How to install Proxmox 8: Complete Setup Tutorial

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in this video I'm going to show you how to install proxmox and run your first VM we're installing proximox on one of these HP Mini PCS that I have here it has a core i5 6 core it has 16 gigs of RAM and it has a 500 gig nvme SSD these are great for home lab because of their small form factor and their very power efficient so let's jump right into it okay so the first thing that I did is I created a bootable USB key I'm pretty sure you already know how to do this it's very simple and I boot it into the proxbox installation so let's start the installation we're going to do the graphical installation it's going to be easier honestly the installation of proxbox is made very easy so it's very easy to follow okay so let's go through the steps first thing we're going to do is we're going to accept the user license agreement we're going to click on I agree all right so here's where we are going to select our proxmox hard drive in this case there's only one drive in this machine it's a 500 gig nvme so that's the one we're going to select we can click on options to to have more advanced options about the file system and the type of partitions that we want but here it's fairly safe to just leave it by default you can choose ext4 or xfs in this case I'm going to go with ext4 which is the default for proximox so we're going to click on OK then we'll click on next okay so here's going to ask you for your country in this case mine is Canada perfect so we choose Canada and then for the time zone we're just going to choose Toronto in this case for you you just choose the one that is closer to you or your time zone a keyboard layout English us that should be fine and then we click on next all right so this is going to be the password for the root user so just create a strong password and that's it for email in you don't really need to put a actual email but you can just if you want you can put your personal email I'm just going to put something random it doesn't matter okay so now we click on next okay so this is going to be the fully qualified domain of the domain name of your proxmox environment so here we need to put an actual fqdn so I'm going to name this pve01 and we can just put dot it can literally be anything this is going to be your network configuration so this has to be the subnet that you use at home in my case is 192.168.0 and but it depends on you it could be dot one or if you have some custom at home this is where you need to put your uh subnet this is going to be also the IP that your host is going to use and by doing this we're setting a manual IP so don't worry about any DHCP or anything like that I'm going to do zero I'm going to give it the IP of 11 and then the Gateway is 0.1 or DNS server I'm just going to put the default Google DNS which is and then we can click on next okay so this is the the summary of your installation we're doing a file system of ext3 our nvme is slash Dev nvme 0n1 Country Canada America Toronto your keyboard layout is us your email the network interface the name of your host and then the static IP that you want for your host so let's install proxbox okay so here we just have to wait and when the installation is done we will jump into the web UI okay so proxbox is installed and it's going to automatically reboot for you okay so proximox is installed and as you can see we are just it just displays the terminal but now we can connect via the web UI so let's do that now now that our machine is booted up we can go into our browser and type the IP that we previously set up on the installation in this case is followed by the port 8006. press enter you're going to get a warning like this this is because we haven't set up any SSL certificate so yes your connection is not private but this nothing to be concerned of we just click on X Advanced and we click on proceed on safely okay so now we have the login screen from proxmox if you're here it means that the installation was successful and then you have a product Max environment up and running so let's log in for this account is the root account and the password that we set up on the installation in this case it's root and then you just type your password you're gonna get a warning like this because we're not using a subscription from proxmox we're going to use the Community Edition instead so you don't need to worry about this you can click on OK and it's going to go away the first thing that you want to do when you install proxmox is enable the community repos so that we can update all our packages and our environments to do that we're going to click on pve1 which is our node and then we're going to click on the shell okay so this is the actual shell from the machine from the Deviant machine that proxbox is running on so we're going to navigate it to CD slash Etsy apt sources list dot d here you're going to find two files so we're going to edit the first one which is the save a repo we're going to use Nano for this and we're going to add a comment well more like a hashtag just to comment it out we're going to press Ctrl o to write the changes and Ctrl X to exit we're going to do the same for the PVE Enterprise so Nano PVE Enterprise dot list we're going to add a hashtag again and then we're going to enable the community repo in your case this one might not be there by default I already pre-prepared it for for you guys but you can just copy the the exact text I'm going to put this in the description below so you can just copy and paste it or just for reference okay so now we're going to save so Ctrl o to write the file and Ctrl X to exit we're going to do it clear to clear our terminal and now we're going to do an apt update apt update oops okay perfect so it says that it has 65 packages that it can be upgraded so we're going to do an apt upgrade now perfect we're going to say yes to this and this is going to install the latest Debian security patches the latest Debian packages and it's also going to install all the latest packages from proxmox so we just need to wait for this to finish after this we're going to reboot our server and then we're going to proceed with the creation of your first VM okay so the installation the update is done now we're just going to reboot the node we just need to type reboot okay so the machine is pinging again so it means that it's back now let's refresh your browser so everything is back we're connected we're running the latest version now it's time to run our first VM we're gonna click on pv01 we can check the summary just to see a couple of things about our node to be able to create our VM first we need to upload our ISO file of the OS that we want to install we're