How To Hide A Belly Over 50 │Tops to Wear to Hide Belly Fat

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how to hide a tummy it's a delicate subject for all of us isn't it but by the end of this video you will come away with some positive actions to take and some tips and tricks to help you to look and feel fabulous regardless of your body shape so stay tuned [Music] welcome to my channel to all ladies over 50 who want to look and feel fabulous and a special warm welcome if you're new here now i've created this video because so many of you have asked for help with tummy issues so i'm really excited to be sharing 12 of the most important styling tips to help build your confidence so that you won't be so worried about your tummy and also i'm going to give you a huge tip to help detract from your tummy so stay to the end for that and of course as normal i show you some great little outfits to demonstrate all these points so i list all the items that i wear in the video description below the video for both my uk and all my international friends so that you can shop for them and just before we jump in i'd like you to consider please subscribing to my channel it's totally free and it really helps me to continue producing these videos for you okay now first of all i can hear some of you saying what can deirdre tell us about belly fat and hiding a tummy she doesn't have any problems but you know it's all about perception isn't it most people of our age have issues with body fat with a belly and with weight gain now i'm just the same when i was young i used to be really really petite i was only seven stone which is around 98 pounds i was fit and healthy nothing wrong with me i was just a really small built person now i'm 135 pounds which is heading for about 10 stone and you know what that is nearly a 40 percent weight gain so i may look thinnish but for me you know compared with what i know i used to be like like many of us um i know that i'm much more aware of my body fat my tummy and so on so again weight is all about perception and it's all relative to each person now of course one reason why i've gained so much weight and i'm sure many of you are the same is due to the menopause now the menopause middle is a real and frightening thing as i'm sure you're aware now i was perimenopausal for two years and my body just didn't know what was going on and now i'm fully menopausal and my body is even less likely to know what's going on be honest and i'm sure you all agree puberty was a picnic compared with the menopause and i know it's something that many of us suffer from but of course there are also lots of other reasons why we might not like the way we look and be much more conscious of our weight now i don't share this ever really um but my mother was really beautiful she's dead now but um she was considered absolutely beautiful but you know people would look at me her only daughter and they would say well you're quite attractive but you're nothing like your mother so for years decades really i've suffered from low self-esteem um and this has obviously affected the the way i think about my body so i felt very inadequate for a long time and so when you look at somebody and you think ah she looks great she's got no problems you know you never know what they might be thinking and what they might be thinking about themselves inside so today my aim is to build your body confidence and your body self-esteem from my knowledge and experience and to give you the tools to hide your belly and to detract from it in terms of the clothes that you choose to wear so let's start on how to choose tops strategically the shape of the tops that you choose to wear is key to how effectively you can hide your belly area essentially you want to create an optical illusion of shape and length rather than thickness and width so i have selected the best types of tops for you to choose and to wear and i'll put lots of links underneath for you the things that you can see and also lots of other options in the video description below first type of top to choose is body skimming not too big and not too tight select tops that are body skimming they don't cling they don't touch the body they just go down the side of the body also buy clothes that fit you and now it's a real temptation to get things that are too big but this will just add volume you should get things that actually fit you now the second type of top to choose is is to do with the material don't choose clingy fabrics so clingy fabrics such as let's say viscose um can well cling really to the the thicker area around your middle that you're really trying to disguise clingy fabrics are very unforgiving and they show imperfections every little imperfection you'd have to have a figure like kate moss ladies to even go there and let's face it who has that not even kate moss these days now the third type of top to choose is tops with empire lines and high waists now empire lines and high waist are the holy grail for those of us who have tummy issues to be honest if you wear an empire line top you simply won't show your tummy at all as you're going to see in the outfit i'm going to show you in just one second now i've also put lots of other links below of other tops of that style it's really popular so have a little look at those now i'm going to show you a special outfit that i bought in dubai actually because it was really cool really beautiful and really floaty this outfit now this outfit demonstrates a lot of things that we need to look out for when we're choosing uh empire lines and things to detract from our tummy it's not tight it's got loads of of room it's very floaty very feminine now you can see it's actually two levels as it were there's a like a satin in a slip which gives you some shape but it's not clingy and then there's a floaty chiffon outer level which is very feminine um it's got detailing near the neck um which obviously brings the eye up away from your tummy and then it's also got this area here which is um also detailing of the empire line so again brings the eye away from the tummy it's also got these lovely sleeves which you can see a little bit puffy more detailing there so if you have sleeves that have got detail again it takes the eye away from your scent the center of your torso away from your tummy um you can add trousers as i've done here um with the with the white trousers which nice plain white trousers or even leggings underneath and some gorgeous shoes to again detract from your tummy area now with that the eye will go directly from the top with this lovely floaty top straight down to the shoes and and the leggings or the trousers and you know it will completely ignore the whole of your tummy area success okay so the fourth type of top that you should be thinking about to help disguise your tummy is a long line top or long line cardigans now i have talked about the benefits of long lines in another video which i will link above for you to have a little look at but a long line cardigan and a long line effect in the in the top that you're wearing will elongate your body it will give the illusion of length and it will take away from any suggestion of width the fifth type of top that is good for disguising the belly is anything that's ruched not massively you don't want lots and lots of material which will just add volume and bulk in the front but a slight ruching now this is a top that i'm wearing now and i'm going to show you the