How to Install Zigbee2MQTT with Home Assistant 2022

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so after some of the recent changes with zigbee to mqtt in doing the supervisor or haos or if you've been around for a while you probably still call it hassio and you probably might still be confused of like hey how do i install this zigbee to mqtt thing and be part of the cool gang right well if you're just gonna use zha and this might not be for you so probably just smash the thumbs down and tell me how much i suck and hit the road goodbye but if you want to learn something to see how you can be part of like decoupling things and have just more of a more robust in my opinion zigbee network that's a little more flexible and easier to use and not tied to some of the upgrades of home assistant well zigbee to mqtt might be for you but wait i don't no no i don't want to see mqtt i don't know you don't have to dig into mqtt what i'm going to do is going to go through any fresh nothing really installed on this box except for home assistant os it's just onboarded there's nothing else no add-ons and we're going to kind of fumble through it and see if we can get zigbee to mqtt installed so let's get to it now on the zigbee to mqtt website which is just zigbee to mqtt you're gonna hear me call it z2m same thing because yeah zigbee to mqtt is a mouthful well if you're wondering what devices are supported right there don't go to some other sketch website that has a approved or certified list just go to the source it's right there on their website has all the things and all the deals and then on here you also have the supported adapters which the adapter you hear a lot of people call them coordinators and or maybe you want to call them routers well that's a whole thing i've got some other zigbee videos and we're not going to try to go in that in depth but the adapter or you want to call it basically the radio the chip that you know talks to home assistant and connects the zigbee network to you all does all the magic basically well they're all listed here they all have links to them and they all have different stuff on how to upgrade them i'll leave some of the stuff down below one i do like is the cc 2652 chipset at this time it's probably just one of the favorites out there and you say why is that well the thing just freaking works and it works well in zha as well so if you want to go back to that go go right ahead the one i'm using for i know it was well what do you use well i'm using that sonoff zigbee 3.0 dongle there's that word that wonderful dongle word that dongle plus and we'll say dongle again just for the fun of it right and that's also based on that cc 2652 there are some ethernet ones i know some people have different types of vms and stuff and passing usb through or maybe they just don't want to plug in usb to their server rack or whatever it may be there's network based ones that you can do for their power ethernet or not and they work great as well i highly recommend the tubes zigbee gateways they're excellent network network-based twins and yeah he just pretty much does him himself so we'll support the small guy but hey i'm sure there's some other ones out there as well just not familiar with them this is zigbee coordinator this is um cool and stuff now if you are doing the installation you would say hey i'ma get started right and go to the installation and yeah then you're probably your eyes start to glaze over because again you're probably not doing the command line thing since you are doing haos and if you are doing probably if you're doing linux and you think over here well your eyes probably glaze over a little more but hey you probably if you know all that stuff you're probably not watching the beginning of this video maybe catch some of the talent maybe learn a little bit about zigbee to mqtt as well so we're gonna come down here i have done the one for docker with unraid but this does docker compose as well and they also have down here for the home assistant add-on and so we jump to the instructions here but there's not a whole lot of instructions at this time so i see people get confused in discord well let's just go through it so the first thing we do need to do is add this repository url under supervisor add-on store well that may be confused some because that terminology has changed and well we're going to go ahead and hit this button here and that's going to copy that link to our clipboard so then we'll come over here and it's really changed it does confuse me at times we'll come in here to settings and we are looking for the add-ons and go to the add-on store and you start to say well hey let me just type in zigbee well that's only d cons in there well we're not installing that one well if you see the little three buttons up here and you should see repositories and just paste in what we copied and hit add and immediately you could see from behind there it did pull in and we have the two to pick from let's go ahead and pick this one you're welcome to pick edge and go ahead and click install and then if you watch installing if you want to and you haven't probably go check out one of my videos or go back to those links and go upgrade the firmware to the latest version as the recording of this video i think it's 2022 february is the version don't have any problems with that i think it's the stable listed firmware for that cc2652 highly recommend the latest firmware on your zigbee usb or even the ethernet coordinator now you may be tempted well i'm just going to smash start can't do that just yet so you jump out of configuration this is where it can get confusing is you got this data path it's filled out for you that's great so cat well what about the cat no i don't just don't worry about it let the cat do its thing mqtt remember i said don't worry about it we're not gonna worry about it but we do need to install mqtt and i'll show you how diffic well it's not difficult the port this is the part that can be confusing of hey where do i go get this port information well if you're using the usb one you can go do a simple copy and paste if you are using the ethernet one then you need to put in the ip and the port but i'll show you both of them just in case so where do i find my port do make sure that you have your usb adapter passed into if you're using some sort of vm like with virtualbox or something like that if you're just using straight hardware like we are using here i'm using that optiplex one that i did the video or two ago and just plug in the usb i highly recommend a usb extension cord to get that away from your box just kind of let it breathe and let it listen without you know a bunch of nearby