12 Of The Best Smart Home Automation Ideas!

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I personally love hearing about what other people do for their automations in their smart home it gives me new ideas for automations that I haven't thought of before or sometimes it even gives me ways to make my existing automations work even better but the problem is I've been so busy packing up ep1 orders recently I haven't really had a chance to talk to anyone about my automation ideas or even to get new ideas from it's been absolutely terrible if only I had some friends I could talk to about my automations hey what's up this is Reed my favorite automation right now is probably our garage lights flashing if someone goes from our house into the garage while the garage door is open and I set this up because we have little toddlers and sometimes they like to run out into the garage when me or my wife are pulling in a car or backing out and obviously I don't want to hit anyone so our lights will flash is a really good indicator that someone is in the garage and just keep an eye out for them the way it works is there's a contact sensor on the door and then when that opens it triggers the Automation and there's a condition if the garage door is open flash the lights on and off a couple of times and I love it because it keeps my kids safe hey guys my name is Shane Watley and my channel is dedicated to building a smart home with Apple's home kit picking my favorite automation is definitely a hard thing to do there are so many useful ones if I had to pick just one I think I'll pick a recent one that I setup that basically sends me a custom notification if my front door Smart Lock has been left unlocked for more than 30 minutes it's great because it works on any of my Apple devices and not only do I get notified but I also get presented with a few options I can either snooze the notification for another hour you know maybe I'm hanging out on the front porch or something like that or I can of course lock the door or open up my doorbell camera all right there from this notification this solves a real world problem that I've been having and that's you know my kids leaving the door unlocked when they're not supposed to so this uses a combination of advanced notifications home kit automations and shortcuts there's a whole video on my Channel showing how to set this up if it's something you're interested in thanks Louis for having me happy holidays to you and everyone watching hey I'm Alan the home automation guy for me a truly smart home is one that automatically adjusts and adapts to the needs of the people living in it or people visiting it doing the right thing at the right time you shouldn't have to shout at a voice assistant or use a smartphone app to turn on some lights or adjust the heating my favorite home automation is one that demonstrates these principles very clearly the lights in my living room around my television automatically Dim when I start watching a TV show or a film giving me a really nice ambient cinema-like atmosphere when I pause or stop the media that I'm watching those lights magically brighten back up again so I can walk around without tripping over anything when I get up to go to the toilet or get myself a snack to make this work I watch all of my media on a Google TV Chromecast thingy that is connected to my home assistant I've then got two very simple automations the first one is triggered when the Chromecast State goes to playing for more than two seconds it then checks to see if I've already got the lights on and if it's after 8 PM I don't want the lights to turn on if they're switched off or dim if it's the middle of the day if those conditions pass then the automation activates the TV mode scene which sets my lights exactly how I like them the second automation does the reverse and that's triggered when that Chromecast State goes to paused or off for more than two seconds it checks the same conditions and then turns the living room lights up to 100 brightness every time I start watching a show and the lights automatically fade down a little smile creeps onto my face and I remember how awesome it is living in a smart home in 2023 I'm going to be moving into a new house or as I like to call it a Greenfield smart home I'm going to be setting this house up as a smart home from scratch using everything that I've learned over the past three years I'll be documenting my journey over on my own YouTube channel so come over hang out ask questions and check out all the mistakes I'm obviously going to make along the way until then thank you for supporting Lewis and all these other great YouTubers here today we really appreciate you showing up and pushing us to grow and solve new and bigger problems together we can make your home smarter hey Lewis thanks for having me on and for those who don't know me my name is Eric I have a YouTube channel called modern day Tech where I look at our Smart Home Products which are mostly Apple home because that's my primary platform but do dabble into the other platforms also now when it comes to automations we create our animations for a number of factors mostly convenience to save some time to save some money and the almighty cool Factor who can forget about the cool Factor but the automation that I love the most or the best automation that I've created thus far has a huge safety factor that could save your life and this automation actually uses a product that I designed myself and that is my smart home door closer you know a few years ago we used to all be home kids would be screaming and making noises I would be deep into a zoom meeting and I was not able to get up and close the door so after months and months of tinkering around with different Motors and relays I finally had my design but I also learned that most firefighters recommend that you sleep with your doors close at night obviously most people don't do that but then I started thinking I put two two together and had this bright idea so now when my smart home smoke detectors go off my doors were automatically closed so that is my best automation my favorite Automation and thanks again to Lewis for having me on happy holidays everyone um to tell you about my favorite smart home automation of 2022 tried to pick something not sex related because I'm not a pervert like Lewis oh yeah alas I couldn't find anything so I guess we're stuck with my sex button it was Paul from the past to