How to Install NetBeans IDE And Java JDK on Windows 10

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hey guys in this video I'm going to show you how you can download and install NetBeans IDE on your Windows 10 operating system with Java JDK so in order to install NetBeans IDE you need to have Java JDK installed on your windows operating system so first of all we are going to see how we can download and install Java JDK and then in the next step we are going to see how to install NetBeans on our Windows operating system so first of all we are going to check whether Java is already installed on our system or not so just right-click on your windows icon here and then click on command prompt and here you just need to type a simple command which is Java C command so if this Java C command is going to give you this kind of response which says Java C is not recognized as an internal or external command then most probably java jdk is not not installed on your windows 10 operating system so we are going to install it so first of all open your favorite browser and search for java jdk now you will see different versions of java jdk x' in the search results so right now I'm seeing Java SE development kit 8 which is most popular right now but when I scroll down I can also see Java SE development kit 12 so this is the latest version of java jdk at the time of making this video so i'm going to show you how you can download and install java SE development kit 12 so i'm going to click on this link and you will see this website will open and you will see first of all this agreement so I'm going to just say I accept all cookies and now you can see this version on this web page again which is Java SE development kit 12 downloads so first of all you just need to scroll down and then click on the accept license agreement radio button and then depending upon your operating system you can choose the binaries or the executable file so right now we are on Windows 10 so we are going to choose the second last option which says JDK 12 windows - x64 underscore bin dot exe file so we are going to download this exe file and that this exe file is about 159 megabyte so you just need to wait for some time to download at this exe file so once this executable file is downloaded you just need to click on this executable file and then I'm going to minimize the browser and first of all you will see this kind of warning I'm going to just click on yes and now the installation wizard has been started so I'm going to just click on next and then if you don't have the good reason to change the location where this Java JDK will be installed on your operating system just leave everything as default so this will be the location where your Java development kit will be installed so we are going to go to this location after installing Java JDK for now I'm going to just click on the next button which is going to start the installation of Java development kit so just wait for some time until this progress bar reaches to the hundred percent mark and after a few seconds you will see this message which says Java development kit is successfully installed so you can just close this window and now we are going to go to the location where this Java development kit is installed so go to your C Drive and here go to Program Files and you will be able to see this new Java folder which is created by this installer for you so I'm going to click inside this and you can see this folder which is JDK folder so now we are going to just set up our environment variables so our command prompt is going to recognize the java c command or any other related command so what you need to do is you just need to go inside this bin folder and then copy this part from here and then right click on your windows icon once again and then click on system and once the system window is open just click on advanced system settings and then environment variables and here you can see two kind of environment variables one is user variables for the user and other is the system variables so we are going to create the system variables so first of all just click on this path system variable so here on the left hand side you will be able to see path so just double click on it or just click on the edit button and then you can just click on new and then paste this part until bin folder which you have copied so once you are finished with this environment variable then click on OK and now we are going to create a new environment variable which is called Java home environment variable which is required by some IDE s and other Java related programs to recognize your Java JDK directory so here we are going to just click on new and then we are going to create a Java home variable so just type Java underscore home all in capital and then here as the variable value we are going to go to the folder once again where we have our Java JDK folder so this time just go to this folder under Java folder which is the JDK folder and then you don't need to go inside the bin folder now you just need to go until the JDK folder so just copy this part and then paste this part as the variable value for the Java underscore home environment variables so I'm going to just click on OK and you can see this new environment variable is created here so now once you are done with the setting of the environment variables we are going to just click okay and then okay and I'm going to close this system window so now Java is installed on your Windows operating system and we are going to check once again if it works or not so once again right click on the windows icon and then once again open your command prompt and once again we are going to give this command Java C and first of all let's see the version so I'm going to just say Java C - version and then press Enter which is going to give me the version of Java C which is installed on my system which is at this time Java C twelve point zero point two because we have installed Java JDK twelve on our Windows operating system also if you want to know the Java version you just need to type Java - - version and then press Enter which is going to give you the version of Java installed on your system also once you have installed this Java JDK the Java SE runtime environment will be automatically installed so you don't need to do anything extra for this and