electronics this is how you go get the port information if you come over here to settings and go to system and then looking for hardware and you got to kind of dig deep but hey i like to copy and paste and say all hardware now you may be tempted just to put that tty usb well i would highly recommend not to do that because it can change so come in here and just i like to type in serial and you'll see it right there you type in serial sometimes i type in buy space id that might be a you know even narrows it down even further i bet you can see it right there by buy id id yours may be different i am using that zig star one so they labeled it a little differently the sewn off one is labeled differently all they're all gonna have these probably a little bit different labeled ports based on what the flash is set to but what you need to do is just copy this entire part right here now if yours is longer that's what she said and you can use that one or this one it should be the same just make sure and copy it to your clipboard so we go back to settings add-ons there's it should be grayed out because it's not started now under the serial section just type in port colon space and then paste in what you had in the clipboard it's that long string of things now if you are using the ethernet one i would highly recommend is assign it a reserved or even if you have to a static ip but a lot of people they'll call it dhcp reserve or they'll call it static dhcp all the routers call them different names but give it a reserved ip where it never changes the ip address because yeah it's going to change ips whenever you're not home it's murphy's law and then it's going to piss off the significant other because the stuff doesn't work is you'll do the same thing for port but you'll put tcp colon slash slash and then the ip address of it say it's and most of them use like the tubes ones they use 6638 but do verify whatever zigbee ethernet adapter you use on what the actual port it needs to be and i'll scroll down here and that's the only option i'm gonna fill out and i'm gonna hit save now we can't start it just yet because i kind of did things backwards yeah i don't follow the rules a lot is we do need to add mqtt now that is one of the official ones so we'll just go to mosquito broker click it click install boom no special configuration we'll go ahead and make sure it's start on boot and then we'll go ahead and hit start and if you really want to you can come over here and check the log and make sure it's doing its thing yep boom boom boom we're good to go services and here we are i've got right here mqtt is telling me it discovered that and i'm gonna hit configure and hit submit and hit finish that's pretty much it for the configuration on it it's that difficult so it's the first start it may take a little bit you may be tempted to go ahead and just smash open web ui and you may get like a 502 bad gateway error or whatnot zigbee to mqtt especially after maybe you did a upgrade of the usb stick or a new one or whatever give it a second make sure give it a little bit to start up about 30 45 seconds if not a little longer depending on what device you're using and yeah i rambled enough and boom zigbee trim qtt is ready to go right now but don't don't click off yet i suggest some configuration items don't leave it bone stock trust me don't but if you're dangerous whatever so let's talk about network keys you want to be unique and you want it to be yours so let's would make our own network key and network id and the cool part is they now allow you to use the generate after i nag them enough about this which is great so how do we do that well first thing let's go look at channels first if you'll notice when you come in here to settings and you go to advanced the channel is set to channel 11. the channel 11 is actually going to get interference from channel 1 on wi-fi i would choose 15 20 or 25 for your zigbee channels now no regardless of whatever i know you can't control your neighbor or whatever what their you know wi-fi is using if you and if you have multiple access points in your home make sure you are using 1 6 or 11 of wi-fi and know the numbers do not relate so 11 does not equal wi-fi 11 they they did it to confuse all of us perfect and also come down here to [Music] one thing a couple things i change on mine is the last scene i'll change this to iso 8601 local leave all this default and down here you have network key you have the string and just type the word generate you can see i've done it before the pan id to a string and we're gonna also put generate basically just makes a random one for you now do keep in mind if you go back and do this anytime after you've added devices you will need to repair those back up but we don't have any devices paired up so we're good to go on that so i got that as generate and this is totally optional is with the cc 2652 p i think it is we allows it allows us to go up to 20. we probably don't need to go to 20. i'm gonna set this as nine it's a good number out there and then we're gonna hit submit what we've just done we've gonna if we go to restart zigbee to mqtt we're gonna trigger a feature that allows us to not break our network because if like you didn't know you were doing this and you changed the stuff and you restarted it and you would break your network and you had like 100 devices you could be pissed right well there's a feature in here that prevents us from doing that so we need to do is just go to settings and i'm going to show you that it's going to break so we'll hit restart and you'll notice now we have it's saying this network id there's a mismatch well don't freak out there's look at this right here you want to recommission your network please remove the coordinator backup because zigbee two mptt is gonna back up your network all the time so you know keep that in mind you should do your other backups to back up the backup and it stops it won't start so we need to go delete that file it's really simple well we need to put the add-on first so if you don't have samba or something or whatever to go delete that file then you can simply go in here and add the add-on to remove the file and there it is we'll do the file editor that one should be simple to do we'll get blinded by the white mode [Music] is come over here down to zigbee to mqtt we just need to delete the one file this coordinator backup json file so just hit the little three dots you can delete that file make sure you want to delete the backup and yes we do and i do believe that the zigbeetmqtt is in a loop constantly trying to start so it should by the time i ramble enough let me get back over there and see that the add-on probably