SimpleHUD Great Mod in 2024 - GTA 5 LSPDFR

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hey there welcome back to the channel we're going to be doing a really fast simple install of a mod called Simple HUD it's actually a script and it's a really cool feature a lot of people would keep asking me about this in the game that's that little address that you see next to the mini map the direction of travel time of day the postal then also the map itself with the interstate signs the speed limit signs the postal on the map the mini map the mile markers it's really cool script really love it and yes I am aware that criminal justice just did a simple HUD install tutorial and demo but there's a couple small things to talk to you about it's mainly for people that use the Viewpoint vscript and if you don't know what that is that's perfectly fine that means you don't have it installed the Viewpoint V script is that really cool script I've been using in some of my videos over the last probably 3 weeks it's the body cam the dash cam the chase cam a lot of people keep asking me about that script and how to install it and then where they can get it I'm going to talk to you all about that probably next week now for those of you that are informed about Viewpoint V and you've been using that you've been noticing a Big Font issue on your screen you saw it in one of my last videos where all the copy light font was all kind of jacked up on the screen I had all kinds of characters messed up on my screen this mainly had to do with the compatibility issue between the Viewpoint V font and the simple Hood font just downloaded the latest version for Viewpoint v as it's been corrected that doesn't interfere with the simple HUD the copy light font and a bunch of other menus I did a video tutorial on simple HUD it was uploaded to patreon about a year ago and since there was a lot of changes and a lot of people have been messaging me to do a tutorial like this I to go ahead and throw this up and then give you the Viewpoint V information now I don't want to take away from criminal justice video so be sure to go watch Criminal Justice video If you want to get more use out of the actual simple huton menu all right let's go Ahad and get to this I'm going to provide all the links for you because you're going to need to get about four different downloads now chances are you have at least one or two of these items if you hop over to this is the simple HUD It Is by venox you can see all the features that's included inside this script it's really cool now make sure you read this right here these are the requirements in order to get the script to work now if you have have any questions about simple Hut if it's not working for you or if you're having technical issues even after the install process I would invite you to go visit benox City's Discord for any technical problems or any questions I probably will not answer those questions on YouTube comments it's too complicated it's hard to get into I can't see your files on YouTube comments guys come on so you're going to download simple HUD we're going to pop on over to Lemon UI it's 2.0 as the making this video all the way down here till you see the lemon UI zip file you're going to download that one and the infamous script to now most of you probably will have the regular script to not to be confused with script which we'll talk about just a second and you'll download it right here if you're seeing a lot of ads on this particular website my question to you is why do you not have ad block on your browser CU I don't have any ads just saying I know a lot of you are probably thinking in your heads right now well I tried simple HUD but it kept crashing my game that is because you had the wrong script to you probably grabbed the community one by Crossfire but this one here I can promise you it will work really really well for you it's it is called Script by nightly make sure you get the nightly version and not the community version that is on GitHub this one right here is on GitHub but it's called nightly make sure you get that one because it will not crash your game and that means all the other cool scripts like Fast Draw ingame screenshot bun of other cool stuff will now work for you if you download this so download that get it on your desktop now to install this it's really easy I promise if you feel like I'm going too fast for you just pause the video and Rewind it a little bit until you catch back up that's the cool thing about YouTube let's pull up our main game directory and I'm not going to go through how to find that you guys should know how to do that if you do not know how to do that look to the top right of your video there's a 3-minute video if you bought your game on epic games steam or retail I can get you to your game folder and that is where your GTA 5 is located up now these are installed in no particular order but we're going to go ahead and pull up the script to V some people call it script 5 you're going to see a bin folder now most you already know how to install this but it only takes a couple seconds you're going to open the bin folder put a little trick here hold down your left control control key and then click once with your left Mouse button select the input 8 and then select the script to V don't worry about the native trainer I don't like it anyway I use Simple trainer it's much more Superior in my opinion anyway you're going to grab both of these files and you're going to drag it right into your main game directory just like this and replace because that's the updated script toook the next one is script and go and select all these files right here everywhere it says script and you're going to drag it right next to script hook the next step we're going to be working in your scripts folder oh you don't have one well make one really easy to do right click go to new just make a folder and call it scripts it is s r i pts make sure it's spelled exactly like that I'm going to open my scripts folder I've got a lot of things installed so disregard if you're new to all this yours will be empty to the right of the screen we're going to open up the lemon UI and you're going to see a lot of folders here the one you want is the script to 3 this one here that's what that stands for shv dn3 we're going to open this and we're going to take these three files and move it right into your scripts folder I already have this installed but I'm going to go ahead and overwrite my old one going to grab all three files and you're going to drag it right into your scripts folder I'm going to be replacing mine but if you're installing this for the first time it'll just install right into your scripts folder next up we're going to be installing simple HUD now before we open this particular zip file I'm going to show you something that's kind of cool it's been helping a lot of people out it's been working fantastic and that is to create another folder on your desktop I'm going to show you something really quick going to right click go to new create a new folder I don't call this