explain when me and Nisha go to bed we've got a motion sensor which turns the rear lights on behind the bed using a zigbee plug socket it closes the curtains where there's zigbee motor it lowers the blind with an RF signal from broadlink it turns on the Nvidia Shield using an ADB packet across the network which in turn switches the projector on via HDMI CEC this routine has a condition that says if it's after 11 o'clock at night stop running this means that if we get up in the night to go to the toilets it doesn't turn the whole room on again that would be stupid and ridiculous and over here we have two flick buttons with a couple of printouts to remind me what they actually do a single click will turn the lights and entertainment system on but clicking it again turn the lights off but leaves the entertainment system still on this is because Nisha usually goes to sleep before me and asks me to turn the lights off whilst I carry on watching TV when I do want to turn the projector off because I'm ready to go to sleep I can hold the button down which will turn the lights off if they're on and turn the entertainment system off and double clicking it turns the lights off if they're on but also starts a countdown to turn the projector off in 10 minutes time in case I want to fall asleep whilst it's on and I'll know that command has been accepted when I press the button because my Amazon Echo will say this I will turn the projector off in 10 minutes a single click of the other button is for other bedroom activities when the magic happens actual Magic [Music] this button has never been used not since I started faffing around with the ammo files foreign hey everyone I'm techno Tim and I mostly make videos about home Labs home servers self-hosting and even a little software development one of my favorite automations that I have in my home isn't even something that I use on a day-to-day basis nor is it even that useful to anyone else but it sure is fun on my live streams and it's letting random people from the internet control my home okay it's not random people but it's viewers that are in my live stream these viewers can choose from different themes and change the lights in my studio using a bot that I wrote myself this bot is running in a DACA container that I maintain in my homeland and it controls my Philips Hue Hub and applies the theme and then controls a broad link device and shoots IR into the LED panels and changes them too they can change the theme to this one that I call Tokyo Knights to this theme that I call Northern Lights I even created automated commands that switch the lights to height mode whenever someone subscribes this makes my live streams really fun and interactive for anyone who joins and then makes it super awkward for Zoom meetings that I have the next day I also automate quite a bit with custom code that I've written and I've even hacked my server so that I can control the RGB fans with a zigbee controller but that's a story for a different day thanks again for including me Lewis and congrats on the hundred thousand subscribers and your new product I can't wait to see what the future holds happy holidays everyone hi I'm Andre or beauty thinker from the beauty thinker YouTube channel so one of the simplest cleanest but also most useful automations I have in my setup is the proximity sensor this automation is very easy to set up with activation of proximity sensors you get all the benefits from using zones in your home assistant setup but you also have some advantages that are specific to proximity sensor when the proximity School sensor and this one is tied to the Zone school is above 100 that means 100 meters away from the proximity from The Zone and with the template condition we can further tweak it so that we don't get triggers when she's arriving we only receive notification when kid is leaving the school and at the end we just use the notify engine this is a script that notifies us who is leaving the school the extra benefit of course is if you are using Google speakers you can use the Google home resume script and and utilize that to stop streaming the music that is currently streaming play the text message and then resume the playing of the music of course you can tweak it and expand it as you like but you can also use it to receive notification when you or your partner are arriving or traveling away from the work traveling towards the shopping center to get a reminder that you need to buy something Etc hope that you will find this automation useful and I really wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart bye one of my favorite automations in my smart home is what's called my morning mode routine basically this kicks off a bunch of things I only like to happen once when my bed sensor first attacks me getting out of bed first thing in the morning it disables the house alarm turns the heating on opens the blinds and curtains in any room that I walk into for the first time and it reads out a daily announcement on my Google speakers which includes the weather forecast as well as any upcoming events and things I need to know good morning it looks like today the weather will be partly cloudy with a temperature of 14 degrees humidity of 71 wind speed of 11 meters per second and a zero percent chance of rain enjoy your day finally when I walk into the office to start work it turns on my computer basically it does all of the things you want to happen only once per day and I really like this automation because it essentially gets the house ready and almost wakes the entire house up ready for the day ahead and has everything's set just the way we like it to achieve this I use a combination of my bed sensor zigbee alarm system blinds and curtain drivers from acara and switchbot smart relays and some Google Nest speakers along with home assistant and an input helper which handles the automations for me this combination makes sure that the automations only get run once per day when I get out of bed and they don't keep repeating themselves throughout the day what's up smart homers my name is Aaron and this is my favorite automation of 2022 it may seem fairly simple but every Saturday at a certain time my smart home lets me know which of my smart home devices have a low battery this lets me get a plan ready so that I can change them all out on battery replacement day as your smart home grows you'll end up with more and more devices that are battery powered