here is the Java hotspot 64-bit server virtual machine now once you are finished with the installation of Java JDK on your Windows 10 operating system we are ready to install NetBeans IDE on our Windows operating systems so once again go to your favorite browser and search for NetBeans and the first link which will appear here will be from NetBeans dot orgy so I'm going to click on this link and once this website is open straight away you will see this download button so I'm going to click on this download button and it's going to redirect me to this URL which is net B's dot Apache dot o-r-g for slash downloads now on this Apache dot o-r-g page you can see there are two versions of NetBeans available at the time of making this video one is Apache NetBeans 11 feature update and the second is the Apache NetBeans eleven LTS version LTS means long-term support right so we are going to download and install the LTS version and I will also recommend you to download this LTS version because it has a long-term support so I'm going to click on this download button under LTS and you will be redirected to this page which says downloading Apache NetBeans 11 just scroll down a little and you will be able to see three options here one is source other is binary and next is Java doc so just click on incubating NetBeans 11 bin dot zip file so I'm going to click on this zip file and then at last you just need to click on this mirror link which is going to actually start your download of this zip file this file lays around three hundred and three megabytes so it's going to take some time to download so I'm going to cancel this download because I have already downloaded this file to save the time so I'm going to directly go to the folder where I have downloaded this file so this is going to look like this which is a zip file so first of all you need to extract it so I'm going to just right click and then I'm going to just say extract all which is going to extract this file into the current folder itself so now this zip file is extracted in the form of this folder so I'm going to go inside this folder and you will be able to see this NetBeans folder and once you go inside this NetBeans folder all the folders and files related to NetBeans are present here so the next step is to just go inside this NetBeans folder and just cut this NetBeans folder from here so once again I'm going to go to this extracted folder where I have this NetBeans folder so I'm going to just cut this NetBeans folder and then I'm going to paste this folder to my C Drive so I'm going to go to my C Drive and then paste this NetBeans folder into my C Drive now I'm going to go inside this NetBeans folder and then I'm going to go inside the bin folder and you will be able to see two executable file here one is NetBeans and other is NetBeans 64 so we need to run this executable file which says NetBeans 64 which is for 64-bit operating system so I'm going to just double click on it and I'm going to just click on run and I'm going to minimize this folder and you can see the NetBeans IDE is starting and now as you can see here this NetBeans IDE has been opened on my Windows 10 operating system so the first thing before doing anything to the NetBeans IDE I'm going to just right click on this NetBeans icon so I'm going to just right click and then pin it to my taskbar and also I'm going to go to the folder and then right-click on this NetBeans 64-bit executable file and I am going to just click on create shortcut which is going to create the shortcut for this NetBeans executable file which I'm going to move to the desktop if you want you can just move this icon to the desktop which is the shortcut for opening this NetBeans IDE so that's done let's create a Java project using this NetBeans IDE so now let's create a very simple Java project here so I'm going to click on the file option here and then click on a new project and here you will be able to see a few options where it says Java with maven Java with Gradle and other options also are available here so what we want to do is we want to create a simple java application so I'm going to choose Java with ant here and then I'm going to just choose Java application and then click Next and you can see the name of the java application is displayed here you can change the project name for example hello world and then I'm going to click on finish and you can see this simple java application has been created with the mean method because I have checked the main method so let's print something so I'm going to just print system dot out dot print hello world and we are going to build this program so I'm going to just click on run option here on the top bar and then I'm going to just say build project which is going to build our project and if any problem exists is going to tell us what crap problem is there and if our program is compiled successfully it's not going to give us any problem so now we will be able to run our project so I'm going to once again go to the run option and now click on this green triangle option which says run project which is the hello world project and once you click on run option you will be able to see hello world is printed here because this is the system dot out dot print method if you right here print Ln which is for print line and then build and run your project once again so build the project and then run the project once again it's going to print hello world and then this will be your displayed on the next line so all things are working fine on our NetBeans IDE or Java is configured successfully and it's working so this is how you can download and install NetBeans on your Windows 10 operating system I hope you have enjoyed this video I will see you in the next video
Channel: ProgrammingKnowledge
Views: 690,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mac OS X, Install, Download, Download and Install, How to, wiki, how to articles, Eclipse on Mac, install Eclipse, How to install Eclipse, How to install Eclipse on Mac, IDE, Integrated development environment, Netbeans, Netbeans IDE, Install Netbeans IDE, Install Netbeans, Netbeans IDE on Mac OS X, How to Install Netbeans IDE, Windows 10, Windows, Java JDK, NetBeans 11, NetBeans 11 IDE
Id: vt7_6HwCFOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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