How to Install Windows 11 Without Using a USB Drive

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once you guys today we're taking a look at how to install Windows 11 without using a USB flash drive or dvd ROM drive if that's what you're still using it's 2023 so let's go ahead and take a look we're going to open up our browser here and we're going to download a fresh ISO from Microsoft's website here so we're using Windows 11 here you can do this on Windows 10. let's go ahead and select the iso to download here multi Edition will do click download this will validate your request and then give you the option to change your language and once we get this downloaded we're going to download and confirm this so there we go that's now going to come down once we hit this 64-bit download version as Windows 11 does only support 64-bit so let's go ahead and save this that's now coming down so let's prep the system ready for installing this ISO onto the computer quickly change the theme to a lighter theme so you can see what I'm doing much more clearly so I've right clicked on the start button and gone to Disk Management here and what we need to do is make the small partition for our installation files so first let me just eject this CD-ROM here because we don't need this and I don't want it confusing you guys so let me just eject this so in our C drive here what I'm going to do is right click on this and shrink the volume and I'm just going to give it say for instance a 15 gigabytes in size I think around about 12 should be okay but I'm just gonna just to safely go uh 15. so I'm gonna let this operate here it's just querying the shrink space and once this is done you can see here there's a space here where it says enter the amount of space to shrink in megabytes we're going to put 15 000 in here it's going to be around about 14 plus gigabytes but it'll be good enough for what we need here once we've done this we can click on shrink and now that should give us some unallocated space you can see here 14.65 gigabytes that'll be good enough for what we need to do here we can now right click on this and go new simple volume once this opens up we can now click next and we can uh just go next again and we can change the drive letter to something like Zed and we'll do that right here and what we're going to do is Click next one more time and here we have our stats that we're going to do we need to format this so I'm going to call this NTFS here that'll be fine default is fine and we can give this a new volume name give it a name something that you recognize so we're going to call this a clean install whatever it is you want to call yours you can call it whatever so we're going to call this clean install once we've done that click next and click finish and that should now give us the clean install partition right here okay let's move on to the next step which is extracting all of the files from that ISO we downloaded of Windows 11 which is on our desktop and putting all the contents into that partition so I'm going to go to 7-Zip here because you will need to have some sort of uh archiving tool here which is like 7-Zip or WinRAR or something along those lines pzip there's plenty of them out there I'm just going to download this one and get this installed onto the computer here is our ISO that's now downloaded so let's go ahead and finish this off let's go ahead and get 7-Zip installed onto this computer here so I'll get the installation process done this is pretty uh quick and easy to do so let's go ahead and click install here and that's now done now we can extract our ISO file here so I'm going to go ahead this is our ISO of Windows 11. right click on it Go 7-Zip and extract files now we need to choose the location where we want to extract the files to and you guessed it is going to be inside that partition that we've just created called clean install so let's go ahead and extract all of the contents inside there and click OK and that will extract all of the files that we need in that partition there so why would you need to use this method to install Windows I guess you're asked in that question so I'll quickly answer it while we're extracting this maybe you don't have another computer and maybe you don't have a USB flash drive and maybe you don't have a CD-ROM drive or dvd-rom drive to put Windows onto if you don't have any of those things and you just have one computer but you still want to install Windows virus methods you can do there's other ways of doing this as well this is just one way of doing things people always ask me why don't you just do it this way there's many ways to skin a cat as they would say so there we go we've got all of the files inside of this partition now and what we need to do here is we need to do one more step to make this work for us so let's go ahead and go to the next website and download this next tool so we need to go up to the top of the search and type in Easy BCD you see me use this program many many times before go to this location here and from here we can now download this piece of software now for non-commercial use you can use this for free so I'm going to go to where it says see more here where it says buy now you should see the see more button click on this one and right there you can see non-commercial use you can basically download this for free you can register an account and download it and you should be good to go so let's go ahead and I'll register account and get this downloaded there we go and now I'm going to go ahead and install it onto this computer let's go ahead and run easy BCD now and this will open up this window here it looks a bit daunting but it is pretty straightforward what we need to do here is add a new entry click on add a new entry and in down where it says portable external media this is where we need to click on win PE click on win PE and give it a name I'm going to call this say windows clean install you can call it Windows 11 clean install clean install whatever you want to call it once we've done that click on this little icon right next to it which has some little uh folder with some binoculars on it click on this one and this means we're going to explore to the path where we want to request to install from so go to sources inside our clean install partition and click on boot.wim click open and now to make this so we can just click on this green plus Circle here and you see here windows clean install has been added to the boot menu and now we've got that added to our boot menu so let's go ahead and close this window off you can donate if you want to I'm going to say no thanks for now and once we've done this we need to restart our PC once we restart our PC this is what you're going to see once we restart this will give us a different boot menu here now yours might look blue but this one is dark black as you can see here we're going to go for windows clean install that is the partition that we just created it's now going to use the files inside that partition and boot to them and there we go it's now booting up you should now see the install Windows box click on install now and this will go ahead and start to install Windows on net system so let me just show you what you need to do here so you don't get confused I'm going to click Windows 11 Pro because that's what's on this system we're going to click next this will take us to the next stage where it's going to accept the terms conditions and then custom install and now we can see all of our Drive partitions be careful which ones you delete here you don't want to be deleting Drive zero partition free clean install because this is the drive that we're using to install Windows delete the other ones that you see apart from the clean install now if you've got data on any other partitions don't delete those either because you'll lose all your data only delete the ones that you want to delete and where you want to install Windows to so now we're going to install Windows onto Drive zero unallocated space and we're going to be leaving the clean install partition there once the installation is done it should look something like this you can now delete that clean install volume here and then basically extend and put it back into your C drive if you want to or leave it there it's entirely up to you so I hope this video has been some use to you my name has been Brian from just want to say a quick shout out to all my YouTube members who are join my YouTube members group I really do appreciate the support I shall catch you in the very next video or if you want to join our Discord server the link will be in the video description click on there and join the community over there anyway have a lovely day bye for now thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Britec09
Views: 73,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to clean install windows 11 without using a usb drive, how to install windows 11 without using a usb drive, clean install windows 11, installing windows 11 with usb, britec09, easy way to install windows 11 without usb, windows 11, windows 10
Id: vVRc7tVsbJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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