How to Install the Resynthesizer Plugin for GIMP on Mac (2021)

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[Music] good afternoon youtube my name is matt popovich and as you can tell from the title of this video today i'm going to be going over how to install the resynthesizer plugin for on mac it's it doesn't work when you immediately install it but there's a pretty simple solution to it i spent way too much time one sunday trying to build from source and rebuild this plug-in from source no no that's necessary there's a very easy solution that werner yxter found and today i'll be going over how to do his solution and actually use this plugin to be able to remove automatically remove a section from an image let's go alright for starters we'll want to go to and download scroll down here to install directly this will ins download an installer and i've already downloaded this so i'm going to cancel this download i have it here on my desktop so i'll open that up little double click action and we just drag into our applications that's how you install all right so now that we have installed let's open it you can open it by going to spotlight and just typing in and that will open it from the applications folder once it loads you can check and see what version you're on i'm running version 2.10.22 and once we install this resynthesizer plug-in we'll be able to see it in the under filters and then enhance and there will be a heel selection filter here that we can select currently the resynthesizer plug-in is not installed so we don't see it so to install it let's go to a ferrero 2707 github he has a repo called plugins collection and is originally built for linux so all of these plugins here also built for linux and i believe he sort of rebuilt them for mac somehow the one we're looking for is the resynthesizer plugin we can download it with this recent resynthesizer plugin dot tgz once that is downloaded we can then extract that archive and open it up so it's just a bunch of python files and what we need to do is we need to copy these into the plugin folder that has so to do that we need to find out where that plug-in folder is let's go over here to and then go to preferences we can then scroll down and expand the folders to the plugins now these are the two locations you can paste these plugins to it's a lot easier to just paste them into this slash applications one and to open that up we can click on this little icon here that will show the location in file manager click on that and this is where we need to paste everything we can go into here in the plugins folder these are all the available plugins and what we're going to do is we're just going to drag and drop everything from the resynthesizer repo that we just downloaded and paste them into there cool we can then close this folder close that folder click ok and just for good measure let's quit command q and then we can open backup i got to spotlight there quickly by pressing command and space so just reloaded all of our plugins and we can now go to filters enhance and there it is the hill selection plugin now it's not going to work yet but let's go through if we were trying to use this what would happen so we can just drag in an image here of something that we want to remove an object from and yeah you can convert it to the color profile that wants and i will maximize this guy so in our scenario we have this hooligan that's sending it off of this cliff and if we want to say remove this hooligan from this otherwise great picture of nature we can go to our lasso tool up here i don't know if it's called lasso it's called free select and we can then zoom in and to do that you'll hold command and move your mouse wheel if you only have a trackpad you can't actually pinch to zoom in just do hold command and then with two fingers you can sort of move move them up to scroll out and move them down to scroll in so here's our hooligan oh wait didn't mean to do that press escape and i'll undo that to to select him we can just roughly pan around the edges here ideally you want to do this a little more carefully than i am but we're just doing a quick example here all right so our hooligan is highlighted and to automatically remove him with this resynthesizer tool we'll go up to filters enhance and heal selection and will pull up this little window here with a couple selections we'll leave them as default click ok and we get an error and this is very common from all the resynthesizer plug-in tutorials that i've watched so to fix these errors what we need to do is it's a a little bit tricky we need to make a symbolic link to basically trick the plug-in it's looking for a newer library that we don't have so we will basically point this plug-in to the older library that we do have and the older library is enough where it will still work so to do that we need to open up terminal again we can go to spotlight type in terminal and from here we'll need to go into a certain location to actually make this symbolic link and as i mentioned earlier werner yukster he wrote this up in a great little blog post of what we need to do this is our issue the plug-in re-synthesizer is not found for use and what we need to do is we need to go to this location we need to change directory to user local lib so we can copy this command and then paste that into our little terminal so we are now in user local lib and then we need to run this symbolic link command now before you do this you should probably check that that file is available so let's list all of our lib intl files do i not have this it was at this point when i realized this quick 10-minute tutorial was going to become a fiasco as my father would say it's it's always something on my other mac i had this library and it was as easy as making the symbolic link then restarting and the resynthesizer plugin worked you can do that if you have that option and can skip this next section where we obtain that library but if you don't have this library as i did not because i was running on a mac with a clean-ish install you can obtain that library with a few commands first you'll need to have brew you can find out if you have brew just by running brew if you don't have it you can find installation instructions from next we'll need to run brew update it does take brew update a little bit to run it took me about eight minutes but once that finishes i like to just run update again sometimes these programs can have