and you haven't subscribed it would be wonderful to have you in our lovely little Community here and I hope you have a really amazing day and our amazing week and I will see you really really soon for a short video and of course my big one next weekend lots of love bye [Music]
Channel: 50 & Fabulous with My Friend Deirdre
Views: 141,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion tips, hacks to look skinny, hacks to look slimmer, hacks to look thin, how to dress 10 pounds slimmer, how to dress slimmer, how to dress thinner, how to instantly look 10 pounds slimmer do's and don'ts, how to look 10 pounds slimmer, how to look skinny, how to look slim, how to look slim instantly, how to look thin, look 10 pounds thinner, look slim instantly, outfit ideas, over 40, over 40 style, over 50, style expert, tips for looking thinner, what to wear
Id: iXge8YoUKoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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