will be started by now and while we're there we'll go ahead and make sure start on boot oh and i want to show this in sidebar and let's see if we can get the web ui going and sure enough rocking and rolling let's just verify go to settings go to advanced and you should see there's our channel is set and all of our stuff and it's probably not going to show you the generate stuff anymore but the key is actually inside that configuration yamaha if you really want to go look at it just don't change it you can see here here's our pan id there's one thing i do like to change in here is the availability is i'll go ahead and i do like to turn on availability because that will poll the devices and we do have a fast enough coordinator to do that and it will let us know if something is online or offline and that's pretty much about it that you need to do to set up something so if you want to go and go pair your devices up let's just hide this little thing over here and if you don't know this i think default it must have went to there the little moon here you if you really hate dark mode which you might be weird and you want the blinding white mode is you can just toggle that right there now to add something is just go ahead and hit the permit join and then follow the instructions on your zigbee device and a lot of times it's like maybe power and off and on if it's a light bulb a number of times or something else you just hold the button and put it into pairing mode so i've got my one of my favorite the little hue motion sensors and we can just hit permit join and make sure you do have this in pairing mode i can see this thing is blinking and be patient it should join up to your network and there we got it joining starting the interview let it do its thing let it chill now at this point you'll see the friendly name is definitely not friendly and i'll just go over here and hit the little pencil of course your screen's not gonna be shrunk like mine and i'll go ahead and give this some sort of friendly name and we may call this like living room motion so rename the device and it looks like you have to put them separate apparently we'll just put a battery may 20 and you can see it puts it right there good idea because you're never going to remember wouldn't that change that battery well there it is and if you really want to go in here and you can look at the device and see what thing it does battery 100 interview completed true and if you ever have you got an issue where it's like that interview completed false or some weirdness just try to pair it up again and that sometimes does happen and then under exposes this one's pretty cool it has the temperature occupancy the you can set the motion sensitivity the led indicator the timeout etc and then you have the link quality the link quality don't freak out over the link quality too much unless it's like really really super low because some of the battery devices are gonna turn themselves down and whatnot and it is just sometimes a magic number now if it's zero then i would kind of freak out about it but it's gonna be a number anywhere from zero to 255. i've got these probably 10 12 foot apart and it's showing 83 out of 255 no big deal it's not perfect signal but hey it works great and i also would recommend pairing in place don't follow that thing of like got to bring it next to the coordinator or the device and pair it there and then put you're actually creating more issues doing that pair up all your mains power your plugs light switches first that builds out your mesh and then pair up your battery devices after that but they will all fix themselves anyway now you may be asking well how do we add this to home assistant well it actually already is through the magic of auto discovery it's gonna be already in there and since we are using just that stock dashboard lovelace or what don't they call it lovelace anymore the it's just gonna automatically be add it's gonna add everything to it yeah it's everything up there as you can see the temperature and the occupancy detected and the motion and yeah you should probably go do your own little custom dash by now but of course this is just a new box so it's going to add everything to it and if you are looking for them they are going to be under devices it's going to be under mqtt if you look under here you'll see we have the one device eight entities and here's the entities it's gonna be in there and the device i think i only have one device so it's gonna show just this but there all your devices will pop up under mqtt because zigbee to mqtt is just going to drop them in there home assistant picks them up automatically it's stupid simple on how you bring things in and it shouldn't be this crazy to install but sometimes it might be it kind of can be confusing at times so if you are getting stuck on things and how you want to use some of this and hey how do i do ota and yeah it's that simple to do ota to do the map and you can see i'm just clicking as i'm talking and you can come in here and check for new updates and see if there's new updates sometime if it says fail there may not be an image available for this one if it is the updates do take a while but don't freak out just let it eat and that's it pretty much for you know trying to get to use zigbee to mqtt with homa system so thanks for watching and hopefully you learned something here how to quickly throw in zigbee to mqtt if you get stuck on things or things totally change and this video becomes really screwed up just jump on down there in that discord link down at the bottom of the video description and come jump in and ask for some help as a bunch of help friendly people out there and get you started and going with zigbee to mqtt so thanks y'all patreon subscribers youtube subscribers couldn't do it without you and yep you know the drill click on the button [Music] [Music] but hey when you throw did you get to taste your food the second time is that cool when you get to taste your food the second time no okay [Music] i
Channel: digiblurDIY
Views: 43,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digiblur, digiblurDIY, zigbee home assistant, zigbee home automation, home assistant zigbee, sonoff zigbee, tubeszb, cc2652p2, cc2652, ethernet zigbee, zigbee coordinator, zigbee2mqtt, how to start with zigbee, zigbee mesh, zha vs zigbee2mqtt, zigbee integration, home assistant zigbee gateway, home assistant zigbee hub, home assistant zigbee usb, zigbee dongle, best zigbee, zigbee 2021, what is zigbee, how does zigbee work, zigbee vs zwave, unraid zigbee2mqtt, unraid zigbee
Id: L9lC0Mse0K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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