how to install or replace a sump pump and check valve.

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what's going on everybody today um we're doing a sump check valve so basically we replace it that is sub pump because it was broken and um so here's what it looked like so this sub pump costs like around like 100 bucks at Home Depot and um the way this thing look is that it has this um switch level right here so when the water rise up right this floater goes up and it's turned on a trigger to pop let's hold on to pop right here and then it will push the water up to the pipe all the way up here so if you don't have a check valve like this which is like there is like a stop flapper in there right so the flapper so basically it is a flapper right so when the water pump up this way the flapper um flip up like this and then when the pump stop the flapper will go back down so what this does is that it's um prevent the water from regurgitating back down into the pump and you have like a big puddle of water down here so even though if you put in this um check valve here right you will still have a little bit water returned back into the bucket all right but um it will not be like a lot like this um then it's like 10 inches of water right here so by putting this up pump in you only have like this much of water to this pipe down when it returned back all right so for those out there who are installing sub pump make sure to get one of this sub pump check valve installing there okay and um if you guys interested the link is in the description um you can get this in Amazon or at Home Depot as well so it's gonna be like this okay so because this check valve is like one fourth and one and a half inch um this section is one-fourth and this section is one and a half right here and my pipe is one and a half so I have to get an adapter to go into here like this yeah all right and when you guys install make sure to have this arrow pointing up all right so that's where the water push out and that's where the flapper is okay all right so make sure to um prime your connection and then put a PVC glue on there and I'm gonna link out of the material in the description all right so everything is tie in so now the trigger this you just gotta pull the folder up all right so that's how much water is going to be taking the all right guys so that's pretty much it that's how you install the um valve check for the sub pump and if you guys see the videos helpful consider subscribe and I will see you guys on the next video
Channel: Things to Fix
Views: 13,627
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Keywords: sump pump, sump pump check valve, check valve, how to install a sump pump, how to install sump pump, how to install check valve on sump pump, sump pump installation, how does a sump pump work, how to install a check valve on a sump pump, sump pump installation in basement, replace sump pump, sump pump install, install a sump pump, how to install a check valve on a water pump, sump pump check valve failure, quiet check valve for sump pump, sump pump how to, broken pump
Id: C_qDzRqd0Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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