How to install or update GarlicOS on the Anbernic RG35XX (Save location has changed see description)

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so I just posted my review of the ambernik rg35xx and I spent quite a bit of time in my review showing you guys the user interface the operating system that this thing does run and it is a fairly basic pretty simple operating system I think a lot of more veteran retro emulator handheld users may be found a little bit less than acceptable in a lot of different ways today in this video I'm going to show you how to install something called garlic OS which is effectively a custom firmware for this device and we're going to take a look at it a little bit more closely talk about what's working maybe what's not working and just give a general overview so before we go any further this is the stock operating system I'll actually make myself go away here so you can see everything and like I said it's pretty basic okay you can see what settings you have access to there are a few things that are like not translated well like button sound being open and close instead of on or off but the biggest thing is like I said that it's just very basic you're going to be running the game and doing not a whole lot else there's not a whole lot of options or ways to customize the game now I actually personally think that this is generally okay and I kind of know why they're going this way the custom firmware we're going to look at here in a minute is not maybe as graphically inviting perhaps you could say this is an interface that your average person like I could have bought this thing and given it to my little brother he's not going to get into any trouble he's going to pretty much understand what he's doing and play the games this custom firmware you can dive in and do some stuff and you can really screw some stuff up if you don't know what you're doing so now let's take a look what we're talking about with this custom firmware this was posted on the patreon for black serif now this is currently not behind any sort of a patreon paywall that may happen later on I'm not sure but this is what this individual has been creating garlic OS for anbernik rg35xx you can see here's some of the changelogs known issues so forth and so on and you can see what the home screen is going to look like so let's just jump right into installing this thing and then we'll talk about it after we're done so to install he asks you to install 7-Zip which is just necessary to uh to unzip the file that we're about to be using and then if you scroll down you're going to see two different things copy paste on top of stock or the actual SD card image the simplest thing to do is to click on the copy on top of stock version of this let that download the other version is a straight up disk image that I believe if I remember in correctly you'd use like something like win32 disk imager to flash onto the SD card it's a little bit more of a clean slate whereas this is as it says just copying on top of what you already have and it's very very quick so let's go to my downloads folder now and this is that zip file so we're going to double click on it open up 7-Zip let's move this over and we're going to extract that just right there in the downloads folder should be fine you'll see this does not take very long at all we can close this and now we have these folders probably could have extracted into its own folder to make things easier but whatever we also have a really basic simple readme so now what you're going to want to do on your rg35xx is go ahead and power it down grab your SD card I'm using this USBC dongle to act as my SD card reader you're going to have to have some way to read the SD card on your computer unfortunately you can't just plug this thing into your computer and and see the SD card from there a little bit annoying this is what you're gonna have to do so once you've done that you can get all these drives popping up okay so we have to pay attention to the miscellaneous and the ROMs those are the two that are the most important take your blah blah MSD card now this is a good point here back it up fully via imaging software of your choice the simplest one is win32 disk imager and I'll put a link in the description option down below to this and then once you have this installed what you're going to do is you're going to point this at your miscellaneous dry which in my instance would be H and then you're going to click on this box right there and you're going to wherever you want this image to be put you're going to go there and then you can call it you know backup or whatever click on OK and then you're going to click on read and what it's going to do is it's going to create a disk image of your device and then if you want to then write it you just do the same thing I just did in inverse and then you click right instead of read and that as far as I'm aware should be a good way to back this stuff up okay back to the instructions here we're going to copy the files in the miscellaneous folder onto your SD cards miscellaneous partition and override all existing files okay so we're going to go in here we're going to highlight it all Ctrl C we're going to go into our miscellaneous drive but we're going to hit Ctrl V we can right click copy and paste whatever this is going to pop up we're going to replace files in the destination we'll let it overwrite let's go back let's go back copy the files in the ROMs folder onto your SD cards ROM partition so let's go into the ROMs partition let's go into the ROMs folder and you're going to notice that the vast majority of these are in fact empty folders because these are I'm assuming just things that he accidentally pulled over is didn't take the time to get rid of the only folder that I think matters is the CFW one so let's copy that and let's move it over again you're going to overwrite anything that needs to be overwritten replace files in the destination your number may be different than what mine is because of what I've done in the past and if you want to just copy all the all the folders over be my guest they're empty it's not really going to hurt anything and the last thing you're going to want to do I don't think this is actually in the instructions anywhere how to kind of just figure this out myself is this whatever emulators you've played where you have saved files you're going to have to move them so it's going to GBA and I don't think I've actually got any saves in here because I think I've already moved let me just imagine this is where your save would have been right you're going to take that save and I would just copy and paste it over it's small you can move it if you want whatever you want to do but let's say that's my save file we're going to copy and we're going to go back we're going to go into CFW retroarch