How to Install Paver Patios, Walks and Driveways

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we get to experiment with a new brand of floating pavers today know what we are going to be doing is setting up a paver base and we have water that's infiltrated the sub base we used to have a swimming pool in this area this used to be a swimming pool here and it looks like one again but really what happened was because it's cut out and it started raining before we can get our class 5 base material in this area is filled in so you can see we've got the heavy duty pump going we're going to pump this down and then what we're going to have left behind is a layer of muck it's it's actually still going to be pretty firm material because this thing was packed rock solid but it's going to be a fine layer of just a tiny muck we've got the skid loader with tracks here and we'll be able to kind of come right into this area scoop out that little layer of muck and then put class-five base material down and then bring it back up to the proper elevation then put one inch of sand in place one inch is the critical component if you go an inch and a half a sand or if you go two inches with sand what happens is is that sand has no cohesive material in it and so it doesn't properly bind together and if you put a patio chair on it and you get one point of impact it's going to tip that paver up so we want to make sure we limit the amount of sand we have in place how deep is that water mangy no it's not even that deep six inches we'll have this thing pumped out in a little bit so that's the plan here this area right here between this string line and that string line gets a new paper base this area over here get to deck a wood deck so we're going to be completing the wood deck we're going to actually be doing an extension off from that paver patio this way so we're going to document the process and show you how it's done okay so some of the technical things that I want to point out that Drew has already noticed is the pitch of the patio itself which is really important this whole project drains that way now we don't want to get this big gigantic pitch on this patio but we do want to have just enough that the water doesn't stay on this area and then of course since the house is behind you guys we want everything to shed away from the house and into the backyard and in this case we have we've got a four-foot level and we might use an even bigger level and the easier way to use a bigger levels just to use an 8 foot straight a board or something like that and this is a quarter bubble pitch going down and when we install the new paver patio when we take this extension going out this way it's going to be pitched a quarter bubble down to match up now we've got some batter boards set up along this line right here these orange boards in case we lose any of our stakes out there it's all documented right here in these batter boards it tells us exactly how far out we're going to go and where the pavers end ok so what's happening is we're finding that we're getting a lot of rocks in this pump and I don't have a screen with today when normally we'd either put a payout puncture bunch of holes in it to kind of create a screen or actually use a piece of screening material on the bottom of the pump intake today I'm using my phalanges you got to be a little careful because this is a really high pressure pump don't try this stuff at home kids which I had a piece of screening material but we'll get this this whole thing mucked out pump down good solid sunny weather all week long and we'll be back in business we are back at the site this is day two and you see we've got it all dry we does a whole pumped it up that was the last thing you seen what you what I want to show you is a technique that we use when we're in commercial construction the Walmarts the targets the Minard super centers whenever they have a parking lot that is on even slightly questionable soil they don't do a soil correction us what a soil correction is is where you dig all the way down you remove all of the soil and you bring in rock or sand you place it and compact it it can cost thousands of dollars to do something like this on this patio we know the subsoil is good but because it was wet just yesterday we're going to do a little trick that trick I'm going to show you right now we're putting road base fabric and then we deepen the base material itself so what you see here is class-five about 10 inches thick with a layer of fabric that separates the subsoil this used to be water yesterday from the class 5 it creates a bridging effect so instead of having an individual paper go deep and settle the whole thing floats on so on the questionable soils underneath only reason these soils are questioned was because they were slightly wet yesterday and 12 inches of water what what our project foreman has done is he's taken all of that soil that that tiny top layer that was kind of squishy he mucked it out using the T 180 and dumped it in a pile over here this soil is going to now be dried and then reused around the patio furthermore what you see he's doing right now is he's got screed rails in place and he's getting the level this is a great time for us to show up he's got the level on the screed rails to match the exact pick that's on the patio over there then he's going to put just these three trails drew are one in 1/8 inch correct okay so what he's going to do from that point he's going to use the height of the screed rel to determine the height of his sand right that way we know for sure we have an one in 1/8 inch of sand not two inches of sand not anymore not any less you don't want more sand because you get that weird effect going on and so he uses the the bottom of the screen rail as the bottom of his elevation the top of the screen rails is