multiple dependencies and running update multiple times can can help things so let's run it again and looks like we need to first run this command here to get us a non-shallow clone of homebrew so let's do that [Music] [Applause] we have now fetched a non-shallow version of homebrew so we can now successfully run brew update and i don't think we need to run through upgrade again but we can give it a try just in case so oh nope yep we got things to do all right and this brew upgrade is going to take about another 10 minutes or so so whenever you run these brew commands maybe i don't know call your mom call your dad call your friends go brew a cup of coffee oh maybe that's why they call it brew get yourself a nice cold brew maybe a little cerveza action while you wait but the good news is brew has finally finished as darkness has fallen upon us but if we go back into user local lib and we can run an ls for lib intl we put a little asterisk after that so that we can show any file that matches that sort of string and bingo we have lib intl.8 which is what we are going to use to run the re-synthesizer re-synthesizer is looking for a nine but we have not eight so pulling up werner youkster's tutorial here we'll need to make this symbolic link that will point lib intl 9 to lib intl 8 we'll run that and we can then see we have 0.9 available and that's the major key to get this to work so what we can do is we can then go back to we see our jabroni here is still highlighted so we can now go into filters and then enhance and then heal selection and again we can keep these parameters the default and yeah it's saying we have some errors if you've already selected the area and you don't want to lose that you can save what you're working on so i'll save mine here into my downloads and then i will quit and i'm going to exit out of all these windows as well just to clean things up a little bit okay and now we can open up again and we can open our recent project there this dot xcf i believe that is a extension there's our little jabroni and we go to filters enhance heal selection keep our parameters the same we will synthesize correctly and pow now all we have is nature look at all this nature here not too often you get all this neatness in one location that's called nature and the jabroni is gone we can press r to go to the rectangular select just to undo that selection and we can zoom in and yeah that's that's pretty crazy that looks looks really good for for an automatic tool to do now if all that seems like a lot of work to you we can just open up this image again in and we don't really even have to use this re-synthesizer tool [Music] we we can use the clone or the heal tool and they work just about as good so let's go over here to the clone tool i guess first let's start with the heel tool what the heel tool does is you can select an area by holding command and clicking and then that is the area that you are pulling from to heal the selection that you make and the heel tool does a lot of blending so this really one strike through here and it really just blends the the area and you'll notice that right here as you move it your selection moves as well so down there i'm copying the the green snowboard actually and and doing some healing with that obviously that's not what you want so you would want to re-click and do this again but if you can see a lot of smudging going on there and that that's good for certain certain circumstances um in other circumstances you just want to pull directly from here and sort of just completely erase this section so let me get us back to the original image here and let's do the clone tool so say we want to get this area and what it does is it really doesn't do any smudging it's you're really just copying and pasting cutting and pasting from from one area to another and you're going to want to select sort of an area where it matches where you're trying to pace from obviously i'm not doing a great a great job at it right now um you could you know in an ideal scenario you'd want to maybe change some of this this hardness over here and and really do some more blending there i guess i'd change it the wrong way maybe not i don't know what i'm doing what am i in the clone tool i'm in the clone tool i was talking about the heel tool all right so that was a pretty bad example of what you know this tool can do but ideally in this scenario i'd probably grab the clone tool and start to do some [Music] do some pasting at the very beginning here and then probably towards the end i would try and grab more of the heel tool to to do some blending keep in mind i am a very much in an amateur in this realm here so we go back over to the heel tool grab this area do some more blending [Music] around here trying to get rid of some of these darker spots cool cool let me switch back over to the clone tool i just pressed c um so the clone tool is really good for like an area like this where you sort of want to duplicate this tree so we can go to the clone tool make this guy a little bit smaller and you're sort of just pasting tree on top of tree something something like that yeah it doesn't look great but you get the idea and we'll do some some more racing of the snowboard here and there you go so not terrible but you can you can play around with that and get some some pretty decent results similar to the resynthesizer tool using the the heel selection so there you go that's how you can install the resynthesizer tool and additionally if you couldn't get that installed because of you know whatever reason just too many downloads or too much time or it looked like it was too confusing you can just use the heal or the clone tool and get pretty similar results manually that's a wrap thanks for watching we'll catch you next one bye
Channel: Matt Popovich
Views: 5,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resynthesizer, GIMP, Mac, Mac OS, MacOS, catalina, OSX, os x, os x catalina, osx catalina, macos catalina, mac os catalina, resynthesizer plugin, 2020, 2021, matt, popovich, matt popovich,, Werner Eugster, An error occurred running python_fu_heal_selection, Tutorial, How to, install, jabroni, hooligan, heal selection gimp plugin download mac, heal selection filter, heal selection, brew, homebrew, gimp plugin, gimp plugin mac, build, source, remove object from photo
Id: MHwtKg0tws8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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