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okay so in this video I'm going to show you all how to install mods on the Oculus app on gorilla attack now this is the only free way how to get mods on PC at the moment um I did do a video on this before but it was just complicated the way I was doing it I was doing it the complicated way just because that's how it fixed mods when it broke before but now they're fixed so you don't need to that way at all but the first thing that you need is the Oculus app just go into the description of this video and then click on the link and then this page should pop up after you get through this page just scroll down until you see download software and then just download it to whatever file that you want after that just double click Oculus setup I already have the Oculus app so it should be pretty straightforward but I'm not going to go through it just because it's really easy to go through anyways after you get the Oculus app installed just go to store and then go to the top right to the search bar then look up gorilla attack click on girl tag and then click install now while it's installing I want you to go to your settings and then I want you to go to your general I want you to turn on unknown sources the only thing that I really think is good for the unknown sources is like Roblox VR I think that's literally the only thing I needed it for but after a year gorilla attack has installed go to the three dots right here and then click to details and then click on this little link right here just click on it it should say location copied after that I want you to go to my Discord server the link is in the description go down to Oculus modding and then download monkey mod manager after you download monkey monitor just double click it and run it and then if you don't see this page you might see a page saying couldn't find gorilla tag folder just click OK and then this should pop up not the same exact folder but this should pop up if it didn't say that for you just click the two dots right here and then click the little empty space right here right click and then paste the link that you just copied or you could control V and then click enter now this folder should pop up just double click the girl tag now once you see this page just click gorilla type Cosmetics or gorilla cosmetics scroll down until you see computer interface check that and then TMP loader and click install slash update after you're done with that you basically already have mods but most people want mod menus so just go to my Discord server go to the mods section and then scroll up the tiniest bit then download Shiva GT's menu but once you download achieva's menu just go to utilities go to game folder go to bed next to go to plugins then find the Shiva GT's menu file and then drag it into your plugins folder and that's literally it there's nothing more to it the only thing I need to actually tell y'all is to make sure to run to run this game picture and not this game picture this one Steam and this one's Oculus VR obviously they can change the picture whenever they want but at the moment this is the picture and this is the picture but make sure to run this one but yeah now you have mods if you have any issues just join the Discord and then don't spam ping me just ping me once and I'll try to get to it make sure to like And subscribe turn on notifications I might start posting more uh clips than just tutorials so more content more than just teaching you stuff but yeah happy money
Channel: JKL
Views: 254,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H9u5aYbqtyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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