How To Install Reshade For FiveM (2023) | Installation Tutorial For (Reshade FiveM)

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hello everybody it's uh someone away once again um making a new tutorial video since the last one uh was crazy popping off with the uh nve installation tutorial um so today I'm here with a new tutorial um to install reshade so uh the new 5ml D um a while ago changed how to install reshade completely so uh here's a video on how to install it correctly so we're going to start off with the website which is um so you're going to come here I'm going to link everything in the description so you guys have uh easier access to it um so when you get to the website you're going to see this page this beautiful page of reshade so what you're going to do is hit the download button and you're going to download a reshade 5.80 and then once you're done with that you can literally just close this and you can go to your desktop once you get her desktop even your downloads and then you're gonna see the reshade um so before we go there we're going to minimize this um we're gonna go to the five of them your 5m directory so there's a bunch of ways to get there I'll show you a couple right now so what you can do is uh if you're on Windows 11 but if you uh if you're not uh just open up a new file explorer and then if you go up here you just put in percent amp data percent and then you can go up here you're gonna hit app data and then go to local developer folder and then you can go down to F to file an application uh if you don't want to go that way uh there's an easier way what you can do is you can press your windows in our key and you can put in app data which does the same exact thing except an faster way so then you can go to local and then go down to 5m and then volunteer here once you do that I don't worry about this right now so once you do that you're going to open up your research setup.exe and you're going to see all this menu so uh what you're going to do is uh look for GTA 5 if you don't see it on here uh you can hit the browse button mine already directly goes to GTA 5 itself um try to put it in the directory of GTA 5 that you're using with your 5m so you can just press the gt5.8c and then hit next uh make sure it's on DirectX 10 11 12. um because that's what you're that's what uh GT5 uses I'll hit next um if it does this hit uninstall and then go back to the reshoot again and then go to browse again and then click the GT5 EXE and then just go through this process once again but this time it's going to go here so when you get here you're just going to uncheck and check all the top right hit next let it download its thing and then it's going to be successfully installed so when you're gonna do then is you're going to hit finish um you don't need this anymore so you can just do that so now what you're going to do over here um you can have your favorite modification data up you can go to where you put that file on so for me it's Rockstar Games so you would if you're going to Rockstar or you should go to program files and then go down the Rockstar Games and then GTA 5. um and then in here there is going to be the reshade stuff so what you're going to do on your five month application data go to your plugins folder uh if you use Quant V or if you use a and b you're going to have to petroleum issues but so for a reshade what you're going to need from the GTA 5 folder once you install it um to your GT5 is you're going to reshade dash shaders folder that's number one number two you're going to need the dxg.dll folder I mean uh wow you're going to keep coming down um until you see some other resheed stuff like this right here so the reshade ioni the reshade.log and the reshade preset 99 drag it over to your plugins folder and then that is it further you should and then after that you can close your YouTube high directory once you close all that um so then you should have these folders in here in this files so you're the reshape preset to INR the log uh the ini make sure you get the dxgi dll and then also make sure you're the reshade dash shaders and make sure there's stuff in them um once you do that you can now close this now what you're going to do is you're going to open your fiber mode once you do this don't be worried if you don't see a free shade thing it's the first we're going to look for is if it doesn't pop up either pressure f8 p and if there's an error from reshaden um like you just saw it a few seconds ago all right here so uh for me it's telling me that my uh GUI is on so wait to turn it off but uh sometimes it tells you if they're uh is there if there's an error reshade and it will tell you to go to your citizens Citizen citizensfx.ini and then it'll it'll tell it will show you the steps um but uh for me it is uh so what you do if you don't see it make sure you go to your top right to settings go to your game and then make sure this is off um for it to go through we have to turn this off uh exit the desktop uh wait if I like wait a few seconds open your 500 again and then uh you will have reshade um it works completely the same as it was before the only thing that's different is we have to unfortunately turn off the um the the UI um like so if you stream um sorry but there's uh there's no other way around this at the moment um so just make sure you have this off and then you're gonna press your home muscle you can skip this um if you want to you can switch the switch the key or whatever key you want and then you can do all that um for easier access if you wanted to um if you go back to uh Federal folder so uh if you if you're doing presets with reshade uh what I recommend um is I actually recommend um making a folder inside of your plugins folder named preset or presets however you want to call it um so when you open it you'll see every single ini for presets in here um I do this so it's more organized for me um personally I like it better than just throwing them all in here because you have all the stuff in here already so um when you're in when you're in 5m you just open that pre the preset folder up um I'll show you so when you're like right here you go to this and then when you're here you I see all this mess but instead of seeing all the presets here you just go into the preset folder and then you pick one from here um it makes it easier for me that's what I recommend but um yeah um I hope that helped you guys um if you have any questions feel free to DM me uh or either also join my truth presets Discord server uh we have uh my ticket system over there so you guys can uh to reach out to my support team or either me personally um and we will 100 help you uh we will uh try our best um if you need help with nve go to grocery families um I will try to put that in the description as well so you guys have access to that unless the official nve Discord so uh they also have a support team over there which is very helpful but um I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial um I also hope it helps you out um I know the reshade stuff is very confusing like I said if you have any questions DM me anything um all the download links will be in the description um so you guys have access to that and then um hope you guys have the rest uh hope you guys have a good rest of your day and uh peace out everybody
Channel: awesome 1eli
Views: 84,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, Reshade, NVE, Natural Vision Evolved, How To, FiveM, Howtoinstall
Id: WM-8UELmN68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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