whole outfit here so as you can see for a start the color is really pretty dove gray i love this color but as you can see it has ruching across the middle now this is great because this confuses the eye of the beholder because the person does not know what is ruching and what's your tummy actually so it's a really good disguise now in the second shot that i'm going to show you here i've got a little matching um top sort of like a bolero top um i've i've tied up in the middle as you can see here now this is doubly good for a start it shows the ruching as i've just explained and also it adds the detail of the empire line positioned knot so all the emphasis on of the outfit is up here takes the emphasis up here but it's also ruched so it's great now you can also see i've teamed it with the same white trousers that i did with the other outfit but also these fabulous little shoes now these are some of my favorites steve madden uh you can get them through the link below obviously that i'm putting underneath the video description but also you can get them shipped to the uk you can get them in america you can get them internationally and they are beautiful they just add a little bit of sparkle and also detract again from your tummy the next type of top to look for is anything with a v-neck now v-necks are great have a look at this outfit here um this is one of my favorite little tops actually that i pop on the top of white trousers as you can see it's a great color but it's got the v-neck and of course if you wear something with a v-neck it detracts from this area and it takes the eye down but down into a long vertical line i'm a huge fan because i'm not that tall i'm only five foot four so it really helps to elongate my whole look the seventh type of top to think about to disguise your tummy is don't choose mid length sleeves okay so what i mean is don't choose tops where the sleeve stops here at the elbow mid length why because when you put your arm down like this the eye is drawn to the end of the sleeve which is the same height as your waist and that is precisely the area that you don't want the eye to go to so what do you do instead i'll show you you can see the difference here firstly you can see me here in a top which is all wrong for disguising the waist the the sleeves go to the to the uh elbow as you can see um and it does nothing for my shape okay next option here you can see the solution a short sleeve top where the eye is actually up here now the eye is taken up away from the problem area so instead of mid length sleeves go for either short sleeves or full length sleeves number eight choose tops that are not straight across the bottom now it's a little trick of the eye but you can see it here in the top that i'm wearing okay now this top as you can see um it's got that lovely little short sleeve that i was talking about in the last one so it's not the same level as the waist also it's got um an uneven finish at the bottom it's sort of a little bit curved now that is a really good shape to choose because if you choose a top that's straight across the middle it means that your your body is cut into two effectively which means the eye is drawn to your waist cut into two it it makes it look wider the whole effect so if you wear a top like this or something that is not straight it takes the eye away from the waist number nine choose more structured fabrics now essentially what you want to get away from is as i said before anything that's clingy so if you choose thicker more structured pieces that will be much more forgiving of any lumps and bumps so for example it's better to choose a crisp white shirt cotton shirt it'll look a lot better on you than a clingy polyester top number 10 wrap tops and dresses are good but just take care now wrap tops can be great for tummy hiding but as i said take care of the fabric because often wrap tops are made in just that clingy material that i've just been talking about that you want to avoid you know that sort of viscose clingy stuff that clings around your middle so wrap tops but make sure they're not too thin in terms of the material now number 11 bit controversial but wait a minute uh half tucks now i talked a lot in my other video how to look stylish over the age of 50 which i shall link up above if you'd like to take a look on how important it is to tuck your clothes in now that's true but if you have a problem with your belly or your own perception of your belly a little bit of tummy fat um then i've got a couple of options here either the half tuck which is actually much better than a full tuck if you're worried about that area it gives you a little bit of shape but it doesn't actually make you feel pressurized that everybody can see your tummy or let's really go for it here no tuck at all now this is fine if you adopt some of the top shapes that i've just been talking about what else can you do to detract from your tummy well the other really key styling tip that i just want to cover with you today is my number 12 which is highlight a different part of your body of your choice here's the real upside to a lot of ladies who have a thicker middle bit more belly fat often those ladies are pear shaped now if you're pear shaped it means that very often you have great legs so why not show them off now i don't mean mini skirts or anything like that it's up to you you've got to feel comfortable in what you choose to do but focus on your legs if your legs are good why not it takes the attention away from the area that you want to minimize now you choose what you feel is the best part of your body and create more attention on that so as i said it could be your legs it could be your hands maybe you want to adorn them with beautiful rings or some really lovely bracelets it could be your face and hair it could be your shoes now how about a look where you wear a shift dress and shift dresses as you know are fairly straight down their body skimming as we've already talked about and some gorgeous shoes that's an absolute winning combination now i've got lots of other styling tips on how to help to hide your belly fat um lots of other things that i'd like to share with you i've got so much to share with you ladies but they're going to have to wait for another video so i hope you've got some ideas from this video on the types of tops particularly and the clothes to choose to hide your tummy so let's go out there and celebrate us ladies over 50 and our bodies don't forget the links to all the items that i mention and the things that i wear are in the video description below and i've chosen things that are suitable for uk and my international friends so i really hope you've enjoyed this video have an amazing day and i'll see you really soon lots of love [Music] bye
Channel: 50 & Fabulous with My Friend Deirdre
Views: 429,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to hide a belly over 50, how to hide a belly, fashion tips on how to hide a belly, how to hide a stomach, how to hide a tummy, how to hide belly fat with clothes, how to hide tummy fat, how to hide your tummy fat, clothes to hide a tummy, how to be stylish over 50, how to cover tummy fat, how to dress for your body shape, over 50 fashion, over 50 style tips, clothes to hide tummy, style over 50, tops to wear to hide belly fat, 50 and fabulous, hide belly fat, style tips
Id: rZzFet5DlhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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