going to click on local pve01 and you can see you have a ISO images menu here you can click on it and then we're gonna click on upload we're going to select a file I'm going to go to my desktop and in this case I am installing Rocky 9.2 so that's why I'm uploading the rocky 9 minimal ISO so we could just click on upload and just wait for the upload to be done okay so as you can see the task completed so our ISO is now in our virtualization node so now we can exit from here we have one ISO perfect so now let's install the VM we can click on our node pve01 and then we're going to click on create VM I like to have always the advanced options just to see all the options that I can use so I'm going to click Advanced here by default the node that we want to use is node one we only have one VM ID we can put whatever number you want I'm going to leave it as 100 which is the default this is going to be the name of your VM so I'm just going to type Rocky server for example now we can click on next here's where we're going to select our ISO file that we previously uploaded we're going to select Rocky 9.2 for the VM type we're doing Linux so you choose we're choosing Linux but if you wanted to do windows or something else you can choose windows in this case it's just it's a rocky 9 so it's Linux and the version well the version is just any kernel from the kernel 2.626 and now we're going to click on next okay so these are very important settings for our VM the graphics card I'm going to choose virtio GPU this is compatible with Linux automatically because all the virtio drivers are in the kernel if you were using something like Windows or something else I would suggest you just to leave this on default now the machine type by default is going to set your machine with a bios instead of UEFI bios is just the old version and UEFI is the new version so we're going to go with UEFI just to keep everything up to date and we're going to choose Q35 as the machine and for the BIOS we're going to choose UEFI now it's going to ask you for an EFI storage you can just choose your local Drive which is fine this is just to store a little bit of data for the UEFI image anything else from here we don't need to change ice virtual isoci single should be fine we're going to click on next now this is where we're going to set up your disk image or your virtual hard drive for this I like to choose virtio block if you're using Linux this is the the option that is going to give you the best performance if you're using Windows or something else I suggest you either use SATA or scussy because virtio drivers are not by default on Windows there's ways to install it but for this tutorial we're going to use Virtual block and a Linux VM the storage location is the going to be again our local VM well our local storage and for the size I like to give it a little bit more than 32 I'm going to give it 50 gigs and the rest of the options we can leave them by default now we can click on next so here we're going to configure the CPU the CPU we just wanted one socket it should be fine I'm going to give it a four cores and for the type I'm going to choose a very specific one which is the host what the type of host means is that the VM is going to run on the host CPU whatever CPU you have on your host machine in this case it's a core i56 core just going to pass through the the task to your CPU there's no need for extra layer of emulation this is the option that is going to give you the best performance so that's why I always use host or host pass through anything else here of the advanced options we really don't need it for this tutorial so we're just going to click on next now here's the amount of ram that you want to give to this VM we're going to choose a little bit more than two gigs we're gonna go for four so it's 496 for 4 games of RAM we're going to click on next and here is also where we're going to set up our Network now we're going to set up just a bridge Network meaning that the VM is going to connect to the bridge network of proxmox this will enable your VM to have the same IP as your home network for the model I'm going to use again virtio power virtualize this is also baked into the kernel the driver so this is perfect for Linux if you were using something like Windows or another type of os I would suggest you use something else like the Intel version here or the rail Tech version the windows image already has those drivers so there's no additional drivers to install but since we're doing Linux we're going to use virtio and we're going to click on next this is just a summary of your VM so it's everything that we selected everything looks in order so we're just going to click on finish and our VM is ready so if we click here we can see that our VM is ready to go now we can click on console and we're going to click on start now this is going to boot up the VM okay so it's booting up and as we can see we have install Rocky 9 so we're just gonna go quickly through the installation of the VM so we just press install Rocky 9 okay so as you can see we are in the Rocky 9 installation so we're just going to go really quickly through it English continue I'm pretty sure you already know how to install Linux so it shouldn't be too hard for you we're going to choose our roots installation minimal install that's perfect for the this drive we're just going to do automatic partitioning and we should be good to go so we're just going to click on begin installation and your VM is going to be installed we just need to wait a little bit for this to finish and we're going to be able to log in into our VM okay so the installation is done we're now just going to click on Reboot system and this is going to reboot our VM okay so now that our VM has rebooted now we can connect with root and our password perfect just to check for the network and as you can see we have an IP on our home subnet so our VM is connected to the internet we are good to go so now with this we have a proxmox virtual environment setup at home and you already run your first VM thank you for watching and if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more content like this leave any questions or suggestions in the comment section below and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Distro Domain
Views: 11,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox 8, proxmox, proxmox ve 8.0, proxmox ve 8, how to install proxmox, how to install proxmox 8, how to setup proxmox, how to setup proxmox 8, proxmox insallation, proxmox installation and configuration, proxmox tutorial, proxmox passthrough, proxmox gpu passthrough, gpu passthrough
Id: -OlzEmI0BP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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