retroarch again saves and paste them in there and this should be the same for save files for any emulator you see there's a Playstation One emulator in there now you can just move them into this folder and they should pick them up and you should be ready to rock and roll at that point we're actually done already so let's grab the SD card pop it in and fire it up and you can see there that is the new splash screen garlic OS and I'm capturing this just the same as before and it works totally fine let's make me go away so you can see a bit better this is the user interface so you have your recents which you can see I believe it or not let me actually make this clear what I was doing was not fresh installing it I was actually updating where I'd already installed it so that is the install process and it is the updating process just to make that very very clear because I did not say that these are my recents you can favorite things you can go into individual consoles and pick out games in there like that and then you can go into the actual retroarch settings here which is where you can get into a lot of trouble and I would advise you that if you don't know what you're doing here with these things probably don't go in and mess around with them a whole lot now for me there are actual several things that you're going to need to know so let's stop looking at the capture and look at the device itself so the first big change you're probably going to notice immediately is with standby on the stock OS when you click on that power button the screen will go off just the same as it does here sometimes you got to press it for a little bit longer but the difference is before when you would click it you would come straight back out of standby unless it's been sitting for so long because what would happen is in reality stand by on the old operating system was not really standby they were just shutting the screen off but things were still running you may have noticed that if you let it sit for a while when you go to power back up you'd have to hold the power button and you would see the Ann bernick splash screen like we're about to see the garlic OS splash screen that's because it would shut off after so long that quote-unquote standby mode would in my experience result in my battery draining very very quickly in garlic OS there is no true standby mode and I know that this is going to get a little bit confusing because if you look at this he actually says that he fixed sleep mode but it doesn't seem to be an actual sleep mode as far as I'm able to see it seems to just be shutting it off and then when you power it back up there is one nice feature that I can show you here if we go overhead let's jump into a game really quickly let's do Pokemon first thing you're going to notice is it should go right back to where I was like the exact spot that it was before and that's how the quote unquote sleep mode actually does work you're going to see here when I hold it down to power it back up it should show you the garlic OS Splash green and then it should go directly back into the game exactly where I was so I guess that's what they're meaning by a sleep mode that's kind of the the best thing I can I can come up with now if you're in a game and you hit this menu button you're just going to go home so you're thinking how do I get into my settings how do I actually do anything or change these settings you hold menu and click X and that gets you into the Retro Arch menu where you can do all those things that you either know what you're doing or you don't know what you're doing now you can also do your save states in here so you can change your slot Save State load State screenshots all of these all of these things that you know I think are fairly obvious how they work and of course you can resume now there's other things let's hold down menu and hit the volume buttons and that is going to actually be how we adjust our brightness now you can also hold down menu and hit L1 back here on the back and we are now in slow motion certain games that might be useful certain games it won't be useful let's try menu and R1 we are in fast forward but as you can see something's not working because when I un fast forward uh I I just kind of teleport to where I was so fast forward seems oh now it's working so it may be a little bit buggy so fast forward is working sometimes and sometimes it's not see there it's not working there it's not working again so there's a little bit of weirdness going on there early days still menu and L2 we'll load my save state menu and R2 will actually save in whatever slot you are in now one thing you have to pay attention to is every time you do save or load it for whatever reason it changes the slot I don't know why that's a thing I guess it's to keep you from overriding stuff but that's something I have to kind of get used to on the old operating system there were thumbnails that showed you where you were and you would just pick which one you wanted over I actually kind of like the graphical nature of the old version better but whatever you have hot keys to load and save now and I think that it's going to be worth you just reading through this changelog known bugs and issues yourself Hardware accelerator rendering does not work there's no working Linux drivers we could use it I believe the black serif wait I think I referred to as he earlier and I don't actually know if that's accurate if this is a he I apologize if that was incorrect but this individual I believe they're waiting on Ann bernick to release the source code of the OS that they use to be able to really take things to the next level know that you mentioned fast forward occasionally freezes the screen toggle it a few times it will work so yeah I will put a link to this us a link to the win32 disc imager and I will also put a link down below to the download for the stock OS of this device directly from ambernet just in case something goes wrong and you want to revert back to that I think it's really cool that you can have two different SD cards which is what I'm doing this is stock and what's in here is an uninos and I can bounce back and forth if I want to do that I think that's also a pretty cool thing to be able to do incredible work by black serif massive thanks to them for this work they're doing I mean they're working very very quickly this thing went from first release to like pretty stable very very quickly so if you want to see more stuff on this let me know in the comments down below subscribe just in case I do continue posting on this stuff I'll see on the next one and until next time stay nerdy [Music]
Channel: Shane Craig
Views: 36,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xD0SxbVF004
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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