and sometimes it's a little bit difficult to keep track of which ones need to be replaced and when either you end up with a stack of them sitting on your desk and you got to replace them all when you have time or you end up having devices that just drop off the network without you even realizing and the overall smartness of your smart home starts to degrade it's super nice to know ahead of time what batteries are getting low so you can plan to replace them I use home assistant as my smart home platform of choice and despite what you may hear it's actually pretty easy to get started with and this automation specifically is super easy to set up because it's all figurable in the user interface and can be added with what's called a blueprint you can configure what day and what time of day each week you're notified you can also specify what battery percentage is considered low battery you can even choose which devices you don't want to be notified about like I said it seems pretty simple but it's been super handy for me and I thought I'd share it with you guys that's it for me thank you Lewis for including me in this video what's my favorite automation guys I'm Stu from Stew's reviews and my favorite automation has to be one left put in very very recently picture this it it's a cold Winter's evening and you have some female company and decide to play some sexy tunes you have a glass of wine and you decide to add to the ambience by putting the wood burner on but then the radiators come on when your central heating kicks in and makes everyone hotter than the melting point of glass killing the mood completely well my favorite automation has been installing the Atara radiator valves when I put the wood burner on the sensor I've got in the room tells the radiator valve to turn off that radiator because the room is already either at or exceeding the temperature it's such a simple simple automation but has made it so much easier rather than faffing around with radiator valves if I decide to put the wood burner on such a simple addition and definitely my favorite of 2022 so Lewis asked about my favorite Automation and this is definitely it I am in my living room home theater and you can see I've got a LG 65 inch TV and a Sonos Arc Soundbar and together those are pretty great but sometimes when a new movie comes out it's not the same watching it on a 65-inch screen as it is watching it on a big screen so in order to do that without having to Fumble with any remotes all you have to say is Alexa turn on movie time and that runs in Automation in home assistant that dims the back lights it turns off the lamp in the corner it pulls out the motorized projector shelf it puts up the Vivid storm motorized ambient light rejecting 100 inch screen and since everything is on an HDMI splitter whatever was on the TV is now on the projector without having to switch inputs or fumble with remotes or anything like that and then when you're done all you have to do is say Alexa turn off movie time foreign runs in Reverse it turns off the projector it puts away the motorized shelf it puts down the motorized screen and then it checks whether it's before 8 pm and if it's before 8 PM it turns the lights back on to 100 and if it is after 8 PM it turns the lights on to 10 the light in the corner is running on a Shelly dimmer and the back lights are SK 6812 rgbw individually addressable strips that are running on wld and that is my automation for my home theater hey Jeff with slacker Labs here with one of my favorite automations although this one's going to be a bit different because it only happens once a year at 7 pm on Christmas Eve actually and it all starts with Jiminy Cricket announcing that the show is going to start in just five minutes then after a five minute delay all the lights in the living room turn off and the music starts the Christmas tree turns on and then one by one all of the lights and lamps in the living room join in at various times with different colors in sync with the music my own little Christmas show if you will all of this is achieved using home assistant some MP3s I found online some lifx and zigbee Bulbs as well as some smart plugs and previous versions included wled light strips as well not all that practical in terms of automations but it is an easy way to add some holiday cheer to your smart home and infinitely customizable and with that all that's left to say is I wish everyone out there a merry holiday season and a happy New Year automating the boring stuff and now for something else that's different back to Lewis and there we go that is 12 unique smart home automations that you can do in your smart home courtesy of some of the best smart home YouTubers and creators that are on the platform right now thank you so much to all of the creators for participating in this video once again this is almost like a yearly tradition where we're gonna keep doing this video where we feature a bunch of other smart home creators here on this channel yeah so thank you so much to all of those creators for sending me clips and for participating really cool of you guys and make sure to check out all of their links down in the description for all the places you can find them these are some amazing creators and they make some incredible content so yeah definitely make sure to check them out down below other than that I hope you did enjoy this video and it gave you some ideas please make sure to drop this video a like and get subscribed if you haven't already and I will see you in the next video oh and have a good Christmas Louis 's audience that's such a stupid way I started hello I am Paul Hibbert I have a YouTube channel that's even dumber well that isn't how we're wearing the same t-shirt [Music] no you stupid idiot smart home creators from
Channel: Everything Smart Home
Views: 146,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart home, home automation ideas, home automation, smart home setup, smart home tech, smart home ideas, home assistant, homekit, The Hook Up, SlackerLabs, Make It Work, Smart Home Solver, BeardedTinker, ModernDayTech, Shane Whatley, smart home products, smart home devices, favourite smart home automations, Apple HomeKit, favourite smart home automations 2022, Paul Hibbert, Techno Tim, Home Automation Guy, Stu's Reviews, smart home youtubers, smart home tour
Id: U7iVofn-hCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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