How To Install Mods For Boneworks in 5 Minutes!

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okay guys today we are going to be installing mods on bone Works in 20124 so first off you're going to want to have to have bone works on your steam I suggest being installed already then you're going to want to go into local files and then just double tap in here and just have this for later then you want to go to Google and go to Thunder I will link it in the description and here you want to download melon loader quickly just download this and if you've ever watched any other um videos on how to install mods most people say you need uh an extractor but if you have Windows 11 or maybe even Windows 10 then you will be completely fine by extracting without those external applications so next we need to install mod that is not mod two but um before we do anything we're going to we're going to um unzip this so just like drag it out to your desktop so when you have them on your desktop I just I suggest bring to your desk you're going want to extract first lava gang just wait for that to extract and then um once this is done we're going to need to go back to those local files that we opened up in the beginning so we can put this in it so keep this open keep that aside I can dismiss this go to Bone works all you want to do is just copy all this and move it and and I've this before so it might just but if it shows up to replace just press replace it'll be completely fine trust me so after we've done that we want to close out of this you can move that to the side whatever you want to do get rid it um we're going to want to uh launch bone works and you don't need to have a VR headset for this part we just need to make sure that it that melon loader basically loads see a screen like this and after it boots up completely then we can just exit right out we'll have to wait a second okay so once it's loaded up uh you can basically just exit out of it we only needed to see if Mel loader would load did so just stop this real quick and collapse this so yeah now we refresh we have all these now we have mods and user data and user LS so now we want to extract mod that is not mod well actually while we're at that we need essential files or essential mods for custom maps and player models you want to download both of these if you want custom maps and custom player models then you want to go in here download player models and then put that in there put that in there then just extract them okay so now that they're all extracted we can go into the bone Works folder and then open up mod that is not mod folder and all we have to do is take this and move it in here and replace perfect now we exit out that do the same thing with player models take it all and move it Place one more time with custom maps put it all in there replace so yeah that should be about it if you have any questions or if something didn't work please comment comment down below below and tell me and I will try to respond to you yeah see you
Channel: SiNfiniX
Views: 1,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AoV5ZlU5BTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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