simple HUD let's call this something different let's call this install simple HUD like that there's a reason why I'm telling you to do that if you call it simple HUD it's going to make things confusing for you because you're going to be dragging and dropping into the scripts folder and also open four in just a minute so now we have our blank file out there called install simple Hood let's open up the simple HUD zip file that we just downloaded and we're going to take every one of these files that you see right there you can extract to if you want find your folder right there but I found it easier just to drag it from the zip file right into the folder now we have another folder on our desktop we're going to be working with called install simple HUD let's go and open this up and you're going to see four main folders I'd highly encourage you to read the documentation I know a lot of people hate to read that but I promise you you know he includes these things for a reason so if you go to readme for example everything we're covering in the video by the way is covered inside the readme for example if you got confused about the lemon UI like which folder to pick it's all right there guys and there's a lot of other things in here about the enable menu bun for the stuff here's also the links if you need those okay now let's back it up to those four folders and let start with the GR theft. five folder and we're going to go aead and pull that up and guess what you have a folder in there called scripts now my advice don't pull the scripts folder into here because uh you'll have another scripts folder inside a scripts folder so make sure you don't do that let go and open up the scripts folder now we're going to take the entire contents grab every one of these files that you see right there and remember we're inside our scripts folder to the left inside our Grand Theft Auto 5 main game directory you're going to pull every single file that you see there including the na audio Newton soft simple HUD tll and ini just drag it inside your scripts folder and just let it fall I already have a couple of files I'm go ahe and just replace them we're going to back this up a little bit one more time now the next step we're going to go to add-ons folder right here the very top of your download we're going to open this up you're going to see two folders in here one's called a Json file overhaul and another one called a postal map let's look at the Json file overhaul first and you're going notice it says county map let's dive into there and they have one called the LA county map and another one called LS county map now I have to assume I haven't used the LA county map I have to assume that maybe based off Los Angeles it probably uses like real interstates I'm not really sure about that but we're going to be installing this LS county map right here let's open this file and you're going to see Grant Theft Auto five folder and you guess it that's your main game directory and guess what's next you have a scripts folder again now we already have our scripts folder open over here so if we open this now we have a simple head folder if you look to the left you'll have a simple head folder right there now chances are if you're following along with the video look to the bottom of your screen your Simple Head folder may be down here now if you have OCD like I do and you want to get that folder at the very top of your screen what you want to do is look at the very top of your screen you'll probably see a ref ref fresh button and windows 11 has it right there I can't remember where Windows 10 is it just kind of pushes everything back in alphabetical order and your folders at the top now my advice is to go ahead and pull this folder the entire folder drag it into your scripts folder it's going to get merged in with your simple HUD folder just drag it over and just let it fall I'm going to go ahead and replace mine you may I get that window popped up where it said replace don't worry about it just make sure you drag and dropped it over you're all good now not to confuse you but it look to the right of your screen I'm going to back this up a little bit I'm going to click back again and then one more time we're going to keep going backwards until we get to this right here so you'll see two files right there Json file overhaul and the postal map let's so put in the postal map and guess what you already know what's coming next you see the Grand Theft Auto file folder you know what's up and yes another scripts folder open your scripts folder you're going to say a radar zoom dll and a radar Zoom inii you're going to take both of these files right here and you're going to pull it right into your scripts folder you already have that open right you're going to pull it right down here and just let it fall now technically we're done with the scripts folder but I'm going to come back and talk to you about the simple Hood I and I in just a minute okay so let's reduce ours for now we're inside this install Simple Head folder that I had you create so let's back this up we're going to keep backing it up until we get to right there now we're under a postal map once again it's this file right here postal map we're going to pull up a program called open four some people call it open IV I kind of prefer open four to be honest because it came out the same year that GTA4 was released think about that let's pull up open four and you're going to see over to the right on your postal map you're going to see a install oiv and an uninstall oiv now the easiest way to do this is to go ahead and turn on edit mode I know some people prefer a certain setting in there that has edit mode always enabled but I like to bounce back and forth out of my mods folder sometimes to get the pathway into the mods folder that's for another video and I've already done tutorials on car installs and I already showed you guys how to do that so if you're getting that red circle with the line through it a lot of people get that and that's because they're pulling from a zip file or a RAR file into open 4 well since the folder is on our desktop it gets transferring files hell of a lot easier with the edit mode on we're going to take this install oiv and here's the cool thing about oiv files you just drag it inside open 4 it doesn't really matter where you drop it so just go ahead and let it fall inside open 4 and we're going to go ahead and click on install and then make sure it goes to the mods folder if you don't have a mods folder don't worry about it because it will create a mods folder for you which is pretty cool right click on mods folder and then right down here you want to click on install confirmation and it just takes a couple seconds that part's done now over to the right we still have the postal map folder open let's back up again and we're going to back up one more time now we're going to go to props and textures if you click on props and textures you're going to see a simple HUD base version go ahead and open this up and you'll see a simple HUD oiv so even if you're