top of elevation for sand and he knows exactly how much sand to put in place the next step you'll see is he's going to start laying this pattern out and bringing it out as the to match the customers expectations so let's visit it the next time all right we're back at the site and as you can see we've got all the sand now in place you can actually see right now where the screed rails were pulled out and the precise depth of the sand that we're using and how the feel we call this laying the field in here and that has all been laid out one of the things that we're doing is we're pulling a string line on this edge so we've snapped a string line along this side of it so we don't have to make any cuts on half of the patio which saves time saves money but what we do do have to do at this point then is along this edge you can see we've got full pavers and we want a nice clean semicircle so what will happen is will actually draw a line on the pavers and then we'll take the chop saw that we have over here and we'll just we'll just zip it right along so that we get this nice perfect semicircle what you'll notice is we have a solider course it gets a little tricky here we have a solider course that an existing solider course that outlines the patio but each one of those blocks are going to have to be cut in fact here's a great example this unit right here this side has been cut to make a perfect seam and that's what we're going to continue to do now one of the things you don't see is the paver edging okay this goes in place and this keeps everything locked in place so the entire patio gets boom firmed up between the paver edging and as we're packing it everything settles in place we're going to show you that next we won't worry about it at this point so I do want to point out you can see how intricate some of the cuts do get cutting the length of it is actually one of the easier portions of the job because we just run that string line on it and then we just zip snap that semicircular nice soft curve all at one time we don't cut each individual block we don't pull it off and cut it and then put it in place we let it flow over and then cut it after the fact but that's old your course that's a different story and when you have a long stretch you may have to cut those to get a tight seam in this case we anticipate it being every other block and so we got wear it to the point where after we're done laying the field then we're going to come back in on this job and we're going to use our masonry sand which is somewhere around here I don't know where it went to and we're going to put that in all the joint spaces and at that point you can use poly sweep which is a polymeric sand or you can use just regular sand I prefer the regular sand I've used polymeric sand in my own place I don't think the results are that much better personally every area very ace every job is different there's times and places when you do want to use polymeric sand on this particular project I'm going to recommend that we use just the regular sand and and pack it in place so we'll show you that process next okay job is wrapped up just in time mother nature is not cooperating it's starting to rain on us where we were able to get all of the finished grades established and so you can see not only were we installing the paver patio but then we had to match up the backyard the grades in there with the new paver patio so here it is done and complete now the deck itself the timber deck is going to be extending on over right to about this level and covering up this area in between it's been it's been tamped the sand has been swept into the joints and I am NOT going to walk on it because I don't want to get it I don't want to get any dirt on the new paver deck but could see how seamlessly he was able to blend it in with the other one and then tamp the sand in place just in time got it wrapped up I hope this videos helped you guys understand the process a little better a lot of times when you get into these paver projects they're not always going to start out or go the way that you want them to in this case a week ago today there was standing water right where that patio is but you can work your way through it and I think you can see how we've done with this I'm walking down the grade right now and we can get we can see everything flows from the patio right to the point where I'm at here so this job is wrapped up I hope it's helped you guys how do you guys handle situations like that how when you come into water or squishy soils what techniques to you guys use to help you bridge it do you do soil Corrections do you put fabric down do you deep in the base what else do you do I would love love love to hear how you guys handle it because hey it's going to help all of us I hope this has helped you I hope you subscribe I hope if you enjoy this video I hope you tell your friends I have a lot of hopes don't I I hope you guys know how important you are to me that's what it boils down to I make these videos for you guys so go on get them make make a living I hope you make a killer living things work out well for you take care god bless get to work
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 205,071
Rating: 4.7983356 out of 5
Keywords: How to Install Paver Patios, how to install pavers, ow to install pavers video, install brick pavers, how to install pavers walkway, install patio pavers, how to lay pavers, how to lay pavers video, how to install paver driveway, brick pavers installation, concrete pavers installation, patio pavers installation, brick pavers installation video, youtube how to install pavers, How-to (Website Category), Patio (Industry), backyard design ideas, Interior Design (Industry)
Id: zBKG2lp4FB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2015
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