trying to pull this into open four and you're still getting that red circle with the line through it just click anywhere in the white to activate the window again just like this you don't see me clicking but I am and now now the window's activated you're perfectly fine and then take the simple HUD oiv and you're once you drag it just inside open for doesn't matter where and just let it fall and we're going to click on install make sure you direct that to your mods folder mods folder only guys and you're going to click on install right here and that's it pretty easy right yeah I know there's a lot of bouncing back and forth between the folders if you follow it along you got it already installed let's go and close out of open four we don't really need that anymore we're going to close out of this and we're going to open that folder back up called scripts remember if you already closed everything out by accident don't worry about it pull up your main game directory and just dive into your scripts folder now now you should see your simple Hood folder along with the newtonsoft and the in audio the radar zooms and the simple Hood I I will be down at the bottom now notice it's a config file let's go ahe and double click that I'm going to see if there's any settings in here that you'll probably want to change so my advice right here under the uh announce speed limit warning uh I know it's supposed to say probably true right there don't don't leave that as true trust me if you want to experiment you can leave it as true make sure sure you put the r in here okay make sure that's spelled right but I would encourage you to put it as false because it does get rather annoying when you're driving and you're out patrolling and the speed limit is say 45 miles hour and you happen to go up to 55 60 you're going to get a lot of audio warnings going too fast things like that don't worry about the directions because you can do that inside the menu inside the game it also looks a lot better if you're inside the game to activate the menu you can see proper placement at the very bottom of your screen you'll see a little section called menu you'll see menu enabled equals true chances are you're probably going to want to use the menu in game so i' leave everything alone however it's good to identify the shift key plus the F10 key in order to get the menu to pop up shift key plus F10 will bring up the menu I go ahead and go to file and go ahead and go to save now my advice is go ahead and reboot your PC because we just got through installing a bunch of dlls you know the application extensions and several other things I reboot my PC every single day every morning I turn my PC on now I can see you through the screen I know exactly who you are you have not rebooted your PC in over a month am I right I'm looking at you you're the same people that come to my YouTube comments and also my Discord and wonder why your game is crashing all the time reboot your PC bro I'll meet you in the game all right now we're inside the game now you may be wondering what the hell that border is around my screen don't worry about it that is a force Windows mode so every time I play lspdfr I always do Force Windows mode it allows me to get in the game a little bit easier unless crashes a bunch of other cool stuff that was covered under my LSPD far install tutorial of 2023 read that you didn't watch am I right now for me to get out of first Windows mode is very easy I'm going to press my ALT key plus enter and now notice everything looks good except the mini map if you look at your mini map bottom left of the screen if yours looks like mine right now don't worry about it what you do is press Escape under your keyboard and then press Escape one more time and it'll correct the mini map on the screen it'll be perfectly in line now now since we had all the cool stuff install look to the bottom left of your screen you're going to see a new Mini map right there then over to the right you're going to see nearby postal you're going to see the direction to travel like Northwest East South miror Park Boulevard you East Vinewood in the time of day something else you obviously notice is I'm not even on duty right I'm not even a cop right now I'm just Michael Des Santa and yes this will work in story mode so if you're wanting to use Simple hood for story mode it will work that way now about the simple HUD menu I'm not going to really cover anything in this video because I think CJ did a really good job of covering simple HUD menu as well as the install process maybe my video got confusing and you want to learn about the simple Hood menu be sure to visit the video below that'll guide you to CJ's video as criminal justice I want to make sure that it's working in game so for me I'm going to press the shift key plus the F10 key then I got the menu right there now if you don't see your Simple Head menu at all after doing that alt Tab out of the game go to your scripts folder at the very bottom you're going to see simple HUD inii config file and then when you open that you're going to see this very bottom you can always change your key right there if you wish if you're having overlapping menus for example you can also change your modifier key right there if you make any changes make sure you save it then come back into the game and then press your key see if you can get the menu to pop up if you still can't get it to pop up then make sure you visit CJ's video to make sure you didn't do anything different than what I showed you then need to take my advice that I mentioned at the very beginning of the video and go over to the Discord his Discord the creator of simple HUD and ask some questions over there to get better help because I probably will not answer any questions in the YouTube comments if I'm being honest so I know my menu is working and in a minute I'm going to be pushing all my uh nearby postals be Park Boulevard a spw stuff you see to the right of the mini map mightbe pushing that over to the left with the simple HUD menu which is covered under CJ's video If you use call out interface you get that postal stuck on your screen that is also covered under CJ's video so be sure to check him out hope you guys got some use out of today's video if you did be sure to hit the like button leave a comment down below and let me know you guys take care we'll see you in the next Patrol stay safe
Channel: Benzo Effect
Views: 3,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lspdfr gameplay, lspdfr, gta 5 mods, gta 5 lspdfr, lspdfr police mod, best mods lspdfr, lspdfr plugins, top lspdfr plugins, top mods gta 5, benzo, benzo effect, gtav mods, gtav lspdfr, police role play, lspdfr roleplay, lspdfr 2023, lpdfr, vcpdfr, gta 6 police mod, gta5 police mod, gta5 mods, simplehud instal, how to install simple hud, how to install simplehud, how to install samplehud, simplectrl, simplecontrol, gta v, best mods to install lspdfr, lspdfr mod, how to install
Id: L7y79F286-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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